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Fate collab

Next expansion is Starforged Legends
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>she sees your messy room


>Fate collab before GBF got one
Will they ever recover?

I love my cute wife Unica!

Which ones are you going to buy?

>girls coming to my house

Medusa, maybe Rin

If I had to buy one I'd probably pick the loli but I'm not planning to spend a dime on this game desu

Probably all of them other than vanilla Saber and Rider.

>poledances in front of old men for baguettes

That's a demon though.

>he wasn't here during the GBF collab

I want newfriends to leave.

I'm glad none of the crafts I like got those ugly faggots. I wish they had put some big tits among the women but it's alright I guess.

Firstly, stupid concede quest. Please help.

Crap... I actually need to buy these.
And really, they couldn't give Shadow to Kotomine?

Thanks for the reply. I just checked and I have actually won 7 out of the 9 last games I plkayed with this deck. I guess I was a bit biased towards the matches I lost. I still have some doubts and thinking of maybe making some changes but I'm having fun with this deck and I was a bit hasty, after all I just came back and I think I was losing some matches at the start because I just didn't know what decks I was playing against and how to play this one.

I want to corrupt Ivurashia with my dick

>semen demons coming to a 27 year olds virgin house
Even semen demons only want Chad.

>implying semen demons don't want to suck the mana out of wizards
You have much to learn my friend.
t. 29yo virgin, almost 30

Illya to replace the dumb hag.

Reminder that Fate is now SV related.

Illya and maybe Rin

>miscalculate damage with JO
>miss lethal by 1
Feels bad man

Probably all of them. Archer and Lancer are kind of retarded picks but I like their seiyuu so I'm alright with it.

>Saber is dragon instead of sword
This is going to be confusing

>wanting used goods
Not even succubi wants Chad. They would starve to dead.

>/svg/ thinks neutral decks won tun even MORE burn

Thanks Potemkin.

Honestly, I'll probably get all of them. The only original leader I'm especially fond of is Eris, and she's contending with Ilya. Creepy Yandere VN Ilya, not the crappy magical girl one. That's brutal.

You are dumb

>medusiana with ephemera

>against some SFV leader
>sleeves are neph
>flair is Albert


>more attack to a bane follower

>Open season to post FATE fanart in /svg/

>free +6 (six) when going face
>caring about bane

Probably all of them, either because I think they're cool or cute, or because I play Blood.


>surviving a turn in removalverse with no protection

Actually, much as I like Ilya... holy crap, why isn't Kotomine our Havencraft guy?
They could've even replaced Eris' stage music and it would still fit.

Imagine being THIS new.

I think he meant SV got a fate collab before GBF got theirs, not SV getting a GBF collab.

When did GBF get a Fate collab?

>VITA version

Have you reached the point that doing dailies felt like a chore in this game? Not now but at least sometime in the past.

tried watching UBW after Zero, fuck it's so boring

>doesn't deny she's a hag

I imagine Illya was originally going to be shadow with Kotomine being Haven, but they probably had trouble getting Nakata to voice him I guess.

It's a good drop on turn 3 when you go second because there is almost nothing the opponent will be able to do to kill it on their fourth turn since it has 5 base health.
Then you evolve it on your fourth turn and hit face. And drop Urd on it in order to recover it and make it survive.

Now they have to remove it or they'll lose the game. But even if they do waste cards on it after that point that still leaves you in a very good position to deal with their remaining 10 health.

ages ago, i only have 3k gold while if this was like the 1st month i've played this game i would probably have like 6k.

Why the fuck would GBF get a Fate collab? They are competitors, it makes more sense that SV gets it because it's now competing for the same gacha-whales that FGO is. Imagine if SV had a HS collab or something.

Are these going to get dubbed?

>yesterday the whole master rank was D-Shift
>tonight it's CBlood
What the fuck is this shit?

>Keep losing with csword
>Switch to unga bunga me hit face

>lose to 2 highroll haven shit in a row
>next game is against highroll Daria

Zero is the only remotely decent part of the franchise. I don't remember ever being as bored as I was reading F/SN and waiting for something cool to happen for three novel length snoozefests that everyone always said would get better by the next route.

We need a GochiUsa collab next to finish out the loli leader ensemble.

Literally just CBlood bro.

Where is my grail support?

>Saber shouts EKSUCALIBAH when evolving
What went so right?

>actually bothering with the VNs
I've always had faggots telling me to read that shit instead of some other vn I was busy with at the time. Glad I didn't because even the anime was average.


Here are some sleeves i made by request. They replace the free RoB sleeves, much like daria israfil cinderela satan and reaper in

I need Rin.


I listened to the original for reference and the Vita verison, while inferior, better matches the musical style of Shadowverse.

Also, why is Saber Dragon?
I feel like they're going a bit too hard for the characters in personality here when putting Saber as Sword and Bruchulainn as Dragon would be better fits.

So if it were me...
>Rune = Rin, sure cool, she's the better of the main 2 waifus
>Sword = Saber, sure, she's the face of the franchise
>Dragon = Lancer, Rowen's got his spear and plenty of minions with spears
>Forest = Archer, between Archer and Gil, Archer's the one of more humble originals and some lowly mongrel elf deck doesn't fit Gil anyway
>Blood = Rider, literally the class with Medusa too
>Shadow = Sakura, better fit for it in actual character than Ilya, even if Ilya is a great alternative to Luna in creepy loli vibes
>Haven = Kotomine, this is so perfect I wish it had happened instead

Yeah, that might be the case.

Forgot the download link: mega.nz/#!spow2abA!_7FfH8SuChh3wnG-2WCfzkbX9qY-fj8GyeaadwRYmBU

>Creepy Yandere VN Ilya, not the crappy magical girl one.
But magical girl Illya is a hero that would save us.

Are these the chink leader mods?

Hello shadowniggers how's u meta doing?
Sorry about bloodcraft and shadowcraft filling up u shit ladder


>No Gilga

Aren't you lads still getting dicked by Malfurion?

>bloodcraft and shadowcraft
You've never ever played this game. Just fuck off to your Druid meta.

You're like a week late for that meta, m8

Yes. and they look terrible. Might need a few years of work till they look acceptable.

Yeah, but this Ilya is better.

>Stolen life gives 9 atk
>Evolve gives 6 atk
>Executioner's axe gives 6 atk
>1-2 Keen enchantment give 6-12 atk
>Each ephemera gives 6 atk
>Blood F&G just needs no removal to hit it for the turn it's summoned and the turn it's formed so that it can attack the third turn after you start

Truly the best end

Quit that shit game when I realized I would be playing nothing other than Druid if I wanted to hit Legend in a reasonable amount of time.

Did they fuck?

I like both.

Because Artoria Pendragon literally means Artoria, Dragon Chief.

They should.

>Her name has "dragon" in it
That is such a fucking petty argument when every other element of her design points to Royal/Sword. If they wanted a leader for dragon they could have just used the CGI dragon from the DEEN anime.

She has fucking dragon blood

Glad i still have backups of the originals...

>no Kirei
Really-really gay.

She's a goddamned dragonkin.

Her h-scene got cut.
Ironically, she's the only of the modern-day characters with h-scene potential who IS above 18 (though she doesn't look it because she's not fully human), while the others are still in school.

I am aware, but she's still a much better fit for Sword.

How's a Daria/Oz deck? It looks like the cutest i can make out of rune.

>Her h-scene got cut

There is no physical indication or marker that shows it nor does it even manifest in her own series in any meaningful way. Rowen actually turns into a dragon and that's part of the story in SV. FSN would not have been any different if she didn't have dragonblood, that's just an element of the original arthurian legend that Nasu didn't bother changing since it doesn't have to do with her genitals.

It's just like back in RoB, highroll and you win.


Route got cut too.

>There is no physical indication or marker that shows it nor does it even manifest in her own series in any meaningful way
Where do you think she get that hugeload of mana?

I'm glad they didn't do a collab with other Fateshit outside SN, because to be honest most other Servants have fucking trash designs.

Now to wait for the Tsukihime collab.

From shirou's cum?

>not wanting an Astolfo leader

Are you gay or something user? If you're going to tap into fateshit you might as well go the whole nine yards and get some of the few good characters.

Now stop and vial that entire deck.