/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones

>GUDAGUDA Honnoji Event lasts
November 8th - November 24th

>Fate/GUDAGUDA Order translation

>Fate/GUDAGUDA Honnoji Rate Up Campaign
2017-11-08 ~ 11-24 3:59 UTC

5* Okita Souji
3* Medusa, Mephistopheles, Cu Chulainn

>Craft Essences
5* GUDAGUDA Poster Girl
4* After-Party Order!
3* Fate GUDAGUDA Order

Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
Rate ups in JP FGO: i.imgur.com/ufcB3OP.jpg
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=1447471767

View: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
Add yourself: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

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The Saint

>announcing his (good) for the world to see
In islam every good deeds that gets overblown by the person doing it will be rendered moot without rewards in the afterlife faggot

2nd attacker, situational niche main attacker (modifiers against divine in scat and females in jack), star provider since quicks tend to not absorb stars well. Synergizes with hybrid teams like Gil/Jack/Waver etc.

liz thread

Doesn't it make much more sense if we all are going to hell because we're in this shithole?

>Liz BTFO matahari
wtf i love Liz now

This is now Arab thread

Continuing our little chat for a bit, which SIN would describe you better anons?


Overall as persons or related to FGO

Sharmoota dayyouth

Is this from the Old Testament or from the Qur'an? Because form what i know in the Qur'an all prophets without exceptions is always challenged by Bani Israelis and Qur'aisies (jews and ultrajews)

Probably pride

We all go to void in the end

sloth because I waste all my time shitposting instead of doing something productive.
This actually angers me, yet I cannot stop shitposting and the whole day is over as usual.

Greed, easily.

Lust here
I started playing this game and into TM in general because of the fap material and all my rolls are my dick guiding me.

NEET Sloth

Scat has a really high damage NP and her Buster cards are good enough that you can use her as a Buster unit. Jack's base stargen is so good that she works in Buster teams as a crit generator, and she has useful skills (buff removal & target able heal), plus her NP mauls female Riders and Berserkers.

What if what we're all experiencing now is just a simulation? What if this isn't actually the "real" world? What if the reason we're here is because we want to interact with each other?

You either have her as your Origin and Element or you don't love her.

What's the guilt complex sin called?

sloth as I just cant see my self living a "normal" life with a family and all that so don't see the need to really give a try. Doesn't help that I've inherited enough to not worry about some things.



And for anyone else who would like to see a glimpse of what universal hell in every religion this one is according to islam but not much difference looks like.

Sloth. I just can't beat it no matter how much I want to. But then I'd have Wrath anyway, so, eh.

all of those
mostly sloth and wrath

I would say sloth if you're not even trying to move on with your life

don't worry i put her in second archive again after the battle

Redman why can't you project me some quartz, I gave you some of my gears and hearts so pay me back, please?

Getting a clean number right on a milestone feels so refreshing

Uh, is there even a person in this world that doesn't have any of those sins? But mine is sloth and wrath

Fuckoff Indonigger

What if we're all comatose, eternally dreaming sex slaves and good rolls only happen when endorphins from being used are released

Envy. I get jealous of the smallest shit, even with things that wouldn't matter in the slightest to the average person. It's mostly just in small spikes but it happens way too much.

Happy dog

Mohammed servant when?

The whole basis of the new testament salvation is based around that we all are sinners since the moment we are born and unworthy of heaven.
But Jesus gives us a free pass if we believe on him and go against our primal instincts.

wtf who started this discussion of sins? just slept for hours

>tfw I want to use apples now to buy more shop guda-o's and get points faster
>but I also want to save them until the last quest that yields maximum hiragumo efficiency shows up


What if you are sleeping, user? Why don't you wake up now?

You're missing out on the chance on maximizing your gains from the 1AP quest.


Saint Martha niggers who else?
They are always active at these hours, and always discussing motherfucking religion.

>inb4 DW gets allahuakbar'ed
The only way for me to break off from FGO, so i'd actually welcome it

When is this game gonna start to be somewhat challenging. The halloween challenge quest was fun since my friends kinda struggled, so it felt good when i planned out a synergistic team.

I just wanna have a reason to grind!

...wouldn't that mean you are Elizabeth?

Now grail him.

Exactly. I didn't read all of it. But you get it.

Yesterday, it was pedophile =/= lolicon, now it's this

/fgoalter/is anything but FGO NA.

I dunno, I hope not. I hope no one else here does, either. There's already copious suffering in life before death. What's pleasant about worthwhile morals is they reduce both the current suffering in the world and that you might fear in the afterlife, whether you choose to believe in it or not. Everyone could learn from religion, even philosophy, in that regard, I think.

That's not for me to judge. At times I represent all those things, but I try to be mindful of them so I can not. I pray to be forgiven both by others and by whatever higher power there is, though, as my genuine desire is to not represent those things. I hope I'm judged by what I want to be, not what I am right now.

What if all of you are just a figments of my imagination, characters created by me that I'm autistically conserving with?

Lust guides my every action with sloth dragging me down like an anchor.

>my friends
No one is going to laugh at you if you say you had to do it twice user

Can anyone playing FGO not feel any or multiple of these sins?
They are the basis for making us roll in the first place, we lust for delicious females, get smug if we got them, get angered if not, and we roll for greed too, and are envious of whales or luckshitters

These are my two dick picks. Thankfully they're also pretty good.

Probably pride?
If you try to place all the blame on yourself, misplaced or not, that's something only the most prideful of people do isn't it?

My wife!

No, yesterday it was about Shuten Douji being a loli/pedobait character. Which is 100% true btw

Even if I were the best human being on the planet, I would still go to some kind of hell according to various religions because I refuse to worship some kind of God.

hengest and horsa servant when

Dick pick is always best pick.

Is Shirou a sword? Is Ryougi Nothingness? Is Kokouto Normal?

That's a really accurate explanation. I don't really get smug if I get want I want tbqh. Sometimes I even pray just to get what want, which is always a failure

Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle Aoi. I'd walk around the house looking for things to bend her over and fuck her on.


Depends really. So many religions contradict each other that literally just existing means you'll be going to at least one kind of hell.

>characters created by me that I'm autistically conserving with?

So you're.... projecting?

I'm not an atheist, I just refuse to bow down to anyone, be they god or man.
Even if God appeared right before me, I would still not worship him.
Man should forge his own path and not subject themselves to gods, Mankind should intend to become their own gods.

We were doing all seven deadly sins simultaneously just by playing shitty mobage
The deepest lore

He's objectively right though.

Well, swords grow out of Shirou's body at a certain point in the VN.

He's kind of right though. According to the Bible we're not even allowed to wear certain kinds of fabric or eat shrimp.


What the fuck /alter/, i come here to look at waifus and fap to some not have another existential crisis and a newfound fear of hell

Why is that? I used to be that way before I did some thinking and realized there's simply too many facets of what makes a person who they are to judge anyone, then realized the concept of a sort of Jesus figure makes a lot of sense to handle that inherent insufficiency of human empathy. I don't subscribe to any established religion myself, but I think there is tremendous value in a personal deity of that sort.

Sloth/Pride > Lust > Wrath > Greed > Envy > Gluttony.

I'm working to improve myself bit by bit.

The fuck? Why do we even eat and wear clothes then? Why do we even exist to begin with?

So what


Fuck I'm pretty sad lads I didn't get okita

Envy =/= Jealousy.


Isnt that Old Testament and the new Testament just said fuck off with that bullshit?

>le funny fedoramemes

Because God wanted to entertain himself. Every bad thing that exists is here to make it more interesting.

Will answer me!
>using a board of shits and laugh with the ocassional fight
>not murder, rape, literal idols adoration (not from Japan)
At worst God would feela little dissapointed but thats about it.
And also you think I spent all day in the internet?
Well... I do have anger issues but never hurted somebody so... wrath?

I'll grail her so fucking fast

Stop posting ryuunosuke

I'm pretty sure a lot of the OT is invalidated by NT considering that's what the NT is about

>tfw nobody wants ghost lanterns because it's using a slot that could've been a hiroshima
Why the fuck did they make the rates so low and who gave them the ok

Basically it's easier to have an imaginary friend who will forgive your stupidity rather than man up and fix your problems.

He is right though.

Pride > Wrath > Greed

If God exists, then he most likely has the same personality as this whale

What does Kuro's breath smell like?


You speak of Mastema, not God.

called apatheism. russian friend told me about it. Basically the chaos route from any SMT game


You what

So how popular is EMIYA anyway? He's always #2 in fanpolls right? Wouldn't a new 5 star of him outperform everyone else? It's natural to think right?