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Overconfidence, a slow and insidious killer.

>tfw 2 chicken dinners in a row with only a 3 man

sadpanda link now

>tfw died twice in a row because i wanted to check the supply drop

Did the footstep sound distance get worse recently?

doubt it

the only thing the patch did was add FPP for AUS/AS

The only way to play the game is by finding a bike as soon as possible and being a treasurehunter

guaranteed action and best weapons

6000 players banned a day, what a fucking joke of a game...

general seems to have died as well

what are we gonna do bros

should we jump ship to Fortnite?

>mfw this general is already dead

the AK is so fuckign useless now reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i am kinda glad that these generals die out.
'yall pathetic as fuck lmao.

Game is too buggy and inconsistent but I cant stop playing

not only that but they seem to be all over the place now

I can't remember the last time I didn't start the match with a shitgun or an AKM

there are too many chinese people in every game and I for one hate them

what do you mean "now"? Did they change it?

The broken matchmaking is really pissing me off.

Matchmaking canceled

Matchmaking canceled

Matchmaking canceled

>web based game launcher
Who's stupid idea was this?
I want to fucking shoot them

>a chink with shotty and ping in 10^6 range camping in a bath tub

ever since the nerf like over a month ago

why though? It was shit even before nerfs

>in a squad with 2 Chink
>ask them why they eat dogs
>they laugh
>tell them that they shouldn't eat dogs as they are man's best friend
>they should stick with pork and chicken
>they laugh even harder

Welp, first time I died to the legendary shotgun+bathroom combo. I dont even fucking know, tier 3 gear yet he oneshot me with a S12K.

it wasn't as good as the rest before the nerf but completely usable

now it's total garbo not worth picking ever

I got teamed with a chink in duo yesterday who immediately ran 200 mph and manged grab us both sniper rifles +lvl 3 armor with the first minute of the game

he then proceeded to run in out the open periodically headshotting people suddenly with his R1895. we won chicken dinner

Just lost a chicken dinner over a 4v1 in the final circle which we had. 2 of my teamates were so confident they went at him in cars trying to run him over

the SKS is so shitty but I love the way it feels

is it as /comfy/ in real life too?


hey babe, wanna duo ;)

how to get this shirt

What the fuck is it with the Chinks being rampant hackers


emergency bump from page 10

I have lost so many fucking matches because of nu-AK....

How am I supposed to deal with this shit, should I just put it on Single fire? Not picking it up is not an option when the only other weapons around are shotguns and uzis

My experience of nu AK is use it on auto all the time.
Single is worthless due to the first shot recoil value.
Auto you suffer the first shot recoil but then get 2 more shots that are low recoil.
Its basically useless past 150m unless you can fire 2-3 bursts of 5.

is this game dead or what?


it's Veeky Forums that's dead

discord did it in



How do you consistently get a weapon when dropping in high-population spots?
I've been dropping military to force myself to get better at fighting but 90% of my deaths is just me finding a bunch of attachments and everyone else having a weapon.

I usually land as early as possible along with the other first people to arrive so it's not that.

rooftops almost always have a weapon on them

Everywhere there's almost always a weapon. Almost always the guy who finds a weapon first wins and almost always most people that drop to locations with lots of loot die. It's almost always guaranteed.

Why do I suck so much dick at combat in this game?
I wipe the floor with people in any FPS but I lose almost every engagement in this game even if I have the advantage.

>game starts
>plane goes nowhere near the school
>fucking leave

Why is this general ded lol

Nothing to discuss but rage stories, game is shallow

Probably stop aiming down sights and start just hip firing in close range and use third person to your advantage to peek around corners

Battlefield 3

>2/5 bullets in KAR
>animation puts 4 bullets in

Have the chinks finally stopped mass hacking? I want to play but took a break because literally every single game, I was killed through a wall by a speedhacking faggot with a chinese name in 14 different games


>Have the chinks finally stopped mass hacking?
No just got killed by a speed hacker that killed everyone in our squad with headshots in an asian server.

Overall though they're not that bad.

first for this webm btw

loot crates are their source of income

this nigga schizophrenic

I will not ever play fortnight. And the general got fucked up because everyone got sick of all the fucking journalpost bitching about why you lost. I want to know how to win goddamnit. i don't care about how you got desynched by some gooks.

goddamn this general is dead. This is prime time NA and there's nothing. Yall gay. Shouldn't have used these generals to fucking whine about how you suck so much. You scared everyone away.

I unironically like the AKM for long range shooting when I don't have a sniper rifle.

did they disable voice chat? i cant hear anybody nor i can talk

Fortnite BR is so much better than this shit, and it's free.

Yeah but its not on steam, so that sucks

>at containers
>in first circle
>circle is on gatka
>run, no vehicles
>circle eventually is at ferry
>out of meds and first aid kits running for 8+ minutes

fucking faggot game

Vehicle spawning is super fucking shit.
>Drop anywhere
>No vehicles
>Run along roads
>No vehicles
>Play squad
>Only find a single 2man vehicle


To the guy that shotgunned the hacker late game who wiping out entire squads singlehandedly... God bless you.


>crate lands on the sea
>I swim for it
>someone snipes me from the coast

>70% of my deaths are from some fag sitting in a bush

What the fuck is this shit? 'Nam?

Anybody want to buy undetected ESP $200.
I can timestamp a game right now.

Leave your discord name

Whats an esp?

>shoot someone 20 times with a crossbow
>never hit them
>they never even notice me

How the fuck do you even use this gun? I was barely 20 feet away from him.


just practice

Extra sensory perception. Frankly it's a good deal, I'd love to be able to read minds, but I can't afford to spend $200 for those kinds of therapies

Why do you all kill me? :(

Why am I so bad at late circles

>land and get shot immediately
>friend landed a mile away
>grabs a jeep and runs him over
>runs the other guy over as well

lmao just stay in a building or behind a wall

>play with friend who's new
>unintentionally chad drops without understanding the game, thought gun range was going to be empty, despite me saying 20 other people will be there
>he already jumped
>I jump with him
>he sees hundreds of parachutes and turns away without saying anything
>I die and he spends 30 minutes crawling around and gets top 17 before dying to his first gunfight
>in subsequent games he's just ignoring me and thinks he's top shit, shit talks me for dying when he pulls a stupid stunt like dropping somewhere and then changing directions, playing solo in virgin houses while I have to take out 3 duos on my own in the populated areas he says hes going to
>feels like he's deliberately juking me cus he thinks he'll do better on his own, when he eventually meets up he blames the circle being in stupid places on me
I'm never playing with him again.

Does anyone ever feel like in FPP your head sticks out way further than you can actually see when you lean? It feels like just to peak and get LOS I poke my whole upper body out.

>enemy has a level 3 helmet
>feel intimidated and panic

How do I stop being such a beta?

Be a global on cs.
Once you're confident you can out-aim, out-react and outsmart everyone else you're ready for chad drops

I fucking hate when some faggots camp harder than me.

love dying behind a wall, nice servers lmao

>Warning: Since releasing this guide, PUBG has updated the FAQ on their forums to say that editing config files is against the Rules of Conduct, which could result in a ban. Edit the config files at your own risk.
For what reason would they do that?

everyone I know has the ini edited, no bans yet


hopefully never

they should remove the uzis that are in game and replace them with salt guns, they will be just as effective

the uzi is way better than people give it credit for. Especially for early fights. Insane fire rate close-up and the precision is surprisingly good below 100 meters distance. Just aim and fire 3-4 bullet bursts, it works.

>no L22
>no FAL
>no mkb
>no Stoner 69

>no M4
>no AA12
>no proper fucking DBS

>no mp5
>no mp7
>no p90

>no 44 colt python
>no SW 500
>no 357 single action

>no M1 Garand
>no 308 hunting rifle
>no lever action cowboy gun
>no Barret 50 because why not

>no other fucking weapons category but these four

Scar-H and UMP-45 would be very easy to add.

more weapon types = more ammo types

thanks but no

Kar98k's dont fire 7.62 in real life.

There's only five.

12 gauge

300 barely counts because nobody is going to get that shit daily

Don't even mention bolts nobody touches the Crossbow.

Why the fuck are there so many Chinese players on the OC server now!?!??! FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL

>still no FPP for huemonkeys

>Tfw crates I get always have M249's
is there a more worthless gun in the game? Fucking horrible awful gun

have you ever used it prone?
it has huge damage with almost no recoil, shitty thing is you're prone, it also has a little perk in that it's the best gun to blow up cars with.

>tfw duo/squad is just babysitting because no-one else can survive a single engagement

>when you see a fag on the ground, so you jump to shot him
>but somehow you didn't jump, but just moved upwards and remained here