>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
FE switch news when?
Can a -DEF Gronnraven + TA Julia take on CYL!Lyn? I know she can body Reinhardt, but I have a feeling that -DEF will make her unable to take on CYL!Lyn.
Chrom's family when?
Sorry, I'm not a cuck that was brainwashed into finding nigger attractive.
She would need to have BB
Where's Morgan?
Who's the slut taking Robin's spot?
Should i go Gronnblade LaD or Fury
You got 1 (one) Aqua! What do you use it for?
jugral will be 2nd generation and have tinny serebii confirmed it
>t.average Chrom hambeast
Do i keep TA on Azura or use fury
Which unit, once equipped with DC, becomes SSS+ tier?
To buy a gun to kill her.
Wrong. I just got CHROM'd.
Ah, okay. I figured.
She's the only good green tome user I have. I figured if I built her like that she could easily take care of both Reinhardt and CYL!Lyn, both of whom I have trouble with in the arena.
fir with defense ploy
Olivia wears robin's colors! Most canon of wives!
Shit forgot pic
Titania and Camilla
>liking shit ships.
Shoo shoo, subhuman.
Cavalry Team +Res Jagen. You have to sacrifice a Berkut to him, too though and he needs QR3.
Did becoming a dancer turn him gay?
You wish.
You don't have Frobin?
She fit the Cock and Blyn roll
Clarisse ends on the 4th, something else(either another rerun or a new BHB or maybe even nothing) will replace it and last until the 11th, then that will last and get replaced on the 18th, and the 18th would already be time for the Jugdral banner to have dropped. So maybe the 18th(Wednesday) or the 20th(that Friday which is when they like to drop GHBs)
How do I build this bad boy
Shit waifu
>shipping at all
Subhuman hambeast
intimate missionary with leglocking
Maybe Bike?
he was already gay
Twerking is for fucking degenerates and makes you look like a retard.
Please cease and desist.
Send Home 3
I hope Chrom doesn't mind sharing his wife.
You're playing the wrong series then.
Healslut dancer with BoL 3?
Haha zit nose.
>18/20 of the seasonal units have been Fateswakening
>Almost none of the top 20 of the CYL male side have one (The only ones being Chrom and later MRobin)
>A majority of the CYL female side that are currently in the game have one EXCEPT EIRIKA
>They release an all dancer banner instead of Halloween
>Instead of adding literally any of the other dancers in the series, they give us alts for two that we already have and two that aren't even dancers
>Half the Christmas banner is already confirmed Awakening
They're gonna do better next year right?
I have her, yeah. It's just that she's a 3-star and it'd take quite of investment to get her up to par with Julia, who's already max level + rarity and ready to SP farm.
him and clarisse both have dick pimple noses, why do they do this?
Post better art of Henry's wife
Last Cloud for today since my eyes are closing on their own and I start to get dizzy.
Goodnight /feg/!
Reminder that if you roll for Shigure, you're low key telling ISIS that you like Yura's art.
Armor Emblem with Ward stacking.
If you don't like FE13/FE14/FE16 soon/Lyn/Ike you're not getting shit
Pls respond
Who is that?
Why do flowers even appear? It admittedly makes it seem more faggy.
Why did IS shill Sumia as Chrom's canon wife so hard? It just seems weird and unfit. I get that
but this is kind of a stretch
Eirika stood ready as Anna buried her axe into Ephraim's chest, waiting for her chance.
She moved past the commander and stabbed her brother in the teeth, crushing the ribs of the carcass under her foot oncr it fell as she redied herself to receive the blow of Ryouma.
She never did, pure energy tore through her body cooking her alive as a man with tiny hands looked smugly on at his handiwork.
When she was revived, she knew she needed to go star gazing with the summoner. Because that made sense somehow.
But really why are they perfectly fine killing their own family and loved ones? And then they marry you if they do so enough times even if they die?
>series staple since the Kaga days.
>Regular banners focus on releasing stuff for grandpas
>Seasonal banners focus on releasing for nufe
Dude, shut the fuck up.
You don't have to do these, y'know.
Posting this again but why the fuck is everyone so obsessed with the fact that every seasonal shit is nuFE. Pretty much all the actual new characters we got were from grampsFE anyway.
You guys just wanna complain, don't you all?
Probably. My guess is that they planned the seasonal alts ahead of time back when they thought people only cared about Fates and Awakening.
I think now that Heroes has given them feedback + the backlash from Warriors they'll probably use the older games next year.
>Berkut useful
I'll buy an Aquallatio.
What anime would you recommend if someone likes Fire Emblem and that's all you know?
Shut the fuck up.
Makes me feel useful, thats one thing.
Another is that I was asking before, months ago if I should stop and you guys told me to keep going. So I did.
Fuck off Fatescuck
Why not use Cecilia who has raven at default? She's cheap to build. Unless you hate hags and horses.
post more of this canon couple
Arslan Senki
>muh niggers
You're a weak man with weak seed.
It's funny too when they criticize Awakening/Fates for being too anime fanservicey with its swimsuit/halloween/etc DLC yet bitch when their favorite characters don't get the same type of costumes.
Frobin have good defense and Decent res
plus TA and DD seal she do amazing meta counter
>Water boost
Just use DC and QR, sweetie
It was the 'last' FE Intsys was going to make and they wanted a huge family theme. Giving Chrom a canon wife helps that theme. She's also staple peg knight waifu reference.
Cute couple
I don't really care about your shit opinions, Sven.
It symbolizes his connection to Robin, who can make flowers appear with his trademark Ignis skill
Fuck off, retard.
Is Olivia really that bad? for some reason I'm getting zero fucking green gems in my rolls even though in Elincia banner I was getting greens all the time.
I'm getting a lot of colorless gems though.
Records of Lodoss War aka "Record of Loads of War". Should fit.
>both from Ferox
>both have a fear of opposite gender
>both are cute
why isn't this couple more popular?
No, Olivia has pink glitter and flowers when she dances ingame
Okay, the turkroach mongol girl is not for you ever.
>New characters were GrampFE
>1 New mistery banner
>2 PoR banners
GrampsFE = FE1 - FE5, So no, we dind't have a retro FE character since the Sibling bods banner
I love Berkut but I'm not about to sac my only Hector for him. I'm planning on giving DC and Heavy Blade to the Christmas alts, assuming they would work well with them.
she's underrated, i think she's good.
Sigurd's stats are 42/35/31/33/14. This is all I know so far.
She's the weakest of the bunch next to Shigure, but she's still a dancer.
>who can make flowers appear with his trademark Ignis skill
What the fuck?
Since when? Is this a smash thing?
Dagger units are trash.