/dg/ Destiny General

Fem titan is best titan edition

>>LIVE EVENTS Gauntlet
Royal Pools Challenge: A player must always be in the water by Sun Platform at all times, jumping or moving away from the water will result in a failed Challenge.
Nightfall: The Arms Dealer - Prism & Time Warp: Killing Time
Flashpoint: EDZ
Xur: EDZ, Graviton Lance/Nezarec/Ahamkara's Spine/Mask of the Silent One
Trials: Prepare for sweaty MIDA teamshotting


Other urls found in this thread:


Ueno Zoo then food around there afterwards.

>doesnt link to the old thread
garbage general run by an idiot desu

Should I buy this game

Old thread:

>boner simps still don't have welfare engrams





>comparing visuals when the backgrounds are complete opposites

think king

Linking old threads is gay as fuck

the awoken head glow is gone actually, Zavala still has it bot others do not.

what if you want to read the old thread?

how do i find niggers to do leviathan with?

Nameless Midnight or MIDA?

>t-they look identical! it's just the background!
>shill actually trying to defend downgrade


>about to lose
>leave game because destiny tracker doesn't record it
>maintain a 5.0 k/d because of this
feels good

do you want to be a faggot or just suck dick?

Well I'll be sure to defer all homosexual identifications to you then since you have an eye for it you faggot.
Meanwhile though, linking old threads is fine.

nameless on PC
mida on console

>Playing Destiny in 2017
>Playing Destiny at all

I knew there was a reason you losers keep quitting.

you get the raid done yet, user?

>maintain a 5.0 k/d

But you haven't. your actual ratio of kills to deaths is pretty bad user.

fooling a website doesn't make you less of a shitter

I dont play Destiny, I just shit talk the idiots that do


This makes me sad but you barely see your character's face anyways

>can literally look through archived threads
i mean if you wanna but its not necessary

when will we get hawkmoon back

i'm tired of using better devils, i hate the explosive bullets meme

>claim to think a group of people are losers, but still insist on hanging out with them

Anonymous is tsundere~
Come shoot Cabal with us, user, I promise you'll have fun

when we get fatebringer

But it lets me get into groups for trials which is literally all I want, and it worked. Got my group, got flawless, so...that's it, my jobs done, destiny pvp is a joke anyway

Since there's no way to change your looks in this game, is there any downside to deleting your character but keeping all the gear and leveling them up again?

Thanks user. Meiji shrine yesterday and food. Did we fuck up by not having a full weekend here.

wasting time over autism.

Don't delete your first character until your second one is 20

When will we be able to turn off helmets in combat? I want people to see my pretty guardian

Any ausfags wanna try trials on pc?

>20 lfg websites
>companion now has this
>spamming social spaces
take your pick.
I haven't done leviathan yet but obviously I'm not about to get spammed trap memes from faggot /dg/ redditors

I get this is more of a general question, but I'll ask you PC players

Any recommendations for a bretty gud headset that is sub100 dollars?

Not really, that's how people were getting to 305 pretty early. They'd keep their max power equipment, move it to the new character and then re-do all the weekly milestones and exotic weapon quests to get even higher power gear.

You still spend hours burning through story missions though.

Serious question, why are you still playing?

Not for less than 100 dolares.
"Gaming" headsets are shit too.

All my characters are 20 and at least 300 though


I got this one for 40$, hyperX something, I'm happy with it so far.

Why Nameless?

Anyone on pc EU wanna do trials with a shitter?

it's particularly weird in Destiny 2, considering that a major complaint of Destiny 1 was the lackluster story content. So then in D2 (and Taken King) we get more cutscenes and much stronger story, more opportunities to see your character, and then they make the characters uglier somehow.

>25% render size
>Lowest everything
>Minimum windowed resolution
But I can now play at work

I'm having fun

Because I'm still having fun. I like Crucible. I'm yet to do the Calus fight, or go flawless in trials, or get to 300 even

Characters look better in the cutscenes than in the creator but the lack of the awoken glow makes me slightly upset, That's what I liked about the awoken in the first place.
The lack of a voiced guardian makes me really upset

because the superior version is only like 2 weeks old


i don't know

crown of tempests or nez's sin for stormcaller? which one is actually more practical?

>post that I'm LOOKING FOR A GROUP
>get friend requests asking if I'm looking for more

any pc player need 1 more for leviathan? already full cleared on my titan need a group for my warlock, 290LL

The glow is actually still there in the CC but it's definitely toned down. I don't notice it at all on my character during cutscenes or running around the Tower.

What site are you using?

>literally everyone with a flawless trials emblem uses a handcannon and a controller

I genuinely hope people start getting banned for this

Can I see my headshot rate somewhere
Also jesus fuck lower the TTK in close quarters, like what the fuck man



>go on LFG
>ask that people be 300 and be able to handle prestige
>260 joins 'hey I just want to finish this for the first time'
I have to start checking credit scores now, what a douche

Why do people think Curse of Osiris will bring back Thorn?

Please tell me Thorn will never come back.

Don't worry, it will come back and it'll be nerfed into the ground like everything else in Destiny 2

>everyone that beats me with handcannons must be using controller for aim assist
went flawless 3 times and each time we had a controller user he was always below me
controller players with hand cannons can't hip fire well or stay on target at longer ranges

thorn was shit in y3 anyway, expect more nerfs

>They bring back thorn
>Instead of the much more popular TLW
>Or the much easier to balance Hawkmoon


If they just did whatever fans wanted them to do we'd have a very different game

Why can't we have community managers like warframe?

>try out voidwalker
>it's fucking trash in pvp and mediocre at best in pve
holy shit, why did I let you idiots trick me

Well fans wanted a fun game.

so at what time GMT do the stocks reset tomorrow?

With enough adds it's unkillable and it's super is great against stationary bosses


It is LITERALLY worse than stormcaller in every conceivable way


When are they nerfing earth shaker titan? Double pulse nades is overshadowin EVERY other titan spec. Like why use anything else? I personally like sunbreaker but it is ASS compared to striker. Hammer of sol is dog shit and sunwarrior is dog shit. FUCK.

Who thought two pulse nades that can be extended was a good idea!?

FUCK. At least make sunbreaker decent? The path of the siege breaker is kinda shit. Feels like I don't do anything. Also, sunbreaker nades are all ASS

>it's only useful in a very specific set of situations
so bad, if it's not versatile, it's garbage

That's what it's used for, I'm not saying it's better or worse than anything else.

stormcaller can't eat grenades to regen health or constantly get health back as long as you aren't retarded enough to kill an add in 10 seconds
if you think thats bad for pvp you might have autism or just suck

I enjoy playing Dawnblade

Devour lock or actium war rig striker?

>laughs at sissylocks and femboi hunters

And that's when we get Found Verdict, still as a secondary.
So I'm okay with this, when?

>everyone gets double grenade kit
>no double knife kit for hunter

>tfw no one to raid with
>some of the friends we tried raiding with don't want to do the raid anymore after getting stuck on the gardens
>they'd rather find some randoms that have done it many times before
oh well

what does sunbreaker titan even really excel at?

How did the people that made Halo make such a garbage pvp mode

grenades that are worse than pulse

with how long grenade cooldowns are it's significantly better to use a pulse grenade to just kill an enemy than eating one and forcing yourself to go out of cover in the hopes that you can refresh devour, if you honestly think that aggressive style of play works in anything other than quickplay then you're fucking delusional.
DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER because you have trash for damage, a shitty ultimate outclassed by stormcaller in every concievable way and on top of that you don't have arc soul, so immediatley to the group you're less useful.
The only thing devour is good for is soloing, it's fucking shite.
And having gone flawless with stormcaller in trials and barely able to do a thing with voidwalker in pvp I can say with certainty that it's objectively worse as a subclass

post your pvp stats because voidlock in pvp is the strongest thing
>grenade consume for full hp
>fast traveling super with big aoe
>devour so you can possibly 2v1

Stormcaller is worse at doing damage to calus

So if your friends are bad at the raid and don't wanna do it is it better to just find a group of randoms or do they all expect you to be really good at this point?

how are you meant to do any of that when you get murdered in .5 seconds by a scout rifle

too bad that chest is pure garbage, other than for its looks

As long as you're not retarded every fight of the raid is easily explained and many groups are willing to take new people.

I think it's good. What do you imply they should have done different?

i read that you're not supposed to dismantle purple sniper rifles or something when you're levelling up? what was it exactly?