/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>[News, Events & Campaigns]
Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones

>Half AP Cost Campaign
Duel with the Three Knights-Four Cavalries and Monster Hunting
Period: September 07, 2017 (Thu) 4:00 ~ September 14, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC

>"1 Million Download Campaign"
Period: September 07, 2017 (Thu) 4:00 ~ September 21, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
Facebook Campaign for 10k likes & 2k shares (Completed)
- 18 Saint Quartz
- 4 Summon Tickets
- 3 Golden Fruits
- 10 Mana Prisms a day for the duration of the Campaign (up to 130)
Da Vinci-chan's purchasable items weren't added to the shop for the duration of the Campaign.
>"1 Million Download Pickup Summon"
Period: August 31, 2017 (Sat) 7:00 ~ September 14, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
5*s Sakata Kintoki - Limited, Altria Pendragon, Altera, Jeanne d'Arc, Vlad III and Zhuge Liang (El Melloi II)
4*s Altria Pendragon [Alter] and Saint Martha
3*s Robin Hood and Boudica
Check the scheduled Rate ups for the 5*s: webview.fate-go.us/2017/0831_1million_cp/

Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

>[Miscellaneous stuff]
Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
Rate ups in JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1504/63/1504639461326.jpg (embed)
Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

Other urls found in this thread:



Stupid lizard

What's going to be the next rate up since I'm sure it's not going to be Okeanos yet.

I'm half tempted to roll for Drake but if it's something good I might roll

I already have my waifu so I'm good with not saving up

dumb lizard

>"W-we've got nothing to keep the gaijins occupied sir!"
>"SHIT! Just put on half AP again!"

new content when...

Those cheeks are made for penisrubbing

Some of these interludes are pretty cool my dudes.

How are your savings?

287 saint quartz
46 ticket
1217 mana prism


>no trump tweet under their tweet so I can't post it here

Some of the interludes are neat.

Though the translations range from passable to abysmal.

Next week, they're shutting down the server after when this campaign ends to update to Okeanos.

0 quartz
0 tickets
76 prisms

end it

Few spots opened from friendlist.

Does UBW and Miura deserve the hate?


at least you have a lot of servants and CEs

I seriously hope you guys already secured at least 1 black grail

No, none of the Fate anime do. Even Apocrypha is pretty good.

Miura does at least

Miura deserves all the hate for KnK 6, UBW is alright for a VN adaptation.

317 quartz
2 ticket
165 mana prism

I sure hope not user, because Catholics are insane and I rather not go down that road. If that's what Jeanne wants though, then, I'll do it. I can just hope she speaks to me in a dream and tells me what to do.


CGI != bad. It looked good. At times, it was distracting, but it mostly looked good.

And I know the fights were more tactical in the VN, but that's a different medium. I loved that aspect of fights in VN, seeing and knowing everything that the characters thought in a fight made me appreciate their struggle more. Made victory all the more rewarding, and defeat all the more impactful.

But in the anime, that's not what I was looking for. That's not even possible. They tried it with Fate/Zero, and it worked out good for a total of ONE fight. Being in a character's head makes the action slower and far less exciting. Then there's time restrains. They can only make so many episodes, so they can't adapt every single detail in the anime. So cutting that part out entirely, in favor of making the fight VISUALLY pleasing is a decision I support. And they did make them visually appealing. The digital effects they're known for were really good looking, and the way they handled movement in fights was just really, really exciting and fun to watch. The very first strike in Archer and Lancer's first fight made got me immersed. The way Archer suddenly disappears while the ground beneath him cracks, and Lancer reacts in a split second, blocking his attack. That alone filled the scene with excitement.

I know no one is going to agree with me, but I really loved the fights in the anime. This isn't even unique to UBW anime. A lot of fights in ufotable shows are like this.

Why do I want a curse every turn for a boost to np that I can't fire off every turn?

323 quartz
37 tickets
1829 prisms

>Miura does at least


UBW route too short for 25 episodes tbf

>hes a buster brainlet/quickcuck


>I can just hope she speaks to me in a dream and tells me what to do.

Hopefully to kill your retarded self.


If my JP experiences are any indicator, I'm sure I'll get plenty in the future, not like it's limited.

I hope you get some better CEs in the near future

what did he mean by this

Fuck off artscuck.

>his team can't fire NP every turn

Nah my Arts nuke will deal with Formalcraft. Not gonna roll for super situational CE with Tamamo right by the corner.

What is so good about them? I already have a maxed Heaven's Feel.

Not really. Remember that despite what they did, catholics still have Jesus as their Lord. Catholics make a lot of unnecesary and even senseless restrictions while christianism just tell you what is right, what is wrong and that you and only you have the choice to take action.
In the end, just make Jesus your Lord, and try to be different, I think it will be more easier that way, I mean, Jeanne was clearly a different town girl and she is still remembered.

who made this edit

Miyu when

May as well post my experience.

Did mine at 75% the price. My process was:
-Contact seller, ask for $160 to be placed on a google account.
-Receive a screenshot of the account with the value on it.
-Sent $120 via paypal.
-Receive password for the account.
-Remove my google account from my phone and add the other account.
-Buy two 80 buck packs.
-Remove the now empty account from my phone, put my old one back on.
-Receive screenshots of the receipts (though if I accessed the account's gmail on my phone I probably could have done that myself.)

Fuck it, I got my 5* gacha quartz and saved 40 bucks. I'm not whaling any more than that.

No kidding.



Try 1400. Yes, it does drop them. You should have stocked up by grinding dango 5AP

But suicide is a sin user.

Good point. Thank you user, I'll keep that in mind.

Secured mine after rolling hard for it.

>his servant can't use their NP every turn
>his team doesn't have a healer


yeah its only situational for saberlot, kuro and archerturia to NP 3-4 times in a row, vladcuck.

What about HF in 3 movies?


>Sent 5 friend requests
>None accepted

>use like 20 tickets hoping for one
>got TWO Limited Zero Overs
Rate up is a lie!

I like the action animation too. Only brainlets want """tactical""" fights filled with monologues of characters planning their strategy in a fucking animated medium. That's just crap straight out of a cheap long-running shonen anime.

give me your ID and I will send you one

I wish I'd rolled Waver instead of that and saber alter. Fucking garbage.

Give me your ID and you'll be mine

Give me your ID and I'll steal your account


Did Tsukihime age well?

Not that user but...
Rude, user. Again, what's your problem?
You'r welcome!

Already LB'ed sempai, when I fail to roll Drake I'll put it on pirate sluts

I wouldn't know I never played it

>sending friend request
>first thing I check for is whether they have Stheno as a support
It's an abstract kind of feeling.

At the moment what's a better mystic code for Vlad?
ATK up from the basic or ARTS effect up from Lunar Sea?

Have you even watched KnK 6?
If you did, then you wouldn't need to ask that question.
That movie speaks for Miura's utter lack of talent and skill at handling a serious work like KnK. He is only good for the action scenes, which shouldn't have been the main focus and attraction for UBW, but it was unfortunately because of Miura's incompetence.

Ask any secondary, hell ask anyone who liked UBW and no one will say that they loved it for the themes and the ideological struggles of Emiya Shirou, all of them will either say that they loved it for the action sequences or for the pretty colours.
Miura is an incompetent hack that could never have brought out the full potential of UBW, simply because he is incapable of working with serious stories. As I said, he is only good for action scenes and nothing else.



Not really, but the story and music are still good, I really loved the ambiance it has.

>At the moment what's a better mystic code for Vlad? ATK up from the basic or ARTS effect up from Lunar Sea?


Find me a video with more Liz
Pro-tip: Liz thread!

>Cannot appreciate Uncle Vlad
>rather has 60% NP dmg once every X turns instead of constant 25%
>perma cursed
Arts + Star gain is great on Kazikli Bey

i watched UBW dubbed on Netflix it's good

Arts up + Star gain when chaining NPAA is godly.

Mystic code, not craft essence.

Besides that, anyone knows what the anti-buff skill from lunar sea actually does? I tried using it against a buffed Waver during nerofest but it literally did nothing, I was still hitting for 0 damage after the effect got applied.

Those pictures are from Melty Blood, which definitely aged well as it still one of the best fighting games in existence and has a relatively active community despite being decades old.
Actual Tsukihime looks like pic related.
Filthy, disgusting secondary

Shiki can kill servant

It's pretty useless to pull for Tamamo if I have Waver and Jeanne right? I can just pick her as support.
For the damage I'm guessing B.B., Chloe, and Saberlot if I can get him will be enough for artsmemeing.

>1171 MP
how much is enough?

stuck at 20% Tiamat for 30 mins need halp


how the fuck is there not an auto battle option. this shit is so boring with just dailies and nothing else to do, i've just let the AP sit at full all day for weeks now. just log in for the quartz so i can roll later.

It just cancels the next buff the enemy gets. It's a prevention, not a dispell.

What the fuck is that supposed to be?
>and try to be different, I think it will be more easier that way, I mean, Jeanne was clearly a different town girl and she is still remembered
She didn't want to be different, and in her own words she would reject the voices if the church asked her to. She was utterly loyal to the Roman Catholicism.

Tamamo is Arts meme enabler. If you ever want to go Arts youll want Tamamo.

Certainly not that.



Yes but it's not like I need to have Tamamo myself if I have the other two spots filled, that's what I mean.

>>Antibuff not buff clear
Next buff will cancel user.

the 3rd skill prevents an enemy from applying a buff to themselves once

>he does not want to enjoy the amazing gameplay of F/GO
Fun Fact: Even porn gacha games with similar gameplay have auto battle function.

Oh, I see, so against servants with defensive skills I should use it immediately, cause they will spam them when they get to low hp if I fail to kill them in one turn.

i think someone said 1500 + mp from events is enough for max lunchtime

Well if you want to be Stall memes. I cant imagine anyone would want to do that though but i guess.

Lancelot isn't really for stalling though...?

>all 3 of versions of Liz use their autistic shrieking as a NP

If I remeber right the absolute amount was like 5000, where 1500 needed to be grinded out and rest from events (assuming we get the exact same events with exact same handouts beforehand).