/ddlc/ Doki Doki Literature Club #30

Waiting for the store edition
Previous Thread: Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Booru: ddlc.booru.org
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa
Monika Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Other urls found in this thread:


I sincerely hope that if a cute girl ever offers to pay your meal, that you accept. I sincerely hope that you dokis aren't stupid enough to refuse something like that.

predictions on when Monika will tweet next?
she seems to do it every 2-4 days

Sayori loves you

How do you think Natsuki was physically abused by her dad
Asking for a friend, haha

>Monika still hasn't deleted /ddlc/
Please, we believe in you

I love her too.

>implying a cute girl would ever offer to pay for my meal

I'm not even a bad looking person, I'm easy enough to get along with, but man, my life is just going from one stretch of misery and bad luck to the next.

>implying that cute girls even talk to me

Which doki are you going to implant into your future AI companion in 10 years when they're perfected?

I would, and I would express my profound appreciation. People like being generous.

Dan "I'm not tall so I'll make everyone small" Salvato

>implying a cute girl would ever offer to pay for my meal
If you ask a girl out to a restaurant and then run away after you are done eating, she will have to pay for you
don't do that plz.

What a silly question, the only girl who literally would ask me that: Monika.

>You will never go to prom with Natsuki
>You will never make her feel like a princess
>You will never tell her that you will love her until the day you die
>You will never be voted Prom King
>She will never be voted Prom Queen
>You two will never tie your fates together on the best day of your lives

Life sucks

i will never do that, i couldn't convince a girl to go out with me




That's basically social masturbation.

Sure you technically get the goal out of the act, but it sure hell doesn't feel the same

Threadly reminder that Monika did nothing wrong.

And here's the 1080p version some anons asked, another user posted it and I am reposting in case you missed it.

Monika has infected the last non-VN video game you played. How does it go?


I hate that the lighting in that room affects the colour of her eyes


>Monika in Xenoblade Chronicles X

War won, Ganglion deleted.

A girl I met yesterday bought me in n out! I wish she was Monika.

What game should I make a Monika mod for so that she doesn't feel alone anymore?

>Fallout 4
>Monika inserts herself in Shaun's place
>Monika is now the head of the Institute

I could see it, especially with the whole "Synths aren't people" thing.

All romance games you will play, Ahaha~


Custom Maid 3D

looks like i missed a thread, but no worries! HERE IT COMES AGAIN the dokis irl locations have been triangulated!

>Yuri is in Japan
>Monika is in Miami
>Natsuki is in Dan Diego
>Sayori is reenacting the civil rights movement in New York

I pray for my shipfu's safety.

Monika killing orcs in Shadow of War. That's pretty hot desu.

What drives a man to do this


If only Monika could be in Project M tournaments, then she could perform in front of her adoring fans. Think about how happy it would make her to hear her fans cheer for her.

Lack of goals in life, so he seeks them in trivialities.

I know this because it's literally what I do basically every day.

>Implying Monika wouldn't replace Celebrimbor with herself

I'd want a Monika wraith to give me special powers.

>deletes all other players characters and ends up only playing ditto matches

>Sayori is depressed so she's a lost cause and would an hero sooner or later
>Yuri is a fucking gore loving freak
>Monika is a psychopath yandere
>Natsuki is just abused and wants an outlet
it seems like all the other girls are a lost cause, but Natsuki can be saved

I mean, if this was a normal game

can't save Natsuki from that bad case of feminine penis she's got going on

Monika is a normal girl but knows everything is just code so she's like "fuck it" at the end.

Still backups others and feels bad for "just code" because she's a good girl

>no matter what happens, monika wins and her fans are happy
this makes sense

You REALLY like loving people, dont you?

A psychopath yandere who won't kill me is literal perfection though

Reminder that Monika ruins your only chance at a happy ending with Sayori.

Good. If I was gonna fall for protectbait I couldn't have enjoyed a little bit of Just Monika!

and wearing cute animal masks


guys I just realized
monika is the girl from the hat in time


Every day until Christmas

It just seemed like friendly banter to me. They've both been friends since childhood, so they know which buttons to press to annoy the other. Sayori did it too, openly calling him a NEET and taking advantage of his caring nature to get him to go to her club.

they don't even look remotely similar

>Monika in South Park

Does it fit?

Super Deep Throat

>drifting in canyon with Monika
>taking Monika as a wingman in races
>celebrating conquering territory with Monika
a bit autistic but I wouldn't mind

How tall are Yuri and Monika?

If Yuri isn't at least 175cm then a lot of her appeal would be lost for me.

DDLC and Starless crossover

I feel like we should make a short fan project sometime in the next month, "Doki Doki Christmas" where the Dokis have a cute little Christmas party.

But he's thinking those lines, not saying them out loud.

just make a super extended Monika AfterStory, i'm sure that would be greatly appreciated. If not then making a Just Monika dating sim on Ren'py, thats just composed you cute dates with Monika

>it's all the same CGs and sprites, but they have different stock photos of Santa hats put on them

sorry to say user, but Dan "53 i get into movies for free' Salvato said Yuri is 5'5 and Monika is 5'3

ha ha what a c-coincidence ha

I want it. I need it.

This is the closest we have to canon heights, although Dan admitted that these heights don't completely match up with the art so their in-game heights are relatively unknown.

Every word in the poem minigame gives 3 points to one girl, 2 points to a second girl, and 1 point to the remaining girl (with some exceptions that only Yuri likes). So, I picked a word that gave 3 to Natsuki, 2 to Sayori, and 1 to Yuri, then picked another word that gave 3 to Yuri, 2 to Sayori, and 1 to Natsuki. That way, all three are even. I continued this pattern until all three girls ended up with exactly 40 points. I'll let you know what happens.

If only this unlocked a secret Monika route.

Just Monika

What the fuck

Those are some freakishly short heights, that's disgusting.

You get spooped?

Just Monika

>NFS 2015

His justification is that Japanese girls are short.

people just like natsuki because they want to be taller than a woman confirmed

so my big question is WHAT OTHER GAMES were made by the same team? or if they`re working on something new

Somehow still higher average than women in my (European) country.

Dan Salvato made Project M and is working on something possibly related to DDLC called Project Libitina.

In Japan the average female height is like 5'2". A lot of times in Japanese media the "tall female" is actually like 5'7".

This is Dans first game. The 'Team' is just him writing/composing, with an artist for character art and another artist for background art.

i mean it makes sense, even in my school, girls rarely broke 5'6

But then they'd have to look up to you, and you could carry them like a bride.
It'd be cute.

>I'm tall enough for Yuri's face to be chest height
>perfect for snuggling
Thanks, Dan.

okay thanks, now i´m looking forward to his new game whenever it may come out


Why would anyone want girls so short? Tall girls are so much better.

What did you expect from Dan "5'3 and I'm not Japanese" Salvato?

begone heathen.

i disagree, I think 5'3 is the ideal height for a girl

This. Short girls are cute cute cute!!

>tfw you are 6 cm taller than monika

t. manlet

Some of you dokis are okidoki... don't come to my room tomorrow.

155 is perfection.


Is this the taste of manlets
When the fuck will manlets learn

5'2 to 5'4 is literally the perfect height. Tall girls are cute too, though.

>great poet
>likes manga
>exceedingly moe
>great cook
>not crazy

>malnourished body
>awkward family gatherings

Overall: 6/10 would date in college

Just Monika
Just Monika
Just Monika
Just Monika
Just Monika