>"haha don't feed gangplank bro" >*goes back with 300 gold just from hitting you with Q since he is allowed to proc a mastery meant for melee supports from range every time it's off cooldown*
Elijah Harris
post em bois
Nolan Thomas
If you don't shit on Gangplank during lane you are just shit and deserve to get fucked.
Jaxon Robinson
You asked this last thread and were already told she could work Mid for a long time if you put the effort into. Get rehearsing, user.
Oh hey, I was about to get back to watching that. He just met Tenya last I saw.
Jonathan Morgan
Buff Caitlyn
Connor Bailey
so is first win of the day going away?
Hudson Jones
I wish I was good at this game and actually had more fun playing.
Jordan Green
Janna aside I love this patch
Caleb Butler
No. It will give you extra xp instead now.
Noah Hill
Caitlyn needs a buff in her womb
Nathan Johnson
Repostin in new thread because fuck Because Yasuo is actually in really weird spot. First off, his face in how he's regularly portrayed doesn't look rugged enough to attract a crowd that isn't going to go for Darius or Graves instead, but he's not bishi or Asian looking enough, ironically, to compete with Kayn, Ezreal, or Talon. He looks like a regular american dude in a ronin getup, and he sounds like it too. Yasuo's voice actor is good but he does not sound Asian, which comes off as really weird for a ronin character. He's just sort of a weird dudebro looking character with ridiculous hair.
Second, we know almost everything there is to know about him, that's literally his story. Yasuo's story is that we know he was framed for a crime he did not commit, not a crime he MIGHT have committed. While that story is fine, there's no edge or mysterious allure to his character. He's innocent of that crime. Compare that to another champion with an almost equally hated playerbase from the same region, Zed. Zed has more mystery and edge to him than Yasuo and since you can't see his face fangirls can bishi him up with the mask off.
If you have fanart of bishi'd up Zed leaning in to gay it up with another champ like Kayn, its going to look ok. If you try that with Yasuo it's going to look like an american muscle car showing up to F1. It will look stupid because Yasuo looks like Jason Statham and not an Asain supermodel.
Gabriel Hill
No it'll be the same it will just give extra xp and blue essence
Noah Morgan
What's that? Make her traps destroyable? What's that? Make the headshot an actual projectile that you can escape the range of? What's that? Caitlyn remodeled to be toned? Yes, buff her.
Eli Green
Explain the concept of the Noxian Jawline to me.
Hunter Lopez
Switching between trying to learn Kled and playing supports that I know. 6 losses in a row hurts. Badly.
Landon Wright
Just nobody wants to lewd stuff they hate
Carter Hernandez
>nuke barrel >gets ms >oh look again true dmg >oh shit he got me >WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW >ok now im fine and can spam my retarded shit again >oh no they want to dive me >RRRRRRRREEEEE >10000000 ms >haha i slowed em down XD >now im safe again and can spam nuke barrels
Jack Collins
>tfw the facebook poll for sexiest league guys had the top 6 of:
Ezreal Jayce Graves Shen Azir Darius
Granted it was in 2015 but Yasuo was well out at the time
Jordan Parker
>Make her traps destroyable Sure make hem invisible too >Make an auto attack steroid escapable ?
Angel Gonzalez
Jetstream Sam skin when?
Thomas Reed
1. Autisim 2. yasuo has a niche personality
Cooper Turner
>Lies for the weak! Beacons for the deluded! Gravemind champion that can infect the map and use minions for biomass when?
Jackson Allen
Should I get this lolg?
I don't want to waste all my RP before the Halloween tho I really want slayer Jinx and witch Trist!
Charles Phillips
post perfection
Hunter Cruz
Luis Perez
>men voting for their mains/power fantasies and pretending to be women
Jaxon Williams
Austin Harris
Blake Parker
Riven has tons of lewds So does Zed Vayne has a decent number of them
Yasuo just isn't attractive
Carson Lee
>ezreal >power fantasy
Caleb Hernandez
>Fuck Caitlyn Got our best officer on the job.
Bentley White
Joshua Taylor
anivia is so cute
Christopher Morgan
I don't know ezreal, jayce and darius seem very plausible for top 6. Ezreal for cute jayce for handsome niceguy darius for domination.
Lincoln Cox
Matthew Wood
You're damn right we do.
Adam Hernandez
>riot doubling down on janna, the only champion egirls can play >riot reworks eve into an even bigger slut >riot rolls back to bo1
Nathaniel Long
Make them take 7 hits, but make them destroyable dammit. Working around them is simple enough though. As for the second issue, I mean when she gets to do it because of a trap.
Gavin Brown
It's a funny meme skin. For 260 RP I say go for it.
William Miller
Ryder Bennett
Barrelcooldown early is high and he deals literally no damage except from his Q with Sheen. Every metatoplaner can win lane against him easy and stop him from scaling.
Noah Allen
self insert for some boys, crush for gays and self-insert for fujoshi
Ethan Jackson
Jinx is a cute
Hudson Perez
Find a flaw
Hint there are none
Jason Wilson
People don't hate those as much as yauso, it's not even a contest
Riven probably only gets away with it because she's a girl though
Hunter Gomez
That looks like sexual harrasment. Not workplace appropriate or anywhere appropriate desu. Vi will probably have to talk to the HR representative
Bentley Baker
New Xin's fun
Elijah Wilson
Alexander Harris
ez and jayce maybe, darius for dad issues, but not enough girls have them to warrant this.
he's classic male power fantasy
Jeremiah Price
I've had the opportunity to talk with a few females (female) league players that were openminded to talk about it and it seems jayce ezreal are the most popular, darius for those who need a daddy one had a weird fetish for varus graves is for gays desu >shen he has a full mask what the hell
Dominic Reyes
Give me a quick summery of -Veigar mains -Vladimir mains -Jax mains -Sion mains -Nasus mains -Ezreal mains -Talon mains -Mundo mains -Renekton mains
Joshua Reyes
I've been toying with the idea of introducing a counterpart. Hunh, that phrasing actually makes it sound like something would come of it. In any case, something fire-related, but not just that. Still a bird, too, just one that's meant to fight in closer-quarters in a sense.
Kayden Barnes
>200 dollars worth of RP wtf dude why
Blake Torres
>Shen ?????
David Cox
This game unironically makes me want to punch my screen in when I get a 4v5 an the enemy talks shit.
Name one other game that can make people as mad as league.
Isaac Kelly
Zaun is a best
Carter Miller
It's nice enough and his usual gait suits the theme well (in my uncultured head). Take a peek at Bad Santa and see if you won't want to wait on that though. Either way, if Veigar ever gets an update to his skins this'll be a real gem.
Cooper Cruz
>shen >he has a full mask what the hell
Why wouldnt a girl like a mysterious ninja who can teleport behind them with a soothing voice of Keith silverstein to protect them
Owen Peterson
> 1820 RP
You have to be fucking kidding me.
Nathaniel Hill
Yasuo is literally the perfect SoloQ champ, but people are too retarded to play him correctly
Feels weird man
Mason Nelson
-Veigar mains >faggots who can only press r to feel good -Vladimir mains >unfun people -Jax mains >manly guys who do manly stuff -Sion mains >respectable -Nasus mains >respectable -Ezreal mains >faggots -Talon mains >faggots who like assassins creed -Mundo mains >respectable -Renekton mains >salty assholes who still do good and win lane anyway
Aaron Butler
people actually enjoying five nights at freddies
Oliver Sanchez
okay lolg
1. Rate the Xin and Azir reworks on a scale of 1-10 2. What champion do you want to see a GAMPLAY UPDATE (not visual) for next? 3.What are you most excited about come preseason.
Cooper Miller
Who do you think wears the strap-on?
It's not sexual harassment if their both screaming.
Blake Moore
If you ignore the premise of the piece, then yes, more or less.
Lincoln Nguyen
Ranked Gears of War 2
Azir: 10/10 Xin: 10/10
Vayne and Kindred need actual gameplay updates and not full on guttings
Leo Gutierrez
Cait is too prude for it, so Vi of course.
Matthew Sullivan
Ayden Foster
xin - 0/10 fuck you riot champ ruined
azir - idontplay/10
wukong, kindred needs her fucking passive removed with this stack shit
Joseph Ortiz
>Not workplace appropriate >implying it isn't part of the rules Cait made up
Jace Jackson
thats why i turned off all chat
Luis Cruz
>sexual harrasment Vi is definitely playing with fire there.
Aaron Cruz
it's an old legendary
Eli Reed
>I Hate My Father
Oliver Powell
They should go back to making them do magic damage and make them unlimited
I would like to recreate the scene from the 1997 masterpiece. Mousehunt
Other ideas are that their like spider mines from StarCraft. Making them a little more hextechy
Jason Perry
>post perfection
Like I said I wanted to get those halloween skins so I bought a bunch of RP ahead of time to be super safe.
Do they come back every xmas? If so then maybe I'll wait for it instead
Juan Smith
Dylan Wright
do u think tryndamere needs a rework and in what way if so?
Gavin Rodriguez
>Get into plat promos >immediately have to dodge because division 5 retard teammates did not ban janna
Elijah Howard
the origin of the PROJECT line would like a word with you.
Jayden Howard
started playing irelia again, forgot how much fun she is
Levi Barnes
Ionian men are hot
Dominic White
How can you even say you love sona if you won't even massage her wrists to prevent carpal tunnel?
David Hernandez
Nobody wants to fuck Jetstream Sam
Ryder Long
He doesn't need a rework.
What he needs is another random ass skin no one asked for or bought that is built from leftover parts of new or reworked champions.
Cameron Kelly
Why didn't you ban her yourself then you fucking autist
David Collins
alright kurisu i trust u so dont let me down
William Ortiz
All of a sudden I have a need to fap to Vi, Jinx and Caitlyn fapfics.
I need direction.
Colton Smith
Maybe if she learned how to play volleyball then she wouldnt need that
Nathaniel Butler
>spider mines from StarCraft This I kind of like as they can be triggered without getting caught.
I'm quite sure that's the case.
Brody Watson
Why do you play this game? Why not play a good game like plants vs zombies?
Jackson Morris
As I said yesterday, even if you take the precautions you eventually end up with it if you do repetitive motions. Also I don't think that's a very high gate for most people. Massaging wrists is easy.
Christopher Myers
he supposed to be southern, thats why he sounds kinda weird and not just honorobu samuroo
Carson White
Wyatt Garcia
Nicholas Barnes
>dive mid as xin >get a kill >am on like 10% health >janna roams mid >tries to kill me >?????? >kill her
wait what the fuck was she thinking
Ian Parker
But why do that when I can pick Zombie Brand and run around the map killing plants?