/twg/ - Total War General

>Tomb Kings still not announced

Enter the Vortex Trailer
[YouTube] Total War: WARHAMMER II - Enter the Vortex

High Elves 360 Trailer
[YouTube] Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – 360° High Elves Launch Trailer

How the Combined Map works

>FAQs and General Info

History information:
Saga title is a spiritual successor to Rome 2. Some are guessing the map will be Britannia.
Campaign pack coming up for a past history title, probably Rome 2.
Next big history game is a setting they've never done before. Will feature "important character relations that occur between the major personalities in the game."

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yeah mang

catapults can fire easily but yeah cannons/shit need to be up slightly higher(which you can do on some of the battlemaps with a little raised pavillion behind the wall

I defended a huge delf stack with mazdamoney and it war glorious, my dino balistae killed 3 siege towers

Based t.k user not making us wait until page 10 and 900 posts

*spies on you*

ive found a disastrous bug that if your own final rituals 10 turn countdown(when the stacks pop up) coincides with the ending of the enemy factions final ritual, you cannot enter the battle because you have to "dismiss advice and events" before attacking. Which is impossible because events and advisor interface icons are greyed out.

Truly frustrating, i spent 170 turns playing skaven and cant fucking finish the campaign now. Hope ca makes a savegame compatible patch fix

The other factions don't have as big confederation targets as the Cult of Pleasure. The moment he confederates them (which he does every game without fail) it bumps his Strength rating to 1 and also makes him the leader in the ritual game as far as AI is concerned.

please fuck my wife!

*declares war*

>Truly frustrating, i spent 170 turns playing skaven and cant fucking finish the campaign now.
>actually doing ritual memes
domination is the only way to win
ritual is a piece of shit mechanic and I will never go back to 2 once ME comes out


>reinforcements come from the other side of the map
These fucks still haven't fixed this?

which Dreadlady is the qtest?

>reinforcements appear right next to my main stack
>butcher them all the moment they cross the border

the one whose hot topic makeup is slightly less hot topic

>besiege Settlement
>enemy sallies out
>garrison enters battlefield right behind my lines

well i cant even end turn now so the campaign is lost, i cant do anything. Unless i backpedal 60 turns to an old save but i aint gonna do that

He never actually managed to confederate cult in my game until I had weakened them to the point of desperation. Last Defenders and Hexoatl confederated much earlier into a big dumb blob.

Aren't they the same but with a different helmet?

no, face mask one has a different head, it's hard to tell because... facemask

they all have the exact same makeup.
they have different accesoirs.

>Vampiric Corruption: Osmosis, 34

Where the FUCK is this coming from?

Ponytail is the cutest.

No, the eyeliner is different

Black Pyramid of Nagash

>they all have one

no it is not. Check out the artstation.

Best boy's crib!

Arkhan when??



you should've come prepared friendo
>tfw all attrition includes fucking maelstroms at sea

check out the actual in game models, faggot, the make up is DIFFERENT.

We wuz Nehekarans an shit

[laughing Treetler]

>being a basic druchii bitch



god that follower is so good
>just rolling up on the chaos wastes


shut your loeci whore mouth, she's saving her virginity for Khaine.

that hat is just levitating of its own free will

you don't know whose ass he's had his head up, man


>ywn capture a priestess of isha to keep malekith's army from dying while he has to hunt down norscan shits in the corrupted northern wastes

Reminder your a shitter if you use over 4 units of archers as high elves its cheating

we need Blessing of Esgreuth like the Woodies got.


The enemy that spawns when you start a ritual gets placed randomly, right?

>lizards can't tell high elves from dark elves
>high elves attack humans
>therefore humans think lizards did it

if by 'randomly' you mean 'in the exact same place OR right next to an unguarded settlement', yes

Yes, it's completely random. You're able to savescum for entirely different results.


>lizardmen are racists

wtf I hate lizards now

t. brianlet

>when one of the best mods is made by fucking team radious

you make it look like lizards did it by using their weapons/mangling the corpse, fucking duh

If chaos dwarves get hellcannon and any sort cavalry (hobgoblins?) or flying units they will be the perfect faction.

Found the shitter
Whats the point of playing make a line of archers go afk come back and they never made it to your lines before they got shot to shit repeat for 200 turns

Do you think they sell their best stuff instead of keeping it?
Hellcannon is for chumps

Hobgoblin Slaves are the most likely

I use 4 archers and 5 Lothern Seaguard :^)

Wait what... Are you kidding me?

>only hellcanons
They should get a variety of big demonic artillery and some heavy hitting centaurs.

So, what's better? Lava cannon?


People call the blue tree bad, why though?

Did he make the original one? I swear it was done by someone else.

It utterly fucking baffles me this isn't part of the actual game.

It would take so little fucking effort, a single artist could do it in less time than it takes to draw up a piece of concept art.

No it's the same guy.

I don't know either.

What about a cannon strapped on a demon-possessed train?

Jewish psy-op

that goes for a lot of things in the games.

I dunno. Lighting strike is great. The final one seems nice too for increased campaign movement and lower upkeep

You can really tell CA really rushed the release for this game. Remember when they said Mortal Empires would take like two weeks tops?

Might confuse retards.

Choo choo

Sounds rad

>Remember when they said Mortal Empires would take like two weeks tops?

They literally never said that.

The most exact statement they ever gave was, and I quote: "Weeks, not months"

That doesn't limit them to 2 weeks and could give them as much as 7-8 weeks depending on how generous you are.

How do you deal with Dark Elves as Lizardmen?

They're moving on the final phase of the ritual and I need to strike but I can't make any ground and interventions have been useless so far.

>Remember when they said Mortal Empires would take like two weeks tops?
No. It's always been "weeks not months" IIRC, and that means it could take more than a month, but less than two months.

Just let them finish their ritual and knock them out in the battle they pull you into.

This is the only place I feel safe
My gf gave me a lovers mark or w/e it’s called left side of my throat, further back. I read some kid dies because of one. It hurts a bit but maybe mostly because I’m so scared right now. Is it dangerous?

>7-8 weeks

At what point does weeks stop being weeks and start being months?

Deathshrieker Rocker Launcher for sure.

This nigga right here.

When used in odd numbers I guess.

5 weeks is easier to say than 1 month and 1 week.

dubbs for death

Once you reach 2 months?

7 weeks isn't 2 months and 8 weeks technically isn't either since there is more than 28 days in a month.


Ooh, I didn't know thats how it worked. I thought that would be it and they'd 'win'

Is it a one stack vs one stack battle? And is is just the LL they pull in? just asking because if thats the case I want to make sure my stack is ready.

>literally 40k tech

She is draining your soul right this very moment

>A steamtrain is too advanced for a world that has fucking helicopters.

Have a (You)

I always feel like i have to delay rituals until others are finished with ritual 2.

Can i catch up?
Do they have to be vulnerable so i can interrupt them?

Because i cant see how im supposed to destroy all 3 opposing factions before the last ritual, while guarding my own because chaos uses 3-4 flank places and interventions.

Depends whats in the end of it. Route marcher is good, next 4 are almost always meh, next one could be good or meh, then next 4+1 are usually pretty amazing. -15% upkeep is necessary on Legendary.

>ai attacking me with army of 11 harpies and 8 hydras

It's just an Ottoman bombard mixed with some steam punkish elements.



Obliterating the enemy in a hail of elven arrows retard

well no it's a mortar user, like Mallets mortar which fired a ton+ projectile in the hopes of breaching sebastopol fortress but they didn't finish it before the war had ended.

Shut up!

Astragoth wuz türk!

What do you mean you can't end turn? There is a skip announcement button to the right of end turn button, can't you use it for some reason?

>he doesn't know about bull centaurs

You ever seen bomb vessels? Short for Bombardment Vessels. They were boats with mortars on them, and had to be ridiculously overbuilt to withstand the forces of the mortar firing. MHV did a video on them, youtube.com/watch?v=HJQY3erNShE