Dota 2 General - /d2g/

Latest patch:
New players:
New players (League refugee edition):
Cosmetic simulator:
Competitive Scene:
Interactive Map:

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis:
DOTA 2 analysis:
Personal statistics:
Personal statistics#2:
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Hero and DPS calculator:



Previously on Super Smash DotA 7xx:

Is Lina good yet?

First for aghs free quarry settling

>silencer kills you
>steals 4 int
are troll and pa gonna be ok?

>he doesn't build late game carry techies

hes litterally built to prolong the game.

Enjoying old patch while I can

Morphling morphing Earth Spirit doesn't get innate rocks but he can manipulate rocks placed by Earth Spirit.

5 Secs!??

The smicolon next to 7.07 is a typo i made in the first update thread, it's destroying me can we change it pls ty

Remember to use walls to turn with Pangolier ult. You can pretty much permastun in certain situations

is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land? this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.

Tiny is so fucking slow now because no agility.
How the fuck are you supposed to play him?

initiator/support caster

with ogre speeding you up

I need Luna to shit in my mouth

Stack Moonshards

ok, will fix if I make another OP

PA is not that bad, 15+1.4 and low mana costs. Morphling is pretty bad, 13+1.1


ult gives him movement speed dummy

Tiny might no longer be a carry. Maybe he's actually a pos 3-4 now.

Should i build tanky TB for lategame just for swapping HP? Has anyone ever tried? It's just FIVE(5) seconds now.

icefrog here, hope you like the new patch

atleast morph costs no mana now

He is at level 25 only 30~ agi behind where he would have been before the patch
He has better BAT as well

ids breddy gud :DDDD

the most fucking basic thing that was needed is now available in dota2


Icefrog here, day 2 is delayed by 2 hours

new player here. i am playing this game mode where you pick 1 out of 3 random heroes to learn all heroes. i cant win tho and people flame me for playing badly

what should i do?

How the fuck is no manacost morph balanced?

Can morph still carry? Can he mid?


he has better attackpoint my man, not bat
his attack animation is slightly fast, not that he attacks faster

>Morph with level 20 talent can morph ally Io and tether him
>Io can tether Morph that morphed Io
>If both of them have less than 100% hp they will instantly be healed to 100%

>le summon undead and come back to life man versus le summon undead and come back to life man
This is an actual matchup in 707

Its super clunky, they need to remove the seco d delay for the sub pings

>Removed cliffing restrictions for Rubick, Magnus, Dark Seer, etc.
I don't understand. Didn't they always have the abilities to put people onto cliffs?

People keep ignoring that he lost craggy too.
Tiny now has 0 armor at level 25, he needs to itemize for armor and a single item won't cut it. I don't think it'll be worth it, you're giving up too much. Losing the tree atfer 5 hits can be game losing too. You're hitting a lot more than just 55 times in a teamfight.

attack range is better desu

no you supposed to use your mic you autistic faggot
this thing is crutch for league refugees

how do you access the new ping wheel anyway

get out while you can

once a dotard always a dotard

you do NOT want to get hooked

>Attack the river

They just given up at this point

>Finally quit this game months ago
>My main boi Undying got madman buffs

Please tell me this game is still trash.

Mute everyone and play to your own pace until you grab the hand of it.

Not to mention if he morphs into an Io he has no turn rate

it got nerfed/removed heavily after it got abused too much if abuse is even the right word for it

>Please tell me this game is still trash.

Question: I've played a total of 2.5k hours of dota 2 during the closed beta/ open beta/ and until Oracle was released in 2014. This new patch interests me a lot and I was wondering if I came back would I be screwed by the MMR systems? I used to have around 4.1k MMR and I don't think I want to be matched against decent players right off the bat again.

>both of them in same team

>both attack when the other does
Io and Morph rapier strat with INFINITE attacks and instant healing


mmr system is getting reworked with the new update
youre in luck

>removed repicking
>get a mango and branch

But if Undying shows up on the rotation he gets a FREE MANGO and gets better mileage out of it than most of the cast.

Is machine gun wisp back boys?
Consider this: troll warlord with AC
Wisp with rapier

can I delete people even faster as underlord now?
do I rush spirit vessel now that shield is kill?

>already have 75% winrate on ud
>lvl 10 more dmg to firestorm
>literally a seond firestorm on single target in inventory

pic related

how do you supposed to play this faggot now

you rush battlefury and play him as a carry

Is this esports?

If i am going to play with a 3rd world spanish speaker who has no idea how to speak english I would rather have this, that send commands in his language rather than nothing.

On that note all my games for the past months have been team english vs team spanish so its hardly a problem anymore

Spirit Vessel deals a percentage of the targets CURRENT health, not max health like firestorm.

i dont speak russian

Icefrog put the +251 dmg talent at level 25 for Techies is just trolling, isn't it?
He fucking knows that no techies will ever get to 25. Fucking hell.

Is Shadow Shaman & Bane best support now?

spam waves with nethertoxin?

>+25 mines movement speed
Am I missing something here?

aww shame, I got too excited
i already hate this "pos 3-5 buys battlefury" meme

>pos 3-5
pos 2 underlord is actually legit though
not even memeing you


Which safelane heroes are meta now?
Is bfury good for non-AM heroes now?

never tried pos 2 underlord
I like bitchslapping supports on comfy offlane too much

>400 gold cheaper
its pretty good now desu

Oh damn I didn't even read that, I was just looking at the new dudes and changes to my favorite heroes. What about solo queue unraked, does that still have a hidden MMR? If so does it degrade over time of not playing?

Techies is a late game turtle hero what do you mean he wont get 25?

The steal yo damage crew

>not getting 25

Have you ever played against a competent techies? Techies games go on forever, even the pos 5 hero reaches level 25 in those games.

wait for the patch and play turbo mode

they said theyll be reworking the unranked system to be like the ranked one but i dont know really

pos 2 as in going offlane, staying till the tower dies
the powerfarming a radiance+vanguard/hood
after that i just buy ac,basher heart shit like that
its actually really fucking strong
especially with the attackspeed talent

>Spa mode

Nigger what? And yes its real

Any hero that benefits from a trilane setup is going to be really strong this meta. CK, Luna, AM, Spectre and CONJURATION come to mind.

I don't think BF will gain popularity since some heroes that could potentially get it got a cleave talent.

I cant decide if thats brilliant or retarded

yes but what about part there he deals damage to heroes
Q damage varies from tickling to literal zero and people just run out of W since it's only 300 aoe
viper strike is his best damaging spell now but it's awful without aghs
he also deals no damage to towers without memetalent and useless against bkbs

Holy shit, that is hilarious. I almost don't believe you. That's too funny to be Valve.

Am I going to get a medal for my current MMR?

Oh fuck!

>Icefrog doesn't care about you
>no one talks about you
>your waifu hates you
>still shit after so many years

truly suffering

Tell us where you got that and i'll believe you


holy shit underlord vs brood with the athropy aura talent, you get 20 bonus damage from aura per unit killed
>get an aghs to share that damage

Dota 2 Test folder)\game\dota\panorama\localization\dota_english.txt

Panda is going to be really fucking strong. Those talents are almost veno strong.

>being this bad

now im really feeling it



you guys ever read about the american penal system


heroes with tons of their respective attribute benefit most from this patch
i think he will be somewhat better

Isn't it harder to build now though, since you have to save 2400 gold rather than being able to buy it in increments