Advice: Uni. or Start up on my own

Here's the deal, Veeky Forums. I'm only 18 and graduating high school in June. Since I'm not a complete fucking moron, I went along with the system and racked up a shit ton of scholarships. I could basically go to college for nearly all expenses covered. I want to major in Entrepreneurship, because I've always wanted to start my own venture and work for myself instead of being a wage cuck. But I have my reservations. Is this necessary? Even though I'll have little debt, is the opportunity cost of 4-6 years of my life worth this fucking degree? Years I could be using to save money and eventually open the business anyway? I was thinking of buying and opening a franchise because of the advantage of a proven business model...possibly in the landscaping field. What should I do? It's not as if I'd be qualified for a business loan right now.

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>>hey random forum of NEETs, how do i life?

You need a killer idea to become an entrepreneur. What have you been thinking about?

College for nearly free? Good deal. But don't get a degree in entrepreneurship.

Here's my sick advice, that is built purely for you, and if I could go back in time to follow it I would:

1. Find the easiest degree in terms of how much time it will take out of your day (you can start undeclared)
2. In a college located in a city where you'd like to build your eventual business
3. Make really god-damn good friends with anyone who looks like they'll be anyone important, or currently know anyone worthwhile. Basically try every god-damn club and meeting that's isn't 100% lame.
4. Whenever you have a workable business idea you can fund it out of loans. You won't find better rates so young. This is technically illegal but who gives a fuck, nobody will find out.
5. Just try a bunch of shit from step 4 with people from step 3 in the location of step 2 without worrying too much about classes due to step 1.

>major in entrepreneurship
Jesus fucking christ talk about meme degrees

Only other thing is you'll probably need to know some shit, so learn how to read quickly and plow through a book/article/google search for relevant info whenever you have something you need to know. If you need more specific info that's where all your sick friends with real degrees come in. Just engage them in their interests and if you picked your friends right, you'll have everything you need to make money.

op, ever heard the saying "those who can't do, teach". Well that couldn't be more true for a fucking "entrepenureship" degree.

yeah, it is a pretty nice deal...I'm looking at about $100k in scholarships right now. & not too bad advice. I was aware social networking was going to be a large factor of my success. I'm also going to be going in a medium-sized prospects seem pretty open and the number of clubs and shit is large enough where I could meet some influential people.

are there any business related degrees that are worth this amount of time pursuing?


If you insist of a degree that directly contributes to your ability to do business though, take graphic design or something like that. No kidding, the amount of mileage you get out being to literally "paint a pretty picture" of what it is you want to sell is worth so much more than anything else. A visualization of a prototype is next best thing to the prototype itself in terms of being able to attract customers and investors.

unfortunately the place I'm headed to (the one offering me the biggest of the scholarships) doesn't have graphic design...closest thing is an "Art" minor and I've always been shit at that. I avoided anything arts related in high school because I sucked at anything outside science, math, and history. However, in their "comprehensive" business program they want me to take, I'd assume there'd have to be some course material on creating market design.

Well said. I really wish I was a History/Communications or other meme major at an Ivy League during undergrad instead of falling for the STEM meme and going to a state school. I could have spent all my time networking and still gotten the same or better starting salary and into any post-grad program I wanted to get into.

Look, it sounds like you just want an excuse to follow your passion of "bushiness degree" or whatever. Which is okay I guess? But is a waste of time compared to other things you could be doing at the same college (which is not a waste of time). That is assuming you care about owning a profitable business in the end.

I see what you're saying and believe me, I'd opt out of business immediately if I had some assurance. I could easily handle history or some other meme of a major with no problem. But what I do when I graduate with that? If the point we're making is that I should just take some degree I could easily handle and have time to do shit like network and do actual work when I inevitably have down time, what's stopping me from just not going and getting an actual job with just a high school diploma and doing the same thing? In your opinion, do you believe the college networking will be that much more valuable?

Here are some simple economic propositions for you:
In 4 years, you get more starting capital from school loans than working a job. The money needs to be repaid in the end, but that doesn't matter for that 4 year time period. Let's assume it takes 1 years for you to figure out what the heck will even make you any money. So that's 3 years, which is plenty of time to start making profits large enough to live on. Compare to working a job where you have no debt, but substantially less time to try out ideas and far lower access to both starting capital and skilled workers who are willing to work for food if you dazzle them right (college students are fucking jokes of optimistic morons, which conveniently gives you a use for anyone who isn't going to be important).

tldr; exploit access to greater time, starting capital, and cheap labor, on top of connections

All right, you've at least given me a little more faith in attending this place and not wanting to off myself the entire time from thinking I'm wasting my time with pointless classes. I suppose it beats working straight out of high school...especially when I'm not paying nearly as much as the people around me to attend. I'll take your advice on networking, time usage, and potentially using people in other majors to my advantage. Thank you.

Parting tip: Exercise daily and don't eat like shit

already got it covered. I've been lifting daily since I was 14 and I plan to use the extra time I have to use the university's gym and utilize the wide range of food options at the cafeteria to enhance my diet. At least that part of my journey should be pretty solid. Can't bang college sluts looking like shit. Thanks again for your time, man.

Post body

I took two business degrees, cruised through and spent majority of time doing other shit, finished up with a good safety net and a lot of very valuable relationships. Now run a successful business as do a number of my peers. I'm not entirely sure I would have been better off having to actually study taking a more 'useful' degree, or what that degree would actually be.

meh. I think college is a fucking waste. Especially for a person like you.

Do some sales, do some work. Then start your little company and make it a success.

>ā€œIā€™m an ambitious 19 year old, what should I do?ā€

>Usually, people are deciding between going to college (and usually working on side projects while they do so), joining a company, or starting their own startup.