League of Legends general - /lolg/

It's Okay to be Silver edition

OT: eyosongive.us

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xth for my wife Syndra

>Yorick gets nerfed for doing the thing he's designed to do and being a trash champ beyond that specific thing
>champions like Fiora continue to exist

No, it's not okay. Silvers are subhumans and deserve to be gassed.

>56% winrate is okay
Yorick is too strong

its okay to be silver, its not okay to talk about the game balance or in depth when youre silver

Calm down user. It's okay to be silver.

nice alternate reality
>even tho riot knows about yorick they decided to leave him at top of the top lane and they wont hotfix him
>meanwhile fiora has no runes and sits on -5% win rate compared to old runes

what do I build on Ivern?

fun game

It's not okay to talk about balance or in depth when you're below diamond.

the stigma of being as mistake still remains after reworks

urgot gutting soon

stay mad fag, trash isn't allowed to be good

Why not? The people actually balancing the game are silver

>they stealth nerfed transcendence, absolute focus, eyeball collection and celerity and I didn't notice because what shipped to live isn't what was on the PBE

Phase Rush buffs when?

Is it just me or are the game way more snowbally now?

considering the braindead kind of people who are master/challenger I think it's just not okay to talk about balance period

nobody knows what the fuck they're doing

>finally got through whatever breakpoint within honor5 to get 2 key frags per drop

Best couple

>has bf
>has job
>is always here shitposting

how does she do it

still not it
and it relies on rng
and you have barely 2k hp

Oi gals, how's Elise in current meta? I want to finally learn her, but not even sure if it's worth it atm.

>Hashnishin can talk about balance
rank doesnt matter as much as you think it does


Who is this semen demon?

Wait, what changed?

>Kalista in my team
Yeah, that's the 100% permaban champion material

>Yorick's only buff is that he takes towers faster and nothing beyond that
>somehow cancer
>when Trynd and Udyr still take them faster anyway

People just need to adapt to play around aggressive tower smashers since we haven't really had this sort of pressure in the game before. Yorick is so weak in almost every other area that if you let him get to your tower it's your fault.

it's not okay to talk about balance if you're not an LCS player

>no gathering storm

The lesbian on the left looks cute.

because he said it was not thanks to gathering storm

Most of them got number nerfs:
>eyeball collection doesn't grant penetration at 10 takedowns
>transcendence grants 1.2 instead of 1.4 AD, some with absolute focus
>celerity's 8% movespeed into AD conversion got changed to 5%

Get gathering storm and wait for 50 minutes and bam you'll have the last 4%.

And yes, the whole point of this is to go completely over-the-top and go to absurd levels. Even half of this passive damage is still way too goddamn high.

but udyr is LEGATES XDD and Tryndamere is LITERALLY the CEO while yorick is just a mistake monster champion

If yorick was a waifu it'd be a-ok

i am not saying that its good
i am saying that is shit
maybe try following the conversation since the start

hurr learn to read what the subject is about retard

>black cleaver
>zero armour pen
>also he's playing Fiora who is doing 50% maximum hp true damage

Are you retarded

>Nice job having all that damage when a tank with 250 armors stands in your way and reduces it by 80% and you can't even fucking tickle him because you have zero armor pen.
>Anything a tank builds
>Doing shit against 173% max hp true damage

I don't think you understand what a Fiora is.

Xth for Lulu being a semen demon

So when Yorick gets unfairly gutted who do I switch to?

>not being 50 by the end of the day

Just admit you're a casual.

If you want to take towers down just pick Sion and suicide into turrets, enemy will cry bloody tears in being unable to do anything against it.

What's good for Jhin? A Jhin main I know insists that Electrocute is strongest on him but I feel like hitting everything consistently then getting a slight burst is weaker than hitting any 3 attacks for Press the Attack then deal more damage afterwards is overall stronger. Opinions?

>buying exp boosts
what a good goy you are

What's most efficient to level? Spamming Ascension?

redpill me on battlerite

I'm watching dom play it and it looks fun

>its another hashinshin feeds episode



well rito are garbage, so no surprise champ like fiora,kalista,yasuo, rakan exist and turret are shit, and we still have 3 maps for years, they don't care anymore, just memes and money.

>Buying RP
>Buy XP boosts with your Rp
>For the sole purpose of dick measuring over the internet

Simply epic my (((dude)))

>leblanc rework
literally WHY
just revert her previous rework???

it is fun
you'll git real gud at teamfights if you play 3v3
you'll also get shit on by better players like a fighting game

>tickle him because of no armor pen
uhh user

just because you deleted your post doesn't make you any less stupid

>watching hashitshit

Literally just the free normie version of PUBG for people who can't be bothered with gitting gud.

>yfw you will never braid ornn's facial hair.

the other shit f2p game with similar name. not fortnite

how does that game even


what are you trying to fucking say here

>this is your brain on pubg

wrong game retard

>Picking a game that isn't laggy as shit with garbage hit detection
>T-T-T-They're normies who can't git gud!

Oh, right. I-I won't bother with deleting what I said, it's there for my shame.

Fortnite, not Battlerite apparently.

I'm not even that good, just salty about it because some normie friends were insanely hyped for PUBG, but gave up after 5 games because "it's too hard ://", then try to claim some sort of superiority because they played 10 games of Fortnite and won 2.

Hashinshin might be retarded, but he is still better at the game than you, me, and 95% of everyone in this general

>not normie as fuck

normies wouldn't play fortnite because it's too cartoony and silly

I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!

>but he is still better at the game than you, me, and 95% of everyone in this general

skip to 30

I'm a better player than hashinshin

>eyeball collection doesn't grant penetration at 10 takedowns
I noticed this

the other ones I didn't notice but honestly more penetration in the game in its current state would be too much

she's pretty good since games atm tend to not get to the point where she falls off

is there something im not understanding here?
am i supposed to be doing barely any damage as vladimir?

Can we talk about how the new update removed the visual effect of Rylai's? Why the fuck would they do this

haha easy champ haha braindead haha ha

you are just not worthy

vladimir is all about raping enemy laner to the point where u r ahead alot of CS, so dont always pick him, u can go top with him and rape some melee cuck from there ull have nice advantage

Vlad is about roaming bot and diving them as soon as your first back

>midlane gets destroyed by an ad assassin
>no armor item in sight
>ends 0/7
>gotta rush that Morellonomicon like it says on Mobafire :D
Not even upset. I'm glad these people exist so Riot's matchmaking can put me up against them when I'm due for my pity victory after a loss streak.

Your honest to god opinion on Ivern?


Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana

Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise

Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra

High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune

Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air

Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali

Submissive: Sona, Soraka, Janna





I hate him so much like any other 1000000000x shield champ.


>finally level up

Hate is not an opinion, brainlets.

So is everyone getting only low price champions?

should i buy ivern, i've never played him before but he seems fun

>The last 3 matches I've faced Malzahar top
Jesus christ this sucks.

which champion uses this?

>with garbage hit detection

But Fortnite has garbage hit detection. Not only that but weapons are hitscan with RNG bloom so you can't hit shit if RNG decides to fuck you.

what champs did u play


who here glad s7 is over?
fuck the catch up exp and the pussy botlane picks
if you make mistakes early you should lose not auto win after 40 just cause ur kog and lulu
same for junglers catch up retarded shiit

the RNG spread for weapons is complete bullshit and gunfights are a coin toss half the time

but the hit detection is fine

don't know if I should main top or jungle


>the state of Riot

Implying it makes any difference if you get an armour item. 0 armour compensation for mages, so 2 spells from Zed/Talon you're chunked out to below half, seekers isn't saving you at all too much lethality and ad on them. But keep memeing.

>the hit detection is fine

Where can I upload links so I can share them here? Veeky Forums is not letting me dump links.

I'm not making them into an image because you can't c/p then.

mods are asleep
post zoe lewds