Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

>What is Guild Wars 2?
Guild Wars 2 is an active free-to-play MMORPG from ArenaNet, the sequel to Guild Wars 1, with events taking place 250 years after its timeline.

This thread has botspam, he copies image files and names, identify yourself by using gw2 in your name, and reply directly to the OP. Discord still recommended!

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FFFFFucking where is porn of her? I wanna see a minotaur titfuck her. Actually, a bunch of minotaurs gangbanging her would be even better.

>Respect the 4%
You're not entitled to anything more than the 1500 points to get for a self-hook.
Especially when its 4% per try, so it actually a higher over all chance.

It's not Aria of Sorrow

Ded game played by brainded player base.

3c per map is all right
The key is getting that in 3 minutes

Probably because it's not real.

Golden Sun is derivative garbage with a terrible plot force-stretched over multiple games.


>implying thats not you after you tried to pick him up after his buff
stick with your gengu please

>Make multiple saves
>Make a hidden save at the very bottom of the list of saves
>Now it's no longer an issue

>tfw easy aquas b8 success

Yeah it sucks right?

Fucking ruined the game for me. My eyes can't readjust at all.

I noticed that attacking with a character decreases their INT, so what do I do with my mage when I don't want him to use her spells? Is there a "skip turn" option?

s-she's gay? Really?

t. c02

I like the physics they have. Also skimmer looks cool.
This game threads should be revived.

Why even bother?
This man is a sensible person.

Maybe he was secretly taking Hercules.

Jokes aside, what did the combat log say? They shouldn't drop dead like this, I've never seen something like that happening.

Cis white males

literally everything about 4 is the same as 3 except there's less and it's truncated. Right down to the artstyle on the cover if you're denying that you're some kind of delusional maniac.

Is the shop going to change for part 2? Do I have to grind the light katanas before that?

looking back, this was a better way to do things.
to have the guy that was always ahead of you get manhandled like this really put to mind what you were dealing with.

That's Laser Squad, the predecessor to X-com

Yes, load times are usually emulated. Find and trigger the fast loading option that should exist somewhere in your emulator

hey nigger dont tell them to stop posting, I'm looking at these

8bitdo snes bluetooth controller with 8bitdo gamepad xtander combined with your smartphone and snes9x for android with integer scaling.


GTA: Serial Killer when?

hunie sakura

A geniuely new player here, is /gw2g/ a place to hang out to learn or is this an anime girl pictures den?
I did roll necromancer, how badly did I choose? And should I worry about min-maxing already or can I reset everything at the level cap?

I won't use gw2 in the name because I'm not sure if I'm being trolled into some auto-ban tripfag name.

Modern Warfare 3.

I actually like vanilla Quake III for what it is. I'm better of actually playing Quake I or II than playing CPMA imo. Also, Team Arena is nice too.

Trolling is more chat-based, griefing is gameplay-based.



>frame drops in the trailer
>Combat looks boring as fuck

Nice aesthetic tho

Did I turn into an invisible snail or something

As a longtime poster and lurker of /gw2g/, I can say this is one of the more blatantly naive and retarded posts to have recently been made on this thread.

try MESS

fucks sake those paper thin ass skillcape nipple tassels

Jagex sucks

Your wife is a breeding ground.

You do need a copy of the original game for it to work.
That's just a file type Doom uses to store game assets.


I've played every single gacha there is in the west and I can say with 100% confidence that FFRK is the best.

What an outfit.

hold up
isnt she only into girls?

It's one of the best puzzle games on the famicom, your mistake is playing it like a platformer you brainlet millennial.

It is?

Gameplay will be shown at PSX. The characters in the CG trailer are Ktatos, Morgana, Crash and Aloy. Then the rest of the characters I mentioned will be shown at PSX.

Yeah, those blocks are frustrating...

i like the minigame idea but is programming the minigame engine so others can program minigames going to fun/easy?

New forums

japs will set capcom's HQ on fire if they make a awful MH game so capcom knows they have to try with that

Google bs zelda, its the first site you see that has all you need.

I want to smell her hair.

Rafters? Looks like proper planes at different angles to me. I wonder how they did that. Sprite scaling hardware? Mode 7 can only do one plane.

I want to go back to that wild, wild west of MMOs

They actually buffed the Bellicose the absolute madmen

you can actually do entire game without backtracking using the double jump tech, except for the mini games in autumn plains that require headbash.

Yeah it still is.
They havent announced when they're taking it off.

>when I hit an item block and a mushroom comes out, it always travels in the direction OPPOSITE to the direction I'm going to pick it up

This has to be bait.

Believe it or not Taiwan ain't afraid of titties like China

I would be interested in that could you maybe post a zip file of the fortress mod folder with the maps and everything?

Change your desktop resolution to something the game supports before starting it.

Atleast it doesn't have the overhead and drag shit stuff that were in Chivarly

Pitstop 2 was really fucking good.

Can you really play as Tiny in Rampage World Tour GBC? I've entered the code 100 times and still can't play as him.

which is exactly why you are a newfag
lurk more

Literally the first result on google - 'amiga bios download', jesus fuck.

Hana is bisexual, and Rain is a lesbian.

is money an issue?

Keep it away from Earth at least one more game.
Make VEGA a buddy.
MAke Mick God do the soundtrack again.
Call it whateverfuck you want.

Underage detected.

I remember mention of a druid. This was a long time ago, though but maybe one day.


>Warranty voided

If you can handle the heat sure, that's great, but obviously it isn't worth it anymore because I don't see it done anymore. And trust me, people typically don't do anything but optimal builds in this game.

If you haven't played Pathways into Darkness, you sure as hell missed it as well (consider that an earnest recommendation).

How ded is Eve Online?

How would you have written her?

Please figure this out want to watch!

>ywn get drunk on cheap ass booze in an alley with this smelly sewer dweller

Don't just greentext. If you think I'm wrong, tell me why I am wrong


Do not cry for Larsa, it is a perfectly healthy and normal relationship for a young and supple gunsel such as him.

>2nd most sold Elder Scrolls title ever

It's amazing how utterly retarded one person can be.

How is Graceful Explosion Machine?

Reminder to ignore the sperg; post robutts.

Truly does the eternal war rage on.

Oh, you must not be a rogue...awkward.

This autism needs to stop.

>I'm guessing you didn't play it when it launched in 2005 or so. It was amazing at the time
EVERYFUCKING TIEM, do you people have any real argument besides this? It was shit then as is now you fucking valvedrone


The original Cruis'n trilogy are still my favorite non-Mario Kart racing games ever made.

Now if only Nintendo would release Cruis'n Blast on Switch.

Thanks user.

Yes, and they're always disappointing.

Japanese people tend to such at romanization.
They end with an ugly mix of Hepburn, Kunrei, Nihon-siki and wordpro romanization.