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The Twisting Nether edition

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Innervate is still a good card

Randomly made and played a C'thun warrior deck for a quest and now I feel like crafting a good one.
probably need:
1x dead man's hand
2x crazed worshipper
warrior dk?

talk me out of it /hsg/

Wait for FWA reprint

Silence Priest is still absolutely disgusting when it nuts


Post yfw the enemy mage just glyphs his 5th iceblock and he only has 2 cards left to draw


naturalize my jade emote well played

based snappy jaws

lick me clean... swallow everything


I want to be a cumdump cleaner. Take care of dozens cute girls, which treated like a living onaholes and toilets for hundreds of bull's, really drives me crazy. I will cook them delicious food, buy them whatever they want, clothes, shoes, jewelry. Pay special attention to pregnant girls, and take responsibility for children, of course. Gently cleanse their bodies covered with old sperm and urine... French kissing their terribly dirty mouths, lick their dirty feet and shoes, even if she is at work and serves someone's dirty cock and balls with her sweet mouth. And suck all cum and urine from their ravaged pussies and asses. They are goddeses to me and serve their interests - my meaning of life.

Please try and keep it work-safe and on-topic ty

my manager walked by, and i think he saw this

>see porn thumbnail
>open it at work
You deserve this

i didnt know what it was

>browsing 4chin at work

>having a job

Serious, genuine question from someone who doesn't play this game anymore.
How the fuck do you guys continue to play when cards like Spreading Plague are around (and Blizzard thinks +1 mana is a nerf), or Pirate Warrior/Jade Druid decks are still a thing? How do you not get infuriated? How do you play and not want to throw your hands in the air and say "fuck it"?

When are Whispers and Gadgetzan rotating to wild?

i literally only make meme decks and play them in casual. the game is boring played any other way

August 29, 1997

same with that guy. i play mill rogue or thief priest to have some fun. i may grind to rank 10 in last week of month for dust.

But hearthstone has always been like that.
You either play the same nigger decks or you play meme decks. That's just the nature of the beast.

I drop Cairne against Priest and Control Warriors and it makes me feel happy

You never run into Jade Druids playing Mill? Or do you just auto-concede?

memedecks all the way
i play some meta to get my dust though but this month im fine w staying at 15

I almost forgot this is /hsg/

I don't think it's ever been this bad before, though. At least, mill decks existed and "control decks" wasn't just another team for "jade druid".

As someone who has played 4 card games very competitively, you just learn that card games are hard to balance and that every company will make huge fuckups.

>Spreading plague
this card should have never been made. Part of druid's identity is that it's difficult for it to deal with wide boards, and some idiot in team 5 just said "HEY KNOW WHATD BE COOL? IF WE GAVE DRUID NO WEAKNESSES". I'm honestly fine with Ultimate Infestation, but spreading plague is retarded. And the mana bump was relevant (especially in the pirate warrior matchup) but I think they chose not to go all the way up to 7 because the innervate nerf was actually a huge nerf to spreading plague.

And on a brighter note, Spreading plague and Keleseth are the only cards I dislike from the set and neither of them are reno/patches/kazakus level retarded.
>Pirate Warrior
there will always be aggro decks that make you mad. Pirate warrior takes a good amount of skill even if it makes you mad. I just dont like patches, but other than that the deck is fine.

>Jade Druid
there are intricacies to it, though yea this is a deck id consider braindead. Oh well, it's a card game, decks in the meta are sometimes braindead.

I see where you're coming from, but the slightly frustrating thing about posts like yours is that they come from people who cap out at rank 5 every season. You see things so 1 dimensionally and blame the game rather than the fact that you're probably just not that good.

tl;dr git gud.

eh, after the nerf I probably wouldn't put this in top 5 most toxic metas desu, Priest is always annoying though

/d2g/ here can you keep your faggots in your containment board? thanks.

You have to be super lucky to mill a vip card like DK Malfurion to make them rage or it is auto loss actually. It works great against locks and priests. It is also auto loss against aggros. Mill is comfier in wild desu

>reno/patches/kazakus level retarded
Reno was alright though. It was a deck-defining card, but it wasn't absolutely required for meta performance. Plus it was the first real time that aggro fuckers got their asses handed to them.

he's from /svg/
take it up with them

fuck off, /svg/ has nothing to do with this shit, it's all you anons

Hunter used to be even more retarded IMO.
It really isn't THAT bad after the "nerfs" cause you actually see other classes again.
I don't really get upset at constructed cause it's not like you really lose anything. Arena can sometimes be a bit infuriating but people generally don't have constructed levels of decks and it's not like you can for sure go into an archetype in the first several picks.

he's a pedo. you're a pedo.
there's definitely a connection here.

I didn't play mill during the time I played, but DK malfurion doesn't matter in that matchup, does it? Since all they have to do once they realize you're mill is just hold a jade idol and spam its shuffle effect.

you play geist

>I don't really get upset at constructed cause it's not like you really lose anything

It's soul crushing to win a game then lose to a long drawn out rng or insert face race or w.e nigga priest shenanigans

>at least mill decks existed
they may have been better than they are now, but mill was NEVER good or even decent, so really nothing has changed. Also
>I don't think it's ever been this bad before
>he didn't play in undertaker hunter meta when you would actually BGH a 1-drop
>he didn't play in TGT meta when Secret Pally was king and streamers voiced legitimate concerns for the future of the game, because it was actual curvestone
>he didn't play when the 3 most viable decks were all vastly different styles of warrior so you never knew how to mulligan or play the early turns (and the non-warrior decks were pre-nerf yogg decks or aggro shaman xD)
>he didn't play at all during MSG meta

The only people who think "it hasnt been this bad before" have been playing for less than a week.

Reno is probably the single worst decision team 5 has ever made.

Eh, I just tend to not really care.

Not him but been playing before Naxx where all you had to worry about was Sylvanus and Carine and Nat pagle and stealth vancleef

Someone make a custom Secret for this
>When your opponent plays a minion with Battlecry, prevent that Battlecry and destroy the minion.
OP or no?

Please teach me your ways.

It's just a game and the only thing I lose is time, which I wouldn't ne spending on HS if I cared so much about it.
Try to think about positive stuff or play some arena to chill out a bit.

hearthbabs, stay in /hsg/, only we can come here and ruin your day


Why is priest allowed to exist? This stupid fucking class is the most un fun thing to play against this game has ever seen

Mage, Priest and Druid can all fuck themselves.

so you want your scripted deck with no flaws nor twists all around HS. Priest is the funniest class. it is plebs like you who can't get a solution for it. i bet you play hunter and pirate warrior to grind your ass up to ladder.

agree with druid and mage. mage can be cool if ice block is hall of famed.


>get matched against rogue
>turn 1
>you are bound by flesh
>you are bound by flesh
>you are bound by flesh
what the fuck am I supposed to do here, just concede? This deck high rolls worse than big priest

>what the fuck am I supposed to do here, just concede?
yes, that situation is extremely rare though

>what the fuck am I supposed to do here

Complain about priests in /hsg/

Honestly depending on who you are it's not always over yet. A late game board clear and valeera loses on the spot.

Shut the fuck up Cuckduin. Faggot.

>what the fuck am I supposed to do here
lick clean

t.Brainless Aggro Grinder

Did you forget that MSG happened? Also that's not even remotely true about Reno decks being the first anti-aggro control decks

What a plague that continues to stain this game and completely ruins wild

No matter what deck I play priest is a miserable match up. It isn't clever or funny to play against, just boring and frustrating. Thanks for letting everyone know you're a weeb virgin though, priest faggot.

I am not a weeb. I just played a ranked game against a warrior as priest. All he did was putting small minions on every turn to go face on me. Why is it normal to you while me doing AOE every turn is faggotry? You are butthurt because priest keeps fucking up aggro spam decks you use. And how is it more boring than playing against a spammer aggro deck or a shitty mage with 5 ice blocks or a faggot rogue that doing combos to buff his minions?

Brawl idea:
1. Both players start with 20~ armor (or some other ruleset that favors control).
2. The "Nozdormu" effect is always on.

Explain why blizzard thinks it's okay that arena is so fucked up right now.
The last 4 losses were against 3 deathknights and a warlock who drew both his kabal trafficker on curve to create 2 jaraxxus that got summoned by krul the unshackled.

I am clean of hearthstone for 3 weeks. Never look back. Others can do it too.

>clean of hearthstone
its not fucking meth just close the fucking game and get off the general retard

Reno is the most terrible card in the whole game. I dusted him the moment I got him.

How aggressively should I be mulliganing for Keleseth? What about Shadowstep?


what should I be willing to throw away for a chance at drawing him? and is shadowstep as high priority?

you should mulligan everything to get Keleseth

B-b-b-b-but think of the mobile players.

so who won the rate race

Firefly is always a keep, if you have that you can keep Shadowstep as well but other than that, mulligan everything

Why are priests and mages always so fucking smug. Seriously every time I'm against one of them they constantly fucking emote spam whilst they keep clearing/freezing my board. I swear if I hear Jaina say "whoops" one more fucking time when she blizzards my board after i break her third fucking ice block I think I might quit.

yung savage

>brawl that only 1% of the userbase played has been on 3 times
>but a brawl that would satisfy a shitton of PC players is a no-no
>in a game where most people including mobile shitters only play brawl until they get the one win
>not to mention that the brawl pack can be acquired in a friend duel so it's not like they're gonna miss out
Why not just say it, they're afraid people might actually enjoy themselves playing this game

Why would Team5 do this when it'd only make it obvious how poorly coded the game is. Hell, just playing one death knight is enough to skip a turn because of the fucklong animations.

>Pirate warrior is still a thing
Actiblizz is still shit at balance confirmed

how do i play this deck? 1st game

>tfw no more "sorry about that"

Hand of the Gods have HA-HA as emote. Fun to use after you fuck up or funny shit happens. Game is not that good tho. I am not a shill of it kek. Just played an hour and stopped caring.

and what should I be willing to use shadowstep on? is it fine to use it on firefly/swashburglar or should I consider holding on to it to use on keleseth?

Haven't played in a month ama

what did you do with all your extra time

How much are you going to spend to become competitive?

You get a golden Keleseth in your hand more often, so I'd recommend that you do that

>go into casual
>play against tier one deck try hards

buying packs right before you play ranked also helps with your mulligan

thread is dead post priest mains

I wish I had as good as legs as him

not gonna lie those are some nice legs
no homo

L-lets talk about Hearthstone haha

Priest should be deleted from the game with no refunds

If you play Priest, Mage or Druid you should be entombed in dry ice.

it's just his pantyhose

tfw the rogue bricks his first couple turns

Lich King, right?