/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

Previous iM@S Thread: Archive of materials: sites.google.com/site/yukipobackup/
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: shijou.moe/imas-radio
Material translations and discographies: pastebin.com/1J9zzA1p
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/pvwsEbjQ
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>Event: 09/30 - 10/09 Live Parade (Ayame, Tamami)
>Gacha: 09/30 - 10/10 (Uzuki, Nina, Aiko, Yasuha)
>Party: 10/02 - 11/02
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Database/Resources: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

>Event: 09/30 - 10/10 Platinum Star Theater "Growing Storm" (Yuriko, Mizuki)
>Gacha: 09/30 - 10/11 (Minako, Iori, Akane)
Cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/mlth
Tracker: twitter.com/imas_ml_td

>Event: 10/01 - 10/10 Hot Blood of Flame Variety (Touma, Jiro)
>Event Gacha: 09/30 - 10/10 (Tsubasa, Suzaku)
>Anime Gacha: 09/24 - 10/07

>Archive of : archive.is/ARWXP
- News Compilation (Oct 4th): UPCOMING:
Oct 7th, 11:30PM JST: SM anime begins

First for Kuroi


Is the ML mute idol still mute?


Sleeping with Momoko.

Giving idols a rolling sankaku.


Thank you Momoko.

Thamoko you


Momoko has had sex before.

What song are they listening to?

With me.

go my way!

She's still voiced in my heart.


Ami Zone.

> Producer, come take a bath with us~


Fuck off.

This but unironically. I don't want STDs.

What shall we do there?

I need a panicky nervous Mio card. That'll sell me on Mio as a Cinderella Girl 2018.

A Love Live! song.

A bath of magma

Still waiting for Kotoha in TD.

Tickling my wife's legs until she can't take it anymore and has to itch them.


How about no?

But she's in TD as a whiteboard drawing


You need to stop ERPing too.

God damn user, I know we're fucking losers but don't tell me you forgot how to take a bath

Me as Mio.


You really are retarded.

Mika needs one more, go away and bathe your Frenchie, Shiki.

Don't reply to metafags baits, please. He got you now, but don't let it happen again.

Is being called out that painful for you?

Not as retarded as you.

Oh, I see.

Shiki will remind me.

>I know we're fucking losers
Speak for yourself. I’m one cool dude with attitude.

Thanks for the (You), fag.


Nah, I'll bathe with your foxy friend, though.

The lower part of her body looks hella weird.

Kissing Momoko's pussy.

What other idols are good when they panic

I'll take a Shiki.

I agree. They will Fuck Off my body. Thanks for the recommendation.

Shizuka is a black bird.

I have body image problems.

Not if I hang you first, nigger.

Who are the Veeky Forums idols of each branch?

I don't know whether ryou or ai, probably ai.

You can babysit our mixed babies while I'm busy depositing my black gold in her womb 24/7, because once she gets a taste of it she won't be able to think about anything else.

Makoto and Yuko. I don't know any SideHomo's

Do you really need to ask, secondary?



Takeru and Seiji

I wonder how the people who got into ML through TD feel about that, they must be wondering whose birthday it is.

They must be even more confused by the fact that they were not greeted by the birthday girl.

>They're making another Million Fetishism book

>the people who got into ML through TD
All 0 of them.

Yuriko's butt.

Ew I'd never fuck losers. Not even Leon or Ayumu.

>literally a year and she still hasn't been voiced in anything for a YEAR
>still won't replace her

This is absolutely ridiculous.



"Oh, so THAT'S the 39th girl in the 39 Project. When's she being added?"

Probably something like that.

Good. I want Tane.

Know what's ridiculous? Ritsuko's butt.

I'd rather wait 10 years than have someone else voicing her.

Good, good.

im@s would be dead at that point. Unless the HTML game offers something new and exciting.

I never considered Ritsuko that hot until I seen her drunk and bent over.

FGO did it


Kyoko I seen you naked
It was hot

FGO isn't part of a franchise about performers.

It's not rape if you're both drunk, no matter what any dumb feminist cunt tries to tell you.

ML will be, anyway.

But it is if only the girl is drunk.


CG can't carry the franchise on its back forever, after all.

That depends on the judge~

But fuck it, plow the slut.

Females have agency over their own bodies. As long as they're not passed out it's fair game.

But what if she forces herself on me while she's drunk?

Give her a quick sucked punch.

>It's not rape if you're both drunk
Please don't listen to this user for legal advice


Uhh sucker punch.

Getting idols drunk for legal intercourse.

Non-lewd activities.

>Come back after not playing for a month
>Do a roll
>Get Halloween Nina and Kiradeko Parade Rika
Looks like I used up my luck getting cute girls here. I was hoping to get cute girls in gbf though. How good are they by the way?

Do you really want me to rely on Teru instead?

Legal as in "I have boring taste in idols" or legal as in "Unconscious idols can't file police reports"?

I like to get crossfaded with my idol before we fuck, but it's ok because we're married.


Funny how lolis routinely get sexualized on here with little serious response but the second you talk about fucking a drunk, legal adult the conversation turns into a legal one. What about Kaede and Yuki, aren't they always drunk?