/xcg/ - XCOM General

Long War 2 Never Ever edition

Previous mission News:
1)LW2 will NOT be ported to WotC by Pavonis


3)Julian Gallop Phoenix Point News (New Update: 8/30/2017)

4)Jake spoke at PAX East on March 10th on the growing pains of rebooting XCOM

The /xcg/ Mandatory Read:

/xcg/ XCOM 2 Character Pool:

Image Library of /xcg/:

List of compatible mods for Long War 2

XCOM2 modlist, updated long before WOTC (Out of Date)

MEGA Mod Repository, now contains all of the mods in the modlist

/xcg/'s Long War Library (New LW players read this shit or you will be ignored):

Piratez mod for OpenXCom:

The X-COM Files for OpenXCom:

/xcg/ neither condemns nor condones that which is lewd

Other urls found in this thread:


Do not lewd the snek.

pistols are useful

Well at least we will getting Lasers, SMGs and Coilguns.


Don't tell me what to do, you're not my supervisor!

>posting on the forward slash v forward slash tread

pathetic desu

BF1 ports when

is this another one of those unicorn weapons that never actually existed besides on paper?

>don't get a 10th engineer before the end of the second month
>entire playthrough is ruined because you miss out on 3 satellites
who designed this

For the 1906? A few were made but it didn't go into mass production



look at the turret's status

Sorry, it was a What? in disbelief rather than a questioning one

beats me

why does killing govt agents give negative infamy?

How can i ID a govt ship from others?

nigga what are you recording with


Because you get your payments from the govt and if you piss them off they'll give you less

they should feel threatened

They don't because they have enough power to turn you into dust if you piss them off too much

>How can i ID a govt ship from others?
When you hit the interception screen, hit the inspect button, they have red and blue lights like a police car.
Otherwise, you should recognize their personnel on the ground, and later you will get the hyper-wave decoder.

is there any way to see how much stun damage my gals have?

It's the white bar that fills up your red health bar.

that seems extremely obvious and also never explained anywhere, thanks

Holy hell, maybe it's because of my drivers updating, or WOTC launch, but the ship screen and mission prep are now way more bearable in FPS terms.

I went from choppy 47-50, to a much better 52-56, which seems to be much smoother, and I can now enable shadows?

Was this the work of WOTC patch, or was it just my drivers I wonder?

Or maybe i'm just forgetful and I am getting the same FPS and am just being anal about smoothness, it truly does FEEL more smooth when scrolling throughout HQ.

WotC has a pretty big performance boost over the base game

Definitely WotC, I noticed it too

>buying bugfixes

>xeno crit one hit kills on a unit that was hunkered down and in higher elevation

>in higher elevation
why would that matter?


Higher elevation is an offensive buff not a defensive one.

>people still not realizing high ground doesn't give defensive bonuses

Well if you didn't, you missed this



>dumb-ass recruits don't equip decent armour
why did I even bother making all this carapace?


What's the point? I'm never going to have a GF that will wear this, all it does is depress me.

Jake won't force us to pay for soldier customization, r-right guys?

You know that if that even happened it's because 2k forced it on Frax

you also forgot this

guys I think they're fake

Real tits don't act like that. In all likelihood those are the fake things that you can wear and it's just a guy, at least judging by the fingernails
Or maybe she's just got fake titties.

no this is a ruse I remember this.
abort abort that is a dude

>What's the point?
Get some glasses user, there are two of them, right in your face

Is there any other game that allows you to customize your soldiers/waifus to the extent that XCOM 2 allows you to? If so I want to know about it. Also, post operator-chicks.

shit I already fapped to it

That's how they get you

If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it.

If you do not ask, the answer will always be no.

If you do not step forward, you will remain in the same place.

>Not buying Enemy Within


>not lewding the snek

Fallout 4 with mods.


It really doesn't.


Snek is friend, not girlfriend.

imagine if this was your benis...

Snek says no.

congrats user you successfully spooked me


Is there a mod for XCOM that would turn your squad into anime girls ?

Close enough.

But the ayy is already anime.

Lies and deceit of the Alpha Legion.

>big head
>big eyes
>psi power
Not exactly a convincing argument that is not supposed to be a sectoid.

Yukari was unironically one of my top rangers back in the pre-WotC days. I miss the Long War Perk Pack

Cool, might be a decent excuse to play xcom 2 again.

There is literally nothing wrong with dressing up your dudes as power rangers.

Colours are how we show our superiority over the ayy.

power rangers best rangers

>not even a sweater
Absolutely plebian.

One of these days I'll have to be vain enough to post pics here. I have both that shirt and a olive drab commando sweater.

One day.

Yeah i picked up a sweater a while back, but just can't find a properly coloured xcom patch to go on it.
Gonna have to be light blue patch which will look odd on an olive sweater.

They made olive patches with the release of the first game, but they're very small, think ~2 inches high. I think the right patch would have to be a custom job.

I can't find any in the UK, though there are some available from the states with way too much delivery on top.
Even those aren't quite the right colour

Those are prosthetic, there's a NieR Automata cosplayer that also wears the same type.

How do you fap to something so hilariously fake-looking?

>no satellites in april because no 10th engineer
should I just give up?

>can't fap to something if it's fake

Do you also not fap to 2d or source filmaker porn?


Every fucking thread

I've had more success with girls by not chasing them. Just doing what I want

That's not the same. Fake tits are gross.

They look gross, they feel gross they are gross.

This bump bought us a little time, but you still have to take care of your... well, you know.


send help

Shaken by what?


shouldn't have ordered your roster shaken... not stirred.

>tfw no good bond film in years

I need help with EW on Classic with the strategy part.
I can do fine on Normal but I tend to run out of money a lot.
To the point everything falls apart around the time of Mutons.

Is it viable to go with MECs or is that pointless on Classic? If it's viable, how?
I've been thinking of SHIVs too. Are SHIVs any use?

>EW Classic money problems
Literally how?
Do you not use the Market to sell excess shit?
Shit senpai I don't know how to help you;explain what the fuck you usually do in a game.

you know those alien power sources and computers? sell those, you don't need them until much later and by then you will have a big enough stockpile

also corpses, sell them

Also about the MECs.
They're very useful,they deal loadsadamage and are good tanks.
The SHIVs are memes used for speedruns and mikelat-styled autism.
Good if you have money,which you evidently don't. Somehow.

>He doesn't have a snek wife.

I take pride in my ability to fap to anything remotely sexual.