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Here comes T.Racer!


Tracey on the front page, again, as usual.

I will end you. Stop posting that shit. It's not funny or cute.

Olivia online


The fuck happened to Sombra?

I wanna date Tracer!

>tracerposters are obnoxious cunts, just like tracer
oh well at least it fits the character

Don't worry about her, she's just building ult

a rough night with Reyes

Packet loss nothing to worry about.

>Mei's Icicles change direction mid-flight to go after you

Yet another reason to hate the chink bitch.

My sister's name is Olivia. She's pretty tanned, could cosplay her tbqh. But she's lifts so she'd be more like a buff Sombra.

On that afternoon nobody in the Overwatch office could come up with any good skin, then Ion "Crash the planet with no survivors" Hazzikostas walked into the room.

Me too, user! Me too!


>roadhog players
>being any better than genji or dva faggots


Now imagine fighting her as tracer
>randomly spam icicle in your direction
>think i avoided them
>lol nope
>ded tracer

Hey! Chill out!

>female mercy main (big surprise)
>refer to her only as 'hole' the entire match
>end up having to mute her before her screeching blew out my eardrums
why are gamer gurls so easy to trigger

a 7 member team?

>Not Rein, Orisa or Weeensoun
You forget the JR line from the Crusader. 'The heroes never realised how much they took a shield for granted....'

What do you mean to imply?

You're solo tanking and the enemy team goes for bastion+junkrat+orisa
Wat to do?

it's funny that you think you're not in the wrong for being a misogynist. Grow up kid.

No matter how hard you try, you will always be irrelevant in the long term fatass. Keep spamming your voiceline, i'm sure your team is not throwing because they think you are trolling

im just going to one trick mei next season, also considering just not joining any voice comms because it never seems to actually help at all. i make callouts all of the time, i try to stay positive and compliment people but it just doesn't seem to do a fucking thing

What's in the new patch?

Friendly reminder that the purpose of comp is not to climb, but to get comp points. Once you realize this, the game gets way better and you have more fun. Work the system, don't let the system work you.

Is she T H I C C though?

Masquerade skins when?

Threadly reminder that Sombra pleasures old white men for money, US citizenship and the fact she enjoys it.


Guys I love T.racer.

have fun and go widowmaker, it's a loss either way. If you're concerned about sr loss go Sombra x

so how many of you actually got that new halloween mercy spray?

hello feets

try to communciate with your team and convince them to switch, if that doesn't work then just leave

>that bulge

What is wrong with you?
Are you a faggot or something?

I did.

if your team is too stupid to walk through the Orisa shield then you just give up and pick Junkrat or Pharah. (best counter against orisa cheese is Sombra but it's pointless with a braindead team).

I want to fuck her

That's a puffy vag

the artist tagged it as female, probably just puffy but i like it better the other way

>Okay boys we got this, don't use any more ults.

Why aren't you firing, user?

how do you explain being on fire 50+% of the game and four gold medals as D.va then?

>when one of your teammates claims to be a ""smurf"" because their season high was 500 points higher than they are currently
>and they suck

>shadder pushed the Mercy main off #1 EU
based, hope this guy will be in OWL

How good is Angela at sex?

>The enemy Hanzo is standing on the bridge at Numbani point A, uses his wallhack to spot me in the hallway leading up to the point and kills me by literally bouncing the arrows off the wall at a 45 degree angle while not even getting the line of sight of me a single time
So, why is this hero allowed to exist again?

The difference between a bad D.Va and a good D.Va is huge. A good D.Va should have three or four golds desu.

get points for what? shitty weapon recolors?

basic algebra


>20ms ping - No regs, hits straight up passing through models, you have to be pixel accurate to actually hit something
>100ms ping - Shots register, your crosshair just need to be a little closer to the target to hit it
Explain this shit


They didn't release this version of Zen because they knew that his beauty would kill me whenever I would happen to look at him


>Ignore that slut, I don't care if she gave birth to you. I am your mommy now!
how do you respond?


He looks surprisingly better standing, considering that Zen is one of the better looking heroes/hero models already.
I want a standing omnic like that asap.

>*Ironaids voice* EZ Clap

He looks too Japanese.

>only 10 days until Blizzcon

What are your hopes and dreams?

Grab a titty!

get back in

Mercy removed.

New support who is viable on launch. A new Arcade map. A new Hybrid map.

me too.. I'd love it if they came out with that concept skin as a legendary and if they made an emote with him standing

He looks a bit goofy here, but in that concept art of him he looks like a god
I'm not seeing it

I know right, he really outplayed me with his skillful usage of wallhack and RNG, I can only dream of aspiring such mastery of the game

New white hero

Maximilian revealed as a casino-themed Talon support character

>always get gold elims and gold obj elims
>always get a 2nd dps who dies in the beginning of every fight
>always get a mercy who gets picked off by junkrat spam
>cant carry games since ultimates are free kills
>cant carry games because mercy exists
Dude fuck this overwatch trash

>current year

big tiddies

da oonly constant is u tho!!

>new support
>new map
>"we realized that defense heroes are a terrible idea so they will be removed from the game"

How to fix doomfist:
make him white, suddenly he'll be okay

>A sniper who has a oneshot ability that requires no aim
Only blizztard

Why doesn't Rein's hammer hurt Genji when he's deflecting?

You don't understand, we had a phara and a junkrat (plus reaper, genji, mercy and me on zarya)
Unfortunately i tried till the end

because genji isn't allowed to have counterplay

He'll be kept black. McCree needs a black man to whip to go along with the native american he shoots to fulfill america's destiny.

Because Genji is a crutch hero for bad players so Blizzard can't let him be punished for bad positioning


does anyone give a shit about the achievements in this game?
i've been trying to get the "no door damage on hard endless mode" like 10-20 times and always failed. or are the people who play arcade just more retarded than the average ow player?

Meant for

Because the hammer's being parried. If Reinhardt were being hurt by the deflected hammer then we'd all have something to worry about.

Long story incoming.
So I started a competitive game, everyone's in voice chat, they all say hello. One guy is fairly charismatic and talkative, so that seems like good news. The others seem laid back.
One guy is having mic issues. This very talkative one is trying to help, giving lots of advice. I thought it was nice. He keeps trying to help after the match starts, and as a result is being a bit distracting to us. Eventually he's done and we move on.
He's usually the one making callouts. When we lose the first point, he's trying to direct us, but he just goes "alright now we gotta--" instead of getting angry or upset. He thinks we shouldn't have lost it but no venom.
We go through the whole match, he's talking a hell of a lot. His mic is very loud. He gets excited and YELLS things. He talks over other people. Eventually he's just filling the channel. Everyone else is silent. But he's not rude. He's a tad unhelpful in his callouts because they're hard to follow, but hey, he's trying.
We lose the first round. Now, this is low silver. He starts off the second round with, "We shouldn't have lost that first point. You know why we lost that first point? Because we made some mistakes. You climb ranks by getting better at this game, learning how it works, making the right picks, getting the healer. That's how you get out of silver. You gotta understand and know who to play--" on and on and on. All VERY valid points, I know. But he's got an air of vanity about him. Mind you, he's also low silver. Talking down to us, as if he's found out some secret.

I was going to mute him because he just kept going, but again, he's not being really rude or toxic. I figured I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and hear out his suggestions. He went the whole round barking orders and yelling and interrupting people as before. I considered gently pointing out to him that he drowns people out after the match, since I figured he seems like he really wants to work with us - he's just a little socially inept.
At the end we lost. He said "It's alright, we just gotta get through this one, take a loss, then play the next game. Hey guys, don't be afraid to switch if your character isn't working out."Then the potm and everything. He goes on again about "knowing to play the game" and "getting the right picks." Then he goes "I know I sound like I'm full of myself or an asshole, but that's just how you need to play."
I took that as an opening to offer advice nicely, since he seemed already sort of aware. I said, "The only criticism I have is that you tend to drown people out, bu-" "Well that's because they're fucking stupid!"
Excuse me? "No one knows how to play this game, they're all fucking idiots! They don't know how to make the right plays, get picks..." etc etc. You get the point. Lots of venom, all of a sudden.
It felt satisfying to have a reason to report him. But holy damn. What a trip.
tl;dr Guy seemed super friendly, just kinda talkative, acted like he was better than all of us (without outright being an ass), then made a 180 and called us all fucking stupid when given a suggestion.

That's not how you spell Junkrat.

Not your blog+learn to greentext this kind of shit

Don't worry, I hate Junkrat as well, but at least Junkrat doesn't have quite possibly the dumbest ability in the game that is deflect

>tfw no Amélie

double mine actually is the dumbest ability in the game.

No, which is why they decided to crutch him with the dumbest ability of two mines.