/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

Previous iM@S Thread: Archive of materials: sites.google.com/site/yukipobackup/
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: shijou.moe/imas-radio
Material translations and discographies: pastebin.com/1J9zzA1p
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/pvwsEbjQ
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>Event: 09/11 - 09/18 Caravan (Shinobu, Sarina)
>Gacha: 09/11 - 09/16 (Kaede, Hitomi)
>Party: 09/03 - 10/09
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Database/Resources: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

>Event: 09/08 - 09/19 Platinum Star Theater "Good-Sleep, Baby" (Yayoi, Iku)
>Gacha: 09/12 - 09/20 (Julia, Ami, Anna)
Cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/mlth
Tracker: twitter.com/imas_ml_td

>Gacha: 08/30 - 09/23 (Teru, Kaoru, Tsubasa)
>Gacha: 09/05 - 09/23 (Touma, Hokuto, Shouta)
>Archive of : archive.is/TDvq0
- News Compilation (Sep 12th): UPCOMING:
Sep 13th: STARLIGHT MASTER 13 Sweet Witches' Night, SideM 2nd STAGE ~ORIGIN@L STARS~ Live BDs
Sep 13th, 9PM JST: STARLIGHT MASTER 13 release stream: nico.ms/lv305891168
Sep 15th to Jan 28th: SideM cafe

Other urls found in this thread:


Kill yourself.

You could've made a SIdeM thread.
You could've made a Hikaru thread for her birthday.

Instead you put this with shitty fucking art that's not even funny. Kill yourself.

this is Miria
she is cute
please give her headpats

to those watching the stream

are the solos done? I'm really looking forward to Favorite ni Odorasete

Jesus, if you wanted a SideM thread or whatever make your own. Don't bother replying


These are my book nerd wives. Please say something nice about them!

Solo's haven't happened yet.
>I'm really looking forward to Favorite ni Odorasete
You should. It's fantastic.

>be a random user visiting Veeky Forums for the first time
>look at catalog
>see /@/

thanks also Taku is way too handsome

It's pretty M if you ask me.

Fumika has a nice body, but her singing voice is far too soft.
Yuriko is a huge fucking nerd who sings like a nerd and her song lyrics are filled with nerd shit, and it's wonderful.

You need to stop breathing.

You need to stop posting.

They both read words good.

This is not justice!

Just started LoS. Why does everyone have Touma as their center? And why are they obviously fake accounts?

Reroll accounts, possibly for selling

Pretty obvious rerollers.

So are we f@g now?

That's nice. You got anything more like it?

Why would anyone come to Veeky Forums without knowing what circlejerk they want to join?

Every time I start a live, I can only choose a Support from a wall of R+ Toumas. Is this normal?

pop pop pop

How does the SEM outfit look in Msute?

Fucking horrible since they went with the skin tight version instead of what they were in the live

I am fucking retarded

- Roughly Makabe 2 fanbook: imgur.com/a/4JRHP

A thot in making deserves no headpats.
Mankind ill needs an idol such as you!


Where do you pieces of shit come from? Fuck off.

It could be because they are around your level. Try playing some more.

>Roughly Makabe

solos time

"Roughly" as in "Approximately", as these artbooks are only mostly Makabe. There's a few non-Makabe bits in them.

Taku is so fucking cute.

It's not fair.

I want Makabe to shove her cock into my face.


>you can't properly see Michio checking out Saki's ass

Thanks shitty editor.

Soichiro's song is too cute

So is he. Though I'm convinced he's gay.

Time for chunni.

Why is it that some idols are more bullied than others?
I can understand idols like Matsuri, Makabe and Roco being bullied by most Ps, but why would they bully Kaori too?

man Makoto is really wearing out his voice


Kaori-chan is cute, so it's okay.



Discord's not awake yet, try again later please.

I couldn't take it.


It's not bullying if it's still raising their affection.

TD's chance commu choices have little percentage displays on them that indicate which choices were most chosen by other players.
The options to bully Kaori are popular.

I hope the perform the full solos soon.

I was worried, hopefully he dials it back in future lives.

I want to bully Tsumugi. Both sexually and non-sexually.


O-oh my.

So that's what it meant.


They just kept going at it.

Me on the right

Happy birthday to:

Hego Hasshi of Uzuki (23)

Bullying autists is outlawed in this country.

Roco no
That's not where the Statue of Liberty is situated


Recursive functions with Izumi.

She roconized it. Keep up that attitude and she'll roconize you.

Syuko is pretty good at foxing her way out of things.

Is Miho the canon leader of PCS?

Shiki I'm your guinea pig.

>Recursive functions
Moderately clever. I chuckled.

She's a clever girl.


Mofu mofu happy
Mononofu pretty

All those odd jobs and blood drives are paying off I guess.

nice buttshots

That ass shake

And some Rumi being dead inside as usual.

Good, hopefully she's buried forever.

>desu Miria's costume are more revealing than other idols from the same age area

Who is this advice giving idol?

Why is she here? Just to suffer?

Any of her previous victims I would assume.

Or Kiyora.

Thank you.

>oranges vs watermelons
Poor Kanna

Rumi deserves salvation.

Thank you for your work.

I want to skip lessons and chill with Syuko in the roof pool.

Why is Rumi incapable of having fun?

I'll be inside Rumi as well.

She used to have a respectable job with a fairly high position. And now she's stuck babysitting a bunch of literal retards.

I don't blame her for giving up on life.

She's an ol that was married to her job and then subsequently fired from it

I wish I could babysit a bunch of literal idol retards.

Rumi is cute.

No, she's cool.

I bully her because she's new.
Scrubs better recognize that they gotta work for the P's affection.

they are literally incapable of singing this song without fucking up at least once huh

I believe she could be a pretty good producer if she made the necessary steps to be one.

user are you the same person who is ignoring Rio

What was messed up?

Aoba before working at Eagle Jump