League of Legends General - /lolg/

Really makes you think edition


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i wish i was a girl

kassadin buffs when?

xth for Syndra

I wish that ahri was sitting that perky ass on my lap

looking for bard friends on NA

IGN: LeobardoDiCaprio

Are you saying Riot steals ideas from community and if you shitpost enough about your OTP it will become canon?

How many times has it happened so far?

>emoji threads

youre becoming more and more cancer vladfag

We need a champion that has an ult that swaps his HP with an ally or enemy, this would be sick, imagine the all-in immunity he would have AND the ability to give his HP to a carry in the lategame to save them

:thinking: is a very serious meme

>retarded next-to-impossible gamemode thats only winnable with 1 team comp
>ridiculously tedious missions
>rewards for said missions are a shitty ward skin and CHAMP SHARDS, something you can fucking buy directly from the store
>this is somehow not a direct insult to the playerbase
Is this the worst event Riot has ever made? I'd bet money that these """""rewards""""" are just testing the waters to see what they can get away with for the Blue Essence Store.


>retarded next-to-impossible gamemode
Stopped reading there. Get good.

With the incoming changes to IP do i want to spend them and get as many champions/shards as possible?I feel they are going for full kike.

Yeah. Official SG lewds would have been a better reward.

its true ask brew



If you are playing something for the rewards you should think about your outlook in life my man

The rewards might be shit (at least it's not just icon like certain events lmao) but like no one is forcing you to attempt to get the free champ shards since you literally can buy them in the store

We did it guys who else /beatthemallinaday/ here?

Irelia a qt!

lately faker has been complaining about his teams too much (in solo q)


lately faker has been pretty damn irrelevant

Best skin in this shit game

Thanks based reddit:

>8 pages long guide for a casual ass mode
>pick MF, Jinx, Poppy, Soraka, Lulu/Janna
>kill Kog'Maws and Vel'Koz'

>calling teammates toxic can get you a 10 day chat restriction now

holy fuck, riot support is going in full overdrive.


Easier said than done.
I am yet to win a single game.
Also >casual

>tfw you get matched with some braindead memeing subhuman feeding trash that can't even abuse broken champs

>mostly play league to enjoy being femdommed
>like being spanked by dominant champions like vi/evelynn and sissified by feminine champions like lux

>work from home today
>minimal amount of work to actually do
>get paid over $300 pre-tax today to mostly play league
>on the day after star guardian skins are released
>boned wife last night so she's taken care of and i can fap without consequence

>mfw i will be edging for 8 STRAIGHT HOURS

Kog lulu getting through ban phase claims another victim

Report that moderator for calling you toxic
10 day bannu from being able to form tickets

fuck Mr.PHD for introducing this fucking word into gaming now everyone and their mother call others toxic when their feefees get hurt from the smaller thing

No, it IS that easy.

With premades? Yes.
With MM teams? No.




>play with a premade
>go 30/7 top
>all my other lanes feed
>even though I force their jungler and mid laner to gank top and top only
>still getting double and triple kills stoping them as hard as I can
>125/0/50000 adc comes around and one shots me

>pulling this off of reddit and into a gyazo to hide the fact that you're a ledditor

just admit it, user

(ex-)riot lyte, one of the most publicly (literally-)cuckolded men of our time

We're talking about Invasions.


How new are you?

>>like being spanked by dominant champions like vi/evelynn and sissified by feminine champions like lux

why don't you get your wife to dom u

>edging for 8 hours
htf do you manage that after a certain point I end up cumming even if I stop touching myself

I actually really like the announcer

>tank meta
Lmaoing at my free elo

i wish i looked like ahri

excellent taste

i mystery gifted the shit out of a random stranger i met who plays only eve, vi, and shyvana jungle and has rune titled things like "dark elf dominatrix."

and pretty much every skin involving thigh-highs gets my interest from a sissification standpoint.

she does, but busy working couples who have been married for a few years don't get the urge to screw more than 2-3 times a week, sometimes less. fapping was my original love, anyway. been edging since early teens and that's not really something you can just stop

>sub 50% winrate tf mid goes mejais rush into deathcap after starting 1-0 (this is plat 1) and then tries to blame me because i died once as tristana

well, not 8 straight hours exactly. there will be highs and lows. more accurate to say 8 hours of gaming with plenty of edging built in

Imagine the ability to insta give your tank that just engaged your 100 hp you had because you got caught

fund it

This invasion mode seems hard without a premade. People are completely retarded and run like chikens without heads. Worse than WOW PUGS, zero coordination or understanding what adds to focus. I think I was the only one killing the kog maws then I got knocked up and killed in air by them while my team was running around only after the boss.

Even if I try to wax and wane it after about 2 hours I'm just so sensitive anything will push me over. Do you let yourself go all the way down at times?

League of legends

Irelia a ugly.Well her model is anyway

top lmao

I mean all ingame models are shit, what else is new?

post op.gg my man

He's right. Hell you can just cut everything else out and use Jinx with some lifesteal. Ez and MF are hot garbage in comparison to her ability to kill the last boss.

She needs a model update but she's actually really cute and hot as fuck. I just hope they don't pull a Fiora with her VGU

looking for people to play invasion with on eune

>implying anyone plays tanks in bronze

>tfw 3 people have already complemented me on my cute Star Guardian Ahri skin


[screams in terrorblade]

I love Camille

i dont know about your elo mate

Does anyone want to play invasion on OCE?

Is playing Ezreal in ranked just hard mode? So far been able to win with him and every time my opponents get rip-shit about it. But it has been a real struggle to convince people that hes decent.

Been playing since end of s1.

I have never been this tilted in my entire time of play league. Need help...

I play 3v3 and I feel like ez isn't worth it here, he just doesnt deal as much dmg as a shooter and can't deal with tanks end game.
And I don't even talk about Ap ez.

Can't believe someone is playing in eune and I gotta go to work soon, wish I could join

He's shit. You need hyper carries to deal with the tanks at the moment.

how can we help you papi

Tell us what happened lad, I'm warning you in advance I'll be takig the side of the person who isn't you

Agreed, she's perfect the way she is already. Although if they added a midriff on her base skin, that'd be great.

iktf they ruined the way fiora looked with her rework

>loss streak due to the vast quantities of human garbage brought on by the SG event
>whatever, go play a different game
>come back today and get three games in
>same old feeding fuckmuppets
I just want to get in to welfare plat, but I can't do that when my support thinks nidalee is ok or my top thinks ignite yasuo is a good tryndamere counterpick.

>tfw 3 minute aram queue
na atm = dead

>complementing those horrible animations
Niggas must be blind.

no idea, it's all in my head I guess...

nothing in particular, noone I am blaming (so noone you can side with). I have been playing horrible the last few days and I can't seem to stop. My farm is atrocious (it always was, I just realized that), I lose lane no matter who I am on and against who I am playing.

Anyone have that really nice pic of jannas butt?

I wanna cuddle Jinx

Morning /lolg/. Washed d5 support main here that hasn't played in months. How are tank supports right now? Is it viable to roam early with mobi rush still? Thanks and have a good day lads :)

How do I remove this whore announcer?

i feel like a bunch of people are playing that stupid invasion shit

>Irelia midriff
as much as this makes me diamonds, it doesn't fit on her base skin. I really like her armor design as it is. Maybe Nightblade will give us fanservice with the skintight black suit. Or a new skin entirely.

Her midriff must be absolutely glorious though, toned and firm but with super soft skin and not looking like some female bodybuilder. Just slender and tight.

>tfw looking at old Fiora splash

gym jarvan skin when?
barbell instead of spear

it literally tells you every single game how to disable basic bitch ahri announcer you stupid fuck

The game fucking tells you each time you start a match.

options > sound > disable custom announcer

interesting team

promos to d4

>ywn wake up with your dick inside Jinx
just kill me fampai

>there are people who are unironically toxic
>they think screaming at someone and calling them a retard will make them magically play better
Reminder that your lack of self-control is the reason i'm running it down mid and i won't get banned for it because riot only bans toxic players.

>Blitz main

>Kayle adc
>AP Kog

The game is literally in the hands of your Twitch

cop or not?

Reminder that you can see MF pantsu in the new skin