/hat/ - A Hat in Time General

(yous) edition

>Latest News
Console release delay was a typo, still intends to release fall.


>Modding Guides
To play mods, go to properties on the game and opt into the modding beta (currently steam only, GOG soon™). A mod option will appear at the bottom of the pause menu if it's working.
If you want to start using the modding tools, download the Hat in Time editor from the "Tools" section of steam library.
Beginner UDK Tutorial! - youtube.com/watch?v=9KsLbUYwF70
Importing Assets! - youtube.com/watch?v=me8ARBf6wHU
Dyes! - youtube.com/watch?v=19FMpNtN0pw
Hats! - hatintime-mods.net/index.php?thread/2-how-to-make-a-new-hat/
Dialogue! - hatintime-mods.net/index.php?thread/15-creating-custom-dialogs/
Language Packs? - youtube.com/watch?v=7MUe1HVmX8E
Console Commands! - steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1163274530

>Art Rips (Shouldn't look at these til you beat the game)
Subcon/Vanessa Manor - mediafire.com/file/ajcm6b5ib5fmfns/
Hub - mediafire.com/file/668r6yp9ln7jkwn/
Dead Bird - mediafire.com/file/vet0538dbs5kj5r/

>Other Links
Official Manual - hatintime.com/public/AHatinTime_Manual_Official.pdf
Diary Entries - pastebin.com/mNyPzbrM
Official OST (MP3): mega.nz/#F!4GQggJjA!-S4M9tawFGHBdjjbVBGOIQ
Ripped OST (Ogg, has more tracks not in the official one): mega.nz/#!Qn5XiZpK!Qxunhpru1y9d5QMRMvydUHqJzv-PNOs7mgearp4Mcl8

>Official Discord

>Previous Hat:

>Talk About Modding
>Post Modding
>Hope for more Modding
>Protect Hat Kid

Other urls found in this thread:


Hat Kid is ded

GIMME ALL YOUR PECKIN' PONS, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

get that nipple out of my face

should we number the generals just to see



>Activate Windows

So whats gonna be next

Sorry, what does numbering the generals do?

Console release, and then hopefully more talk on what the DLC is, and its release date.

The mod tools are piss easy to work with, go make your own dream levels user.

I'd rather draw low-effort fanart and get my ego boosted by the official twitter

I wish Hat Kid was my daughter... she's so cute...

I wish they would boost my ego...

Is there any fanfiction that is non NSFW of
Hat Kid?

did you @ them

post work

The only downside to not having a legit copy of Windows is that you get that watermark and can't change your wall paper. Other than that it works perfectly like normal and still gets updates


user, pretty sure you did it wrong or maybe got the one off didn't see it somehow. the official twitter posts literally -every- piece of fan art. every single one.

was it clean

or you could just use a registered key from someone else or some shit

Nah they tie them to motherboards now, harder to switch over. If you do a clean install you could just install Windows 7 first, crack it, then to a legit upgrade to 10 and get a free key

I dunno

thing ken of maybe trying again to @ them with this or something but Im not sure if I should try again or not

sorry user. maybe they missed it, or thought they already got yours

good luck next time

No matter what I do I can't think of hat kid sexually

something must be wrong with me


I've noticed that they put a lot of Hat kid up, is nobody making fan art of tash kid or something? Maybe try a hat kid one instead, maybe twitter people want to push hat kid or something

well the one I posted before WAS hat kid so I dunno.
I just dont know, might be best to just forget it.

share it, lemme see

it was the piggyback drawing I posted a while ago

the fuck that was kino, no idea why they didn't share

inb4 we don't get it in co OP reeEeeEeEeE

I wonder, do they like share stuff immediately or do they take a while to repost something someone else posts? Now that Im thinking about it maybe I got all freaked out prematurely and let my self counciousness make me take it down before they even looked my way..

There is a point where they obviously go to sleep and don't post for say 10 or so hours, so... maybe you posted it in that time frame, the fact you took it down was silly, try hard. the explains it by the way, you took it down lol, they will 100% repost it

don't tell anyone I forgot the cape

Im a try hard..?

that hard was meant to be the word 'again' lol, not hard.

oh. well, maybe not tonight since its kinda late.

in the mean time, we hide in the dark


chapter 6/7 when

Some time next year.

What do you want them to be /hat/? I'm a big fan of Feudal Japan myself. I've also seen Comfy Snow World and Band Land suggested, those could be nice.

I'd at least like to see it, even a little; a short cutscene of her rushing out of her ship and into her relieved parents' arms if you get all 60 Time Pieces.

I think added parents to the plot would take away a little charm, in my opinion. It adds to the mysterious of exactly what the fuck Hat Kid is.

As for worlds, I was thinking akin of sakura/cherry blossom world, small ponds with giant green leaves as platforms, would be beautiful if they did it correctly

hey I'm the one who has to deal with the fact that like 18,000 people and counting saw it like that

interesting tweet from Jonas

Jonas Kærlev

I'm glad that ppl are picking up on the fact that all main characters in A Hat in Time are lovable jerks. None of them are objectively "good", they're all horrible people, you'd never want to be associated with them, but they're still really colorful & interesting to be around.

Suppose that is true, everybody, including Hat Kid, a little bit of a fucking shit.

Hat Kid is probably mature for her age and just wants to get the hell out of dodge by any means necessary. You holding her timepiece behind your back? Fine, she's got no problem fighting it from you.


Webm material lads, believe there is another one like this in the same vain


>when there's literally nothing to talk about, not even 2 months after release
Can you guys stop showing up when I type wfg into the search bar? It's really fucking annoying

no, not sorry
it's a good game and I'm sad it doesn't have proper guides on how to make levels because I'd be making them if they told me how to make enemies

search for /wfg you dunce.

Also, Yume Nikki mod when? I got some serious isolation vibes from riding to the haunted manor.

>can't think of hat girl sexually
no, user, something is right with you
take solace in the fact that you are not a pedophile

>implying warfarm has something to talk about
how's that event going along? oh wait, it's delayed!

moon time

That's gotta be a fake sword. No way Fi would let a crummy little girl like that touch her.

>then to a legit upgrade to 10
Why the fuck would you ever do that?

to get our Overlords off our backs.

We need a mod that gives Hat Kid a cute new bow for her ponytail. Flair for Sprint Hat, a replacement, whichever. I just wanna see her with a bow.

Pic related.

>can't change your wall paper
>lacking the ability to put something like pic related as your wallpaper, or make a slideshow of your various waifus on your desktop

How do you even live with yourself?

Hat kid is for platonic love and cheering up when the burden of time gets to her

that pic would be kino, do it, adult hat kid. it must happen.

Snow worlds
They are a literal core and essence in every platforming game
Final boss is a yeti who hoards shiny objects

>I've also seen Comfy Snow World and Band Land suggested,
>Band Land

Only if it comes with some silly minigame, parappa the rappa style.

This and the one from the last are badass.
Post more.

Did you try posting the cute Hat Kid from the last thread to their twitter?

She looks more like a teenager to me, desu.

I love that fucking jacket/duster thing's design though, I need more of it.

>tfw no musical number in AHiT like a Disney film

pls, this must happen. It is fucking begging for one, the entire tone of Snatcher, imagine if he broke out into a Tim Burton like musical creepy fest

Just wait till someone makes Lyrical covers of Boss songs and Workshop will handle it.

what will new game+ be like
just harder bosses?

i hope they will be open levels like mafia town

Hopefully, all the bosses were so fun but awfully short, especially snatcher

I miss being an underage faggot playing Wind Waker

>tfw im waiting more for the music in new levels than for the new levels themselves


Listening to that right now. Best level.

best part

All the musics were great in that level. First time I've ever just sat down and completed the whole level with start to finish no minimizing or afking, I was just genuinely having fun.


a hat in cute

hatgirl is not for lewd!!!!!!!!!!!

there is 0 (zero) lewds in here

there were in previous threads :s


And there goes all your credibility.

put your shit into pastebins

What's up with this tower?

All these people wanting Hat Kid to be their daughter... I just want her to be my little sister so I can hug her and tease her, and bully her and protect her. But never fuck her. That's bad big brother behaviour. A good big brother always keeps his sister's dignity intact.

tfw no cute alien little sister in top hat

Snatcher every mofucker birthday

>Collect all the Rift Tokens in the game
>Not enough roulette spins to get everything
They should have had a way to buy tokens or spins with pons, I have nothing else to spend them on.

play mods, lot's of them got rift tokens

>yfw AHIt sequel has lootboxes

it'll make me think.

No-one cared who I was until the time pieces crashed.

You did it wrong

No-one cared who I was until I put on the Hat.

...in time.

I'm sure the new Chapters will add enough Tokens to be able to get everything.

The Console version can't get Mods, so if they didn't that'd be pretty hecking bad.

And/or excess Yarn could be converted into Tokens after you create every Hat.

Too late, I just cheated to get all the unlocks.


Doesn't getting everything cause stability issues, or did that get fixed?

Beats me, why would it do that?


>Still no version of this exact set up but with Mario or Sonic

Feels badman, I want Mania Sonic with Hat Kid but not artistic talent reeee