Wowg world of warcraft

is this bis? edition

Fuck druid players

post sluts

>is this bis


wanted to change the loot spec to blood but had my good boy points in unholy

How would a Lancer class play if added in WoW?

won the fishing contest lads

I'm thinking of getting back into WoW, can someone tell me what does more DPS between Feral and Balance druids? Feral seems so fucking strong when I look at their talents, abilities, artifact weapon, etc. But some people have told me Balance does more burst damage and pulls higher numbers, I just find it hard to believe.

I got into wow 5 days ago despite everyone saying it's dead and not to bother. I'm having a blast holy shit this game is fun

upper with tyrani

oh boi

>be oce, doing m+
>americans take a burger break after every boss

Th for best Paladin mount

>mfw doing WQs, random dungeons and random BGs at the same time
Will Blizzard ever let me out?

something fucked up lads and i sold my ptoions of prolongued power for 21g per 10

Why are there so many faggot frogposters in this general

toxic post

You faggots need to answer my question.....please

Who the fuck was telling you the game's dead?

Honestly, memes and nostalgia aside, Legion is easily the best expansion the game has ever had.

>Legion is easily the best expansion the game has ever had.

Wotlk > TBC > MoP > Legion > Cataclysm > WoD

minus points for rngshit and endless ap grind

This is literally the only acceptable Pally mount.

I'm not too sure but you should play whichever one you like more. Unless you're doing progression mythic raiding it literally doesn't matter. It's a game, play to have fun man.

>realm first KJ mythic on silvermoon

See that's just your nostalgia speaking tho..

Legion > WOTLK > MOP > TBC > Cata > WoD

Don't feel that bad, it's like 3rd bis though

despite the RNG and AP grinds legion is still the best expansion

WotLK is massively overrated, especially because it gave us the dungeon finder.

The M+, world quests, level scaling, constant content, integrated story, and already 2 of the top 5 raids ever released make Legion superior to other expansions in every way.

Looking at it objectively and not through rose-tinted nigger goggles:


>you can have a [Darkmoon Adventurer's Guide] in your backpack all the time and get the quest starting items all the time and sell them on the ah

Sylvanas' ice cold pussy

Both specs are pretty great right now. Balance is considered top 3 overall while feral got huge fucking buffs to be top 3-4 melee.

However, this is looking at the top players, class balance doesn't matter for the rest of the plebs.

Just play what you like best.

who got it

garbage anime face, now fuck off

>Legion is easily the best expansion the game has ever had.
ignoring literally every expansion besides WoD maybe
the state the game is in now is fucking garbage


>the state the game is in now is fucking garbage

lol literally what?

Explain yourself.

iner sanctum

>he thinks this mythic invitational bullshit isn't scripted

>roll Undead on a RP server
>still get approached by fembelves for ERP


Who here ??

to expand:

Balance has sick sustained AOE, it's probably the best in the game. The cleave game is also really strong, Single target could be a little better but it's middle of the pack, which is a really good state to be in.

Utility is pretty great, you got combat rez, knockback, aoe silence, even survivability ain't bad with guardian talent. Mobility is one of the best in the game.

Feral single target is just sick, one of the best in the game. AOE is also very good, especially burst. Mobility is amazing, while utility is almost equal to balance.

Overall, it's a choice between playing range and melee, there are no real drawbacks

It's worth mentioning that feral is pretty hard to play while balance is one of the easiest specs in the game

I have to state though, I find balance rather boring mechanically that I'm seriously considering going feral

>everyone just has a main stat, crit, haste, vers, mastery and you either stack mastery or haste + main stat to get top of charts
>it's literally impossible to lose threat as a tank in raids against a dps so tanks are delegated to being just dps based on who is the best at tanking now
>removed spells and abilities and delegated them to legendaries that are rng as fuck to get making most specs unviable unless you get stupid luck
>prismatic sockets
>every healer gets to remove any debuff
>time gated content when it's done and ready to be released
>artifacts entirely removing a gear slot
>pvp is fucking dead, every "good" pvp class has a rotation where they keep you stunned for 13 seconds
>professions are all but useless besides alchemy for the 3 raid potions and enchanting for the 3 items you can enchant
>Can clear ToS in 2 Hours with a PUG

no but tell me how fun it is collecting mounts and hearing every single fucking dungeon boss has to have a fucking pun or quip in their repertoire

shit guild

>cba asked to do the retarded 1shotty protpally challenge
Gonna wait for the Antorus gear, then gonna get in there and smash that cunt's face in. Worst challenge imo.

Why the fuck am I enjoying this shit spec for years and years?

Goddammit. We will always be subpar to unholy but something something huge fucking crits and shiny shit make my dingaling expand.

Didn't mean to quote, I'm kinda drunk though

>and hearing every single fucking dungeon boss has to have a fucking pun or quip in their repertoire
Why are you not playing with dialogues muted and no creature texts?


Keep at it man lol

just ironically RP with them and keep throwing in bone puns

Also, motherfucking Sindragosa, best ability in the game.


balance is decently hard to max out your 4piece bonus and on aoe
the bigger thing is that balance is a complete fucking joke to play on single target
meanwhile feral is the exact opposite, easy on aoe, hard on ST

/ourguy/ towelliee should be a commentator next mdi

>Next expansion will be void related

>KNOW that SPriests will be super fun to play then

>Really don't wanna abandon my druid after 10 years

What do?

What size t shirt is that?

it doesn't get better over time, this is our 3rd day on it


it's really funny watching this alliance group in the M+ thing have 4 people run past unsteathable skips and shadowmeld then watch the warlock die because he can't be a n-elf

>>Next expansion will be void related
Source, your ass
Wait for the next expansion then decide.


>abandoning blizzard's class

don't be a dumbshit

What's harder between spriest and feral?

what's hard about spriest

SPriest is harder on progression and feral harder on farm

t. played both this expansion

one requires an iq above 180 and the other one 70

Arms warrior is so good.

that is an incredible idea, i'm doing it the next time i get approached for some smut play.

Argus in general is pretty lackluster but I feel as though the dungeon is the biggest disappointment. Kara was great as a mini content patch and the Cathedral was also pretty good for a patch dungeon. Then the final patch rolls around and we get Seat, which is literally just a reused outdoor area with some bosses slapped down. I mean, at least the corrupted ethereals are cool, but they're in the outdoor version too...

Now that TidyPlates appears to be dead, what can I use as a replacement?

spriest is basically just press void bolt when it lights up
it's only hard when planning out your insanity gen relative to movement, but essentially your rotation is just void bolt>mind blast>mind flay while going really fast
feral is just a constant hell of managing regrowth bonsus, savage roars, and tigers furies with dots
Ironically though, I thought feral was easier before trinkets got nerfed so hard going into wod and legion because stuff like blackfuse's ticking retardation and RoRO or DBW meant that it was ok to exchange ideal play for a good snapshot from something random

Now that surrender is nerfed SP is not that hard.

what the fuck is this demonwrath garbage? when am i supsoed to use that?

yeah I feel like people also mistake it being hard with just being punishing since so much of your damage is related to lingering insanity so a small amount of stronger play or gear near the end of your void form goes a long way, but most of the time, it's fairly basic as long as you know the fight's timers (if you haven't learned them yet, you're fucked)

>can't do shit in PvP because Blizzard's shit standard stats repartition completely fucks my spec

>the bladestorm guy overlaps with the rune guy

What if I like DPS but find every DPS class boring to play? Guess I'll just never enjoy WoW. I've tried getting into it like 8 fucking times now, and each time I get bored within a day or so. Each DPS classes just feels boring, none really appeal to me or keep me entertained. Am I just hard to please? It bothers me how DPS players enjoy their class and I can't enjoy any of them.

I don't know what is fun about doing one rotation with like 3-6 buttons or some shit and repeating it over and over, wonder if I should try healer or tank instead.

Play on a WotLK private server and play feral druid

Can we talk about frost dk, also known as the most underrated spec?

>top tier sustained aoe
>top tier sustained cleave
>ok kinda subar of the pack single target especially without bis legos
>GREAT (no warrior/rogue/hunter/druid/warlock tier though) in mythic+
>ok no mobility
>ok no burst
>HOWEVER, on demand, great for cheesing fucking 5m damage per target aoe
>the go-to aoe kiting spec in the game
>aoe stuns out the wazoo
>ok no other utility other than cr that a gazillion other classes have
>annoys the shit out of other melees because of Remorseless Winter, they can't see shit whenever you're near
>frostscythe animation and sound effect undeniably greatest in the entire game
>fun as FUCK because of shiny shit
>relies on simplistic, fast paced but gl trying to orangeparse intuitive reaction based gameplay
>no need for planning cds and shit, you have cds every 40 sec, you're playing wow not fucking civilization

Also, the guides out there are all pretty much wrong. You don't want to void torrent at the start of voidform unless you can get 61+ stacks without it, which usually requires 5-mob mind sears.

You want to void torrent at 25-30 stacks, depending on if you have lust/hero, and then mindbender immediately after. This way, you can consistently get 58-60 stack voidforms on single target(assuming you have t20 4-piece).

Does anyone even play shadow? If someone wants to play a clunky caster they can just pick affliction and deal twice as much damage while only pressing 3 buttons.

>wonder if I should try healer or tank instead.
healing isn't a rotation but it's just keeping bars filled and trying not to fall asleep
tanking is just dpsing
there used to be a difference but not anymore

>4 buttons and last one is 20 second CD
>no utility. at all
>very slow
>fairly poor survivability
>artifact ability is a passive that doesn't interact with the spec at all

>"MDI isn't scripted"

Posting less frogs will make you deal 35% more damage in PVP

Based Horde won against cheating, le stealthy Alliancefags on the MDI

myithin dungeon invitationw as RIGGED

>mfw me and my team 'can't release when we wipe on the 2nd pull of a dungeon'

just reroll arms warrior and have fun

well, where are your orangeparses you shitter?

Who /Ayala's Stone Heart/ here?

>muh cant release

ehhh, I mean void torrent doesn't gain ticks with haste and usually the increased uses are still worth it
the drain reduction still carries over through your whole void form
you get a few extra stacks though since you basically get to go bolt->torrent->bolt and get all your insanity back
some of the best parses are short fights that time out perfectly so they still get the max number of uses while getting it late, but that's more of up to luck or really good awareness of raid dps relative to boss hp, but a lot of the top 10s still do it right after going void


they still won that one sadly, is there a screencap for the Halls of valor one when they were about to get 3-0'd?


i can photoshop better than that


>mfw just got a 925 Arcanocrystal

and how can I forget the most overpowered ability in the game

> chad frost AMS dispells ALL debuffs compared to virgin unholy that just soaks the damage

demonology rework when

Proof it.

>we will never get MoP tier demonology ever again

why is there no kys button in wow?

>need to run over some retarded rune that spawned one after another while the faggot enraged in the middle and some valkyr air strike is on me
all the struggle for this ugly ass shit im not even going to be specced for