/owg/ - Overwatch General

Here comes T.Racer!

>Season 6 already changed some things
>And it just changed fucking everything else so HANG ON

>the "Huge Rez" achievement has just been changed to "resurrect 6 teammates without dying"

>JUNKERTOWN released today

>Talk shit, get banned

>Deathmatch is live (it's in the arcade)

>What did the devs say they're working on?
- SR calculation changes
- Map voting / rotation someday
- See-through objective markers
- Solo-only queues / search preferences? Nope.

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Previous thread:

did y'all know she's a lesbian?

Has anyone noticed weird lag/stuttery movement when ulting as Mercy now?

It doesn't happen when my ping is low but when I'm playing with friends overseas with 200~ ping I rubberband all over the place while I'm flying around. Doesn't happen with normal movement

Did this problem exist on the PTR as well or is it a symptom of the server issues they're having at the moment?


i already miss healslut mercy

>he mains a tank

6th for junkrat is cancer

Cheers, the cavalry's- bang

>ywn racemix with her
It hurts

No I don't.

Should I become a part time mercy main?

The rez rework seems super fun, and it looks like her SR gains are even higher than before.

I want a Winston Tiddypad

>go into game
>7 fps


>Overwatch: Bangpocalypse edition

then beat it fuccboi

>go into the game
>still capped 245 fps

Though if the game run like it run in the beta I would probably get rock solid 300.

Don't be asking for two second barriers then, fuccboi.

I won't lie.
Mercy is definitely more fun to play as now, you're not limited to just healing anymore.
She's also kinda busted in TDM

I'll show you who's the boss of this 6-stack.

Hero with an arsenal when
Just 3 weapons to scroll through you know? Plus a fourth weapon with ult

>playing TDM instead of FFA

Nigga tf doing with those wasted 200 fps, 30 is all you need

Hnnnnng, ahhh... good morning /owg/!

>use all your guns at once

I want to bully Tracer until she cries!

so apparently mercy's SR gain is fucked again

TDM is the only game mode where you can test out her supportive and offensive abilities without the retards in QP or the mental stress that comes with Competitive while still having people actively trying to win.

Anyone else get a 54mb update? Aside from the main one

why does genji's tummy feature zenyatta

That's not Zenyatta. Eyes are open.

How are D.va's new rockets?

She's already sad enough you bully.

pretty underwhelming desu. they are slow and don't do very substantial dmg, even if you score direct hits

fucking awful. she was perfect before they nerfed the rocket damage.

They want to rotate the meta tanks so if Dva was still too good it would be pointless

Yea just did a match with her, damage is pretty low but its nice having a second attack

>went from mid diamond 3200 to high plat 2900 cause I played comp games back to back

Should I even care? I will ALWAYS be placed there and I wasn't even really trying plus I don't play tanks so I don't lose twice as much sr
This is probably why GM players just play game after game is because they will never be placed anywhere lower

The lower your SR the better you will perform against your enemies the more fun you have playing the game

>This is probably why GM players just play game after game is because they will never be placed anywhere lower

You hit the nail on the head, and it's like this at all levels. Lower yourself from ~2500 or so to ~1100 and you will never be able to get out of it solo queuing.

What does everyone feel about the new Mercy?
She's definitely more fun and engaging to play, drastically reduced rez range means you have to be careful when to charge in now.
However, constant rez is definitely annoying so she's practically hunted down every time she appears and not just during before or after a big team wipe.
It requires good decision making when choosing whether to add fire power or support during Valkyrie because both aspects is definitely a good factor in winning team fights.
I actually wish they add a rez circle around her as a sort of a visual indicator that rez is available and to actually see the range of your rez, I still can't exactly estimate the correct range to use rez and I sometimes just frantically press E in hopes of getting a rez.

Her ult is a tad too long methinks

i haven't found a reason to use my pistol during the ultimate

in masters everyone just dies if i don't heal them

Awesome, I can't see why anyone sees it as a nerf. I usually play her in FFA, so this helps a lot.

>every voice matters
>listens to the massive outcry for Roadhog nerf
because scrubs """""feel""""" bad about being one shotted
>Roadhog gets nerfed and practically removed him from the game for some time
>released Doomfist who also has one shot capabilities

This is what happens if you also listen to retards.

If your team is capable, you can stop healing for awhile and pick apart the enemy supports and just rez when someone dies or do both at the same time. In theory you should be able to do 3 rez in the entirety of Valkyrie to make the most out of it's kit.
Also I find it funny that bad Widows actually have a hard time killing Valkyrie Mercy because you can easily change vertical placement and your ridiculous heal, meaning if they can't headshot you during Valkyrie you're going to live through Widow body shots.

Roadhog is fine now and one shot kill hooks are bullshit, you can still practically oneshot every same class, you just have to press m2 before

>67% of team damage done
>playing a tank

>tfw no personal braphog Mei gf

You're a good Zarya, user

Why did they decide to change the tier legend mid season? Fucking kikes

>67% of team damage done
>playing Reinhardt

Anyone wanna play? I never see anyone post here about playing with one another.

>Singular rez mean's making an important choice mid-fight
>No huge rez encouraging you to just die

Fights flow a whole lot better now, this rework was needed

all anyone ever wanted was the stun effect removed so that roadhog could be punished for overextending
they refused to do this because the hook is designed as a crutch mechanic to make bads """""feel""""" good about being shit

I want to tickle Tracer until she giggles!

because no one enjoys playing this game anymore

>being this bad at juking hooks

>be decent at landing his m2
>just m2 hook m1 melee for free kills on almost everyone
>sippy is even more of a get out of jail free card than before

the apocalypse has only just begun

I like that she can shoot and dash now, shits nice

One of these things is not like the other

Casual shitheads on Blizz forum now want to nerf/rework Genji

You don't need to do that to make her giggle. She's an unhinged madwoman

>I enjoy watching mccree
as a mccree main, this guy is stupid, mccree is fucking boring.

They found out that a rework can actually be a good thing. They probably want to rework the whole roster now.

why do you faggots block the names out? You afraid of being spotted or something?

She can also shield and rocket at the same time

Just counter genji with hog ez pez
>can heal through his got
>double jumps and swift strike are easy as fuck to follow and hook
>deflected damage doesn't matter after scrap guns damage nerf
>rapid shot m2s follow up if he tries to escape

they cycle through a scapegoat to bitch about on a monthly basis
it was pharah before, then hanzo scatter, now its genji reflect

the only ones they wont actually complain about is vagina bait, hivemind immediately screeches when someone implies that mercy is now better than before or that a female could be wrong and/or crying like a bitch for no reason


Exactly. People forget Bnet tags have numbers on them. I'm sure they won't be found within the pool of all those Sephiroth's and Naruto's.

Dva changes feel alright. I don't get the people who are whining about it. Played her for a couple of hours. She is much better at confirming kills, but she can't shut down every ultimate in the game anymore.
The best part about new Dva is that she can do damage while flying and do damage while holding up her defense matrix.
All the change did was make her into a more normal hero instead of a one trick pony must pick, like the old Lucio.
Lucio, Dva, Mercy and Roadhog were all one trick ponies who were just good at one thing.

This was very confusing at first because the color of the pants are reversed.

The ress change is working out quite well I think, it's nice to be able bring someone back who died in the first exchange and it adds more variety to her gameplay on whether to make the decision to move in to ress someone or not.
I'm more mixed on the ultimate, it's nice to not have to worry about saving it or hiding anymore so I can just pop it when I feel like it but I've struggled to get much benefit from flying and taking down enemies with the blaster, it sort of feels like most the time the team would have just been better off if I stayed healing on those occasions. I also feel quite vulnerable flying to things like McCree or Soldiers ult, there's nowhere to hide if you're in the Sky.
It lasts quite long which is nice but it's not very powerful, I think if they wound up reducing the duration which they probably will because of some highly skilled players making some meme videos of team killing everyone then it'll be fully useless. But for the moment it's fine.

D.va's changes are really disappointing though.

Ironically I kill hogs more than any other tank with Genji. People just keep shooting when scrap gun is being deflected so it's like hog is being focused down by 11 people..




>proceeds to get banned for throwing

The system works


Practically in almost every match now, why is Torb still not a popular counterpick against them? Torb's turret should keep all 3 of them in check.

They're right though. Genji's reflect is a similar level of anti-play to Dva's shield which was just nerfed heavily on those grounds.
Genji is already difficult to hit because of his movement, speed and wall climbing so why does he need an immunity ability as well?


>it's a D.va main
They got their rockets deflected back, didn't they?

Last year, Eichenwalde and Eichenwalde halloween variant.

This year, Junkertown, and... see where I'm going??

He's difficult to hit only if you have a potato aim.
Also there's Hog with hook for him and Tracer

Are Mercy skins broken on Junkertown for anyone else? I only see the default skin for everyone including myself for some reason.

Tracer's practically nonexistant in Diamond and below.

The worst part about D.va's changes are I actually can do damage now, so everytime I get a shit team I get even more tilted at the shit dps players. There was no way I would ever get gold damage before, but now everytime I have awful DPS teammates it happens.

Chimpston, Sasha, and Chun-Li say hello. When he gets Deflect as a resource ability that lasts 4 seconds then you can cry about it.

t. Lucio

>Genji announces that he is about to wipe my team
>I take it as a sign to focus my attention on him and kill him immediately

Whoever thought up Genji needs to literally kill themselves.

>now arriving at Junkertown
Fucking love the loading music for this map for some reason

What's the best feeling and why is it killing Genji as reworked Mercy and teabagging them afterwards?

>>I take it as a sign to focus my attention on him and kill him immediately
>being retarded and not killing him until after he finishes his call

i mean he is
but torb is also extremely niche in where he works, static defensive points are the only place hes effective, you cant play him on attack and expect to do anything to discourage dive play

>says his words and ult charge is gone
>can pull out his sword, the dragon animation plays and he screams his loyalty to the empire
>ult charge retainded because he is killed a microsecond early

As far as I know it's only Winged Victory and Oni that are broken and they're fixing it.

>he can kill two people and do three lol fuckoff dashes in the meantime
I should probably blindfold myself and use the mouse with my tongue while doing it, right?

She's practically a dps now though so you should be competing strongly on damage and eliminations with her or its a wasted pick, what does she even contribute as a damage soaker anymore? Her high health is offset by how easy it is to land headshots on her.

>widow's ult is trash
when will this meme die? just because it doesn't get you a free teamkill doesn't mean it's bad. If they're good at widow it pretty much means you can't peak without a shield.

>Rambo 69
>has the same ability as Greninja

Yes. D.Va is basically a bully now.

Considering you're too retarded to time when to kill him and not knowing his targets to get ready for him, yes.