/wpsg/ - WoW Private Server General

The deluxe soon dead because discord is cancer edition.

Upcoming servers:

Hades - Cataclysm - 1x - November 16th

>Where can I get game clients?

>How do I connect to [server]?
1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have.
2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page.
3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/
4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.

>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info.
Make sure your realmlist is correct and not read only.

>How do I stop my client from auto-updating?
• Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe
• Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name.
• Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it.

Other urls found in this thread:




Did they already have those free lootbags from RDF in the cataclysm prepatch? That would make dungeon grinding quite comfy.

Wowhead says the "Satchel of Helpful Goods" was implemented in patch 3.3





I CAN'T wait for fun gaming with my /wpsg/ bros on PROJECT HADES


desu cata is the only expansion i didn't play in retail so im looking foward to hades lmao hope its not a complete scripting disaster like all the other cata servers

dont these /wpsg guilds always die is there even any point in joining one ?

Because they are a lot of fun for the time that they are alive.

the discord ones ALWAYS die
we just need 1 guy willing to lead that is not senna and make the guild around the thread again

Atlantiss was decent, only exceptions being a couple raid bosses and Vashj'r. Supposedly, Twinstar has Vashj'r working, so that's already a good starting point. Raids we'll have to wait and see.

So what time is this actually launching? Shouldn't it be pretty late in the day in whatever shithole is hosting the server?

18:00 local time
only amerimutts get boned by this time zone

for those with strange timezones

Actually it works out pretty well as an american, comes on right when I get home from work.

UTC+0 BEST timeline.

high noon

>Listing only Hades as an option
>Providing download link to vanilla, tbc and wotlk
>No cata

Their website has a guide on where to get cata client.

This is just the generic /wpsg/ OP.

Horde or alliance boys?

The cata client is in the ''hades how to connect'' link. I left it like that because their guide advices some file tampering which you might want to follow if you go and play on their server.

mb, thanks
Which faction are we rolling?

most of the people from here are going horde

as if i needed another reason to go alliance

being a faggot is reason enough

Dungeon spamming as a healer is going to be faster than questing, right?

didnt they put the quests inside of the dungeons in cata? it most likely is then because those are almost double of normal quests + the rdf exp

they did, rdf is the fastest way of leveling in cata+
although after you reach a certain point and start getting the same instances you have no quests left for, questing in between queues will speed up the leveling by alot.

It's faster to do each dungeon once at least. Repeating dungeons is kinda hit and miss in terms of being faster. Depends on the group you're with, and how fast they go.
General rule of thumb, do each dungeon once and level in your favorite area.

I was working under the assumption that anyone spamming rdf at server launch is a speedrun autist with no friends, like myself. Guess that will be put to the test.
Disc priest or holy pally? Played paladin from vanilla to early cata, but holy power gave me aids so i dropped it at 81 and picked up druid (horrible choice). Worth giving it a go again?

>I was working under the assumption that anyone spamming rdf at server launch is a speedrun autist with no friends, like myself. Guess that will be put to the test.
If you start early and stay ahead of the leveling curve, you're likely right. You'll be queuing into the same people over and over again, to the point where you might as well just tag along with them after the end of a dungeon.
You'll get majorly shafted if there's more healers than groups though. Queue times will get longer, and you'll fall behind. So have a backup plan, level while waiting for queues if you really want to minmax.

Orc or troll rogue?

>chad orc or virgin troll
come on now

Night elf!

I'm not a homo, sorry.

Anyone has Glitchy's item swapper for 4.3.4?

>not undead or cow
Apply urself

>meme races

what are top dps specs?

Everything was viable in cata.

Cata was pretty balanced overall, every class had at least one very competitive spec. Can't really think of one that wasn't.
Warrior and Hunter are both pretty top notch throughout the patches, including 4.3.4.

idk why but I got better ping to hades than atlantiss and warmane

Aren't all of them european?

this isn't vanilla bullshit, play whatever you want

i'm confused
the download was like 12mb
and the game managed to launch
what data is it using?

yes but depending on how far the host country is from your own one will prove better than the other
user come on

Get warmane cata client
Get hades mini client replace everything except .mfil and .tfil

it runs straight on your dedicaded wam no data needed

It downloads from blizzard servers while you play.

it's a mini client that downloads the rest of the data from blizzard as you play. it's slow as fuck though, you can find torrents from atlantiss that are more complete, I think.

Compressed client that has bare minimum to load the game menu and character creation menus.
Game data then downloads as you play and as it's needed. During character creation, it'll always take a bit to show changes to characters because they're still downloading.
Ends up being like 20GB when it's all done.

I've had it from this torrent since twinstar made their first cata realm 4 or 5 years ago, and it's only 15.2gb for some reason. It works though. The compressed client was showing different % downloaded each time I've started it, and never went to 100%.

just let it die

5 minutes hype. Though I'm certain to question whether or not they'll actually flip it on at the exact time, and if it's gonna go lagless.
Surprise me, you check fucks.

wtf i'm only 400mb in

demo warlock and fire mage shit on everything else if you get the legendary staff

but consider that the staff wont even be in the game for half a year, and even when firelands is released it will take 2 to 4 months for an active raiding guild to finish one. and thats just ONE per guild.

same for rogues - if you got legendary daggers then you are the best dps in the game, but by the time you finish them you will probably have finished all raids anyway, so it doesnt really matter anymore.

outside of legendaries, pretty much everything is viable. maybe not frost mage though.

I'd also add that BM hunter was pretty shit, from what I recall.

>cata private server

why the fuck

Aaaaaaand login server is down.

>it's the authenticating boss

tier 11 was legitimately on of the best raid tiers i ever played
cata 85 dungeons and heroics were super sweet too

>it literally doesn't work
Did classicucks win again?

'cause we've done the previous 3 a lot

ded serer

Because apart from Dragon Soul, Cataclysm was actually a solid expansion.

Its up

Switch the realmlist faggot


default is fine right

yes got in

got my names

logged out

Gonna go outside for a bit and enjoy comfy leveling when the initial wave dies down.


Got my names. Time to sleep now.

>troll starting zone full as fuck

They WERE decent. Now though, they've been on Firelands for like 3 years.

>Blood elf warrior
>AUGUSTUS was available
Got my shit son.

>shitty name nobody could possibly want it available

wow shocker

Someone's mad.

>his name gets stolen
>"i-it's a shitty name anyway"

>gets an entire page of anti-semetic names reserved

try again fag

Not even stolen. It's mine by right of firsties. He's just jealous of the BBEC.


guild is up


How widespread is metafaggotry? If you go, let's say feral druid, will you be able to get a spot in a raid?

GM is a feral so no

alliance wwu

inv mavaa to horde guild

Who's playing alliance? I need to know if I should start looking for a normie guild or if we have enough good players.

cata was the deathblow to classic wow and is thus everything which private servers should be against

>m-muh classic

Cata is closer to Wotlk than it is to MoP. Dragon Soul and LFR were the main complaints people had about Cataclysm.

everything that cata introduced was expanded on in retail, just play that you poorfag

and dumbing down talents/class hotbars to another level more? and homogenizing class and races even more? and literally killing the world of warcraft and replacing it with a brand new one full of quests with pop culture references that were dated a few months later?

Wouldnt the "deathblow" to classic wow be how they completely killed off the old world?

Man, the Firelands were awesome.

Can I get an invite to the horde guild.

IGN: Ryful

I'm going alliance once I get home from work in a couple of hours

>dumbing down talents

Lol. Cata was when specs had top depth, both PvE and PvP wise.

There's still a talent tree in Cata. It had reduced size compared to previous iterations, sure, but it's still there. Same for the other shit you said. You're thinking of MoP, that's where those changed.

Guild name is whisper anyone to get in. Horde side.

I'm on alliance now, tell me when you find that normie guild so we can talk shit behind their backs.

whisp is locked until lvl10, inv Liftor

Any reason to play Cata?
Stopped late LK, and then only rejoined for Nost and Classic