Overwatch General - /owg/

Leg Archery edition

>b-but Moira is ugly!

>Blizzcon dropped a bunch of stuff recently
>new map and new hero coming soon, new short out now
>South Korea won the world cup, what a shock
>a whole bunch of Blizzard-themed skins are getting added into the base game (Nova Widowmaker, Protoss Orisa, stuff like that, ETA 2018)

>New hybrid map, "Blizzard World," coming soon

>New offensive healer, "Moira," on PTR
youtube.com/watch?v=6ETybQd4uRE (origin story)

>New cinematic, "Honor and Glory"
>yes, the armor will be one of the new skins

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/21179257
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>3stack playing Torb/Orisa/Junkrat on Defense
>Torb aimbotting, his crosshair flying at people with perfect tracking/flicking and he only uses the shotgun

>tfw mercys child birthing hips

3st for saying nice things to Mercy mains

Here comes T.Racer!

This new thread is fucking garbage

nah its pretty good.




literally fuckign who

Can soldier please have buffs now please?

>No Moira gentle femdom fapfic

shit thread

He's the most balanced character, what could they give him?

only if they buff pharah

I want to bully Hanzo's feet!

>stopped playing OW around the time they nerfed Roadhog into the ground

Have I missed out on anything important? I played the beginning of S5, got to Diamond and quit lol haven't looked back since. Game felt like a chore.

Gabe's withered gray dick.

taimou is a god

Would Soldier 76 get buffs if he was a mommy?

>Her sleeves are obviously and important part of her silhouette
Sure, but even if she didn't have them, you can't really mistake it for anything else
tall, lithe, short hair, glowing yellow/purple tubes surrounding her, naruto run, spewing piss
and you know, not having a gun
you'd have to literally have rocks for eyes if you can't differentiate that from Mercy

you probably got off to that you slutty boy

Fuck balance, he's my waifu and I want him to be the best, instead of the stupid weeaboo ninja or the chirpy british dyke

Somebody repost that funny Moya video that was a few threads back. I can't fucking find it on Youtube.

Two helix rockets

That stun

>you'd have to literally have rocks for eyes if you can't differentiate that from Mercy
Do you really doubt shitters don't have that?

nerf all skysluts

>lots of fun heroes in the game with interesting playstyles
>like le codman the most

I can't even laugh at you. It's too sad.

I don't doubt it, no

>fun heroes
>interesting playstyles

excellent bait, have a (you)


I bet you main Teenage Cyborg Ninja Faggot

Is Taimou an aimbotter?

this games dying, get out while you can

Only if they buff Genji and let him Izuna Drop anyone flying.


he was

Why even play the game if it's not for the different heroes lmao Just go back to CSGO if you like Soldier so much. You can have different weapons there.

Why are some of the animations during Moiras highlight intros just reskins of other heroes'? Its beyond obvious they reused bits from Sombras and Zenyattas. top kek

Yeah I unsubbed this morning

he was, got banned and somehow is playing at world stages
fuck this league and its selective rules

Those images are horribly compressed; can’t read a thing

>also censored

"Once, she led a normal life. After intense neural conditioning, she's one of the most effective assassins alive. This skin makes her look like Nova."

I think I'm done with this game until Mercy is busted down to the lowest possible tier of play, where she stops being effective past Gold.
It's just not fun anymore.

I miss beng

The fun of overwatch is obviously supposed to be in playing soldier and killing the rest of the roster of shitty garbage freaks and faggots. The rest of the cast is there to be played by dumb assholes and get killed by soldier.

I don't get it, some memer had hot chats with a thot?

>just got done reading a fanfic involving Hana
I want to main her now.



Since everyone here loves to suck Taimou's dick, he talked about it and so everyone started talking about it. They're all of the age of consent, but Kheprii's still a married man.

t. delusional retard

>being a dramatic bitch
stop playing comp
>super soldier
>not the greatest of freaks


A married popular streamer was sexting with girl

In other words: irrelevant

It's not Bang, so good thing it's gone.

>not the greatest of freaks

He would be if he had two helix rockets that stun

and 20 damage per bullet

And a faster sprint

t. gold that cant aim

He's still a freak even without all that.

Don't let babyface-kun forget how hard he got owned by Chad-senpai

>aiming involves randomly snapping to invulnerable targets while trying to aim at someone else

Don't delude yourself.
Morrison is still a mutated monster who's filled to the brim with various super soldier shit, he's not purebred, unlike ana

>"""pro""" overwatch players gossiping about each other when they're not aimbotting
nice community

>I was one of the first few that replied and laughed at him
Thanks for putting me in, senpai.

false, soldier 76 is a nice normal average guy who likes grilling and golf.

I'm serious, Mercy is not fun to play against and she's in every game. She's not even a vulnerable character since most of the time she's constantly regenerating and flying at the speed of a Genji dash every 2 seconds. Every game is about who can kill Mercy first or outdamage Mercy. I've never seen a single character fuck up a game so bad.

>pumped full of super soldier juice
>normal average
>survives explosion with only scars
He's a freak.


It's literally taimou and his boys having a jerk session with their small dicks

>got ow like a week ago (normie console ver.)
>suck cuz no idea how to work these dang joysticks
>having fun playing with friends and laughing even though we keep losing
>as it goes on call gets more and more quiet, eventually one friend starts getting angry and shouting because he died
>they both keep making excuses and lying about "bugs" that killed them

now i get why people never wanted to play tf2 or quake with me, i never want to get good or even somewhat mediocre at any fps from now on itll just ruin my experience

Google is your friend

Nobody liked Kephrii m8
he's not even a pro

I'm hoping that you don't mean the Widow Numbani clip.

You mean the one that blatantly shows him aimbotting?

jesus christ

Kephrii basically forces him team to play around him at all times and spergs out if they don't treat him as team general. He's literally incapable of playing anything but Widow too, he has gamesense like he's in Gold and if he can't click scoped heads he falls apart. I'm glad he's being taken down a peg. Streamers are shit.

>losing Numbani to the enemy team super fast
>my team is just fucking shit
>trying out all kinds of heroes, nothing works
>finally decide to go with Orisa
>I carry us to 3/3 and then a 4/3 victory.
>finish with 2 golds and all silver
>enemy junk gets PotG

No, game. It was me.

Reminder that Moira is made to be BLACKED and there's nothing cumskin can do about it

Oh you poor brainlet.

It's hilarious how fucking clueless he is

No more (you)s until you develop higher brain function

Wow where is his 8 inch penis guys

Absolutely BTFO, how will he ever recover?

Listen here white boi

blackfist is for BIG
BEAUTIFUL women only

dont even think of shipping him with white inferior races

he is EXCLUSIVELY for the BLACK GODDESS known as Orisa

What is a good win % for Deathmatch?

Can I commission blackfist's BULLET sperm puncturing orisa's circuitry and creating SUPERIOR omnigger babies?



how to fix Overwatch
>ban top 500
>MMR reset
>fix anti-cheat

>skin color

McCree mains where we at? WW@?!

I haven't played OW since Season 2, how's Doomfist? Viable?

>keep playing Orisa
>keep winning games
>30 SR per win

Holy shit what did I step into?

MMR reset ruins games

How'd you get silver healing on Orisa?

They played multiple characters. It's right thre m8.

how to REALLY fix Overwatch
>globally increase movement speed by 20%
>make movement speed vary more between heroes
>add momentum to movement
>remove Mercy from the game

Will they ever fucking nerf Hanzos arrow hitbox? I'm sick of getting headshotted by weebs aiming in my general direction

I thought he meant he lost multiple matches on Numbani before sticking with Orisa for this particular map.

Potg is currently broken, its either junkrat or mcree using Q every single time

It used to be 30% bigger.