/mbgg/ - Mobage General #806

This general is for discussing the less popular mobage (Mobile Games). Games whose Veeky Forums generals wouldn't last a day or two on their own and games that are not popular enough for their own general. Typically these are Japanese only games.

>Current English Games
Terra Battle, Alchemist Code, King's Raid

>Current Foreign games
Battle Girl High School, Shironeko Project & Tennis, Shoumetsu Toshi, Girls Frontline, Alternative Girls, Destiny Child, #Compass, Tagatame, Houkai Impact, Tenka Hyakken, Tales of Rays, Graffiti Smash.

>For a complete list of games played in the thread and more information about them, please read this:

If looking for game recommendations or suggestions on what to play, please check the above docs. This docs is regularly updated with games and has all the games discussed on the thread.

>Help! The game I want to play is not available for download on the store:
Read this for information on how to find APKs or getting around region locks.

>Upcoming mobage doc

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Did /padg/ die?

Fuck off.

Looks like this thread was made first.

Next time we make a new thread, remember to add the reminder to ignore and report shitposting back in.

Thanks for adding TB back in.

Maybe next time.

When the sperg tool control on /mbgg/ he purposely deleted that. It's time to retake this general.

Lineage 2 Revo is the best game ever. They took the worst out of MMORPGs which is playing them.

But all that they left is clicking buttons to clear/accept quests.

actual new thread

>Removed Valkyrie Conncet
>When people have been talking about it
>Removed Potion Maker
>The only game that matters
>Added Terra Battle
>Not even TB2, of which both are shit and neither of them belong here
>Added Alchememe Code

Jesus how can one fuck up the OP so badly?

>thread made later than this one
Nice shitpost. Stay there you loser.

>The only game that matters
How so?

Nobody talks about cookie clickers anymore.

>complaining about a game literally no one plays
Potion Maker should have been gone a long time ago. It's just an /mbgg/ meme.

>Removed Valkyrie Conncet
>When people have been talking about it

when and where

I love Scooter Spirits!

Past few threads I'm not going to go looking for the posts but it's mostly because there's some anniversary happening.

There was somebody who asked if they should start it a thread or two ago, but it hasn't had actual discussion about the game itself in a long time.


>honkai not in english games
>no PasuMemo
>potion maker removed
shit thread desu senpai

Babby steps

Honkai is SEA.

Pasumemo is shit and an unfunny meme.

It's up in heaven with /ssg/ now.

You mean hell.

Anyone playing pasu memo?

RIP other thread.

Based janitor cleaning up the shitpost trash.

It's a medal. Gives All Damage +1~2%. Only last for 7 days so you need to keep clearing Abyss to extend its duration.

>One thread has actual mobage discussion
>Thread entirely made for shitposting filled with epic memes
>Better delete the one with discussion

why do I bother trying to discuss things here?

Even though it was the real thread and had more posts and actual discussion, sure. This thread on the other hand is full of shitposting.

I should make Nozomu L/D since I already have (two) fox girl, and a regular Garvin, right?

This thread would be perfect if it had
>REPORT AND IGNORE shitposters

clearly we should all be reposting unfunny pasumemo and terrible battle memes instead of discussing things, its a sign

>why do I bother trying to discuss things here?
You never have. All you do is shitpost.

you should play pasumemo instead

>Can't even appreciate Potion Maker being in the OP
Shitposting is one thing, but you whiny serious business faggots need to go too.

post your L2R level class and server

Potion Maker is a meme game just like PasuMemo and PTD.

Dont bully Terra battle posters, they just want to discuss their game!!
Its just that their game is so dead that "discussion" means derail the entire thread into a spiral of shitposting including the OP.

Have fun playing your bot simulator

One of the login rewards for tomorrow is an ultra rare card ticket, make sure you don't miss it.

What game is this? This isnt terra battle

Potion Maker

never heard of it, its not in the op

Yeah, L/D Nozomu + Oda combo is disgustingly good

I played ten minutes and it was just clicking the quest tab which would autorun me somewhere, have me kill some dudes or harvest something, then autorun me to the quest npc then repeated over and over.
Is this what koreans think of as fun?

To the user that was asking last thread, farm the purple puzzle materials from these quests. You can access them from the drop down menu at the top right. I should warn you that they're level-gated and each set of quests is character-locked, though, so farming them is only feasible if you can clear them reliably. You can reset the quests with the button on the top left. You can see I've already reset for this week because it says 0/1.

It's for normies dude, you aren't supposed to play it. It's like sims

is this pasumemo?

Thanks user, I knew it was obvious, but I couldn't help think they'll eventually screw us over with a huge wall. I guess with a L/G Garvin and Nobunaga, most of the elements are already covered to not give a shit about them.

Why do people care what's in the op though, shit like Index isn't there but the Index players aren't bitching

index players are in /a/ and dont have to suffer the mentally ill spergs in this thread that find hilarity in repeating the same unfunny memes x10000000

How should Colopl buff lancers in Shironeko? Their skills are fun but the damage are severely lacking.

I don't even read it, when there's not endless shitposting about it I don't notice changes.

I just open every new thread and post in whichever survives.

You give them the Carlos treatment and turn them into a better class. Soara is a good example since she had just guard and a xsaber moveset.

The point of the OP is to give newer people an idea of what game people are playing here. Not to mention if you search the archive for a game it'll come up in the results and they'll find this thread. That might not happen through the course of normal discussion, since we pretty much always refer to games by acronyms. Somebody who saw the BGHS anime and wanted to check out the game probably wouldn't know to search BGHS.

The direction the game's gone with going fast and lasers really doesn't work besides giving those to lancers. Their class gimmick with the just guard is kinda boring and pointless when you just nuke the map away like with Aisha or any new units. Don't know how you honestly make them fun.

Agreed. That's why games like Potion Maker have no purpose in the OP since no one plays it. Not sure why it's so hard for some people to understand.

Everybody knows potion maker is what drives people here in the first place. Besides, maids will subsume it soon enough.


>make a dragon rider
>call it a variant

>Potion maker that actually gets brought up regularly and has a warm reception in the thread should be removed
>Instead we should add this game everyone universally hated that gets zero discussion

Yep, I totally get you man.
I'm glad our terra bros are looking out for us and turning the thread into a shitposting wasteland again when we were regaining some discussion and quality around here.

>brought up regularly
I don't care about the rest of your post. You are legitimately retarded or are just shitposting.

>with going fast and lasers really doesn't work besides giving those to lancers
Here's the thing, even Linea was given a laser as her S1, and she's still not good, and it's the same kind of laser that Sera has

So what lizard did you fuck in your sinking game today?

I don't play that game, just had to point out you're retarded. With a reply like that maybe it wasn't necessary.

Uhh honey, SEA is the region keeping localized mobile games alive, mmkay? There is a reason most developers launch their localized game there first.

Westerners only want to play shitty Clash of Clans, Hearthstone and Princess Elsa Abortion Surgery Simulator.

Isn't it because her SP regen is garbage? Lancers seem fairly shit to me because they're balanced around having to just guard for the damage bonus and sp regen.

Why are you replying to him when it's plainly obvious that he's just trying to stir shit up. He's going to continue to shitpost about the games he doesn't like and there's no way you'll ever be able to reason with him. Just ignore the posts.

>Using S1 aside for attack buff and HP absorb
Her S2 is better for clearing maps except the damage is low compared to most other new characters skills.

If anyone plays Crusader's Quest, stopped, and is thinking of getting back into it, Season Two is starting soon. You can preregister for free stuff.

play terra battle instead

>Got Linea and Maya
>Still haven't tried playing with either
I think a big part of the class buff memorials before was to release an OP one to stop people thinking "(class) is bad."

But I guess that's a bit harder now that we've got nonstop memorials pushing the powercreep along faster.

New variant plays like an SSJ Monk or something, I hope his motif gives SP since his exceed gimmick seems so/so.

To be fair I only started playing shironeko with the Mana event, but so far it seems to me that memorials since then were mostly on the even ground? There were no variants after Mana until Carlos and now Werner but they seem to be as strong as her, not exactly outclassing her, Sharehouse Charlotte wasn't outclassed as far as warriors go even though the recent light one was about just as good, Soara and ZeroMC are both great zerkers etc, there were a few duds here and there but power levels seem mostly even

Yeah but they keep balancing them around their just guard class ability while other classes just go.

i miss when TB posters were chill anons that you just felt bad for because of the state of the game like that one Samantha user that couldnt roll his waifu for years

now its like the few TB anons that used to post here got cannibalized and assimilated into the cancerous mess of meme games right there with sinoalice, pad, pasumemo and ptd

They could release maps with a lot of mobs that one shot and tons of shit flying everywhere. When peak got her shinki I was hyped to play her supportish by soaking a lot of attacks with just guard and healing my team's sp and hp by a ton but we never really got a map like that

>thinking of getting back into it

no play pasumemo instead

That's kinda what I was saying, yeah.

Before we'd just get a memorial once every month or two, and they were super strong and the best at least until the next one, sometimes more.

Now we get them nonstop, and they're about even and pretty good. There's not as much you can do to stand out from the crowd when everyone is that good. And even if you do manage to stand out like that, more really strong units are just around the corner.

Peak made it to around the top, so she got to stay there until Noah and Nemo. Even if Maya or Linea were to make it to the top, they likely wouldn't get to keep it long.

>not saving stacks for the new trance units

There are still chill TB posters here, there just isn't that much to talk about right now, so we talk about the other games we're playing. Nobody really cares what I'm boost farming, after all. TB2 will probably be getting a new raid boss and chapter in the next update, so that might be something to talk about a little bit when it happens.

I really don't know why that one shitposter became obsessed with it and a few other games with a small player population here, but what can you do? It's best just to ignore it.


Yeah, dunno. He had a hissy fit the last time TB was added back to the OP too, then took the next OP over to remove it. Not sure what his beef is.

>TB2 will probably be getting a new raid boss and chapter in the next update, so that might be something to talk about a little bit when it happens.
You say it like there's people actually interested in TB2 discussion instead of just using it for shitposting and derailing the thread. Nevermind the fact both TB's didnt get a single mention in the previous two threads, lets slam it in the OP and remove other small games just to stir shit.

You know that post chain is talking about you and not anyone else right?

make anyone attemptin to talk about TB be kicked off the thread

The shitposter he's talking about is you.

Your shitposts are getting really stale. Leave TB alone and go do your own thing.

Undertaker gacha shouldn't have been that strong, actually surprised both units were disgusting. MC Zero still leaves a sore spot for me, maybe on next anniversary I'll get lucky.

Its pretty lethal to smaller games. If its a bigger game with a bigger playerbase then it can just ignore the sperglord and obtain actual discussion with people actually interested in discussing it but if its a smaller game and its just you playing it or you and someone else then there's no way in hell you'll be able to convince people to pick up your little game now that some bored sperg took it and turned it into an epic shitposting meme to be reposted every hour.

Some index players are here though, which is why I do check here for people asking for help and shit

Yes? Nothing that goes against what I was saying. Or anything I was trying to get at, anyway, but maybe I worded stuff badly.

>Failed to get anyone but the last three
I hope Tina's good.

I'm just happy that Terra Battle was added back to the OP so other TB anons can hopefully find their way here. It's pretty clear the sperg made /tbg/ to try and kick the game out of here and it's only fair that we push back against that nonsense

anyone here plays pocket fantasy?

Like every Veeky Forums thread ever, /mbgg/ turned out to be just a circlejerk. I'm so shocked.

The pattern has been 1 good character with the others being mediocre/situational or a lancer.

Though sometimes it doesn't even seem like that. It seems like I barely use some of the high-tier rolls that I got recently.


Its not really a circlejerk when the biggest challenges for a game to become popular are amount of players interested in it and if it catches the attention of the angry sperg that latched itself onto pasumemo and TB.

If its new and manages to get a good amount of players then it gets to enjoy discussion like Grasma and if it doesnt then it just becomes fodder for shitposting like pastel memories.