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if Nagito was really that confident in his luck why didn't he go for a full 6/6 in the revolver and luck his way into it jamming


A reminder that Kyoko is the best girl

The story and atmosphere is the games strong point, if you use a mouse and keyboard the gameplay is very tolerable but don't expect much from the gameplay even then.

If Ibuki wasn't musically talented she'd never be able to hold down a job and i love her

Posting best girl!


I want to fuck Kaito!

Kaede "15 meals a day" Akamatsu

I want to kiri her giri.


Angie and her beloved Saihara!

Sayaka was definitely poised to kill Leon. She’s stronger and fitter than him (which I’ll go into), faster
than him, has the element of surprise, and has a butcher knife hidden somewhere on her person that
was bigger than his face. And she intended to kill him as soon as he closed the door, making sure no one
saw him so they could meet in private—he wouldn’t have even been facing her at first as he closed—
and possibly locked—the door. If she ran at him, intending to get it over with, he wouldn’t have stood a
chance. Just a second or two and he’d be cold dead.
Yet people argue that Leon overpowered her. They argue she tried to attack him multiple times and he
weaved and dodged everything like it was a bad shounen. They argue he did that and then backed up
into a katana sheath and they clashed, with her wrist getting broken the second time. And some even go
further to quote the ridiculously non-canon manga spinoff that has him trying to calm her down in the
bathroom she runs into while she’s hysterical, causing him to accidentally stab her while she’s
That’s all a bunch of nonsense. Most otaku love to live in their little fantasy world where guys are
invincible and a woman with a knife can do them no harm as they use their superior reflexes to clown
her and disarm her at the same time, and maybe beat her up too.
I’m not going to argue why that’s inane and childish to believe. And I’m not going to argue with anyone
who thinks “Oh, well, this is just a game so it could happen.”
Nope. Go get yourself into a situation like that, with you in Leon’s shoes, and tell me how well you fare.
I’m really interested—but I want to see the proof that you pressed charges or she went to jail after your
flawless victory.
Yeah, you’d be dead. If she really wanted you dead, that is.

i speak for the audience

Japan doesn't know anything about guns

New thread, new Tenko! I want Ouma to fuck her till she cums edition!

Damn it, I forgot the gif

I want Ouma to take care of me.
Wan wan!


Best boy!

Kaede "Cool Motive, Still Attempted Murder" Akamatsu




Whaddya want Iruma Miu-sama to call you, /drg/?

-beta boytoy
-brainwashed idiot
-donkey face
-donkey-lipped midget
-dumpy tits
-fish dick
-fish shit
-grub (bug, not the food)
-kooky bastard
-kooky bitch
-little bitch
-little shit
-loudmouth brat
-lost cause
-lying little abortion
-miss andry
-pathetic cuck face
-pathetic tits
-plain jane
-phlegm wad
-savage little toad
-seven pieces of shit
-sherlock homo
-shit-eating worm
-sick fuck
-sneaky little fucker
-sour tits
-stupid asshole
-tiny tits
-total rube
-trashy skank
-ultimate dumbass

Now that's an unrealistic fantasy

God I love her

But the second knock against her faltering at the last moment—you know: the truth—is that Leon
wasn’t an ordinary guy. He was a super muscular, super fit, athletic machine. The best baseball player in
the country! Who never lost a game! How could he get hurt when a girl unexpectedly charges him from
behind with a butcher knife? Pft.
Well, let me explain first why Leon isn’t nearly as athletic as Sayaka. The knife aside, Leon wouldn’t hold
a candle to Sayaka in any physical competition:
For one, I do acknowledge that since he's a guy, he would supposedly have more base muscle mass than
However, he's lanky and unconditioned, unlike her. The truth is, in baseball, he himself rarely even
practices because he wants to quit soon and work on his singing skills. He doesn't like the sport at all,
actually. He’s one of those “all of the natural talent, none of the hard work” types—the complete
opposite of Maizono:
“(Leon) I don't like baseball. Like, at all. I've never gone to a single practice.
And as soon as I got accepted here, I quit baseball for good! I have my own dream for the future!”
Maizono, on the other hand, is very fit, which she also tells Makoto:
“(Sayaka) I know how I look, but I've actually built some pretty good muscle jumping up and down on
The scene from that line is directly after she easily picks up and carries Makoto to his bed by herself (as
stated in the canon Reload Artbook) after Mondo knocks him out. Keep in mind that Makoto weighs
over 100 pounds, more than her. Even Sakura's impressed when she carries him by herself after. On the
other hand, Sakura called Leon weak and said she was impressed with Sayaka's strength.

My life is built on chasing unrealistic fantasies.

I just finished V3 and I gotta say the ending felt like an endless rant by the devs against the franchise and their fans.
Not a pleasure to read

*tips fedora*

He'll make you tea!

The clinch is that Sakura calls Leon weak while being impressed with Maizono’s strength, so this
comparison actually has more to do with their comparative strengths than just that one scene of her
carrying Makoto and Leon not showing anything like that. Since Sakura's equally impressed by Aoi who's
probably the 2nd strongest and fittest person there along with Mondo, she's obviously not impressed
with Maizono simply because she's female but because she gives off a misleading impression of being a
cute softie. We also know that Sakura isn't one to defer to a man's strength anyway. So this analysis
stems from the result of Maizono's training and natural strength.
At the very least, Sakura’s analysis supports that Leon would be and has been out of breath long before
her if they competed in something athletic (like fighting), so that's why he was lucky to have gotten near
the katana in the first place. Even with his supposed superior strength, a knife would cancel all of that
out. And he wouldn't have had the endurance to fight her off.
To reiterate: he states he hates going out on the field at all. Leon didn't beat her by being "strong". He's
not that strong, bro. He's just a regular, rather unfit dude who knows how to swing a bat well.
And there's no way he's as fit as her anyway. Idol training is mostly calisthenics, but anyone with a bit of
common sense should know she put in far more work towards being conditioned that Leon ever did. He
almost certainly isn’t as strong either: base muscle mass can only take you so far when you're a lazy ass
who loses it all due to rarely exercising.
That's what a fight comes down to anyway. It's not "strength": it's "conditioning". With adrenaline,
you're not going to notice THAT much anyway, unless you're majorly hurt. The first one to lose is the
one who'd tire the fastest. If you play the game, you'd clearly know that Leon has piss poor conditioning
compared to Sayaka.


Beta boytoy! Bitch! Creepshow! Dimwit! Dipshit! Dumbass! Fuckface! Half-pint! Little shit! Loser! Motherfucker! Pathetic cuck face! Perv! Pig! Retard! Shithead! Shit-for-brains! Sick fuck! Sneaky little fucker! Stupid asshole!
Miu, please insult me!

>monophanie is the only monokub who licks daddy back
What did they mean by this?

I actually really liked Shuichi as a character. It was a nice perspective becoming the character that everyone relied on. I enjoyed watching his progression as he gets thrown into the "Everyone is depending on me!" role and how it shapes him as a character.

You need to stop doing so. Your body doesn't need to be "perfect". You don't need attention from Japanese idols. Please keep working on getting better. Progress is progress even if it's only an inch forward.



All I want is for Kaede to call me "good boy" while I cum for her

good girl

His relationship with Kaito is basically a 1:1 copy of the TTGL relationship between the drill boy and his aniki

I liked how it bit him in the ass and everyone started hating him(briefly) during the fourth case. Everyone wanted the truth and when he started delivering it they didn't want it.

Likewise, which makes Kaede's death even more meaningful but also wasted. It would have been interesting to have them as a detective pairing.

>Monofunny and Monotarou become incestuous siblings
>the next morning Monotarou is suddenly her abusive husband while she's starting to get pregnant
What did Mowgi mean by this

I really doubt Tsumugi wrote every line for Monokubs script.

Yo /drg/, I've compiled a list of all the backroutes in V3 since I couldn't find one


I am in the trial of chapter 1 and start liking him a lot better. You all make me think of him as a faggot

I always feel awkward responding to these messages but I hate seeming like I ignore it... so thank you. I'm trying.

Hang her!!!

GJ user.

Pretty sure majority of /drg/ likes him, it's mostly /v/ that's salty about him right now.

Case 3 scrum was another good example of this.

There aren't that many are there. I guess it makes sense but that's a shame


I was here during the original japanese streams and you guys were pretty hard on the poor guy

Sweet, thanks

I think ignoring it is fine

Goodnight /drg/, may kami-sama bestow comfy hours upon you~

well, /drg/ is always hard or too soft on characters, not too many people have opinions that rank it as average.

I mean nowadays majority of /drg/ likes him but yeah, Zeussufag VS Cuckharafag wars are a completely different story.T

Do you judge characters based on their underwear?

>Couldn't find a single back route the entire game
>Find out later that there is apparently a visual and musical cue when you are able to lie.
I game overed like 4 times trying to find these things before completely giving up

Wow, reading the last thread it's like I went back in time to January, just with less fake spoilers.

Sorry other user, wasn't supposed to quote you, phoneposting is sometimes a mistake for me...

I like my husbando's underwear, does that count?

>you guys
Vocal shitposters are not the whole /drg/

no but i rather undies on their fashion

Chubby Himiko!

I'd depression/stress eat of Oma wasn't dead too

Why do nips like this ship again?

Rantaro nii-chan and Shuichi-kun!

>Chapter 6

>Perfect Laser Gun
>A replica of a laser gun used by upstanding citizens to punish rebellious or unhappy people
>punish rebellious or unhappy people

Really gets you thinking.......

Na na na na na na
kissin' you babyyyy~



What's wrong user? Don't like FICCSHION?

What's wrong, user?

Are you prepared for the oldfag invasion that'll most likely happen soon /drg/



who would your waifu NTR you with

It can't be worse than the in/v/asion.

I am more worried for the anonfags who will come bitching at full power.

I thought the end was going to involve time travel causing an endless loop of the killing game or something, not this.

Well, I just finished it.

Is it really for real? Am I saying Goodbye Danganronpa?

It would've been better

I'm not into NTR, so nobody.

Was our arrival REALLY that bad?

if i had extra steam keys should i insert them into random images so people can play games better than v3?


I wasn't asking if you wanted it, bub

>randomly pick an avatarfag like through some casino roulette to bully and tell them to kys
I don't know, user...

Pairing the spares, loli/shota, apparently Himiko hating him more than any other member of the cast (even Maki at the end) means she's tsundere for him
The point is there's no actually good reason

>Im still in middle school
At least he is trying, I gave up.

Oh, that sounds bad.