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Isn't DH a hybrid class but shitter than druid?


Nth for purging Ally scum


Will there be a new talent bracket in Battle for Azeroth?

Guys, it's that time of the year.
I'm getting the WoW itch.

I really wanna re-sub just to level up some of my alts. Been a while since I explored the world outside of Legion content.

>purposly playing the faction with sylvanas as your great leader
for the horde, am i right hordelets?

>try to draw jaina
>pick sylvanas va as reference

Not yet announced or shown, so likely not.

anyone else only capable of healing and tanking? I literally cannot wrap my head around DPS classes and specs, I'm completely useless at dealing damage but can heal and tank very well

>playing the faction with a pussified puppet of greymane as your Great leader
realistically the alliance would stand no chance against the horde, too bad we have to consider your feels so your useless faction doesn't get deleted

7.3.5 is going to drop soon and I think that's the last big patch for Legion. You should have much time from that patch to the time BFA pre-patch releases.

Whoops, wrong one

What kind of fucking retard designed legion classes?
>play rogue
>ass is just fishing for poison bomb procs to avoid grey parse
>sub gets to play 4 seconds every 60s (-1s per cp spent)

>play an arms warrior
>the ENTIRE gameplay is fishing for procs

>play frost dk
>you have three buttons
>play unholy
>what would be a decent gameplay is ruined by the need to spam death coil
>play spriest
>actual 2 button rotation somehow is okay for devs
Of all the things they're keeping from Legion, they're keeping class design???

we didn't get 110 talents because of artifact stick of vanilla +1% shadowbol damage talents, we are not getting them in bfa either because new artifact is basically a golden trait only talent wheel

>90% blood elf faction is superior
holy shit, get a load of this guy

we're lucky if it comes out in 2017

Reminder that between all the Horde players currently rolling Belves and the ones who will soon be rolling Nightborne, the Horde is basically a faction of elves now, complete with an undead High Elf leader.

Orgrim Doomhammer is rolling in his grave right now.

He's literally spinning.

Isn't is announced for the 28th?

>play unholy
>what would be a decent gameplay is ruined by the need to spam death coil

Now imagine death coil is a DPS loss no matter how much RP you had.

That was what we had before the current system.

Oh, and opening on the boss, having no runes left and only 4 wounds on him. A good 10 seconds of standing there with lust looking like a fucking moron doing 200k DPS.

>Never gonna see Zandalari paladins because Alliance would literally explode if Horde got two druids and a paladin

>not mentioning new upright trolls and upright orcs
their population is going to literally triple. We'll have less elves.

Current patch is the antorus patch, it's just not open yet. 7.3.5 is the new bg, scaled leveling, etc

Blizzard didn't like that players starting running rotations that were GCD-locked and hitting buttons as they came off cooldown. It wasn't "fun" in their opinion, so they made sure most classes couldn't do anything meaningful until the "you have fun now!" proc is triggered.

I remember when Legion first came out and people tried to convince me that Death Coil was actually a really good spell because of all the synergy Blizzard baked into it to force you to use it

Unholy should just have some low-value version of breath of sindragosa. Or not that shitty trait which increases the free procs even more.

I'm more worried they're going to forget to bake in the stuff we got with our artifact into our core specs, leaving 1/4 of them broken for 6 months only to overcompensate and buff them way too hard later

Yeah it would really be a shame if one race was dominate in a faction right?

So appear offline won't show my friends where I am? I don't want anyone knowing I'm playing on an RP server.

All we needed was a melee RP spender.

Death coil was our ranged ability, should not have been how we spend our resources.

Just imagine when they add undead elves or dark rangers.

if zandalari get a paladin, I won't have a single BE out of 11 characters

Unholy ALWAYS used death coil to spend RP.
You fix the issue by making proc'd death coils off gcd.

>literally as many people playing HUMAN in a fucking fantasy game
>they have the nerve to insult Elf players


>WoW themed leggings cost $55 not including postage and packaging on the blizzard store

How do they justify this?
Literally more expensive than the game itself.

>le soyboy trap leggings meme

kill yourself degenerate

>paladins can either be elves or cows
>DHs are locked to elves
wow dude so many elves

I'm fine with it being used in melee or range, much less with needing to spam it.

>No girls play my video games

Lmao kid

>faction that's mainly about humans rolling humans
>faction that's mainly about orcs rolling elves
>this is somehow equivalent


Girls don't complain about the price of something because they're never using their own money to buy it.

Try again.

>over 30% of horde are belves

Do you think adding the new straight back trolls and hordie nelfs will fix this??

no one said that

but that is undoubtedly an effeminized american man pretending to be a girl and who erps on an RP server as a futa draenei or something equally as bad

>I-it's okay if we are dominate of one race!
orcs vs. humans died a long time ago. How many human characters do you have sweetie :^)

> faction that's mainly about orcs

Spookiest class in WoW?

I think adding nightborne is going to make it much worse

Do we know what classes Zandalari and Dark Irons will be able to choose?

>a game about humans vs orcs
>humans being dominant is a problem

>tfw we have to get Zandalari troll's and not the blood trolls

why live

Not yet

Those look awful.

Whatever the fuck those things are, I look forward to purging them from azeroth

With the addition of nightborne, elves might literally make over 50% of horde players.
Orcs will become a small minority within the horde.

Just consider the state of that.

femdom trolls

Basically titans took some old god flesh, locked it with trolls to see what happens and called it a research facility.

>So appear offline won't show my friends where I am? I don't want anyone knowing I'm playing on an RP server.
Please respond.

>a game about humans vs orcs.
You mean Warcraft 2? Because since then, there have been more races than that

Any nameplate addon recommendation?

Yes, you're safe

>tfw no cute matriarchal troll race

Your viewpoint is kinda shallow tho. Its not the basic rotation execution that determines your overall damage, its that + ability to choose when is the time to do what. Also its not just wait for moment X to do thing Y, but you actually need to setup things beforehand, anticipating things. Well maybe not in heroic dungeons tho, where you belong.

>Horde capital is Orgrimmar
>Horde originated in Orcs v Humies
>Every expac with a new hub has Orc-based buildings
>Silvermoon isn't even in the same instance as the rest of the planet


Tidy or kui does the trick

this is like the third iteration of Horde, which started as a multiculti gang of orcs trolls and tauren led by Thrall

>Its not the basic rotation execution that determines your overall damage, its that + ability to choose when is the time to do what
Except you don't have the ability to choose since so many classes run around procs. On my ass rogue, I can pull from 2 to 5m depending on poison bombs alone. It's worse with the execute bracers, or if there's aoe.

>you actually need to setup things beforehand, anticipating things
Not anymore, besides saving cooldowns you don't have anything to set up anymore. Barely any pooling even on rogues. Nice try with your ad hominem though, Ion

>which started as a multiculti gang of orcs trolls and tauren led by Thrall

(an orc)

Tfw you miss thrall

orc raised by humans, basically 0 orc

>I am a "refugee" in Sweden so that makes me a Swede!

Yeah sure lmao


Not (you) but managing cooldowns is an important aspect of every class the fuck are you falking about

>Look up DH
>"DH starts at level 98"

God damn user why you gotta be a dick?

go away pol

thrall to orcs is more like muh heritage type american

>besides saving cooldowns
don't ever reply to me again


>tfw want a 110 of every class before BfA comes out
>Hate priests
I'm legit considering making another rogue



k boys no cheating, which language group on EU has the most BE@110

>DH least popular class
way to not set it to show 110s only to obscure the elf %

Thats exactly my point. Saving cooldowns and using at the right time has literally always been the complexity about classes in every fucking mmo ever. What point are you trying to make? If saving cooldowns is so easy to you, why are you bitching about classes in the first place if you can perfect rotations?

Stop nit picking.

This is your fate Hordie.

You'll be a faction of animals ruled over by elves.

> You'll be a faction of animals ruled over by elves.
me that kind of orc, whip me mistress

>super speed blood DK running around sewers with wildfowl omelete, sephuz and aggramars

Won't BfA just give you a boost that you can use for Priest?

I'm saying there's an even greater % of elves if you look at 110s only

they better fix this or I'm gonna freak

Are you fucking me?

How can the Horde ever recover?

Why do alliance fags always point out the belf thing when they are humans and nelfs primarily?

Fix.. what

I actually fucking forgot boosts existed, Thank fuck

That is for characters below 110

What's to fix?

I don't see anything wrong.

by not caring?

just read up because humans are the face of the faction and ok to play

>original faction races including the poster race
>race of homosexuals that was added later on and is completely out of place within the faction