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/sthg/ #1017 - How Can Lanklets Even Compete Edition

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*late night calls*

First for Silver a cute!
A cute!!



This is the speed tiers guys, everyone else is slow.


I'm so tired but I don't want to go to bed because then it will be tomorrow

How do we kill the blue rodent?

Go to bed Shadow

Go to bed Eggman

>because then it will be tomorrow
It's already tomorrow.



I want to punch Super Sonic.

Classicucks make me fucking vomit

That would be extremely painful.


Shadow is as fast as Sonic with his hover shoes and the Rogues are faster than him with their Air Gear

I'm pretty sure Shadow did it and was fine.

>Thanks for playing

Why don't they just give every game the same budget Unleashed had?


This game amuses me.

Was Lost World just as dividing during the run up to release as Forces? Can't quite remember but I think the general consensus seemed hopeful at first.

The constant whining and negativity is pretty grating now. All concerns and criticism are valid but it's starting to get tiresome. Almost childish with people acting "superior" and shitting on anyone with even a vague interest in it.

Why is Jun'ichi Kanemaru the Sonic?

I don't remember it being real divisive during the lead up, but I didn't follow it as closely as I have with Forces.

Because he's been voicing the current iteration of Sonic for the past 2 decades nearly?

I don't remember people being overly hyped for Lost World. If anything, the general reaction was confusion at the aesthetic, Deadly 6, and the gameplay.

At the very least even if Forces is mixed as hell there's still something for people to latch onto. Lost World was more "Well this is a thing". Probably because everyone expected more boost after Generations.

After release the game's reception became increasingly sour, not helped by Boom happening the next year then a long drought of news and games from December 2014 to July 2016. 2015 was a bad time to be a fan, with the only game projected to come out then being delayed, the comic being unceremoniously hijacked by Worlds Unite for 3 months then going on a random hiatus in December, and Boom's first season ending, leaving a literal wasteland of content

When will Sonic be good?

Doesn't help that during all this time, Forces is the best they can offer. The biggest gap in mainline Sonic content in a while and they still haven't managed to hit it out the park yet. Mania was seriously unexpected, so that was a glimmer of light for the darkness.

I wouldn't be so dour on Forces. Even if the game itself isn't amazing, it's brought hope into the fandom. The tone, the friends doing shit again, the music, it's the kind of shit people have been asking for. Even if the game ends up being kinda crap (Which I don't want it to be, but I think it will be), it could at least be considered a start.

And even if the worst case scenario happens and Forces is garbage, like you said, Mania is a glimmer o light in the darkness. There is always hope. Mania 2 is not a matter of if, but when, and the comics are coming back in full force. Hell, they're coming back stronger than they've ever been, with a literal fresh start penned by someone who, even if not perfect, still knows what he's fucking doing, from a company that's actually competent and Sega being involved from the start.

Not lewd but just in case.

When they bring back the team mechanic.

True. There are aspects of Forces I'm looking forward to, as you have mentioned. Just let down by what we've seen of the gameplay so far. I'll probably still have fun with it, but like with previous recent games, I can only find myself enjoying the first playthrough, getting bored and then eventually dropping it.

All we can do is hope Sonic Team get the feedback they need and improve on their work.

I don't know about that. If the game is received poorly, they might take the wrong lessons from it and just scrap everything regardless of what the actual problems are

When the waifu fags die

Back pedalling to the boost when Iizuka had said previously they were finished with it doesn't help either. The parkour definitely had potential, while kept down by the odd level design. Sad to see it go.


They're still trying to move away from boost just less drastically.
Buddy levels are basically them moving away from boost with completely abandoning boost gameplay.

I honestly will never understand why Sonic Lost World was critically panned while the New Super Mario Bros. 3D games were given favorable reviews.
Gaming journalism really needs to learn to stop having such huge bias.

The best thing to come out of Lost World was the sound effect when you unleash a spin dash (not when you charge it). They should bring that back.

not excellent

Embarrassed Blaze is cute still
needs different color tummy for Amy though but she looks good as always

Parkour was fun

Me either, and some people here act like it's 06 and Boom revisited.

How much would you love it if we got Adventure 2 Sonic controls with parkour?

Combine it SA1-esque level design and it would be lovely

What is that? Link? Can't find it on google or in thread's pastebins

Because those games are good

and lost word is ass
from gameplay, to the actual design of the levels
To the characters, and the terrible villians that are the d6

Its a not great video game

Except, they really weren't that great.
They weren't bad games, but they weren't great.
It's especially baffling with 3D World since, honestly, 3D World was pretty average; if you look at the Metacritic score it's a 90s game.

Lost World's level design was no worse than any part of a level is was trying to emulate in those games.

Quit my job today lads

If there's anyone out there struggling just know you're not alone.

>Modern's boost doesn't draw in rings anymore
What the fuck?

A few months ago. Keep your chin up, user

Probably to make the avatar wolf seem more unique
Not that big of a loss, honestly

thanks man. I just couldn't take it, I kept fucking up every night and tonight I just completely fucked everything up, had like 10 tables at once, and I just couldn't do it man. I flipped a coin on whether to walk out or not and it landed heads so I gave my boss my apron and left saying I'm not cut out for it.

i liked the job but I could tell my boss was sick of my fuck ups, seeing as it was always something. If we weren't short staffed he probably would have fired me weeks ago.

i guess we all just have to know when to throw in the towel.

Kinda the same here. I wasn't doing myself or the company any favours. We mutually agreed if I found somewhere else to better suit my skills. Hopefully you'll find something.

>Not Excellent

Doors that way, dumbposter.

More delicious canon blob art for me.

I hope so. I need 3k and I've got 1100, I just hate working 8 hours a day, ya know? I made decent money as a server and it was only 4 hours but I was just shit at it. Just fuck my life up

>can't unhear Yusuke in Espio's voice
Matt Mercer does a good job though.

If Forces succeeds at having:
>Good music
>Good story
>Good graphics
>A creative artistic direction
>Non-broken gameplay

Sonic Forces will leave a comfy, warm and fuzzy feeling in the heart of the kids and casuals who turn down the console and this is the real objective to attain.
Cry more Adventurefags, Sonic Team will send you all back to SSMB


What do you mean you're at soup!?

What if Classic is the only broken gameplay?

Writefag on /trash/ doing a Sonic meets Monster Musume fapfic.


That would suck for the game's reputation, but it seems to get better with the latter builds.

Thanks for explanation. That's an odd combination tho

It's just your basic harem setup.

I just noticed while messing about with the demo that if you hit the jump button in midair as Modern Sonic with nothing to target, you do a tiny little double jump instead of that awkard 90 degree angle 2 foot homing attack from Generations.
It's a nice little change.

Oh, this'll be interesting.



Is it really broken? All the major problems seem to have been patched. It's really only got boring level design



Sonic is a pretty girl.

I wish Modern Classic Sonic's model was more based on this.
Worst timeline.

When Lizuka commit songoku.

Good luck getting a new one and enjoy your free time while it lasts.
>tfw getting ready to leave for work


Why is he making the Sailor Moon pose in panel 2?

Classics+CD are good, 2D only is not viable, Adventure is a joke, Boost is flawed and a waste of resources, that full-bright turd S2HD demonstrate the lack of taste of the fandom, Mania is Mehnia with crappy un-Sonic new levels (wow, a correct momentum that could be rendered on a totally obsolete console, wow), this fanbase is frantic and stupid and full of whiny idea guys, Iizuka is not as bad as idea guys say but is still incompetent, AoStH is an unfunny mess and the others shows are just average.

Sonic was a good concept only perfectly exploited in S3&K, it will never be good again and you are part of the problem.


>that artist
I like r63 sonic but why does it always have to be bimbo with that artist?

Was it ever explained why they have teeth under the beaks?

Always a cute.

Because they're not real animals. Next question.

kinda looks like they're wearing skintight suits.

oh man
I need more cute blushing Sage in my life.

I just died in mania while running on the train in mirage saloon 1.
I was in super form and as soon as I touched those spikes before the gun, sonic died like being crushed.

think you found a bug, my friend.
That or you ran outta rings the second sonic hit the spikes.

I am going to post a webm soon, luckily I was recording.

>oh man, this is some hot shit right there! Sonic has never looked cooler or more awesome! Graphics will never get better than this, ever. They could make a movie with these sweet polygons! What a time to be alive.

Lunchtime practice, somewhat rushed near the end.

For anyone who wants to get better, persistence is key.
Got a bit of downtime? Work on something.
You might still be shit after some time, but it's nice to go back to older work and realise you're not as bad.

We'll need an Omlette.

I am still sad that the name Scrambles or the idea of her being super into the Tails Doll caught on.

Always love your stuff, Yoto-senpai.

Any chance of getting some fresh Bump and/or Sage?

Loving all your arts, senpai
I'm gonna do my best, too!

She can have a nickname. Like how ol' Eggman has many dashing appellations.

Nothing wrong with Tails Doll fetish. Maybe she likes his cute/creepy thing.

I love how there was a strong liking for TB to be her mom.

good work BCA. you're really improving. now if only I could stop being lazy and draw something

For the same reason they have hands.

Sticks chapter never. It's been so long.

Jesus, that's a cute Sage. Could you add some fangs, though?

You're improving quite rapidly. One question: what's with Sage using Bunnie's tic?

Oh, haven't seen this yet
Based Knux

I think it's bunnie talking to sage. looks like sage got a haircut

shit, you're right.
She still a cutie though.