League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!

>tfw no qt petite gf

I want a black gf

I love Camille

I'm sorry for your loss.

What do you think of Karma?

New skin when?
her model needs better hair

wish I had an egrill like this

>profile insigia to show i ended bronze

I don't want that! Take it away rito! I only played ranked because my bronze V friend wanted a duo!

>go to practice mode to practice csing
>get bored
>end up trying to one-shot baron and elder instead

Probably not for a while. Illaoi, Ivern, Kled, Asol, and Taliyah all came before her and still haven't got a skin. Also she isn't a super popular like Jhin was

Are Sona and Alistar friends ?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up need one more pass vidya

Apparently u can send a ticket to support and they will remove border/insignia

Best girl.
Best waist.
Best wife.

>tfw first time playing ranked
>get placed in Silver 4

Whelp, guess I really do suck

They'll just OPGG you anyway so does it really matter

Silver IV is pretty much average placements though

>tfw no tight half-dragon gf

>tfw started april
>got placed in s4 as well
>climb all the way to s1
>give up

When I first did ranked I landed in Bronze II. Got myself out by the time the season ended ( didn't play much ranked anyway because I felt like I was too shit for it) and ended like silver IV. Next time I ranked I got into gold. It's just a matter of actually playing and learning.

Well, I guess I don't feel as bad anymore. Will the matchmaking be better now? Literally every game placed me against Gold 1s and my team was full of high silvers/unranked

There is absolutely no good reason why Kayn should get a free, random ass giant heal every time he goes through a wall.

>azir has frontline presence while being a backline attacker
Who thought this was a good idea?

post reasons to live


One of these days we might engineer Genetically Modified Catgirls for domestic use

I just don't know what my team expected of me.


Literally the most bullied i've ever felt, it reminded me of high school. I'm sorry guys, i'm sorry.

So, what happened to Lulu.

this happened to me except I ended up in silver 2 and just quit after a few matches

purple squirmer


At what elo do people learn that the minimap exists?


How do I git gud?

t. pre-30 that got stomped by Yasuos in two games today

Mute them and focus on the game.

By gitting gud. practice a champ hundreds of times.

its okay user
the best way to climb is YORICK and only SPLITPUSHING

that's my favorite butt
also stop it

at what elo does the mini map flash when their jungler is going by the ward you placed even though you fucking knew you wouldn't see him in time because you're concentrated on farming

seriously how do I make that shit bigger

The trick with yasuo is you got to let them outplay themselves
just farm, poke him when you can and dont all in
eventually he will attempt to towerdive you, for whatever reason, without fail

I made a new account so I can abandon my old one. New season, new beginning. I just wanted to play normals but my bronze V friend wanted to duo for a few games.

Will worlds be boring with only Asian teams?

Literally none. If you die however you might get reincarnated as a giant void monster that gets to rape magical girls


Will the matchmaking calm down a little now or will I still be laning against Gold 1s? Also, how does the ranked even work? I get so many conflicting answers and everybody says it's "so easy to get stuck in bronze/silver elo hell".

Are promotions rare or something?

people that say that are bad

You can maximize your minimap in settings, but it still takes a lot of getting used to checking your map often. It's like checking mirrors while driving, it feels unintuitive to take your eyes off the road but it becomes more natural after a while.

90% of Yasuo players in pre-30 games are "smurfs" who got stuck in low-mid silver and decide to make an ebin "one-trick yasuo account xd" I wouldn't be too worried about it since they've been playing the game longer than you

If you placed in bronze you'll be facing bronze unless the gold's mmr is so shit he's down there and that just means he's bad

hey man dunno if you're new but focus on 1 role and 1 off role and play 2 heroes in those roles. i main jg and i play a non-meta hero and have got diamond a few times and plat/gold a lot on my smurfs.

dont worry about flamers if you look up their profile and see its their 5th season playing league of legends and the have thousands of games ontop of you with 48-50% winrates stuck in SILVER or GOLD then LUL they are just babs and want to rage at a newbie. gl improving ! :)

>that's my favorite butt
You've got me intrigued. Could you tell me why, user?

I am level 18 but I need someone to play with and either that person or I need to get an S. Would someone help me? NA btw

Just focus on yourself, improving your own play and hopefully enjoying the whole process, regardless of whether you win. Mute those who distract or distress you.


Does anyone have the webm were kadeem718 is playing Akali and walks right past the enemy ADC without attacking him

at first i played like 40 champs across multiple roles
eventually you just gotta accept that you are much better with only 2-4 of those

Like I win more games just picking MF ADC everytime then picking to what the team needs.

What do you do when your duo botlane tries killing them under tower 24/7?

it's already maxed but there's an option to put it on the left which I kinda feel like might be more natural somehow

I placed Silver IV. I can hold my own against people around my rank (Even some Gold Vs) but any higher and I just get stomped. I just hate getting paired against a significantly more experienced player as I just lose lane easily and then get flamed.

I really really really love big, thick butts and thighs
Probably too much for my own good

Sounds like a life to live. those Eldritch Horrors are probably having fun mindbreaking magical girls in some alternate dimension.

>jungler proxying your wave

Hey those are mine

What should I do as Gangplank?

I know that GP probably isn't the most noob friendly, but I really like his character and working for those barrels that chunk half of someone's life are very rewarding

>jungler comes into my lane and starts farming during laning phase

That's kinda what i'm doing.

ADC - Tristana ( feel that i'm strongest with her but playing her in ranked, I Just got stomped because I kept laning against Gold 1s)
Top - Darius/Garen, can play either against guys my elo
Jungle - Warwick (can play him decent)

I'm pretty trash as support and I don't play Mid often enough (it's a popular role anyway, people always ask to trade mwith me if I don't want it).

Hopefully this is enough, cheers for the advice anyway my dude.

Do Star Guardians break easily? Ain't fun raping them with void cock if they break fast, it's better if there's still some fight left in them.

to add to this

think about 2 different heroes, for instance i can play a tonne of top laners but my illoai winrate is huge and i think shes busted, shes a good tanky bruiser hero, so i pick her accordingly to our team comp

on the flip i can play jayce really well and have a killer winrate on him too if im not jungle. jayce brings a lot of damage and armor shred to the team and can 1v5 in low elo/til diamond 1/masters.

the game is all about mechanics and macro, learning playstyles your opponents will use with their heroes and builds. play around it/against it

~30% of players are bronze
~40% of players are silver
~20% of players are gold
~8% of players are plat
~2% of players are diamond
~0% of players are master and challenger

even though the tiers aren't determined by your percentile, the empirical numbers are what they are because the ranking system is designed to end up with roughly those numbers (+/- 5% or so)

there is no "elo hell". the ranking system is literally relative. you are how well you win compared to other ranked accounts on your server.

there is no ladder that everyone can climb at equal speed simply by playing more games.

If you're new I would look into the "bruiser GP" build. You do less damage with barrels but you can still practice landing them and getting the powerful slow but still the same time you have a lot more survivability

>masterfully combines abilities and aa to last hit every single one of them

im like seriously nigger

stop playing darius and garen

you have to factor in that a large part of silver and bronze players are literally mentally setback, kids, or very new to mobas and the game itself.

Anyone should be able to get gold relatively easily if they actually practise

also to answer you before, if you start grinding in ranked all your opponents and team will be anywhere from b1/s5 - g5/g1

your teams will probably be around s5-s1 though if you're in s4 til you start climbing/jumping elo gaps. just have fun with it, play to win play to improve.

I'm glad to see you're posting here again

Those are close to the best top laners to learn the game on.

Silver 4 is a solid placement for a complete beginner. If you held your own during the initial 10 of 10 placements, you should be fine where you are. You will be surprised as to how fucking shit Silver players are and even the lower MMR golds that you might be paired against.

The only people I recommend against continuing ranked after their placements are those that somehow manage to place at Bronze V or IV.

t. Placed Silver V first time and quickly moved up to gold.

Vi has the best butt, just FYI

Look at this, you can see those juicy cheeks from the front

stop playing them theyre shit

I don't know any other top laners. I have Singed (cheap champion), I guess I Could learn him? I do pretty well with Garen against guys my elo.

Thanks m8.

>made plat 3 last year (from gold V)
>play my placements earlier this season
>like 4 troll/afk games
>ended up in Silver
>haven't touched ranked because I know the kind of people I will encounter

Boys can't have juicy butts, user.

It's true that you can dominate lane with those two but in higher elos, a well coordinated team will make you useless. So try to learn a champ that is useful for teamfights such as Maokai or Chogath if you want to climb. Else just have fun.

You think so? I haven't seen a lot of good artwork of it
I just really like DJ Sona

especially garen

if youre really dedicated to darius he can work in diamond elos

I'm not him, I'm just saying they work fine. Putting a beginner on meta shit is pointless.

garen has a very low skill ceiling, not saying hes bad but there is only SO much the hero can do. hes not the best but hes fine. if you "master" him you will be good. i personally hate him and think theres better/more mechanical heroes to play but garen is a fine simple top to play.

Wait, wait, wait. Do people unironically manage to place under Silver V?

How the fuck is that even possible? I placed at Silver 5 and lost 9 out of my 10 games and the one I won, I got completely carried.

and if everyone that's anyone tried and practiced you'd just get the the same distribution of tiers. except now everyone is better at every tier.

actually that's already happend, people are much less likely now to shitbuild than they used to because of resources like op.gg or lolalytics or probuilds or whatever and watching streamers.

Why? I'm a shit

How did DJ Sona even get to fit her body inside her bodysuit.

>and if everyone that's anyone tried and practiced you'd just get the the same distribution of tiers. except now everyone is better at every tier.
what does that have to do with my point at all?

tfw dia 5 0 lp top 2%

tfw dia 4 is top 0.4%

dia 5 is full with boosted animals

That's like Triforce-Ninja Tabi/Merc Treads-Sterak's-Titanic Hydra-Lethality Item-Last Whisper Item, right?

Running Grasp of the Undying as your keystone

How toxic do you have to be to get punished? Can I flame every game as long as I'm not saying anything offensive that will trigger the bot?

This is literally the exact opposite of how it works and it baffles me that people spout this logic constantly.
If there are champions you play whose weaknesses aren't correctly abused in the elo you play in those champs are objectively the best ones to play to climb. If people aren't hitting your weakness then it effectively doesn't exist.

On the other hand if you want to slowly learn the game at your own pace and try to find out what makes them good then you should play the meta things that will hold up as you learn the game better and start playing with people who also know the game better.

that getting gold is not as easy as you make it seem (although i agree it's not terribly hard either). it's still top 30% of ranked accounts, so you still have to be slightly above average.

Be creative with your insults. Like "Even noah didn't have to carry this many animals"

so, i got banned last year and quit and want to start playing again. i'm assuming it's going to be more beneficial to just wait until preseason rolls around to start leveling a new account considering the rewards from leveling up, right

Because it means you didn't kill yourself yet

it is. because theres literal retards playing the game.