Minecraft General - /mcg/ - Dead Game Edition

Previous thread ► 1. WELCOME

We discuss Minecraft, modpacks, projects, building ideas, etc...
Share server stories and keep the screenshots coming, we want to see more builds!
If you develop mods or anything Minecraft related, keep us updated so we can give feedback.
Don't spam your server or discord here; use the list from the link below to advertise it.

[ ! ]For 1.10+ Use foamfix and Optifine with terrain animated turned off

► 2. NEWS

[30 jun 2017] Noodlor's Castle Collection is completed! Including a world-download.
> imgur.com/a/NeywO

[14 may 2017] GoG update is finished
> mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/228948-grimoire-of-gaia

[02 jan 2017] Asie has been working on asie.pl/foamfix/, which remedies 1.10+ RAM issues,
as well as a few others, github.com/FabricMC, [YouTube] Silent Charset update.


/mcg/ General text (use it to contribute news and info for the next thread!)
> public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/mcg-op

Modding Tools & documentation
> mcforge.readthedocs.io
Curse downloader
> github.com/TOLoneWolf/curseDownloader
Explaination of how do stuff for newfags

Server list (own a server? Please move to the new Serblist.com)
> serblist.com
> docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w0Nywo6sZcexcYb46hTOfAwElaeUlPoCC4DKRFcMWYQ (Old)

Ideas & Inspiration
> mcnoodlor.imgur.com/
> elworrier.imgur.com/
> imgur.com/a/JPif9

Castlefag's map
> mega.nz/#!h3hi0TQR!areDzeQYr6RACXyDX-HE49BEIePIHze3liNoXg6Dhqg

Be gentle I probably fucked up the formatting

Other urls found in this thread:


>Having your game be an integrated and consistent, heirarchical system both adds fluidity and creates a better risk-reward system to entertain players. Having your game be a jumble of random "cool stuff" may be interesting, but players quickly lose interest. Stuff like wolves, the current ending, testificates, and so on are all random "cool stuff" that's being tacked on to an otherwise consistent and clear heirarchical game--before long, they'll dominate the gameplay, and turn it into crap.

This was written 5 years ago.

author sounds like a faggot up their own ass, was it flowerchild?

Random person on leddit

Yeah, I think it's safe to say this general is dead.
Any ideas?

Rip thread

What exactly is "wrong" with the meme versions? A normie friend of mine roped me in to playing ATM3 and I just want to know what I'm getting in to. The lack of microblocks is already offputting.

Performance decrease and issues with some systems showed up. Very few new features were added past 1.7. Lack of worthwhile mods requiring new versions. Losing mods that haven't been updated past 1.7. It's not as bad anymore because many mods updated to 1.12 but it's still the same mods but with extra vanilla bloat.

we could get our own spambot

people actually talk about what there build and shit maybe

Gregtech/AE2/Advanced Rocketry and Mekanism a good pack to play for a long time to help me get over my doggy getting put down. Send help please.

Thoughts on start of farm?


no lily pads/11

shouldn't you be using sand for the sugarcane or was that changed

its clearly growing on dirt

That's a mod. Snad

if you're going to have so much unnecessary water at least have it flow so it looks like actual irrigation instead of stagnant source blocks

how would u know that?

it turns out the growing faster on sand thing was a myth
i've been living a lie

i never heard anyone say that

It's apparently popular enough that Snad based its entire functionality on the myth.

I can count

Then you under 10 or retarded because i had problems with planting seeds so instead of just putting a water block in the middle i tryed something new

farmland doesn't need to be irrigated to allow seeds to be planted so your issue wasn't the water

>hoe dirt
>dries up
>place water
>hoe dirt
>doesn't dry up
Are you really this retarded?

I don't know man, you're the one that can't figure out farming in minecraft

no no i think your the one who cant figure out farming

I dont know what you arguing about, but you need 9x9 square and water block in the middle.

any Veeky Forums-affiliated servers that anyone knows the IP for?

I better correct myself, you can't figure out farming nor the english language

You could tell me how to get custom full screen resolutions (optifine) to fill the whole screen

I'm sure he meant you placed more water that needed, not that all water is unnecessary.

Im the type of guy who actually likes looking at what he builds and not just rushes to get diamonds so he can just build things from mods

which goes back to my original point, all those source blocks look like shit, make it flowing water so it looks like proper irrigation


i repeat

any Veeky Forums-affiliated servers that anyone knows the IP for?


Meme versions have chisel and bits which is way better than microblocks

there was an r9k server running 1.12 floating around somewhere, can't remember the ip for it though


no vanilla servers.

wow there are people on some of these. then why is this place so dead

But there are no slopes right?

> mfw I use my google skills to find a server that I dont know exists
> discord link works
> its dead
Every Veeky Forums server gets killed inevitably... god damn...

They do all their shitposting and build sharing on private discords instead of here.

being able to shitpost in real time on discord removes the need to shitpost here

Does anyone know the internal names for immersive engineering ores?
I can't seem to find documentation anywhere for them.

There's slopes with other mods like architecture craft

usually there's no underscore, so try oreCopper

I think IE throws all the ores into a single block, so you'll have to get the internal name and metadata for that. Ctrl+H enables advanced tooltips, which gives you the block/item name.

Ctrl+H doesn't seem to do anything, what's the tooltip supposed to look like after I activate it?

it's f3+h

Like this?

no, you need to hold f3 and press h while not in any inventory screen

>Completely forgot the task im taking on with mo'creatures horse breeding

Discord kills generals every time.

Hmmmm, well that's better, but plugging the name into cofh still doesn't yield results.

What's the best way to weed out a mod crashing the game?

look at the crash log, read the crash log, understand the crash log, and remove the mod that crash log is pointing towards

Anyone know a 1.10 mod to transport animals really easily?

XU2's Golden lasso

It's been a couple years since i've played minecraft but i want to give it another go, but i need to use my controller to play and i can't get xpadder to work for me, any suggestions?

your going have a real problem playing but vanilla with a controller

cane has been growing on dirt in vanilla for a long time

light too low can cause plants to mess up

You've got to add the metadata too.

Is there any mod that adds water elevators (getting up with boats) like we had back in Alpha?

What is the best biome and why is it mountain?

shite taste desu

Valkyrien Warfare is sort of fun but the physics are butffucking retarded, my ship bounced away and now I can't find it
Destroying tiles on landing is kind of lame too
Do any of those ship parts help reduce this or is it just a meme mod

Forest+RTG is pretty comfy


dangit, nothing seems to work.

No, it's like this.

So where do I find diamonds? I'm pretty close to the bedrock and there's lava pools everywhere.

10 and below

None that I'm seeing which is a shame. Had good memories of underwater boxes with boat escapes.

I must be retarded or this isn't working.

You have an extra comma by the curly brackets.
Next time use jsonlint.

16 you mean

It's just a myth that diamonds spawn near lava. The only thing that affects their spawn is the height.

it's advice that got taken out of context, the original implication was if you're down near where lava pools spawn you're in the spawn range of diamonds

Oh yeah, forgot about that. Neat bit of Minecraft historical trivia there.

because this place only plays modded and there are only like 2 modded serbs

Does anyone have any good recommendations for a Shaderpack with minimal fps hit?
I have a craptop and most of the shaders I've tried reduce my fps with like 10-20 fps, so I go below 30 fps.

>looking good

>any good recommendations for a Shaderpack with minimal fps hit?
Yeah, none.

Also it's still not working.

That's why I'm telling you to run it through jsonlint you nigger. You probably have some other syntax errors.
Gee I wish there was a magic website where you'd type some words and it would give you all the answers about it.

Are there really none?
At least some that only take like 5-10 fps?

What's everyone working on? Just finished making a scrubhut before beginning machine autism.

whoa there friend, just calm down.
I just tried Jsonlint but it didn't yield any results.
I tried using a entry I knew worked and it spat out the same error that the copper entry had.
I'm starting to think it's an issue with how Immersive Engineering generates the ore, perhaps it overwrites it?

Oh well, now it's just inexplicably working.

No. If I were you, I'd focus on making my game run smooth and steady rather than adding tacky effects.

>when you know you should get rid of dynamic surroundings and better foliage but you want pretty effects

I really like the look of that, great work

why are you grass blocks so fucked

he's using bettergrass
please no jej derail this time
it's grass, not a tflipflop

i just like 20iq points reading this post

The last time someone brought up better grass it derailed the thread into a massive essentially semantic argument
About grass.
The last time that happened it was about the name of a specific type of logic gate, known as a tflipflop or toggle latch, where semantics are actually kind of important