So how go your respective games friends? I myself am on a 5 game winning streak on Smite, though i know it will probably end soon.
Ayden Cook
>play gigantic yesterday >spend two hours queuing then give up It's dead on xbox or the queues are broke
Christian King
It's so much easier to aim at allies than enemies with rama ult
Gabriel Howard
Why not give it a try on PC?
Anthony Watson
I think chaac might get nerfed soon though he seems just strong overall in every moment of the game
Luis Hernandez
Yea I feel like even with only one item completed he can do tons of damage. Plus he can stay in the fight quite a bit thanks to his 3 and his passive. I still hope they don't nerf him though.
Logan Johnson
toaster pc
Julian Phillips
Blake Murphy
>only populated game mode at this hour is joust >my team is literal retards >people who are using a character for the first time epic
Jeremiah Diaz
What heroes are considered hit scan in Gigantic? Also, how exactly does degen resistance work? I know poison and bleed are degens, but what about burn and shock?
Thomas Diaz
>smite general been dead so long it has to join another >even this general is dead as fuck kek
Nicholas Johnson
I was gonna say pls no bully but lord knows we could use the posts.
Isaiah Nguyen
degen works against DOT and only DOT
beckett pistols and imani are hitscan
everything else is projectile, even voden, although his are "very fast" projectiles.
Dominic Gomez
Why are these general so dead? Smite has like 6k concurrent players everyday. Battlerite is doing free week and etc.
Adam Garcia
not big on Veeky Forums
Nathaniel Sullivan
The Feeling of Poloma
Bentley Turner
>nerfing Chaac user, Chaac except during early game Chaac is mostly an ultbot. Like in your webm, it was Poseidon who did most of the damage and bodyblocked Cabrakan at the end.
Christian Mitchell
it just means that the playerbase doesn't really browse Veeky Forums. I suggest going to maybe the official forums or even Reddit.
Colton King
Will there be any slutty skin in the current SMITE Odyssey? I'm only interested in slutty skins. Oh, for female gods only of course.
Lucas Thompson
His axe throw chunks at all stages of the game
Wyatt Williams
>the official forums No, the smite official forum is full of casual/bronze player that think they are better than pro. Most of them have a gigantic ego. It's good to go look at it for time to time and laugh at them, but not for discussion.
Justin Jenkins
that's not even really worth mentioning when most fuckin characters in the game chunk with at least one of their abilities. the game is built around almost every character having a core damage ability then 2 supplemental ones. other characters have a lot more damage to even out their kit than chaac has. he's viable but literally every warrior besides herc is going to provide more than him.
Michael Rodriguez
I came here to make this post
Chase Miller
taking bets on the final score
Christian Morales
On one hand your team has an Erlang that will probably feed and your Geb starting build is more than questionable. Also not phantom so if Erlang feed like I think ,Odin will really become a problem because only you and scylla can get out of the cage. Also the other team seems to have a 2 man premade. On the other hand you are against Xxx...xxX, x...x....x and D4RK something and name like that usually feed. Also they have way less cc than your team, so if your Geb isn't too bad, it will be able to clear most of them with his shield because outside of Amaterasu and Sol ult they only have single target hard CC.
So if Erlang don't feed too much, you should be able to win this one because your team has a way better teamfight potential.
Henry Gomez
Artemis is cute.
Ryder Cooper
Trying to fight cu chulainn in lane is such fucking cancer, it's like a power house stance switcher except he also gets ult. This guy solo'd me twice despite my 2 level lead later in the game
Joseph Wood
Too many people think Vadasi is some kind of Mercy-healer character. Don't be like them, don't be bloomer on wheels go offensive Vadasi and kill things.
Jackson Howard
Hitscan: Beckett pistols Imani lmb and rmb Hk lmb Oru lmb kinda (it detects whether it hits on LMB but then has a travel time, but the detection itself is hitscan)
Degen is shoc , hurn, poison, bleed.
Colton Lee
Frost and cracked/broken armor also includes a degen portion.
Leo Parker
You got to try and either blow him up before he transforms, or bait the transformation then go in. Free Mystical mail, plus anti heal on his standard 1 since you were erlang, is nothing to fuck with.
Jeremiah Clark
Frost is, but broken/cracked aren't progeammed as degens I don't think.
Hudson Ward
>thinks ramsay is a vadasi counter because muh poison >plays vadasi for the 1st time in PVP because of a fortune card >enemy ramsay, tripp and tytt
>discover vadasi has an upgrade where RMB gives all surrounding allies debuff immunity >coupled w/ ally aisling, no one gets poisoned/bleeding ever and we get an epic comeback
is vadasi actually a ramsay counter
Ryan Lopez
I just decided to give Battlerite a spin.... are the queue times usually this long? geeezus
Juan Rodriguez
The game is dead. Queues are even better than usual because of free week. Wait time will only get worse.
Jaxson Thompson
I just hope it gets a decent enough playerbase with the f2p release to support bearable wait times. Because the game itself is pretty good I think.
Connor Phillips
I think Cabrakan or Kuzenbo could be pretty good counter. Start with mark of the vanguard, and then when he transform/use his 2 he will easily stack your 2 for Cabra or deal damage to itself while reducing your cooldown on your 1 for Kuzenbo.
Liam Perez
is gigantic free on sexbox?
does it have a physical edition?
Colton Russell
So I recently got back into Smite after not playing since a while ago. What do people think of Camazotz, because I randomly rolled him and he seems lame as fuck. Not just in terms of kit, but thematically. Also his voice over is annoying.
Brayden Jenkins
Recently nerfed his 1, but because his damage can be so high he is still a pretty good jungler.
Thomas Foster
>What do people think of Camazotz, It was the best jungler in the SPL until his nerf last patch.
Dylan Howard
I heard, that EU xbox has pretty low player base. NA and ARC/Steam are pretty healthy though, I rarely get 3+ min queues.
Brandon James
The gameplay is good but it's a balancing nightmare. There are like 3 good characters who dominate at all ranks.
Nolan Butler
>Raijin ADC Silly spanish people.
Jaxon Adams
Even though its so past its prime, i still return to HoN every so often
Wyatt Sanchez
Dylan Walker
>He Bo ADC What the fuck is happening?
Camden Garcia
They were doing this thursday too. Stick the mage in the long lane and the duo in mid.
Anthony Ward
>Mystical mail Serqet Be ready for the new meme in your game.
Matthew Brooks
Pretty much best girl.
Gabriel Rogers
>tfw Cedargrove still haven't done the Morrigan/ Da Ji pic Damn, I liked his smite tits pic.
Owen Ward
>NRG losing to Burrito That's painful to watch.
Leo Harris
Tits are gud, faces are the worst.
Weirdly enough his Khumba and Zhong are his best overall
Evan Jones
except nem nox are good because their faces are obscured
Michael Wright
Why did Gigantic die so fast? 700 players and no discussion at all. I was a ramlet when it launched on steam and now I'm finally trying the game.
William Sanders
This is your support tonight.
Elijah Gutierrez
Xavier Sanchez
She (male) is really cute!
Jose Butler
>tfw Ashur hasn't doodle Ne Zha in a long time >tfw he hasn't drawn anything with this pair in forever.
Nathaniel Miller
just played again after 8 month break, uninstalled it to make sure I wouldn't come back but still reinstalled and gave in to urge to play. Reason I left was the mere sigth of the new bear guardian burned me out of this shit company's horrible balance. Played a conquest and it's still the same depressing third world kids shitflinging at each other with predetermined outcome I really feel bad now and ruined rest of my night, there is a reason this game has such a reputation. Uninstall it and move to real games or even healthy hobbies unless you're a self destructing retard
Jayden Lopez
>Frogposter >Blames a video game for ruining his night
Elijah Gonzalez
He Bo goes everywhere
Hudson Nguyen
Brody Wilson
Post personel favorite/qtest characters of your respective games
Logan Flores
Jackson Cruz
Lewd as fuck
Nathan Perez
hi its me noob user i've had a good winstreak recently, i played Zeus and Sun Wukong for two days straight over 10 round and they're pretty amazing especially Wukong, Zeus is when you want to turn off your brain i'm building him sands of time, boot, book of thoth, obsidian shard, rod of tahuti, spirit robe and winged blade and it's pretty good. For wukong i'm building him at the beginning with Bumba/Bluestone with purification beads, then i just go boot/shifter/breastplate of valor/pestilence/spirit robe and mantle of discord. Please tell me what do you think of those build as i'm doing pretty gud with them, i'm mainly a clash player btw Why is Wukong so fun in every game he appears bro? When he's getting in paladins so we finally have an FPS Wukong?
Noah Thomas
Wukong is fine, your zues could probably use a bit more power but thats something you can kind base off your playstyle. Most important thing is to start learning what your opponents can do and what they are building, warriors like wukong do best at disrupting the enemy damage dealers so counter building is a big deal. If your team needs extra power to secure kills build it. If the enemy has a lot of stuns get cc reduction, etc.
Camden Brooks
bros i want to eat the morrigan's ass
Caleb Hughes
fuck off rin
Nathan Garcia
Even in a shared thread for dead games gigantic is dead.
I foresaw this.
Samuel Scott
Someone explain to be why jumong is allowed to have that much range? I just don't understand >2 fucking dashes >That range on his all his attacks Explain it to me
Josiah Moore
>Complain about jumong >Not rook or even croak Naw mate that shit has been cancer for duo
Camden Thomas
mfw i only like dead games
this hobby is a constant struggle
Jayden Rodriguez
Smitebook user here. What the hell happened to smgen? Where did it all go wrong?
Nolan Torres
Waifufags left
Samuel Roberts
fug. Is the game still good?
Blake Garcia
did you watch guardian arena?
Cameron Howard
No because most if not all of the people in it are the type of people who ruined the community snd drove away new people.
Ryder Perez
The game started dying when people realized Hi Rez could not properly maintain a good game.
Take matchmaking for instance. Or chests. Or the ever increasing amount of exclusives/limiteds.
Jason Wood
ok, i am thinking of playing Smite, how bad is the balance? i play Paladins so take that in mind.
Aaron Reyes
Stop trying to push a competetive scene for a dead game.
You're either Rezo or Baz, probably the former given he's known to use Veeky Forums.
Either way, go fuck yourself.
Asher Cox
what game has more chances of reviving itself? Battlerite or gigantic? They both have a big patch coming soon
Cooper Cooper
Battlerite, they have a dev team at least.
Gigantic's running itself dry faster than it can create new content. No money is being made, soon PW will drop the game and it will die.
Jordan Martin
I honestly believe that any every god is about equal, with the only exception being when gods are released and they are OP for about 2 weeks.
Angel Lopez
>playing conquest dumb frogposter
Dylan Sullivan
Fellow Paladonger here, balance is pretty bad. Anyone without a movement skill is strictly casual only (unlike Torvald) and newer gods are usually more powerful than older gods, with Da Ji and Hachiman as notable exceptions. The userbase is a lot whinier than Paladins and it's not too rare to get some guy who starts BMing because the enemy got first blood/buff.
Ayden Reyes
I did, it was fun actually. It's rare to see two competent team fighting each other in Gigantic.
Brody Roberts
niqqaz getting to cockey time to camp duo with jungler again
Landon Mitchell
>page 10 Dead general for dead games.
Brody King
Julian Rivera
>Anyone without a movement skill is strictly casual only >saying that when AMC is currently top pick/ban in the SPL.
>with Da Ji and Hachiman as notable exceptions And Kuzenbo, like this year except Cu Chulainn and Artio all the god released were either as strong or weaker than the rest of the gods.
Nathaniel Reyes
>just barely won a game with toxic af team mates >see leaderboard >I have 80k damage and everyone else is sub 20k wew lad
Lucas Ortiz
auo kuang is to strong
Asher Wright
oh fuck off, it was bad enough when we had our own general now you're here defending this garbage in a literal mortuary for games no one gives a shit about. That's just pathetic. You know I'm right only reason you keep up with this shit is because of the waifus
Landon Taylor
Ayden Brown
Well early game Ao Kuang isn't that great.
Kayden Gomez
smgen died when they fell for the discord meme discord create discussion not about the game, but about the attention whore (tripfag-tier of shitter) of the discord
Jordan Brown
Can I still play Battlerite without the need to pay even after the free to play promo ends?