/ddlc/ -  #

Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Monika Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa

Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/SdMbaLbF
Booru: ddlc.booru.org

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Monika!
Monika is my wife!

>rent a beach house with the literature club
>steal Natsuki's swimsuits while she's unpacking
>convince her she forgot to pack one
>give her one of your spares
>she asks where the top is
>tell her she's so flat, she won't need one
>drive everybody to a public beach
>she's too embarrassed to get out of the car
>tell her that everybody will think she's just a long-haired boy
>tell her she's ruining everyone else's fun by staying in the car
>she reluctantly goes out into the water
>takes her towel off and runs in
>she's looking around, hoping nobody's staring
>nobody is but you
>she gets flustered but thinks it's okay as long as you're the only one who sees her
>play in the water for a few minutes
>the sun starts to set and Monika is ready to go back for a campfire
>as soon as Natsuki drops her guard, steal her swimsuit
>run back to the van waving it over your head
>tell her you're leaving in 1 minute and she'll have to walk back if she's not in her seat
>she sprints to the car, one hand between her legs, the other over her chest
>her embarrassed whimpering draws even more attention to her
>once she gets in the car, she asks for her swimsuit or a towel
>tell her you'll give her one when you get back to the rental house
>she avoids eye-contact with the other girls the whole way home
>she stays in the car while you're unloading everything
>as soon as you unlock the door, she leaves
>catch her as she's just about to make it through the door
>tell her she's fine as she is for hot-tubbing later

Daily reminder to give your loved Doki lots of love, food and attention.


Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:

- Underage Drinking
- Self Harm
- Suicide and Suicide Attempts
- Substance Abuse (Any)
- Waifu Wars
- Waifu Bullying
- Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)
- Not Doing Your Best To Be The user Your Waifu Would Like
- Staying Up Late

And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.

Yuri a best
The rest are fine too, though.

desu i really hate this halloween color scheme. it makes certain things hard to see.

Quick post any song and others will guess which doki you like.

P-Please more futa dokis
I'm so close

A daily reminder that Sayori doesn't blame you.


Hot and cute!

Too late, already did 4 of these things


I think you might be a Yurifag.
Just set the style to whatever you like, bottom right.

>National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
>International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/

just noticed this, really?

asphyxiate yourself, maybe you'll cum that way.

then change is back retard


>Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)

Someone please explain this meme to me

Monika's girthy cock stretching Sayori's tight cunt as she reminds her who the club president is!


I guess futafags can be added to the list of fetishfags who obnoxiously shove their fetishes in people's faces.

fucking monika mmmmmmmmm

Sayori wrapping her girly legs around Monika!
Monika thrusting into her happily as she nibbles Sayori's ear!


Necrophilia belongs in /d/

Thanks, user i didnt see it there. Helped my eyes out
eh thank

how would monika react if you went hanged yourself in front of her

>It's posted somewhere quite a bit because quite a bit of people like it
>Therefore it's inherently being shoved into your face

>can be added
Man, they done been there.

tl;dr: If you leave the water in the microwave (on) for too long and add some foreign powder (such as coffee), the water can erupt and spill over.

This when?

Spending multiple posts to tell a story that really doesn't need it is obnoxious, yes, absolutely.
If you don't want to be a faggot about it, then just pastebin it. That really goes for all fetish posts, but doubly so if it's going to be this long.

Water is not properly oxygenated when you heat it in the microwave due to poor temperature control!

Poor temperature control also messes up with the tea's flavor, giving it a "flatter" taste and maybe make it too bitter!

Please use a kettle!

Oh shit I do that with those microwavable mac and cheese cup things.

B-but it's fine right?

It's probably fine, but you should still be careful.

The one time I tried to join a clu in high school it was nothing like this. I t was some teacher basically leading the group.


I think you like Natsuki

One can swing a bat and killed people with that
The other one probably can't

If it was anything else you like you would be fine with it.

Just goes to show you can't do anything without someone somewhere being upset.



Having visually impaired children with yuri!

Is it just me or do I see squares in the subject for this thread and the previous?


>he hasn't married monika yet

Cute fanfic ideas, anyone? I'm taking them.
Natsuki! Sayori! Yuri! no fucking Monikammmmmmmm

>Implying Monika isn't just trying to seem innocent for you

That criticism goes to every story ever posted on this site. But something tells me you don't want all greentext stories banned.

Grabbing Yuri's breasts by behind!
Pressing yourself onto Yuri as you squish them together!


Natsuki and Sayori baking cupcakes, sayori being clumsy!

Hey it's me Chad!

You probably got hacked.
Try downloading more RAM.

What Pokemon would each girl use?

>getting annoyed that Monika isn't a slut that will jump your bones immediately like Yuri

wheres that 4 post monika worship


Monika mindbreaking and sexually dominating the other dokis after being turned gay by a glitch in the matrix!

>Yuri is a slut
Take that back! That's my wife you're talking about.

Oh no, not Pokemon autism again


Monika sexually dominating Sayori and making her an ahegao mess!



Kill yourself my man

Not him, but maybe it's the fact that most writefags talk about their stories and post the pastebin they're in. Then most greentext stories are one post short.
Then the futafag keeps posting his shit consistently without bothering to even put it in a pastebin, despite it's length.

Monika comforting a depressed user


>not burning the image limit by just saying it instead
This is good

image waster here


I guess we're on thread 65 then. I just wanted to keep track of the thread number,

The guy keeps posting because people ask for more. How this is any different than any other multiple post greentext? And how is this shoving the story onto everyone else?

What is love?

Non image waster here. Hello! how is your day going, friend?

Breaking beds with Monika!


I have a need for a picture of Yuri and Monika pressing their breasts together around my cock! I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED!

no image with Monika in it is a waste, user!

i dont get the last two


Breaking even more beds with Yuri!


This story exists

Zigzagoon is a raccoon.

Running out of money for beds after breaking a few with all of the dokis at the same time!

elaborate further


yes, please?

Did you forget about Yuri's poem with the Raccoon?

Monika is for loving!
Yuri is for lewding!
Sayori is for friendship!
Natsuki is Natsuki!

I think Arcanine should be replaced with Klinklang

>Sayori is for friendship!
Funny way of spelling waifu

Good job!

I want to love Sayori!

I want to become explorers in the further regions of experience! Demons to some! Angels to others! with Yuri!
Ah, the suffering. The sweet, sweet suffering!

>Not already loving her.
