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New Thread New Stuff to Bantz

>finally got the crucible arms
>now need to decide on one of 3 shaders
Feels fucking fantastic, man.

Lag on you crazy fool

I don't like how some sets look mostly the same but differently colored

How do we fix hunter?

I can already tell I'm going to be butthurt that you can't infuse whites/greens/blues all the way up to legendary potential. Some of those weapon/armor designs are neato completo.

>Enjoying this "hit first/win encounter" shitfest they call PvP

Fuck off

Just play warlock.
They're even stronger than they were before.

Bungie doesn't even try to hide their pandering anymore.

Anyone wanna run Nightfall? PS4.

Xth for anyone looking to do a day 1 raid that isn't already in a bumchum group, or need an extra guy thats done day 1s before?

t. butthurt titan. Wall drop is easily the best class ability.
Titans are the highest DPS class by a huge margin
FistS of havoc is even better now
all titan supers are good in pvp and pve
It's just fucking stupid how much so titans get everything handed to them and how much they whine and complain about everything

seconding this

you use celestial nighthawk with golden gun precision damage

D2 pvp is the worst pvp i have ever played in my entire life. It feels unfinished and sterile.

>Posted from my invincilock camping in a weapons of light pool throwing out 50 grenades a second

psych, thats the wrong webm

That kind of touches on my point. Why go through the standard MMO color tiers instead of truncating it a bit? That RPC Valiant is really nice but there isn't a Legendary variant. At least all of the starter equipment has one purple equivalent since they're pretty decent looking.

I can

>mfw it gets nerfed into oblivion

If I can reach 280 on tuesday, I'm up for it

PSN you niggers?

>standing in weapons of light pool

Youre a fucking idiot who doesnt know how rifts work. If you take the weapons of light pool it doesn't heal you


It recharges grenade too?

I'll take, "What is Devour?" for 500 please Alex.


Truncating it how? One white, one green, one blue? No more tiers at all?
There's a sense of accomplishment in working your way up. You can't flatten things without dulling the experience.
I do agree that we should have a cosmetic slot option, or a transmog, or a way to upgrade whites, or something. Lots of ways to approach that.

Guys i have a question, im 268 right now will the rat pack quest give a legendary gun before the quest like for the Sturm and Midi?


probably do the other two exotic quests and the flashpoint before the rat king quest.

hunger warlock is super overpowered in theory but we have no idea how good it will really be until the raid. If bosses are filled with never ending waves of low health they will be top tier. If it's super high damage enemies that will just one shot them or If it's tankier enemies with less trash it will be garbage and need to pray they don't get their kills stolen to keep devour up

We need one more if you wanna come

has anyone tried making a duplicate character and power-levelling to get the powerful engrams again? was reading reddit (inb4) and someone was saying that the powerful engrams decrypted to 269 and they made little progress.

So I am getting the PC ver, during the beta I liked Titan a lot is it worth playing in the full game? I really did not like how the Warlock felt floaty (is it better in the full game?)

1 more for Nightfall.

Probably not a good idea to get too attached. Nerf waves are inevitable.

no shit sherlock

the jumps are exactly the same as they've been for 3 years except titans can't skate anymore

no shit what? im asking because when i popped most of my powerful engrams i got 270-280 gear. they were legendary with +5.

>A single token per crucible match

That's WAY too little

What's the flashpoint? And I already did the other two

Post Guardians.

it's almost like POWERFUL rewards give has more POWER than other rewards

as for the duplicate character things it's been like that for years. lurk more motherfucker.

>try to be a smartass and infuse my first strike legendary on second character with a 265 version
>goes from requiring level 15 to level 20
You got me this time, bungo.

thats not what im asking about but okay.

>as for the duplicate character things it's been like that for years. lurk more motherfucker.

hope you have a nice day.

Io >>>>> The three garbage locations

>Increases tripmine grenade duration and marks enemies damaged by the blast
Is there a more useless exotic than this?

after you do cayde's patrol nonsense, you unlock flashpoint, which is to complete public events. once you do enough, you get powerful gear.

Lucky Pants

yeah the thing that takes 5 seconds after a kill to activate so its fucking useless cause youre dead from teamshotting

meanwhile over at titan class, double pulse nades lasting twice as long. Put one in a warlocks rift it will kill the lock within 2 seconds. THey are the highest DPS of anything in the game rn you fucking moron

the sidearm arms

Transmog, or some way to upgrade basic equipment upwards. So perhaps aside from increasing light level through infusion you can also sacrifice some other resource to turn a white into a green.

Perhaps the entire tier structure is redone so that instead of having a shit ton of purples so that you have visual variety within the endgame, you could design only a few true Legendaries while everything else can be upgraded to this level of performance. These "true" purples only drop as purples but are no more powerful than a white that has been upgraded to purple status, and everything has its own gimmick or unique statline so its worth doing.

Maybe with each upgrade a piece of equipment could get a visual upgrade. A ramshackle white would get cleaned up and have additional armor and gadgets attached, eventually looking as impressive as a natural purple but more makeshift. THEN a transmog system could be just to make the armor look like its older variants.

At least, that's my idea of getting away from the normal MMO / looter trap of having a lot of useless filler. D2 has fixed stats for equipment so I thought it was a perfect candidate to break the mold. Plus, they have a lot of equipment with numbers in them already, so why not a natural white start out as something like "Wizard Padding 1.0", which becomes a green "Wizard Padding 1.5", then "Wizard Padding 2.2", then finally a legendary "Wizard Pomf 3.0b"?

>One man down? No problem

>Three man team? You're fucked

>Location with Taken
>Better than anything


>matchmade with trashcans? no problem, can carry

>matchmade with trashcans? they'll run around and feed nonstop

>Playing the shit PVP minigame
lmao'ing at your life
>Takes 5 seconds after a kill to activate
I guess all those times I instantly healed to full health after a kill thanks to devour I was just imagining things.

>all hunter exotics

There's no reason to hang out on any planet other than titan for grinding. It has 3 events all incredibly close to eachother that are all super fast to do and basically impossible to fuck up triggering the heroic

Orpheus Rig outweighs all the shit ones.

Well, instead of sixteen unique pieces (four white, four green, four blue, four purple), now you have four (linear designs A, B, C, D). That reduces the opportunities for Fashionborne. And what if I liked the look of Wizard Padding 1.5 before the cleanup and greebling? We're back where we started.

LL 300 isn't the hard cap????
Modern Tryhard is LL 302

Well good thing I never did his patrol shit then

>matchmade with trashcans? no problem, can carry
Yeah, no.

I got another hunter exotic that was kinda useless I forgot what it was called and what it did I just remember it was chest armor that had a lion on it

Let's be honest, aside from the gunslinger head slot and the GOTTA GO FAST boots, all other rightsides for hunter are trash.

+5 modifiers

>Quria and Savathun lore
>Adventures are all top notch
>/ourguy/ Asher Mir
>best aesthetic and atmosphere
>No Quip-6 or Zavameme
>Taken and Vex are the thinking man's favourite enemies
>Man O' War is both powerful and vissually excellent
>Planetary armorset obliterates the competition
How can other locations even compete?

If you read the text for infusion when you infuse something it says the cap is 350

I'll choose both options.

So mida is from earth quests, what are the other 3 weapons?

absolute trash

Tarantula>Man o War

Really stupid to launch raid before PC launch.

are people from /dg/ good to play with or is it like the WoW general where only the trannies and thread-celebs dominate


So how do you go from 260-265 if blues cap out at 260?

Can you clan hunt on the website. Only in the 230s but figured I'd try

You sure it wasn't a dragon?

Most good players already have their intern skype circlejerks. Unless you're a certified memelord, i'm afraid you're stuck with mediocricy.

Yeah sorry it was a dragon the perk was pretty garbage so infused it right away and forgot what it did

The celebs and trannies stick to each other, as you can see

Only trannies are good to play WoW with?

who /juggernaut/ here?

legendaries and exotics

So I'm leveling my titan alt, what's the best exotic armor to pick from the story mission? Doom Fang Pauldron seems the most useful.

Last year on PS4 there was a tranny and a load of thread celebs like Zippy that seemed to run things

Xbone seemed pretty chill

Not trying to start console war shit, that's just how it seemed

>It's a group of players you're doing publics with never help activate the heroic
>It's a marathon of that episode

Sturm and Drang from Nessus
Not worth unless you love handcannons

Ratcannon from Titan iirc
Meme that might be good in the raid if it scales to 6

Man O War legendary from Io
1 of 2 (afaik) linear fusion rifles in the game right now. Pretty nice.

Did they run things well?

So what are the best PvP weapons?

I have
>3 better devils
>origin story
>vigilance wing
>mida combo
>rat king
>that midnight scout rifle

And I don't know which one of these weapons to use, pls help dg

of course not

Mida meme tool

doing nightfall, 1/3

Devour would be perfect if its timer was 3 or 4 seconds. It's so much fun playing this aggressively, but the 10 second timer turns it into a crutch.

I thought /dg/ was fun but I only did CE and VoG before I ran out of time to play the game.

>all of my friends are on xbone
>tfw cant play shooters on console
Keyboard+mouse support when

with how much pvp is now just flanking, running away, and numbers advantage there's no reason to ever use a weapon other than mida.