/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Micolash edition

Made a werewolf out of legs >information. If you're new to Bloodborne and /bbg/ READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS

>Accessing the DLC
Note: If the eye isn't showing up, go to: Settings > Playstation Network/Account Management > Restore Licenses

>/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules: imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>/bbg/ Spelunking Club
Password = /bbg/
Create a new S/FRC chalice dungeon and beckon anons to join
Use the Short Root Chalice with the password /bbg/ to be summoned or invade
(every Friday 6pm EST, anything goes)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne AR Calculator

Other urls found in this thread:


What the fuck is a burrito.

2nd for loving everyone here

It's like, rice, beans, and maybe some meat wrapped in a tortilla

>bell silenced
>session lost
God damnit From

any tips on farming 40k in cathedral ward/central yharnam

i really, really want those BoM

Sell the Doll Set or go to the first floor of Lecture Hall and farm those squid scholar things.

Get to the Abandoned Workshop and sell the Doll Set for almost 40k

When the thread rolls over while you're in the bathroom


>r1 just far enough away from a person to do a normal attack
>r1 during normal attack to cancel into visceral
>hit them with both the r1 and the visceral doing more damage


You're gonna need more than toilet paper for that mess
Use some wet wipes

Parry, r1 or r2 close but not close enough to visceral, followed with a visceral. Some weapons/attacks won't allow it or are very difficult to pull off, easiest ones are the kind that pull you in.

Layer 3 report:
>Pre lamp had Katya being too energetic. Too energetic!
>Loran basterd babe reward, 2 in pre lamp
>Fell in a hole
>Floor slugs galore
>lost kirkhammer in main
>Kek we got 1v3 ganked, always feels amazing
>Katya sincerely did not appreciate being monocle’d. U r beautiful no matter what they say Kat get out from under that bucket.
>Pre boss, nice!
>Jinkies it’s another fucking pentagram warp (3rd one now?)
>Die to a fuckin witch AOE after waiting literally 10 years for alba to show up (a cute! as it turns out)
>Great Deep Sea tip tier, hey I actually still needed this neeto
>Kat gets the old disconnecterino but shows up in time for Amygdala.


Layer 4 report:
>Prelamp backbones
Main area had the best Arcane lake, Also needed that nice.
>Pre boss treasure room 16 slug
>Ugh emissary as a layer 4 boss. Made short work of it, but not before it zapped Albatross

Thank you for the mammeries A & K
Until next time

Was fun Sucy!
Thanks for having me

D-does anyone w-want to play?

Want to take me from lighthouse to orphan?

Pass bbg

Futa Maria.

Let me boot up and I'll be there in a jif.

And by lighthouse you mean the second lantern, right? Not the first


well im ringin

Set to global? Using small resonant? Are your pants off for maximum comfort?

yes, yes, and always

Sadly it doesnt seem to be connecting. Give the password a check i have 1 so i dont want to keep them waiting

yep its set, all good ill just go back to farming i guess

Is there a reason the wiki doesnt list a specific second trait for loran amy gems? Like the first two nourishing you get will be phys/arc or phys/phys or phys/fire depending on weapon, but the third is always "2nd stat". Is it because it cant give those stats or what?

I gotta deal with some winter lanterns, and I have a ton of insight. Is there a better frenzy resist set than the hunter set with the beak mask?

Loran Amy can have these following Sexondary Effects

> +flat Fire
> +flat Bolt
> Rapid Poison
> slow Poison
> Rally potential
> Healing
> ATK vs Kin Up
> ATK vs Beasts Up

+ bolt or fire is perfect for Tonitrus and Boom Hammer, but none of those are particularly essential for a Phys/Arc weapon. So just take whatever you like best.

Note: VERY rarely Loran Amy can drop abnormal secondaries like +flat Phys or ATK up at full hp have both been seen. But it's rarer than an offshape.

Thanks again alba. Its time for dreams.

Before I turn in, threadly reminder: sinister spelunk race on sunday


We should only use 4 layer glyphs for the amount of effort this all takes. I need 4 layer sinister glyphs but also want to stay unspoiled just in case I need to host, so if anyone has some idle time, make some chalices, see if any have a lyer 4. Much obliged!

>rules and faq

I'm beginning to think Sinister Chalices with 4 layers don't exist. I have personally never seen one, and the other user who was making glyphs earlier today didn't find one either.

Personally I feel like 3 big layers (each with preferably at least two Large Chests) is more important than 4 layers. Sometimes a layer takes 2 minutes, which isn't enough time to invade. We should find absolute mazes filled with bullshit.

The holy grail would be an FRC with naturally spawning Bell Maidans. It happens rarely, but I've never seen it happen on more than one layer in the same dungeon.

Also, a dungeon with decent bosses is important.

We don't want anything with more than one shit boss: Brainsucker, Silver Beast, BPS, Watchers, Celestial Emmisionary etc...

All I want is an FRC Chalice with naturally spawning Bell Maidans on all 4 layers. With Pre-lamp, main section, and pre-boss side areas on each layer. With the bosses being Hotdog, Abhorrant Beast, Amygdala, Loran Darkbeast.

why are invaders and cooperators in the same section?

>be euro
>sleep through burger hours
>miss shitposting
oh praise you! Praise the whole damn church

Farming triangle nourishings at l4 amy, if anyone wanna join - pass bbg

i'll come. let me run the dungeon. y592?

Yeah, you can use srrc though

Oh actually i still have the dungeon, ringing

Just woke up, is it full?

You are welcome to join in, going again in a minute

Ringing by the stairs then

I'll say it again, eggnog, you really are a meme

>forgot I had HoH rune equipped


Gg anyways, i enjoyed The fight.)

I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Was fun! I'm ringing by the fog again but this time without HoH

Ohh i'm so sorry. Ringing again

Fucking Amy.

I don't know how to deal with the third phase in co-op desu

Got her(it?) but gem is shit, so ringing again.)

Whew, got it

Blacksky eye or gloves. Also you need to sword beam closer

> Loran Madman just dropped a Radial Fire Gem
> with +18 flat phys

What the fuck? An offshape isn't that weird, it happens often enough. But flat phys in Loran? I know it's been seen before, but it's unbelievably rare.

Was it coincidence to get OOS and OOE on the same gem? Or was the Pthumeru based secondary effect brought about because Gem dropped as a Radial?

I'm kind of annoyed, since if it had been flat Fire secondary, it would have been exactly what I wanted.

Atk up 21,5 phys 12,7... Hp gradually depletes -10. Ffs


Gonna take a quick food break meadows and egg, i can host later

Hope you enjoy your food, Bacon. Want to keep going, Meadow?

Is ATK down a possible curse on Nourishing gems?

Because usually secondary and tiertiary effects (curses 99% of the time) can't be the same as one another. You'll never find a Beasthunter Gem with Beast Down, for instance (or Beasthunter with Beasthunter secondary).

I can't say I've ever seen a gem that says ATK up, ATK down. Obviously lots of Physical ATK up, ATK down, but they are technically different effects. I can't say for certain since I would have deleted any ATK down Nourishings without thinking, but I can't remember seeing any.

The only exception is if the Secondary Effects is locked, but primary can change. Since the game doesn't check if the primary is clashing, only the secondary and tiertiary. Which is how 12% Poormans + 27% Poormans Ghost gems exist.

You can still get ATK down on Nourishings.

K, thanks for joining in.) probably still gonna be farming if not triangle then waning

Yeah, ringing

>be in chalice dungeon
>step into water
>instantly everything knows where I'm at
>(madman screaming in the distance)

Got the 21,5 with + phys and a reasonable curse, Egg wanna go for the waning?

Waning? I'm not sure what you mean

Waning shaped Gem in layer 3 of Ske4igwv

Oh sure. I'd have to clear the chalice but I'll ring there then.

Same, going through it at the moment

Still going through it? Just got to the boss fog.

Embarrasingly Yes, on 2nd layer at the moment

Let me know if you need any help, I'll be waiting at L3 for you.

>tfw posting at work

Thank you.) almost there

Ringing at l3

Already have my resonant ringing the stairway.

Hi thinking about picking this game up if it goes on sale; but after trying DS2 not sure I can handle it since the character creator in that game was atrocious.

I care only about one thing and one thing only. Is it theoretically possible to create cute girls in this game. If not then I'll just move on now.

How cute can a character be? Everything else is secondary.

Is there any boss that animation-cancels more than Amygdala? He cancelled three attacks in a row during that fight.


Undead giant
By far

I think I need more sleep.

21,5 with hp regen i think i'll settle with this one, Egg, Bacon, thank you guys very much for making this farming much more fun

Anytime! Thanks for hosting, user.

>Is it theoretically possible to create cute girls in this game?
Not really. DS2 was the best as far as creating cute girls goes(as a downside you couldn't make convincing looking males).

DS3 and Bloodborne character creators have your girls coming out looking like autistic butterface trannies and all you can do is try to damage control and try to make them look the least awful as possible.

Which is a shame because the designs for the girls look cute as fuck but trying to actually create a non-disgusting character is a nightmare.

Well ok thanks. I guess Fromsoft games are not my cup of tea. Thanks for the reply. Guess I'll move on to maybe mass effect, fallout, or elder scrolls.

Actually you can but you really need to spend hours and hours in the character creator and then trying to see the ingame version because the end result is different
You'll delete and remake your character about 20 times

You seem like you know what you're talking about. Do you have any recommendations for games in which I can create really cute girls?

Sounds like you agree with the other guy and it's not really possible to do. I don't know he just comes off as more informed and knowing what he's talking about.

>Do you have any recommendations for games in which I can create really cute girls?
I'm not really that into creating waifus myself so you're asking the wrong person but you could probably as hentai games general, I hang out there for the lewds and I've seen some talk about games where you can create your own waifus. As far as normie games go, Sims 4 is pretty decent, a co-worker's girlfriend showed me the character creator when I was visiting them.

ded general
ded game

It's early morning on a weekday in the US
Most of the burgers are busy

>DS2 was the best as far as creating cute girls goes(as a downside you couldn't make convincing looking males).
No it was not, female models had terrible manshoulders.

Every game was shit in this regard, but DS2 was slightly less shit than others. I didn't say it was good, just the best.

>DaS2 the best

>/bbg/ is full of normalfag wageslaves

Sounds like you just don't know how to create good shit, mate. There are plenty of good sliders out there.

How do you neets afford to play video games all day and knight? Don't your wives or kids stop you from playing hours on end?

someone post that reaction pic with the giants you find in the nighmare frontier

Real euro hours spelunk. Glyph is wm5g6pca.
FRC Ihyll

And once again I forget to write the password. It is purge.

>having wives or kids
Also Neets are the reason people on /v/ and Veeky Forums screech and lose their shit about every single fucking game's pricetag.

>taking Lucifer's pic as any indication
He literally did that to troll /dsg/

60-70 dollars is a lot for a game though.