/fhg/ - For Honor General

The Phantom Game Edition

I'm gonna make them give back our past! >Season 3 Info:
pastebin.com/wENXbKNh (embed)

>New players:
pastebin.com/55KZTiUK (embed)

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear appearances

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for For Honor will make a comeback in Year 2

>get into first tournament
>first round up against a DONMAGLASS
>nearly two wins, in the third round he's out of stam
>game starts lagging
>connection drops, get a loss
>have to wait 15 minutes for the other guys to do their games
>second game, pic related happens
>get handed another loss
>third game same thing happens again

We killed Apollyons phantom.

For Honor is out on a silent planet


That's what you get for marrying Nobushi

If Nobushi was real, I'd agree. I'd trade this game for the love of my life any day.

>genuinely love the game itself and see all the potential it has
>incompetent devs will never realize that potential
seriously, why does it take them so long in-between these weak ass balance patches? how do they release a character like gladiator in his current state? he's just about pre-nerf shinobi tier ridiculous.
good taste


For Honor needs to raise up in order to make a come back

How to fix ranked:

>Winning matches gives you points to spend at a pro store
>The more points you get during a tournament, the more points you get to spend in the pro store
>Certain items in the store are locked until you reach a certain rank, like Gold/Platinum

There, I just made it 100% less frustrating and more enjoyable while still being based around skill.

>despite three losses to lagging out thnx ubi i get into semis
>this happens
I don't even know what so say anymore.

>buy my iron legion colors finally...

And now I'm getting this error on all gamemodes I try to play.

Why does this game have fewer players than Ubisoft's RV6 and The division?
Especially it's hard to understand that there are even fewer players than The division.

I want to play but can't. Matchmaking deeps dropping for me.

Quit the game and restart it. Gets rid of it until next time. It's the new bug introduced in season 3

I guess the connections for most people normies dont care for balance

could I donate my PC to ubisoft it has litterally been "works on my machine XD" since the beta like I never got disconnects on the level people report and I use a damn wifi card

I don't understand a bit.
For honor is fewer players and server is worse than RV6
It's the same Ubisoft game but the treatment seems to be different

Too bad your not a creepy old man known as kensei :)


What do my conq bros rock for weapons? Can't decided and i have almost every rare set.

I usually use a flail.

Hello fellow Conqbro. Keep calm and RAH on, we'll get our buff eventually...

>conquerors have the best emote game of anyone
>its not even the RAH


Only vaguely related, but if there are any Conquerors in this thread with the following items, can you equip them together so I can see how they look?

>Prison Guard shoulders
>Ligart chest
>Regulus/default helm

I would deeply appreciate it.

its not a shooter

Dont have body sorry bro. Still can't decide on weapon/shield. Feel like all the gold shit looks like trash.



How about we don't touch assassins until the team shows us their timesnap replacement

gettin real tired of my mates playin dominion as a deathmatch and not goin for objectives

what is this?

This video is popular on Reddit right now:


It has to be one of the most obnoxious things I have seen. It's so damn smug for some reason. Elevator music, farting noises, bitching about Centurion's kick for whatever reason. I guess this is just how Reddit and Console players are.

I-is this real?

how are they bitching about centurion STILL when gladiator was introduced this season? as it was there were much more broken characters than cent, but gladiator is the most ridiculous.

its early for honor balance changes nothing to worry about

I came to RAH

I already said my piece on the video itself and he hasn't bothered to respond. I checked his other videos and he's just another retarded duel fag (no honor in a brawl game? Come on faggot). And a waifu fag at it too, would honeslty dumpster his ass in duel tourney on Xbox with my shug. He's also the kind of retard who barely plays and reinstalls as a rep 3 and complains about losing a lot.

I wouldn't lump all of the console players in with that bitch. I am wondering how old some of that guy's footage is though. Didn't they nerf the infinite wall splat a while back? I also really don't think anything Cent does is a fucking flucker.
>playing console nobushi after timesnap was removed with shit peer to peer connections
>calling an other character broken
How anybody can take the video seriously is a mystery. The dudes just salty he got trashed.

>your skill
>^higher than your allies
>^higher than your enemies
Bravo, matchmaking

Way fucking back like before 4th round season 2. He stated that his footage is from duel tourney this month. He's literally being a sour bitch and throwing his match against a brain-dead Cent and claiming he still has an infinite.

matchmaking doesn't exist after like 20 seconds it changes it to all skill level.

I message every Orochi, Shinobi and Nobushi player telling them they're cringe

*Toe stabs you*

>no stomping out blackstone remnants and reaffirming the iron legion's position in ashfeld as Cross
>no roman introduction into the actual story
>no great raid 2: electric boogaloo
>no myre adventures with momiji

Which one of those characters has a toe stab?

*Toe stabs you*

Sun Wukong based staff user when?

I actually don't have anything against Blackstone. They aren't any worse than other legions on their own. It was Apollyon that made them act as they did and with her out of the picture they would likely just crumble quickly. Especially since they seemed to mostly be composed of other knights that got conscripted, and even at least one viking.

Hope I meet this faggot(video uploader about Cent op, playing as nobushi) so I can shug him in the tourney. Christ all mighty he's a total brain-dead retard if he can't dodge a uncharged jab after a blocking heavy in any direction.

>no Shinobi bullying Orochi
>No Ayu getting the ninja clans to her side
>No Centurion bragging about his exploits with the knights and showing off
>No vikings meeting Highlander and protecting his village then he becomes OBLIGATED

Also you guys were right. That place is retarded, yeah Cent is broken and all that jazz. But you can still fight the nigger on console easily since none of them light parry, but these people really activate my almonds.

>no myre adventures with momiji

It hurts her few voice lines made her interesting since she was just some hobo who never saw the palace


>only the best for the emperor~

*toe stabs you*

Threadly reminder that the toe stab is the most broken move in the game

*toe stabs you*

>Not PK or Orochi zone flickers that come out at 280ms

The devs said they wanted to expand the narrative

>new story posts on the website
>no actual missions

maybe they should fix the actual fucking game first

Show, don't tell

I pray the next den is full of news

That's glad zone and PK zone if we're talking about a sole move.

PK zone is nothing. You can just leave your guard on right. With toe stab you have to react to it and dodge out of the way.

please put into your own words why you think a perfectly reactable and unfeintable attack is THE most broken one in the game

Literally just don't stand within range of it, and throw out lights whenever he gets close. Not difficult.

>just give him free parry opportunities, not difficult

>tfw my toepoke shitpost is taking off

Toe poke me sempai

>simply existing nearby is a mixup
>need to commit to lights to avoid it

Toe stab is EZ to dodge from neutral. It's after light or dash attack that's bullshit.

Well the footfags died out thanks to fem gladiator

>Beat a guy a bunch of times in duels, mainly fucking around as characters I never play (Conqueror, Warden, Shinobi, Zerker)
>He finally wins a round
>He says "shut the fuck up cunt"

I could tell he was getting mad. There's this kind of silent anger that people exude in duels a lot, ya know? They stop playing aggressively and start exclusively playing to counter what you do. Never really understood why you'd get mad at a casual game like For Honor, but what do I know?

Even though my disposition isn't exactly gentle, I quit after the match where he called me a cunt. He clearly wasn't enjoying himself and was perhaps taking the game a little too seriously.

It's the game where soul babies can finally feel competitive in. Of course it's going to be filled with artistic indivisuals

The thing that makes me angry most of all is that For Honor is where it is now because of only one thing: Devs are too slow. Too. FUCKING. Slow.
If only they reacted more quickly and the community could see actual changes for the good every month, no, even every season, the game would fucking flourish because of how unique it is. Players were willing to give them plenty of chances and time to solve the game's problems, but honestly, the devs just don't seem to bother.

Blame consoles?

They thought since slow patching worked for Siege so it would For this game

Don't hold your breath

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that play 4v4

what's a soul baby?

>tfw i'm forced to play duel exclusively due to red NAT

I just want to have some mindless fun

>Opponent in Dominion is a Rep 24 FemOrochi
>Level 180 gear
>All he does is top lights
>Never feints
>Rarely zones
>Never parries lights
>Just uses top lights over and over and sometimes parries heavies

How do you get to Rep 24 literally using 1.5 moves over and over?

Because that's all Orochi needs

Damn right I do. Trying to have fun man, not give a fuck about tiers.

I can only have fun when my friend's online tho

>have fun
>give a fuck about tiers
why do plebs think those are the only two options?
its not that binary dude its a spectrum much like the one you're on

Is ubisoft ever gonna fix the fucking matchmaking? I fucking love having the game not match me and my friend in the same session, forcing me to quit the game and get a nice 10 minutes penalty.

Can we just get rid of any feats that kill you in one shot? Thanks.

Yeah, I guess, but... why play Orochi to Rep 24? It's so fucking dull. Why play anyone past Rep 10, honestly. There are no good rewards past Rep 9 and characters aren't complex enough to justify it.

Because some characters just feel right.

Because easy wins

>Easy wins

There are people so good in my region that they can deflect Orochi flicker zones and parry them on a regular basis. Orochi is basically worthless here against anyone above Rep 5.

I guess? I have played Roach a bit and it's kind of horrifically dull even getting him to Rep 1. You lose against competent people and slaughter braindead children.

>There are people
wosers good argument
people who can beat orochi exist
mind blown


So this... is the power... of the forbidden technique......... woah.....

wtf is potroasting?