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Quick Match just pissed me off. I'm done. I'm about to try my frist ranked match. Any tips?
Andrew White
Are you done with the garrosh pasta?
Henry Wilson
Prepare to be just as mad but now you will have a number to be mad and 5 minutes before every match begins to fume about it while the draft goes on.
Aaron Wright
pick lost vikings and win every game
Daniel Torres
>They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!
See, that IS genuinely interesting and all, but I literally refuse to browse le reddit out of principle.
Wyatt Fisher
>that IS genuinely interesting and all not really
Jace Morgan
I'm not Garroshanon.
I just haven't posted it in a long time.
Connor Hall
I think it's alright for news but that's about it
comfort>comp/meta, at least to a degree don't counterpick yourself too hard don't argue with people, especially once you're in the game mute distracting cunts who won't shut up focus on improving your own play because in the end that's all you can reliably do have fun
good hunting
Dylan Murphy
So what hero is next? Will it be another overwatch character?
Ryder Gray
Guesses? I spent gems on these boxes, so don't be jealous.
Thomas Moore
Fuck it, I screwed that up twice. Whatever. STREAK BROKEN.
Now if only I could win a goddamned game as Ana.
Parker Long
Friendly reminder Hanamura is coming back so forgetting the pain is bad for you.
Brandon White
Don't you love it when people try to tower dive you solo like they're playing Dota?
Carson Gray
Any insight to the current meta before I queue?
Maybe characters to avoid like the plague?
Aaron Jenkins
itll be phara :)
Blake Harris
>towers of doom >enemy core only has 2 health >only two left alive on enemy team, all alive on my team >ping the boss >teammates try to take a tower >spam the ping >"guys, just get the boss for the win" >they keep trying to take the tower >enemies group and wipe our team >next tower spawns >we lose HOLY SHIT I'M SO FUCKING MAD
Zachary Watson
uh mostly just difficult, niche and/or easily counterpicked heroes
>medivh >abathur >vikings >butcher
oh yikes
Nolan King
Man how the hell do people just allow themselves to keep falling for Garrosh over and over? I understand like once, twice, maybe even three times a match, but how do you not wisen up and stand back after getting pulled six or seven goddamn times?
I swear the only reason Garrosh is considered good is because nobody ever learns.
Grayson Cooper
From the first engage on Falsted kept "disconnecting" every time he died. Which was often.
Right, your internet just happens to drop you for 2 minutes just before you die.
Carter Nguyen
You need to learn to adapt. If they wanted tower you should of taken a tower and won.
Elijah Roberts
I'm sorry, I was so angry that I wasn't thinking straight. I meant fort, not tower. Taking a tower would be perfectly logical in that situation, unlike trying to take a fucking fort.
Ethan Rodriguez
>do something like half a mil hero damage getting lots of kills >somehow team can't get kills >enemy team is walking around with no hp the entire game >some little faggot on the team says quote "we have no damage" >they just decide to throw in the towel after 30min and we lose.
Landon Ramirez
Reminder that not dying is more important than getting kills
Ian Lewis
Reminder that hero damage done is irrelevant and secure kills matters more
William Davis
Colton Anderson
I'd fug ana
Jace Myers
Who wouldn't?
Jonathan Wilson
Is Abathur comfy? being a 'behind the scene' supporter sounds neato
Christopher Peterson
Those ears are jigglier than the stiff ass.
3 / 10
Ian Stewart
So against my better judgment, I tried again after breaking the loss streak with Valeera.
And of course a three-stack is three megapushers on a fuckhueg map.
This fucking GAME, man.
William Roberts
we need more titty monsters.
Daniel Morales
Comfy to KILL.
Dominic Barnes
You don't have to worry about blocking names here, friend.
I find him stressful. Have you tried Azmodan?
Adam Richardson
we already got sonya kerrigan and nova
Jonathan Green
i do like azmodan and zagara,especially zagara map presence
Luis Evans
Maybe you should just play Dota.
Gabriel Allen
When does Azmo, Nazeebo and Zagara almost every game stop working anyways, this is kind of fun
Matthew Nelson
Which is why Genji is considered so good, yeah? He isn't really great damage, but he secures shit.
Leo Harris
Why exactly? everytime i play assassin i fuck up and die,i am a sucky warrior and a horrible tank
i only play specialists,you win by killing the core,not enemy heroes
Eli Torres
Where do I subscribe to your blog?
Angel Parker
I'd even fug gray puss ana
I love saggy boobies
Isaiah Stewart
Where the FUCK is Maiev!?
Luke Watson
Implying Old Ana isn't superior in every way to begin with over basic bitch young Ana.
Kayden Carter
Shit taste senpai
Easton Harris
Update. I got absolutely shit on in my first match as Arthas trying to play with the team. Easily mollywhopped the second game by playing Rehgar, ignoring my team, and only capturing camps. wtf I love ranked now
Joseph Brown
Will Maiev have bigger tiddies than Tyrande in her priestess skin.
Colton Jackson
Quick! Post three heroes from each major franchise you want to see in the game!
>Warcraft Alexstrazsa Deathwing Jaraxxus
>Starcraft Samir/Narud Firebat hero Mengsk
>Diablo Mephisto Baal Adrian
>Overwatch Reinhardt Bastion Sombra
Kevin Myers
Blizzard needs to stop this "every new skin is a legendary" meme. It's not a Legendary unless it has completely new voice lines.
Zachary Hughes
Who gives a shit about voice lines. It's not legendary unless it has new effects
Colton Gomez
Reaper when?
Jacob Reed
>Greymane's Frankenstein skin is a complete overhaul with new effects and sounds and everything >But he has the exact same voice lines and interactions as vanilla Greymane
Would it really have hurt them to go the fucking last mile? Jesus.
Oliver Morris
Techincally yes, they need to get the actors back in to record new lines which is why Legendaries cost more.
Jacob Jones
They could have at least messed with the pitch of his voice or distorted it a bit or something.
Jaxson Morgan
>no model/animation changes >no themed voiceover >no facial animation >only two barely themed abilities >1600 I'm still upset.
Valla skin.
Liam Reyes
That's the major difference between Dota and LoL+HotS.
It's Defense of the Ancients, not Defense of the Heroes.
The problem with maining specialists is that you're severely missing a chunk of game knowledge that goes into winning. There's more to playing a specialist than just split-pushing. There's more to MOBAs than just split pushing.
Xavier Foster
That can go bad too. Remember when Sgt. Doomhammer came out and it had the worse voice effect ever plastered on it?
Matthew Brown
Oh my god. My girlfriend and I laughed about that for like an hour when that happened. I totally forgot.
Charles Torres
I wish I were an art-er so I could edit this to actually give Femablo AN ASS
burning hells and TERROR not Ireland ok
Nathaniel Price
I want to fuck zagaras upper half
Angel Reyes
>Shoehorning your gf in for no reason
Justin Thompson
>Warcraft Baron Rivendare Darion Mograine Gamon
>Starcraft I don't know Starcraft, but some hot alien girls would be nice.
>Diablo Warrior Druid Gharbad the Weak
>Overwatch Mei McCree Hanzo
Parker Gray
>My girlfriend and I >tfw no hots playing gf
Easton Williams
>being this triggered
Jayden Campbell
Don't bully the normalfaggots, they don't have anything else of value in life so they have to talk about their girlfriend/boyfriend whenever possible to not seem like a loser.
Austin Gomez
>tfw your aim on Ana is so bad that your teammates start standing still for you
Lucas Morgan
I hope she cheats on you with a black guy with AIDS so you can die and we'll never have to see you again.
Adrian Powell
Mason Perry
hope not maiev is small breasted shy girl
Anthony King
Is Alexstrasza the next hero?
Zachary Mitchell
A small breasted shy girl who will torture you in a prison cell for 10 thousand years
Gavin Russell
hey pal whats wrong with ireland women?
Samuel Baker
Logan Foster
>Baron Rivendare >Darion Mograine >Gamon >Warrior Oh man, good taste ano- >Mei So close.
Easton Perez
Blizzard teased her and hanzo in the KZ videos.
Aiden Rogers
I and my penis like this. More Alexstrasza lewds would make me happy.
Kayden Butler
Your penis is a man of culture.
Grayson Price
dont lewd the dragon mother
Jack Reed
Do dragon mothers lactate?
Levi Martin
Adam Nguyen
>mfw just noticed where cho'gall is on the new halloween load screen
But who is on the horse flying in the background?
Jeremiah Diaz
The headless horseman, the boss in towers of doom.
Evan Rodriguez
Reptiles don't lactate. She does lay hundreds of eggs though.
Luke Collins
from her butt?
Christian Gomez
what do they smell like?
Austin Roberts
From her cloaca.
William Evans
sharkhaka when?
Jaxson Young
Ryan Bailey
Different person add /user/chasedogman to that list as well
Blizzard really fucked up with Garrosh's representation in Heroes of the Storm. His abilities and role do not fit his character fantasy in any way. His kit should have been for another character.
Yes, he is fun to play. But he should have been a bruiser, like Artanis, but with burst and less focus on defense and with an ability to force 1v1.
>what Blizzard devs did Hey guys we plan to release Garrosh somewhere in summer 2017 Fast forward summer 2017 Alright guys just attach some existing kit to Garrosh and release him. And dont forget to make a legendary skin + bike with a bunch of tints
Mason Rodriguez
Jason Lopez
Warcraft Nazgrim, Teron Gorefiend, Kilrogg Deadeye, Kargath Bladefist, Ner'zhul, Jubei'Thos, Maim, Rend, Blackhand the Destroyer, Nekros Skullcrusher, Lord Marrowgar
Starcraft Nothing please
Diablo Imperius, Aidan and that "Looking for Baal?" guy, maybe the ghost wizard from D3 as well
Overwatch Hanzo, Torbjorn, Winston - not anymore because Blizz added too many SJWatch characters to the game already
Matthew Gonzalez
i havent played this game since may, did they nerf gazlowe? i used to stomp with him on silver 1 and now he feels awful
Connor Wilson
>warcraft Deathwing Jaraxxus Antonidas
>Starcraft Arcturus Mengsk Zerg Drone Defiler
>Diablo idk I never played
>Overwatch also never played but have seen porn Mei McCree Hanzo
>Hearthstone Reno Jackson Morgol the Oracle Anduin Wrynn
Connor Bailey
>Warcraft Anduin Velen either of these two for the priest spot, preferably Anduin so we can get a multiclass shadow/holy priest Lei Shen
>Starcraft Narud Mengsk Vorazun
>Diablo Mephisto Imperius Urzael
>Overwatch Reinhardt Reaper Orisa
Levi Stewart
warcraft maximilian of northshire Deathwing Mannoroth
Diablo Baal Mephisto Itherael
Starcraft firebat vorazun mengsk
Overwatch Reinhardt Hanzo Widowmaker
Justin Watson
>also never played but have seen porn >McCree >Hanzo