League of legends general /lolg/

Worst waifu

What can you do as a toplaner when your bottom gets killed 7 times between them, while getting none in return?

xth for LeBlanc's magical teasing

1) op.gg ur bot and if they are not super good, dodge
2) dont play top cuck island

>tfw no qt petite gf

ff and move on to the next game

Xth for stop posting images on a TEXTboard

How are you guys keeping from running OOM on the new Eve when you don't have blue?

>you will never be stepped on by the star guardians

When did this happen? I didn't play for a while.
I was wondering why Shiv was so popular these days.

Xayah isn't flat
She's much bigger than Jinx at any rate

practice last hitting until 20

all the hype for nuevelynn dies fairly fast
what happened?

> br jungler practically inting with these invades

What's the verdict on NuXin? I just played my first game with him. Built this and was actually really strong. I maxed R>W>Q>E but I'm not too sure about this skill order.

>league girls will never be real


well we have to wait 1.5 weeks till she goes live, then hype can resume or reach the lowest of lows

I've been maxing W as well. I think Ravenous Hydra is core.

Depends. Were they pushing or were they often against their tower?

kys gurofag

>you need burst to kill tanks

how did this caster make it to worlds

who hype for turkish world champions

>youre in vg vs vg promos and you have to go vs this team

what do

Should I start machete/bead then, instead of machete/refillable?

end the fucking suffering

I want to bully Lulu with my reproductive organs

free win

With this series pretty much being over, is the next set of games worth watching?


you wouldn't have a chance even if they were

chinese are playing


>These Ori ults

Jesus BR is tilted as fuck. Jungler inting and mid laner is missing ults and being generally useless

>a fucking commentator with a speech problem

Who is "Wek-Sai"?


What is this match?


>His waifus midriff isnt delicious
the fuck kind of taste

>game has a mute button
>can get banned for saying bad words


I'm just playing normals as a new player. I have watched some of the good streamers, and can usually out CS melee matchups. I'm just trying to figure how to try to win these sorts of games.

I think they were pushing, but eventually ended up getting picked and killed. In this particular game, it was an idiotic composition (Draven and Varus vs their sensible Varus and Blitzcrank).


>I will never sniff a League girl
End me

too think Team oNe is such trash

>that ori ult
I wanted One to win but after that, go fnb
yell at riot to give back her mana passive and stealth from lvl 1
also steal blue
or get a catalyst

is vladfag here?


>break rules
>get banned

>no kraken champion


I've been top instead of jungle, so I can't say.

clearly the underlying point of my post was asking why it's a rule if the tools to circumvent the behaviour's negative side effects exist in game

those fingers ruin the image wtf are these monsterhands
this is NOT OKAY

Pool party lulu kinda


1 for real gamer hours vg vs vg
na vidya

Sounds like something she would enjoy.

You head to your room, you open the door, and see pic related on your bed. What do?

gee why is it illegal to steal from a store when anti theft protection exists?
gee boss i dunno

*blocks your jungle route*

>the jungler gets so tilted he just starts to int
Just like my low elo games


Really, what the fuck was that

If they were pushing when behind then they are just stupid. When behind you should be trying to keep the minions closer to your tower so you're safer from future ganks and open opportunities for jungle to gank, mid to roam, and top to tp down.

Find a flaw

Hint: there are none

I haven't impregnated her yet


She looks like she is suffering from carpal tunnel.

>Riot confirms she doesn't actually have sex with anyone
shit tier rework

Doesn't wear heels even though she's literally the type that would.

oh shid where you'd find this one
Im on pixiv but I cant find it

I'm hyped for the lewds

But that's what her hands look like

"Um, sorry to interrupt, but I kinda need to sleep. Would you two mind moving to the guest bedroom?" I give them the privacy to get changed, though

Hah what?

they make them bigger ingame so they are more clear for the top down view

>she doesn't actually have sex with anyone
>with anyone

not enough fapfics

>have 9 friends online at one time
>someone decides we should do an inhouse
>6 of them suck
>2 of them are tryhards
>i just wana play champs i rarely get to play
>they always get banned
>after 3 nights of not getting to play a jax zed or basically anything outside of adc i quit
>"wow user come on stop being a baby"
>"stop raging dude were all having fun"
>but im not you guys always ban out champs i want to play
>"cause were having fun dude chill"
>rage in the middle of a game when someone gets their kayne and deicdes to camp me for the entire match
Yup having a blast guys. Finally getting to pick someone ive played 3 times like camille only to be camped by someone who mains the fuck out of kayne jg.

I saved it about 2 years ago and it's somewhere in pixiv.
Have another.


She doesn't fuck anyone, once you touch her with desire in your heart you just die or some shit apparently

so youre the original lubuse fag?
what made you return to this game

Dying won't stop me

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +1

i like ashe

source pls

Where does one acquire such a mousepad?

>once you touch her with desire in your heart
How's she suppose to get all masochistic on people then?

Whaaaat? It's just a hug buddy

lol faggot

that's your flaw not hers

Demacian AND Ionian

What more could you want? Some Noxian-Bilgewater slut?

Wrist stress is a part of a lot of musical instruments, i'm sure she takes proper precautions

for both her back and wrists

How could you know she isn't? Noble women wore heels all the time, Sona could plausibly have the highest heels in the game, but unseen.

I don't understand how hard it is for people to go on paheal and check there

"Don't think" - Riot 2017

2 weeks till she goes live
shes kinda shit
>stealth champ
>doesnt get stealth till 6
>w reveals you to the targeted champ
>takes 2.5 seconds to charge up to give you a 1.5second charm
>but really you want it for the mr shed
>ult, while being a massive execute forces you backwards
>passive is shit, heals you if you're under 1/4 health but only to a bit over 1/3
>no ad rations ruining hopes of ad/hybrid eve, becasue riot apparently hates hybrid damage dealers
Tank evelyn is going to be a thing though

>enemy team lets the match last 1 hour
>I'm veigar
>W has a 1.12 sec cooldown and hits for over 1k

oooh baby what are you doing?

Mods are asleep post CUTELUS

>havent played league in a while
>play today
>run into xin
>he now has a revamped version of poppys old ult
alright, what the fuck is this shit? what was riot thinking?

I guess?
Never really left and I don't even play this game anymore. I just come here for the Lulus and to bully kevin.

When the fuck are shields getting gutted? Holy fucking christ i'm tired of seeing jannas 500+ Hp shields every 3 goddamn seconds.

dont ever ban kayn or you'll regret it

It doesn't look like she is wearing anything that could help with relieving wrist stress. Speaking from experience even if you take adequate precautions you eventually end up with it.

don't forget mana problems