/assg/ General

Tommy's perks are OP

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Beta coming this October, Class based with weaker killers.

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)
Holy shit! Is that a dead thread?:


Wait, isn't the beta THIS month?

Holy shit. That pic confuses me

>3 bnps
>got 1 gen
Iridescent Kings might as well be called "SWF Killers"

It's supposed to be last I heard, but it's also some closed beta that the players aren't even meant to stream. They said even a lot of the sound effects would be missing. It's alpha tier.


>Using new parts on purple toolbox


Your guess is as good as mine.

turboBM, probably
Did they ever say anything in chat?

>Dead Hard and Shitter Burst
It is way too easy to pip as a survivor if this dumbass got to rank one

>Did they ever say anything in chat?
They did not. Guessing they all left instantly because of buttmad

wha does it do?

I was not impressed, it was only decent.

It does everything.

it's fucking doc.
LAst time i went against doc, he used whisper. Bulled by meg too.
Good game

It's been thirty years

>spoilers for a movie from the 70’s

I bet you also spoil King Kong.

They find a giant gorilla

The train won't come through the screen

Turns out it was the black guy

It annoys survivors so much that they give up and move on to the next game.

I like you.

Do you not play DBD?
They're refered to as siblings there too.

>Jump through a window and activate lithe
>Run for full duration around corner
>Get teleported back to right after I jumped over window and am somehow on killer's shoulders.
The fuck is this wizardry?

user I'm not actually bothered and was already spoiled, which is why I knew the filename wasn't just some silly shit
don't worry bb

Mother Russia

Toaster Coaster


>Get angry because the survivors cleanse all my totems right off the bat
>Facecamp one of them
>Hook another in the basement, her teammates don't even try to rescue
>3 kill, hatch escape
>First survivor waited like ten minutes to tell me to get cancer and kms in postgame chat
>Cue five minutes of him raging and me gloating
>Report him and probably get reported by all the survivors
Playing DbD is like being in a broken marriage with half a million other people.

I was going to say I'd be honestly surprised if you didn't know at this point.

>3 kill + hatch escape
These games don't make me mad, but they deflate me in a more significant way than a single gate escape.


That's what I thought but I just got the "Hurr no I just chased you down.". Which was amusing since he was pretty terrible killer otherwise.

so what's dead by daylights excuse?

It's either lagswitching or normal lag.
But I get highly NOID when lag spikes in DBD only during chases.

>2 guys alive
>put nigga on dying state
>search for the other
>find him and hook him
>hatch spawns next to the dying state niggas
it's not fair

Exactly like that, so it's not just me.

>Dedicated servers for their dwindling playerbase
Wew, so 3-4 servers then?

Apparently the game is doing much better on consoles, which is funny because those are the only platforms without dedicated servers.

No cares about your dead game

F13th free weekend when?

Probably not for a very long time. It won't even go on sale this month because they're releasing the physical copies in a few days.

never ever ever
This weekend would be pretty boss, doe.

I hope during halloween, does the game even go on sale? I'm not paying $40 for what looks like an early access game.

Asymmetrical The Thing game when?

are the frogs going to make an event for the next friday?

post yfw cleansing totem the Hex: Ruin totem

wasnt there the game where you infect people and shiet?

Probably some dead indie early access crap, yeah.

Yeah it was a huge flop even with all the big DbD streamers shilling it.

why do so many people never ever play killer?

Deceit is kinda like that a lil bit.

No teammates to carry you.

No teammates to hinder you.

It isn't fun. High end gameplay is getting looped, flashlighted and body blocked by survivors that don't even pretend to fear you. Whether you win or lose, you won't have fun and won't feel like a killer.

they dont want to be bullied
Like poor ojomo

Play killer and find out.

Often times even when you win it feels like you just had a month of your life sucked away.

>finishing the totem just before the killer can reach me

That satisfying thunder sound that says 'fuck your hex'

>Doctor with overcharge/distressing/unnerving presence
>Literally can't pass a skill check between the screaming/ skill check bar bouncing around the screen

Some people know that they will get abused. Some just simply bought into the survivormain narrative that the killer is a piece of shit bad person for even picking one of the roles in the game and dares to complete their objectives.

>rank 10 killer
>already getting paired with rank 1
>getting paired with people with 1k hours
I managed to get 2k but one guy memed me for ages around pallet city, is it a wise idea to just ignore him?


>play survivor and bully the killer
>avoid survivor due to bullies
why can't they just stop bullying?

If one guy is really efficient with pallets and loops it's easier to ignore him and target another player that might fuck up. Take the body to a mostly palletless area and wait for the fucker to show up.

>I cant handle a simple QTE

It was fun.
Last time found randoms who used purple dildoes against wraith.
Least to say, it's a gangbang.

>Pull a survivor off of a totem
>Totem blows up anyway

as long as they stick to survivor, it has no negative side for them. until all people that like killer leave, and they won't pick it up either.

I was a 99% survivor player 400hrs into the game, and started playing killer when the suvivor lobbytimes would easily last 10 minutes. I was never a memester though.

matchmaking sucks
Cuz I've so far gotten 3 games with killers camping me and my friends. These matches have been high rank ones as well.. Does this game not take into account the reports that have been sent? I just don't get why sh*t players need to ruin the game and camp.
As a killer I never camp only if I have to by seeing someone scratch / trail marks, but these 3 games haven't been the fault of my friends, nor someone else on the team. It just so happens they feel like it's best to camp the survivor and ruin gameplay.
I just hope the Devs take the reports or fix the matchmaking cuz it's complete joke how 3 in a row have been killers camping.


90% of the playerbase is female.

Because it's too easy and not fun.

You got me good,user

I'm trying to learn killers, who is the most OP killer?
Who is the best killer in the game? I'm a survivor main and really want to start playing as a killer. I have Michael at lvl 50 but when I play against SWF groups I get looped like a .

I heard the Nurse is top tier but I am terrible at aiming with her teleport. Does she always do the "Ahh" thing after a teleport? I swear I've played against people who can teleport constantly with her with no cooldown? I killed all four survivors the first time I played as her, but it really felt like a struggle.

I have Leatherface at lvl 35 but I've heard he also gets looped like a at higher levels. I love playing with him but don't want to continue with him if he is crap at high levels.

The first game I played as the Huntress I also killed all four survivors. Her throwing axes are fun as hell.

As far as I know, Billy and the Nurse are the best in the game. Should I stick to one of these two? I'd really love to stick with Michael but I can't face the constant looping.

If that was the case the discord would be mostly women instead of 2-3.
Also, all the girls I know who play this game play both sides quite frequently.

Why copy this from the Steam forum?

Have you never gotten past rank 15?

Matchmaking has nothing to do with camping, there's no "camper queue", unless you mean you played the same killer three times in a row, in that case install MLGA and block them. Reporting someone for camping also does nothing since it's a valid gameplay element.

devs need to remove the ability to teabag
Basically to stop this scummy taunt make bouncing up and down over and over have a percentage chance of stunning the survivor, which the killer can pick them up in as if they were in an action, and add exhaustion as this is to represent twisting your ankle as this could happen if you did this in real life. Obviously this would have to kick in after it happened twice within a very short period of time. Would end all this teabagging and actually mean being asshole could cost you. Would also end the crap at the exit gates.

nurse is best, huntress is next. those shit on loopers, billy is pretty good too but nurse is the queen and shits on everyone

H-he's fast!

It arguably is easy so long as you dodge 4 man toolbox squads and Claudettes that are sure to burn Haddonfield and Swamp offerings.

4 people with flashlights? 4 slugs. Easy. But not fun. I can deal with high rank SWF bullshit but I'll have zero fun doing so. You stop feeling like a killer at high rank and start feeling like a bullying victim with the potential to beat up the bullies, which is the opposite of how it should be. The devs failed miserably.

can you block people via MLGA?
won't this make easy triggered people run out of killers?

How do you deal with loopers as Huntress? Is it just a 50/50 on whether you should throw a hatchet or walk through it and hit them?

Why are you still posting these shitty webms? They added a ping indicator.

Most of them are killers using lag switches to induce lag at specific moments, usually in chases or when wanting to "sneak" up on someone. That's not going to show up in a ping indicator because the ping is fine until they hit the switch.

You can, you'll still get matched up with them, but you'll see that it's a person you've put on the blocklist. Of course if you put every killer that ever downes you or your friend, you'll have a huge list.

I like this idea.

Problem: The devs don't actually want to remove taunting like that. The majority of the playerbase does it.

>Is it just a 50/50 on whether you should throw a hatchet or walk through it and hit them?

Pretty much, but I've found most expect the throw on the first loop and keep going.

>Doctor running Whispers, BBQ+C, and NOED and nothing else
>You're the only one to die to him because he tunneled you for 5 gens and camped

I just had a Doctor who burned party streamers, spent the whole match facecamping his kills (who did not even loop, and I was one of them) and only killed 2 people.

idk you can sorta tell when they wanna do it but yeah kinda is a mindgame also you can throw over most pallet towns if you aim it right

Has there always been this pop-in rendering? The barrel wasn't even that far. Didn't feel right going for the kill here so I let her go then downed her less than a minute later when I found her again.

Or better games to play.

Either way stop posting that garbage. No one finds them funny

Typical Billymain.