League of Legends General - /lolg/

Forge Your Path: Preseason Edition


Worlds Hit Summoner Rift 2017



Old: eyosongive.us

New runes are shit

First for this s the update that will kill League

New season new me

Who should i main lolg

Nth for junglers are shit tier players who get carried by thier role.

powercreep is real
not being able to run armour runes anymore but having plenty of MR available will make lethality assassins much stronger


Same with mid and support players.






>Useful links in the op

What the hell /lolg/ this is new


morde until the rework and then nunu til last pizzafeet champ is gone

I want to molest Lulu when she tries to sleep!

When new content is out is when the generals are the best. The dips in between content is a cesspit of waifus, blogposts, and shitposts.

xth for Syndra


>tfw Vel'Koz
>tfw Karma
>tfw 60% CDR ult
I'm ready for the update.

yeah last thread was a blessing with all the crying about junglers not winning your lane or ADCs being able to do damage :3

Not even the best SG.

>Thinking you can stack ultimate hat fast enough with velkoz

They even said most champs are bad with it and are thinking of changing it to how long your ult is on cooldown so kassadin can't abuse it

Give me your main and Rune page

Personally, I want to take grasp and every other hp related rune on a titanic hydra champ and split push. Maybe Sion for MAXIMUM HP SCALING but I'll probably look more into champions that are meant for splittinng. Maybe Yorick?

are all runes out? thought only the keystones were out

So wait, is Eve also part of the preseason? We're not gonna have her until November 8th at the earliest?

>>Thinking you can stack ultimate that fast enough with velkoz
I'm pretty fucking sure I can get an ult off 5 times in a game. Especially considering I now have more CDR at level 1 than I used to and already used it 2-3 times in lane alone.

Whilst adcs and top laners just get carried. Adc just keeps getting resources pumped into the

are you actually retarded user

It looks like the only thing missing is one inspiration keystone. All other keystones and all the regular runes seem available to look at.

Good luck.
She's going to be secured in her impenetrable fort of pillows!

full lethality page :^)

Can someone create something interesting for Nasus?

runes are coming very early to the pbe for testing
eve is going to be there 2 weeks like usual, but the runes will stay

use your brain


where can i find the non keystone ones


Hybrid pen reds
flat armor yellows
flat mr blues
flat ap quints

start spellthiefs, first back get mobis if possible. get blue sightstone then upgrade your spellthiefs into frost queens. then get ruby sightstone. after that get rapidfire cannon. last item is situational but if all is well,
get protobelt.

I would minor in inspiration just for the blink while flash is on cooldown. Letting Nasus hop walls would supplement his split pushing weaknesses so well.

Why is she so perfect?

Fuck there's so many good options in these runes.

How does this look for Urgot?

whoops, shoulda posted this in new thread

Rune idea
Forest Fire -

- Your basic attacks and abilities deal bonus magic damage over time to enemies if they're standing in bushes. Basic attacks extend the DOT.
- Abilities light bushes on fire which spreads to all nearby brush, dealing magic damage over time to enemies standing in them.
- Bushes are temporarily destroyed after a brief period of immolation.

on spells get sheen proc: get gold and a chance to get an item

they already talked about it

The preseason update page on the main site. They have a little page builder thing.

Thanks, senpai

>Hybrid pen reds
>flat armor yellows
>flat mr blues
>flat ap quints
Uh, he said runes, op. Not...what are these? They don't look like runes to me.

With 0 CDR it would take 10 minutes to stack. Games usually are ~40 minutes long.

A Vel'koz with 60% CDR on his ult is looking at a 32s CD which is 12 seconds shorter than you can get now. It will be great for sustained engagements or sieging.

You need to be active enough to stack it early. Even then what are you going to do with 60%? It's unlikely you'll use it twice during a fight anyway.

That's the point, sure 60% sounds godly but you need 40% from items/other runes first then to stack it as well, after all that what you're left with is a 32s cooldown on it when fights would be over by that time

There is also that one rune that hecarim used in that vid for that ms boost, it would work quite well too.

>this will unironically be league in 2018

>OP actually has content relevant to the game and not some waifu autism
is this an alternate reality?

>Games usually are ~40 minutes long.
kek what elo?
my games are 25-35 usually
riot makes a ton of effort to shorten down game time.

Only storm lux is perfect

>tfw no qt petite gf

maybe they got something in preseason that extends gametime
atleast 2 runes barely even work untill 40 minutes


>thinking any of the forms isnt perfect

>get auto-filled
>2 main roles shit themselves
>3rd role can't keep up and do anything
>enemy team has higher MMR

wew lad

Hi, I just fucked Soraka and came in her real hard. She's probably gonna have my kid now. But that's not what I wanted to say. What I have to say is I didn't find a dick in between her legs.

fuck you weldong

>40 minute games

Whoever wins the team fight at that point will just win the game. Who needs a 2nd ult when the game is over

Sustain is key

what did he mean by this?


>not playing jarvan



>maybe they got something in preseason that extends gametime
highly doubt it.
ghostcrawler has stated multiple times they dont like long gametimes. they want fast games, so people play more and thus buy more

feel free to meme it up with lategame runes, and with proper waveclear and stalling you can perhaps get there but the game is mainly about early game these days.

how tight was she

>game designer
>calls them CHARACTERS

we in trouble boyos

and remember to get spirit visage so your heal slut can give those juicy 1.2k heals

>GP stealing potions and elixirs with his Q

Sustain king

Post your builds

desu i'd kill myself if i had to say champion 30 times during one stream

shame desu
long games are always more fun
long games are the epitome of actual struggle to win the game and just shitstomping the other team
fucking riot

Too tight I'm in the hospital now

>He still plays solo queue
>He still plays the shitty meme queue that goes entirely against the premise of coordinated, cooperative play and teamwork
>He still enjoys being put into queues that tries incredibly hard to keep you at ~50% winrate
Get some friends and play flex, faggot. You could be diamond without having to grind out hundreds of games. If you're diamond in solo, you could be challenger. Get off of the shitty queue for stupid goyim and play the one that actually matters.

stop pretending you like the game and reinstate the inner circle


Was thinking this for Zyra, but really just good for any champ that relies on getting a lot of CDR.

I fucking love that they have a thing now that lets you roll excess CDR into more AP.
So many times I felt bad about buying something cause I was already capped on CDR and it gave some.

Does the rune that gives you tenacity and slow resist proc after using a summoner spell proc after using the channeled flash rune?


Having more ult CDR on Velkoz is pretty much pointless
Just go for absolute focus + gathering storm and take domination as your primary

>GP Main

this is some advanced bait

I completely agree. I just wish they at the very least lower the catch up exp.

Feels complete ass to outsmart the enemy jungler then a teamfight breaks out at dragon around level 8 and he's somehow same level as you despite having half the farm and 3 deaths

Maybe we'll get some lategame meta back eventually

>GP becomes an actual pirate


pixel we need to practice our bard mirror 1v1 mids someday

idk what this means

with all the complaining the community is doing currently about the short as fuck decided in the first 10 minutes gameplay
we might just get it

Man I don't even know what keystone to get on MF
Where's my DFT aaaaaaah


Vel'Koz can't make a lot of use out of the domination secondaries unfortunately. It's basically just electrocute + cheap shot for him. eyeball collection is so weak it's barely worth it. plus the change to electrocute means EW doesn't proc it like TLD did (unless the passive proc will count as an ability).

I just hate to give up Cosmic Insight.

>he doesn't want challenger rewards
>he doesn't want a $700 jacket he could sell on ebay to stupid plat 5 college kids
>he doesn't like playing fun champions
sucks for you landlubber

Catch up experience has been a thing in the game for a while now and the effect is highly exaggerated because of memes

SA mid kayne

Also xth for Cute Ashe

Guess im going back to the threads stuff

thoughts on this, ahri bros?

>not taking Grasp on Morde so you can have a FAT shield even though you're building all damage when one of Morde's problems was having to choose between a small maximum shield he easily charged and a huge max shield he could never fill

that jacket looks so bad what were they thinking

with these new runes my doorway for cancer has never been greater

It was buffed significantly in the preseason last year. If you dont notice the difference thats on you.

It was "intended" to help supports catch up, but ended up being a buff for counterjunglers.

Not sure about the secondary choices, but I think this would be a pretty comfy Yorick rune set for just farming all the live long day.

>not bounty hunter