Funeral Edition
Funeral Edition
daddy af
xth for breast metal waifu
I want Star Guardian Janna to sit on my lap while she isn't wearing panties and tease me
xth for Syndra
You know how you fix AP itemization?
Add all 3 BMB books to the rift.
I wanna cuddle Jinx
best girl
fuck lissfag
>win a game with no ranged champions
>requires pre made of 5
fucking hell
Reminder that Ahri is a skank/rapist and she deserves no sex.
>enemy team banned Ashe
I'm starting to hate missions
lfg close combat (all melee blind 5s), na ign: Tinklegnome
xth for orc champion when
>season rewards reveal when?
Hey just letting you all know i am going to go to take a nap, i'll be back online to play in like 20 minutes to an hour
>play main account
>every single game has at least one diamond who shitstomps fucking everyone
>play alt
>every game is even and fun
why is it consistent?????????????????
this game is fucking terrible and you should be ashamed if you enjoy it at all.
>She thinks that the void aliens won't reward her until every last SG is bred but in reality they still won't fuck her even though if the last one is given
>Ahri comes to her senses after the last SG is given and realizes what she has done to her friends and allies
>Her entire spirit completely breaks and she becomes nothing more than a empty shell with empty looking eyes for the rest of her miserable life
''Who wears a condom''?
-Tristana 2017
>These missions are only worth 5 tokens too
What happened to missions not being grindy and unrewarding like they planned?
It's impossible to just cuddle jinx, cuddlefug is the only option
I love my husband Kled!
Also Ziggs, he was my first husband back in the days prior to Kled's release.
Buff Caitlyn
>play game
>enemy team has a challenger lcs player on their side
Now you're thinking like Urobuchi
How have chests been treating you?
After we get a troll champion.
It's safe to assume ill hit atleast gold when all my placements are full of plats right
>Not using one
This why Yordles are becoming overpopulated.
>aw man my rank is on the line and i feel awful!
>kek who CARES im on an alt WOO WOOO WOOO
it's a (You) problem
What do I do when nothing is going on? I catch myself doing almost fuckall just walking around the map when the lanes are pushed and my teammates are spread out farming. I don't want to push far by myself.
xth for Star Guardians losing
>tfw no qt petite gf
>still no Illaoi QoL
>Popstar Ahri
Disenchant it, user.
When is a writefag going to write this up? So many good ideas.
what would you like
>site is still missing newer skins and for some reason Prehistoric Cho
>tfw no captivating elementalist gf
this pic would have been perfect if she had normal tits
fellas is it gay to kiss women that have already been kissed by other dudes
>first time jungle xD
>le you're the problem meme xD
Q spawns a temporary tentacle where you're standing after the slam.
R causes all of the spawned tentacles to slam once centered on Illaoi's current location after the initial dunk.
In your dreams.
funny way of spelling leblanc
is it gay to kiss dudes that have already been kissed by other dudes
Have gotten Forsaken Jayce, Winter Karma, Aether Wing Kayle, iBlitz, Firefang WW, and Pool Party Taric as the real notable ones.
Also got DJ Sona from rerolling 3 520 shards.
His uncle is Tom Petty?
>jinx will never sit on your lap with your dick fully inserted in her
>get a new mouse
>finally feels comfy
i am cum
>Orianna or galio have been the most relevant this year
>It's going to go to lee sin of all people who fell out of meta
Real fucking upset
>no Xin discussion
Was the rework a failure?
as long as the balls don't touch it's 100% not gay
haven't gotten a key since world war 2
Not sure if this is a good or a bad thing because the Sakura worms scene turned me on
yup it is. find something else to do on your free time. not saying to quit but take a vacation and look at the bigger picture. but maybe it isnt you and maybe you just need a long break. hope the rest of your day is good though.
are you going to give me the source or not
couldn't be happier
also got beast hunter tryndamere
2 good skins for 2 of my mains
aw yis
Lee Sin is /ourboy/.
Hey, /lolg/.
I made a comic to illustrate male hypocrisy, what do you think?
its funny cause he died extremely recently, current events are always hilarious, good one dude
No it just made him completely acceptable. People bitch about his new w but I think it's pretty great and he's no longer 'just' a point and click champion. You can make some pretty sick plays with him now and he has strong late game damage. If anything he was objectively buffed, but made a little more confusing to play as so people are probably just keeping their peace about how he finally doesn't just solo baron all the time.
>He thinks Riot Games™ is going to give away a skin of one of his best sellers FOR FREE.
Get real user, we are talking about jews, JEWS.
One of the better tentacle rapes out there I think.
Would never date any female champs. Also, good comic.
How hypocritical of you to assume the error of a man's ways are not exemplified only by your desire to exemplify them.
how about you kill yourself you fucking rat
I think this is bait
thanks fampai
>R causes all of the spawned tentacles to slam once centered on Illaoi's current location after the initial dunk.
why isn't this a thing already
I like the little bow :3
>Riot will never revert the LB rework.
Feels fucking bad.
Even base Tryndamere is better, c'mon.
What champion makes others rage quit the most? I'm seeing a trend when I play Malz
Post more LeBlancs
How do you ward against junglers that can just go over/through walls, like Zac and Kayn?
Victorious lee will just be his base with purple and gold, not much they can do with him
It's going to be shit so they don't mind
>Even base Tryndamere is better, c'mon.
hey we're two different people with different opinions right
play those junglers
>implying you haven't engaged in the behaviour illustrated there at least once.
why do some champions get infinite flashes?
Lee Sin players will eat that shit up too
>not asking how to ward against shaco/evelyn
atleast you can see rengar coming with his ult jesus
you cant control ward forever
because Riot hates thicc lady of consentacles
>the game is balanced around Flash
true or false
im sure you have a wonderful life ahead of you and i only wish you good things despite not knowing you. enjoy your junglers in silver.
You understimate the 13yo playerbase taste standards for skins.
>Implying you're spying on me enough to know what I am and am not doing.
Are you watching me?!
Real talk though I would not fuck illaoi but I mean, I would fuck almost anyone else on the roster. Maybe not gangplank. ALMOST anyone else.
>missing the point
why are you projecting?
What makes you think its Viktor? God I really hope not, or I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get back into ranked and grind like mad
Remember unlimited wards?
Wow I can't belive they made Viktor a trans brown woman, wow riot so progresive.
I don't see the hypocrisy.