Genn Blanco putting Sylvanas Negro in her place and destroying her unlimited lives cheat.
Nicholas Walker
Why are you not playing a mage or rogue instead of a druid?
Grayson Evans
Lightforged user, where you at?
What happens when you touch yourself at night.
Grayson Richardson
>mfw there will be at least a 50% increase in the amount of elf characters in the game at any one time after the next expansion release
Blake Ross
lightforged options are up
the males seem to have a lot more customization features right now
Easton Richardson
just check wowhead nigger
Kayden Jackson
>the Dreamer
Angel Roberts
Do we even know anything about Shandris or her personality?
Wyatt Bell
Hey horde /b/ros why are horde allied race so shit, i wish i rolled in alliance holy shit.
Adam Torres
>Blizzard devs are perfectionists
Sebastian Thompson
>>Highmountain >??? nigga...
Eli Rivera
Adam Long
oh right, i almost forgot stormheim had a huge pointless questline that went nowhere for both sides
Hunter Reed
Busy playin' a Hunter instead.
Josiah Adams
hammer or axe /wowg/?
Benjamin Ward
Is there much of an Alliance community on WrA or should I just migrate to Moonguard?
Oliver Butler
Matthew Morgan
Hey stop using racist hate speech in this general. Such behavior will NOT be tolerated.
Michael Hughes
This is your High Chieftain for the night.
Eli Jones
Forgot about that, was thinking more of an eagle but this will do
Cooper Evans
>make alliance butthurt because I took 60% of their player base by being prettier >make horde butthurt because I dont "fit into the theme" of leather tents and no plumbing >make draenei butthurt because I crashed their ship (with no survivors) >make humans butthurt because I moved into their magical city and started using whatever I wanted >make lorefags extra butthurt because I dropped a nuke on a military installation they assure me was "just civilians" >make non-elves butthurt because I can turn into a demon agility monster and they cant >make PvP fags butthurt because I have an aoe silence on every class >make alliance butthurt again because they get the version of me that looks like a school shooter, not the chad version >make alliance butthurt for a triple combo as I recruit the utopia of ancient elf spellcasters that they insist they should have gotten >make horde butthurt once more because our ex-ranger general is now warchief rather than some smelly orc or tauren
Angel Wilson
I wouldn't say that. Alliance lost their most powerful airship which was a legit threat to the Horde. Horde came out ahead.
Hudson Peterson
Can't wait to see that in the Goldshire Inn
Chase Martin
>fire was finally in a decent spot during tomb >viable, fun-ish >now sucks DICK on antorus
Robert Wood
Moonguard is for Horde, WrA is for Alliance.
Justin Mitchell
>Do we even know anything about Shandris or her personality? Mainly in the books. Let's keep it that way though seeing as what they've done to the other night elves.
Jackson Gomez
Maybe one of the pandaria challenge mounts or jikun spawn.
Liam Perez
>>make alliance butthurt because I took 60% of their player base by being prettier You took the dredges of society, we're actually grateful!
Cooper Long
Why are so many of the /silly lines so sexual?
Kevin Anderson
Those're the same ones we saw at Blizzcon. Highmountain really got screwed.
Xavier Martin
Why did this guy suddenly become a meme
Joshua Foster
Antorus is multidot and ST heaven and fire the spec for that
Michael Anderson
except we have at least one airship crash every expansion since wotlk so they're pretty much dime a dozen by now
Kayden Torres
Obligatory tfw no monk post
Grayson Gomez
which rune
Jace Thomas
What's she like? All I know about her is she used to get kited to Org and rape the shit out of people.
Adrian Peterson
Playing a warlock :^) kill me
Gavin Baker
The one that's shaped like a dick
Mason Rogers
>multidot Nope, can't do that >st You mean what every other non-mage caster does better?
Jacob Parker
To generate sjw outrage thus getting free word of mouth advertising. Then before launch they will redo the lines to be more family friendly. Remember the sexodar line got removed as well as the dryad wasted girl line.
Jonathan Baker
As a lorelet can somebody explain the OP image? I know what happened but does that mean Sylvanas can actually be killed now?
Brandon Robinson
>We're going to be nerfed because of affliction
Kevin Flores
>dryad wasted girl line. what
Ayden Foster
I meant to say fire isn't the spec for that but somehow it disappeared form my post
Matthew Lewis
>expansion hasn't even started yet and the Horde already lost How do we recover from this bros? We lost Lordaeron and were only able to retaliate by burning down some tree nobody cares about. We get the dumpster trash races of Legion to join us while the Alliance gets space age Draenei and Elves harnessing the void itself. We have a dumb loser cunt for "Warchief" while Alliance has best boy for a King. We literally cannot win.
Josiah Anderson
Alliance has 2 airships left. Horde has 3. I'm not counting the vindicaar because that will either be destroyed or forgotten. Horde also have a stronger infantry because orcs and tauren are stronger than human footmen. Also Horde has a far better navy.
Carson James
>Done every boss but Kingaroth >Somehow every pug I join to kill him is just completely inept at it and disbands
Camden Scott
are the point of your posts to make me resent rolling alliance
Nathaniel Miller
He poisoned himself to escape prison.
Evan Myers
this delusion
James Gonzalez
Dryads had a line that goes "Let me use my Human call. I'M SO WASTED! I'M SO WASTED!" Feminists and sjws made a shitstorm saying it was promoting rape culture where men rape drunk girls. Blizz removed it from WoW.
Julian Ross
If Eastern Kingdoms supposed to be Alliance territory does it mean that we remove blood elves from Silvermoon?
Lincoln Morales
>belf fag trying to false flag as alliance false flagger
Aiden Torres
can you skip bosses?
Zachary Morgan
Only thing I'm butthurt about is them being a bunch of fags instead of the cool guys from my WC3 childhood
Gavin Long
Feel free to present facts to prove otherwise. Alliance is outmanned and out gunned. If Anduin didn't beg the Light for an AOE rez that BFA cinematic would have ended the "war" right there.
Chase Collins
she has always been able to die, but valkyr keep reviving her
those are running out though, and she needed them to create more forsaken since she can't raise the dead like the lich king
genn stopping her pretty much means she and the forsaken are on limited time
Alexander Johnson
>elf players stirring up shit between core Horde and core Alliance races to deflect the genuinely deserved hatred off of them
One day we will shut their dirty lying mouths. Our patience has its limits.
James Adams
I did it lads ! Through the power of PUGS !
William Powell
Zachary Collins
No, I've just joined pugs that are up to a later part of the dungeon
Fuck knows how they killed him though, every pug ive been in since completely fails at it, it's so easy too
Jose Walker
This is the true ending. Remove elves
Isaac Hughes
Wow, Minerva is so funny!!! Ha ha, "no skin off my back", get it? Because she's an undead? XD lol!
Gavin Wilson
Nathan Ross
How the fuck do you even sneak up to a tree the size of a fucking hawaii and set it on fire?
Ryan Edwards
Connor Brooks
Have you seen around the tree? They only have a small port in the base you can sneak up from behind.
Jaxon Taylor
>the size of a fucking hawaii What does that mean?
Leo Sanders
I'm just saying that we literally cannot compete with the alpha male Alliance chads. They could pretty much nuke all of our cities from orbit with the Vindacaar if they wanted. We keep getting btfo almost every expac, Org was canonically sacked by the Alliance who defeated Garrosh, we were forced to flee the broken shore and our previous warchief got rekt by a no-name demon, and now we lost our most important territory in the EK. We might as well bend over now and beg the Alliance chads for forgiveness if you ask me.
Isaac Cruz
mages and rogues are weak this tier
Liam Wood
>SPriest "aoe" changes mean I'm competitive in dungeons and can go absolutely fucking ham on fortified high keys >Antorus is build for multi-dot, on top of the entire raid by like 10%+ on some fights, never near the bottom >haven't even got my tier set at all yet, and when I do I'll be a spirit machine gun, getting hugely better VFs and damage
Cooper Howard
And a ching chong ping pong to you too young lady
Tyler Perez
>we falseflag detected, I literally just said I play alliance kindly fuck off to reddit
Daniel Morgan
Alliance King is a soyboy
Dominic Jones
Maybe you could stop replying to the obvious shitposter?
Jacob Turner
That's the flaw with living on top of a tree that's 1000 feet tall.
Isaac Torres
you have to be literally retarded to not have seen this coming after Warlords of "orc genocide fantasy" Draenor and Legion "where is the horde lmao???"
Blake Williams
>best spec yeah ! also tfw new birb
Jacob Green
"we" as in the me and the rest of the Horde not "we" as in you and me
No, the Alliance advance gets stopped at Undercity, so Tirisfal and everything north of it is still Horde.
Benjamin Reyes
Alright you fucking skanks which top-tier dps are you rolling/have you rolled
Andrew Sanchez
the vindicaar is still around, that's confirmed you have no basis for this horde navy being any good, the horde has far less people simply based on the civil war which killed tons of orcs, the forsaken not being able to replenish their numbers and the fact that despite blood elves being 40% of the horde playerbase 90% of them were killed off by the scourge dwarf/gnome tech > goblin tech, blackfuse and iron horde tech is gone using the cinematic as a measure for anything is fucking dumb
Kayden Howard
>be a pure dps class >sit at the bottom of the dps meters
Just make Outlaw a tank spec ffs
Daniel Moore
what happened to all the wow youtubers, why is no one making good machinimas anymore, or at least not as much as before ?
Jason Robinson
>posting logs when noone has t21 or pantheon trinkets
Matthew Hernandez
arms i fucking hate playing it though
Robert Walker
i hate orcs and undead more than elves
elves are just fucking retarded >muh feelings fags
Ryder Anderson
>not having t21
Logan Miller
what is the best non-dead NA server to make a new character on
Owen Allen
99.9% of logged kills don't
Jayden Adams
Most pantheon trinkets are shit if you already have relinquished arcano
Xavier Russell
How important is the Sunwell?
Noah Wood
Lose my life in WoW again, or buy total war: Warhammer 2?