/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #137

Pain Edition
Previous Thread: >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Booru: ddlc.booru.org

>Anyone else notice a sharp decline in Sayori posters once we removed the suicide hotline info? Just saying.

Other urls found in this thread:



Natsuki lovers where you at!

Good evening, everyone!
Did you all have a good day? I sure hope so! Either way, welcome back to the poetry circle!

Tonight's word of the thread is "reward"!
Alternatives are 'seed', 'vista', and 'deck'.

If you would like to try writing a poem, consider using our thread's theme word so everyone can share our poems and compare how we handle this topic.
And if not, that's totally okay too! It's just a suggestion! In case anybody is new and doesn't know, this is to encourage both beginners and veterans to try their hand at poetry~!
Also, maybe you could try to comment on one or two other poems that get posted! I'm sure everyone would really appreciate the feedback!
Have fun, everyone!


Would you guys like a nice fiction where Natsuki writes erotic fanfiction about you and her, then user finds it?
Inspired by


Receiving a footjob from Monika!

A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.

Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:

- Underage Drinking
- Self Harm
- Suicide and Suicide Attempts
- Substance Abuse (Any)
- Waifu Wars
- Waifu Bullying
- Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)
- Not Doing Your Best To Be The user Your Waifu Would Like
- Staying Up Late

And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.




>we're in for it now scoob.jpg

I'm a Sayorifag! I just get all my images from this board...

I love her too!! Always!

should I write some more?
if so, which series?

Well gee! Here, let me try and add some more confusion

I can hear objections forming already
"But I don't know where I am at all!"
I'm guessing you're unfamiliar with your current location
So you don't know where the place you are in is
But that's different to not knowing where you are

Let me put it another way:
When you've lost something, you can't find it.
Right now, can you find yourself?
Here's a hint: Look down at your hands.
So given that, what is it that you can't find?

Seems to me that rather than yourself, you've lost the rest of the world.

This is less meaningful and more blatant semantic fuckery, but it's still kinda fun maybe

Going to Yuri's house!
Picking up one special knife in her collection! The stand rises with a click!
Her bedroom wall sliding away to show a dark hallway of unpainted concrete! Walking for what feels like miles!
Finding a opaque glass sliding door! The room is massive and freezing like a server room! There is a sound of electricity thrumming like a massive heartbeat! The room is full of terabytes upon terabytes of lewds!

Then receiving a buttjob from Monika!
Then a blowjob from Monika!
Then a handjob from Monika!
Then a job as Senior Advisor of the Literature Club!

Ehehe, I'm sure it'll be fine!
And if not, it'll still be very entertaining!


write more disabled Sayori I need it to end and be happy ;_;

Hugs from Monika!
Monika telling you you're not alone anymore!
Monika will always stay by your side no matter what!

Yuri will take my seed
I will fuck her in the ass
Or in the vagina cause she should get pregnant
And that's her reward

Rhyming is hard.

>wasting your night looking at traps on chatertube instead of writing yuri fanfics
what im doing with my life

Groping Monika Butt!


her hair. caramel. drifting bridges
holding us together

My own love a blind monster, afraid and unaware of it's awesome power.
Mind set spinning, whirling, tossing and turning, my stomach is churning what will happen what should I do?

her hair. it flutters. her cheek a porcelain canvas.
i paint

Yes I posted this last thread, but dammit I need feedback to improve, how else am I gonna be the best my doki believes I could be?

Reposting because kind of posted this late last thread.
Thoughts, as before, are greatly appreciated.

I love the idea, go for it user.
I'm glad my silly post gave you a legitimate idea.

Finding out Natsuki is a time traveler!
Finding out Yuri is an esper!
Finding out Sayori is an alien!

You know the one

I don't know if I'm ready.

I would never stop playing with it desu, it would be so nice.


Not making it hard for Natsuki Anal Poem user today, I see.

Finding out Monika is God!

REEE write cute purple girl lewds

I'd still fuck that Sayori tbdesu

Rather, she is making it hard. Very hard.

Catching Natsuki masturbating to hentai in the club room!


The doki's are nurses!


How large is Monika's sock collection?

I'm OK with this and might write it

b e e g


Sayori with freckles is a gift from god. But now I'm imagining freckled redhead Monika and I tremble.

You and Yuri going to america! Participating in a race to save the life of a sickly Sayori!

Re-read that user's post of the bunker of Yuri lewds, replace with mountains of fuzzy socks.

And it's mutual.

Nah fuck that.
Sayori is an esper
Yuri is a witch
Natsuki is a fallen angel

Slaying Natsuki's mouth with my meat sword
Now taking her asshole is my reward
She grindin on me and throwin it back
Won't stop til she drains all the seed from my sack

Quick question
Am I allowed to call a girl's orgasm a climax?

She has every kind imaginable, and demands to pleasure you with a new pair each day to figure out which one is your favorite.

She has every anons favorite pair of socks

When can we expect results from JustHarmonikanon?

Hey Natsuki, can I have a cupcake? Please?

Go for it!

yes any orgasm can be called a climax

Absolutely not, fiend! Are you some sort of savage? Unbelievable.

>Not calling it a crescendo

I saw a greentext of this last night, but this NEEDS to be a full fic

I love her too.

Post the original spider sprite faggot

Ye I do it and I'm a gril, so

i wrote something
i tried to put elements of her depression into this and i don't think i did sayori's dialogue well. seeing as how i don't collect cards i had no idea what to write and settled for how i did it.
yeah i just copied this message too if you realized it.



>Tfw you don't call it a pleasurable apex

>No Tonberry Yuri

Reminder to bully Sayori!


Thank you.

Quite large. All kinds of socks/ZR since she has god tier legs and likes to accentuate it.

Quickly, what's your favorite doki doki green text story that's been posted here?
Monika will delet you if you post your own work.

Except this user he will be deleted regardless.

>Amy is a real student in the school
>She has a giant spider for a head
Now this is an OC I appreciate


no matter how much she might love me I'm still alone

The Dokis as firefighters!

'It hurts so much' makes me consistently stop and be sad for a short period

It's not technically greentext but close enough


Everything in this pastebin.com/zMxYEn5T

Nothing to it my man
Just jerk off my man

Yay, motivation!!

Natsuki is a mage who can only cast one spell once a day and gets too tired to do anything else afterward!
Yuri is a knight who can't hit anything and gets excited from taking abuse!
Sayori is a water deity who is also an idiot!


It is okay, she at least doesn't hurt anymore

Yuri being too shy to save the people stuck inside!
Natsuki calling them idiots!
Sayori getting stuck herself! Every time!
Monika just deleting the fire!
At least they look cute in the outfits!


me too, friend

The constant strive for improvement and being above mediocrity is difficult.
Channeling this sort of feeling is difficult. I can't think of any more unique way of doing it, and my lack of skill won't make up for it. It's unsatisfying. I don't like only being able to do these things I've seen countless times before. I want to be above it. My creative library is too empty. All the good ideas are so far high up I won't be able to achieve them without feeling unsatisfied. These short-term goals seem unsatisfying. I know I can get there, but I feel like I can and can't.
It's an empty feeling.


have you tried everything there is though?


A new shitpost to enjoy

Daily reminder to give your loved Doki lots of love, food and attention.

Would you ask your Doki to the school dance?


Finally read it. I loved it dude! It's so wholesome . One of my favorite stories I've read so far. I definitely have my work cut out for me now if I wanna catch up to you on the wholesomness scale

Of course!


A school dance in the 2D world? Sure. A dance in the 3D world? No.

>stealing from discord


Das it muh fugga!
it's trash either way!

They're too busy playing college ball.