/wtg/ - War Thunder General

Rockets edition

Previous thread: >Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

>A discord you can use

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

Other urls found in this thread:




>he believed them

sitting in the american AA line at 3.7/4.0 to fill the fuckhuge gap between the M15 and M19 when?

can anyone remember that US plane that had like 4 .50s in a nose turret that could target basically anywhere on the entire frontal hemisphere of the plane

apparently there was an F-89 with 4 20mms in a nose turret

experimental F-89s fucking when

>sideclimb in B17
>germans get annoyed
>tell them I only want to drop my bombs
>drop two bombs, have to circle to drop last two
>FW190 comes in from the front and kills me while I am vulnerable

Okay then, next time I will stay in space you fuckers

Can't wait for all the tears



When they release tier 6 jets, this might become a tier 5 premium. I'm just supposing.

>naziboos let themselves get killed by the F-82 in head-ons and actually let it have an advantage at all
>have the gall to call it undertiered
I thought burgers were supposed to be the shit ones

> I thought burgers were supposed to be the shit ones
Wehraboos are dumber than any burger user.

>Wehraboos are dumber than any burger user.
Japanese win-rates went way down when Gaijin started putting them with the disgusting naziboos.

Are you implying the F-82, with an airspawn despite climbing better than a D-30, has a better elevator than a dora, is as fast as bearcat on the deck and is one of the fastest planes in the game, and has a super good armament is bad? How shit can you possibly be?

t. nigger who went into a head-on with the F-82 and lost

defend this

Holy shit nigger none of that matters when the thing can barely roll, making it trivially easy for any pilot with half a brain to evade.

Tank arcade is literally for grinding out modules. Plane arcade is for making massive money and grinding out modules.

Warning for image
Doesn't help that .50s are lasers

The point was that the shell wasn't penning the IS-1


Is heavy tank)))))

it also wasn't penning the side of a Sherman turret...

I've heard of writing things on the cripple kid's cast, but I've never seen it done on the autistic kid's crutch.

is rounded )))))

All the bushes and handholding in the world can't save you if you're a slavnigger.

>Destroying over-confident spitniggers with fair and balanced pasta planes while listening to the Spiderman 2 Pizza Delivery theme on loop
This is HG at its most fun. You might not like it, but this is peak performance.

I have to try this.


>>drop two bombs, have to circle to drop last two

>Playing rb tanks
>Get a few kills and help push up
>Eventually get one shot by panther which somehow managed to flank straight past all my allies
>Least I get to fly a plane
>Kill first enemy fighter saving some random dive bomber
>Dive bomber rams straight into ground.
>He comes back as La-7
>Enemy dornier shows up
>We give chase across the map
>Another allied fighter joins the chase
>Dornier pulls up for some reason, the two ahead of my get clear shots
>one by one they completely miss a near perfect opportunity
>kill dornier in one burst
>notice La-7 flying suspiciously close behind me
>notice name tag [Verve] _MoonLight__
>Clan thunder league fag about to ram into me from behind
>his slav shit engine is too powerful
>pull up last second and dodge his first attempt
>realize no way to outrun the slav
>move to nearby airfield, slav catching up to me again
>About to touch down and get ram immunity when he slams into me killing us both
>tfw I saved his life only for him to kill me
>tfw glad I voted for Dislike
Why are clan fags the absolute worst? Shitter literally followed me for a solid two minutes trying to ram me

wasn't it a jet?
how does a jet fly with those barrels/turrets sticking out?

clan niggers are just the absolute worst. They're a mix of try hard, supreme butthurt, and some other things.

clanny fags are a fucking tumor on every game they inhabit.

>Skink posting

Is the M.B 157 any good??

Holy hell that is hilarious
Also how do you like the custom sight?

That's the little interceptor with the 2 404s right?
Yeah it's surprisingly good once you get some upgrades on it, the low ammo count is a bitch but if you learn to burst well they can last pretty long.
Don't bother actually trying to intercept though, you don't have the ammo to take out bombers.

it has nothing to do with clan tags but a few people in wt are anal about their kills being "stolen" even when it's several planes chasing a bomber

It's okay, I only got it because I was sick of the original crosshairs and I needed a change of scenery though

t. shitters

constantly fighting teams full of G2, P-47, and G55 with it is kind of hopeless, but last I saw it was going to 3.3 next patch
it isn't bad, but it isn't good enough to take on the best planes in the bracket currently

For fucks sake gaijin
I've got the Object 906 and probably the Cent Mk 10 ready to go, fucking release the goddamn changes all ready

>BV float boat STILL isn't at 4.0 (or higher) br

Fuck this thing weaseling in 2.7 games! Fuck off with that stupid plane!

bolt rapes her though

>collect the daily
>see the changes haven't been implemented yet
>play something else

wahhhhh waahhhhhh wahhhhhh why can't my APDS meme everything????

Reminder that the IS-6 provides no advantages

I can give two shits, if a bolt can shoot it down.
Some of these BV boat players can tailgun players from a kilometer away and laugh with no worries cause they know they can handle the offensive armament from the fighters BELOW pitching up to reach the Boat's airspawn

btw i have gunned down some of them in a bolt recently from being very close on their tail and their 20mm cannons merely made my nose yellow, the cannon damage is so pitiful nowadays

The 20mm on it is on top near the cockpit, all other defensive armament is a turret with 4x13mm

>gaijin decreases RP and SL costs for tanks
>stealth nerfs RP and SL gains to compensate

the west corrupted the pure russians into its capitalist jew ways


>poopydude discovers the IS-6
>shitposts about how handheld he is, this time in ground form
really pooped my diaper

t. asslbasted centurian


>week since rp and economy changes announcement

>tfw havent played tanks since RP and SL costs reduction announced

>mfw they probably won't implement the changes till the next major game update

Nah, they always implement those a week or two after announcement. We're probably gonna see them this week.

I have to 200 ge to blow. Which purchasable skins are cool enough to get?

Wonder what the winter competition tank is going to be. Probably not something as OP as the type 65

which nations do you play

Wont they probably just implement it in the next major update like everything else they do?

Any tags/users on War thunder live who make them regularly/ decently? been thinking about getting some

America first
Russia second

and then everyone else...

i personally got the weekly tiger decal, i dont play gf and dont want to for a decal while it looks cool on jap planes



t. 56% amerimutt

>fly the duck
>get put in boulouge sur me
>actually only played this map once and I climbed high in that game so I had no idea about ground units
>fly low to our bases to see what we got
>find out there's a convoy of ships
>waste half of my ammo hitting the side of cargo ship without killing any
>eventually realize I can punch through the deck of transport ship
>5 kills, 4k points, rack up mad dosh
Aayyy only if the map wasn't so xbox hueg

Is 56% as effective against Americans as Yuro semen delivery was against europoors back in 2010?

t.assblasted ruskie
t. poor engine materials
t. overinflated aircraft capabilities


I think Bearcat has a Rhodesia paint scheme? Or maybe it was a Vietnam one.


>(((slav)))e thinks everyone else is crying when in reality it's only him

subhumans everybody

They'd better release the economy update before I task a mosquito to fly through moscow to bomb Gaijin HQ

This game has been out for 5 (five) years, and ""people"" still do headons. Why?

because i win everytime

What you gonna bomb with a mosquito? Dengue fever?

>Paired up with Germans and Soviets
>Only Japanese tank on the team
I went into this match expecting to be dead weight, and turned out to be the only competent player. Lost because the T-34-1942 and the Panzer 4 G left on our team wouldn't go fight the fucking AA gun at B, meanwhile I'm alone against an M3 Lee and a Churchill at A and still manage to win.
Despite this, no gains because you didn't win tovarish))))

what is this supposed to be

56% mating session

did i mention it's mating season?

Mating season already!

when ?

>wtg now features anime posting again

I'm just gonna go jump off a bridge. I thought we were done with these chinese cartoons

is it manned with dwarves

So how does the Cent III manage to weight more than the Caern while being smaller and having less armor?

there is no stopping us

Don't touch the infected ones. They'll die off sooner rather than later

you'll die first


>he doesn't play all nations equally
>he doesn't play both GF and Air RB, dabbling in sim occasionally
>he doesn't browse the forum, reddit and wtg
>complains about vehicle without having used it himself

if any of these apply to you, kys


>playing slav planes
please, I have to make it difficult for myself somehow

>t. spitnigger

no no no no, you've got me all wrong, im a 109 fetishist

sure takes tons of skill to kill those F4Fs in your 109F4