/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >New Mystic Eyes
>4* Lancer Parvati
>Costume for Parvati
>3 event only CEs for people who attended
>CA Hassan animation update

>EoR3 stream on the 14th starting at 19:30 JST (UTC+9)

>Musashi quest rerun

>Interlude and NP upgrades for Bedivere, Nightingale, Hassan, and Tristan

>[Mega Huge Uber Extra-Large Pumpkin Village ~And Adventure...~ Lite Version]

>Halloween 2016 rerun (until 10/11)
- 5* Cleopatra
- 4* Vlad III, Nitocris, Ibaraki Douji
- 5* Dangerous Beast CE (Gold +1 - Quick +15%, 3 stars)
- 4* Witch of the Moonlit Night CE (Silver +1 - Arts 10%, NP Gain +5%)
- 3* Count Romani Archaman's Hospitality CE (Bronze +1 - NP Gain +5%, DEF +3%)
- 0* Angra Mainyu

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog
>Monthly items: Sumanai, Chains of the Fool, Yggdrasil Seed.
>Epic of Remnant 3 ~Stage of Corpses and Streaming Blood~ to be released mid-Oct


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>General TLs by Extella Spoilers Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Kill yourselves Gilkeks docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Nobu a CUTE.

Does anybody has pic of Atalanta's or Jeanne D'arc Alter's feet? Never saw one.

Every thread until they can be adopted.

I'm adopting them. I have a lot of place in my basement.

>wake up
>scour for pictures of my wife that might have been posted while I slept
>invariably get turned on and fap to my wife
>repeat that basically every two hours
>go to sleep thinking of her
I'm starting to think I may have a problem.

Why is Gotseia always draw with Solomon?

ShikiCanKillServant fag here

There is pic, your highness.

My Dangerous Onahole

Remind me name of this manga.
Where can i find raws? I want to know who appear in the last 3 chapters.



Is this against the rules? Can we fucking report him? He spammed it twice last thread and now he's doing it here.


>visiting Veeky Forums
>not having problem
Choose one and one only

>wake up in the morning
>Parvati's art still not fixed

>why is Goetia always drawn with the person who had the biggest impact on him?

I wonder. He does get a fair amount with Mashu and Guda(ko) too.

>fixed art
>4* and saggy tits
This is what sakurafags deserve, nothing to be sad about.

>year 2004
>Shinji is a pathetic excuse of a human being and you knew it as soon as you saw him
>year 2017
>Shinji is still an asshole, but now he looks handsome
Where did it all go wrong? How did we reach this Bad End?

Do you?

>but now he looks handsome
But he's always been handsome?

We suffered enough user, there's no more punishment to be deserved here.

He was always handsome.

It's fine, falseflagger. Takao's a veteran TM artist.

FSN already stated Shinji was good looking and hanged around a lot of bitches.
He always was handsome.


My boy Shinji will be a 5* Poseidon and will put both Medusa and Sakura in their places

Me on the right.

You're cute user.

You mean the guy who canonically got his ass kicked by Drake while she was just a human?

Is the new Shiro/Saber CE worth rolling for if you already have the Gil/Enkidu one?

That's just higher quality of art. I mean look at Nrvnqsr in Tsukihime and compare it to him in more recent works. He looked malnourished before, now he's pretty beefy.
Shinji always was the ladies man.

No extra crit damage but if you're gonna buster meme and let your berserker hog all the stars, it's better than nothing.

Just wait for Kali if you actually care about battling in a generic gacha kusoge like this. We're quite satisfied with Sakura being confirmed to be pure and the perfect wife.

>inb4 it wasn't intentional and the only reason why he uses his body is because of his hair

Don Sinji

>Shinji(Poseidon) would be scared shitless of Drake
that would actually be fun

Best place to fight Female Servants for weekly?

Is that alter mission ? Becaus ethis week, it's the usual 3 good, evil and neutral

I just realised this dude is less than 5'4 lmao

I can't wait for /our guy/ Zeus to arrive in Shirou/Shiki's body so he can get all the bitches without trying

Zeus would fit Shinji too.
He is constantly rejected and need to rape his women.

>fgog btfo by artoria buffs revealed.jpg

Grand Rider Don Sinji when?

>Shirou as Zeus
>Zeus the god who goes around and fucks every woman that peaks his fancy
Fits Shinji 100% to be honest.


Young Don looks pretty.

But you couldn't say no to Zeus.

Wait what if Cain is demi servant tohno

This is a father and his retard son, dancing together for (You)
Say something nice to encourage them

If shinji ever gonna be a servant, he will be a 3* just like Taiga

Proto Mordred did nothing wrong

But what about Perseus?

Goodnight brothers.
Don should go sleep now.

Reminder that Primate Murder already occupies his role and does it better too.

New apoc ED is really good desu

Now that Taneda's back, can we expect more Marie and Mata Hari variants?


Halloween Marie (post-guillotine)

Newfag question, but what should I prioritize in the event shop?


EoR III is this week, right?

5 tickets to paradise.

>rain pouring down as we have a subdued part of the song with flashes of every important character left in the rain
>song picks up as soon as Sieg appears, the sun breaks through the clouds, the rain stops, light starts shining down

It's a great song and good up until the midpoint but the symbolism there makes me want to vomit.

Is Shinji pure?

Yes, with dullahan Marie being the first one. Her NP is stepping on the enemy's foot before a guillotine's blade falls on them.

Don Shinji for you fucking scum

Look up servants (ones you currently have) and the materials they need for skills. Bonus points if you're farming for your waifu/husbando.

Purer than Sakura, at least.

Mata Hari already used up all classes she's are capable off. (even though Assassin class is a really huge stretch for her.)
Marie could become Avenger class if Altered, though I highly doubt they'll release her in that form.
Kiyohime still have Assassin class open, so she's more likely to get one again.

Event joke classes are open for the three, but Santa and Halloween are reserved for Alters and Elisabeth respectively, so I wouldn't count on those two events.

Bastille Day Marie Alter.

I want Marie to be an Archer with a boatcannonhat as her weapon.

You say that like any of those class requirements matter for event servants.

The best part is pic related

>he didn't read my post

Shinji servant when?

>Event joke classes are open for the three, but Santa and Halloween are reserved for Alters and Elisabeth respectively, so I wouldn't count on those two events.

Did you guys forget that the summer event characters were literally changed by Scat's runes?


Can Ryougi kill Shirou?
Can Ryougi kill Kirei?

>New Mystic Eyes

Both Marie and Kiyohime have already received summer versions. Unless they double dip, that just leaves Mata Hari.

Yes and yes

What happens if you fail the luck check for an ancient Celtic energy drink?

Your brainwashed and become Mebd slave.


That's not the same drink as on Fergus' CE.

My bad then.

Your Luck rank goes down even further


That's not the point, they can come up with a bullshit excuse to give any character any class. Just see Brave Liz for example.


>tfw Kuroto is more sexually arousing than Mashu
what went wrong

>we have amaterasu, but there is still no sing of Susano'o or tsukuyomi

What events besides seasonal ones have given us nonsense classes?

I want to impregnate Tamamo


Leave the Beast to me

Both were more or less banned by her.
More seriously : They have no avatar, remember we don't have Ama but Tamamo which is a part of her.
They can do like Quetz or Ishtar/Parvati but it won't be before long in my opinion.