/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Elf pits edition

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when will they stop forcing anime shit down our throat?

play more Havencraft

you have to go back

Play more Elf


but I don't want to lose user

Will they stop killing my harnessed flame behind wards?

leaks in 35 minutes

but you want to have fun right?

Just solitaire and you'll win bro

Arisa is for ______________

Trust in our Glorioius Seraph.

Prepare for vials meta. Warning, ULTRA-dank meme

Don't lewd the cinnamon roll!

i want to nibble on elf ears


i wanna nibble on elf tiddies

but that's lewd

Daily reminder that discord is literally what makes you feel that feeling of Veeky Forums is kill and every new thread start with shitty circlejerk low quality fest among themselves.

may somebody post me a Havencraft deck that's decent to play with?



seraph and storm haven dominate the meta right now

A disrespect to all anons, indeed.


what mp is this played at, like 15000?

>1 ofs


I needed another mid card and I went with a snow for cycle and buff. Jeanne's actually not too bad with Loki and even without, she helps the wall.

Is complaining about 1ofs the most brainlet thing you can do in tcgs/ccgs?

>having 1 ofs in a 40 card deck
good luck ever drawing them retard.

Almost like you don't have to or something

It's a sign of autism, autists are obsessed with consistency over real performances. Brainlets don't argue deck choices, they can't deckbuild to begin with, they simply netdeck. Autists think they know how to deckbuild, but they don't.

For a deck like Sun Satan, you will be drawing it eventually.

I'm not surprised you don't have a background of other card games that play 1ofs in 60 card decks, but I am surprised that despite that you talk like you know anything

why is dirt the best deck to climb with?

>60 deck cards
retarded RNG cardgames are my favourite

Lightsworn Zombie?

Fuck off /hsg/

Philosophy of burn

Where are they?

>replying to it

It isn't. Blood is.

Because Young Levi is a """balanced""" card.

no more rng than this game
you can also include up to 4 copies of each card that isn't a basic land (in the case of mtg) and you have a starting hand size of 7 before mulls. assuming your deck is 36/24 nonland/lands, you have a 78% chance of drawing a particular card in your opening hand. someone check my maths cause it's probably wrong

>play Control
>get fucking DShift and Elana
>switch to Aggro
>immediately get Mid Shadow

whats a good meme deck to play rn?

Play venge blood or dirt if you want to climb. Storm haven's also doing well.

Midrange Sword

dark alice

i don't have any of these cards

Are you ready for Daria tier 0 cancer in Rotation, /svg/?
All good board clears rotate out and the """replacements""" shown so far don't even kill a fucking Ogler, meaning there will be no way whatsoever to deal with a Daria board while the deck loses literally nothing other than Fate's Hand in Rotation, and Concentration can substitute that anyway.

don't bother replying to that user since he just keeps talking about things he won't bother to look up
to check your math use stattrek.com/online-calculator/hypergeometric.aspx
where population size is the deck size, n of successes is the copies of the specific card, number of successes is how many you want to have drawn by turn x and sample size is the cards you'll have drawn by turn x
the last probability is the one to draw at least that many copies by turn x, the one you want most likely

would /svg/ a loli?

>t6 bahamut

It's not though honestly
That would be Blood imho
Dirt loves to brick, i am at 4 winstreak now but can go on 10 losestreak any moment from just garbage draws not allowing you to make any decisive play or playing around the opponent, Dirt is also as much as straightfoward as AggroSword, fucking AggroBlood require more brain

How the fuck do people climb with Elf? This deck get shat on by the entire ladder.
>Aggro Blood fuck it
>Elana shit on it
>Ramp Dragon shit on it
>Midshadow shit on it
>Dirt shit on it
>Even fucking Midsword shit on it

Good luck with that without Aiela and when Daria pops turn 5.

>How the fuck do people climb with Elf
they dont.

it's free wins against zone rune

AggroForest and OTK Roach are favored agaist all kind of Blood
Forest is a much worse matchup than Dirt for Aggro and VegeanceBlood

>turn 4 14/16
What the fuck? why wasnt this shit nerfed to the ground again? worse than atomy

>AggroForest and OTK Roach are favored agaist all kind of Blood
Aggro Blood shit all over every single forest deck.
Vengeance can just put down Imp+Yurius and you're fucked.

moooom vampychan cant hit face :(

Shadow - Atomeme / Dark Alice Test of Strength with Satan / Minthe
Sword - Otomeme / Gawain / Support Cannon
Rune - Ginger / Hulking / Pascale or Lorea
Blood - Bloody Mary combo / Maelstrom Serpent
Dragon - Python / Phoenix Roost / Jabberwock / Discard with Flute
Forest - Anomaly / PTP
Haven - No idea.

sugoi maho

I actually have no idea what i'm doing

Guardian sun haven or unironically laelia havencraft youtube.com/watch?v=EjhvQrwiY0U
Pendant control dragon
Dark alice or grave desecration midshadow
Ironwrought fortress or support cannon commandcraft
Jorm cblood
Anomaly control forest
Concede ptp dirt

Nah dirt is an awful deck to climb because it bricks a lot and it has one or two counters. I'd even go as far as say that the deck is unplayable right now because there are dragon and haven players on ladder, and it feels bad to lose sometimes. You should play aggro blood, vengeance blood is even better.

You don't just drop Belphegor on 4 if it's aggro or if you suspect Daria. If it's any comfort, that kind of thing happens in 1 out of 6 games, if not more.

Flute's better in pdk. Disco's too much dead shit if you're not going for the dragoon chain or disconewt otk. Dragon has a real draw engine now so you can step back from disco

I need more Luna in my life.
Post more Luna.
No lewd please.

I won somehow

>have only seen 1 craft's clear
Sorry bloodbab, maybe you can join forest with their board clear.

Clearly you're doing it wrong. Show me your dirt deck or give code.

He asked for meme decks, which aren't necessarily good. Just fun and whatnot.

i can give you my folder if you want

please do!

>Use tempo positive cards and removals to sock away EP's
>Stall more
>Khawy stall
>Morde people in the face
>Use twilight queen/urdums to breed
>Unga bunga me bunga bunga of fair balance
CSword's in a pretty bad spot in that if they can't body you, and they can't because of your faggotman, and they didn't manage to pull leonidas/cannon in time then they don't have a win con since for the most part it lacks storm to drop you into albert range and because of the deck size limitations it struggles to have a good rush composition to enable it to keep facing with existing board. It's just one of those bullshit cancer holy shit fucking kill yourself moments.

Fuck, that reminds me I never made a dank neutral shadow. How's poisoned apples? I didn't pull any but with nerf vials I can justify it for 2 weeks of fun.

It's not unplayable but it's not good for climbing neither, tier2 at best

just went a quick 12-2 with ama_IX's venge blood deck, its super strong in current environment

i don't have any of these cards

i hope ure being ironic, most of them are bronzes
anyhow, just sharing a good deck.

Yes, it's low tier 2, even maybe tier 3. Since the deck is counterable, it can't be tier 1. Vengeance Blood is a much better deck to climb.

where the H*CK is the leaks??????

you need to stop, autist
and kill yourself

I agree Vegeance Blood is better but Dirt isn't tier3 and therd is no uncounterable decks
But Dirt can't be tier1 in this meta.

>wraith with Airjammer
This always trigger me so much
Playing Airjammer and watching it pulling 1 or 2 wraith instead of Wolfs or Spiderweb CAN LITERALLY LOSE YOU THE MATCH and with only 3 1pp drop chance of not drawing them yourself and have them bricking the ship play are just so high.

there's no t1 in this meta period, it's so balanced that the best complaint autists can muster this month is >muh coinflip

I made one in my bed last night.

>it's so balanced
people actually believe this?

>/svg/ now defend Dirt and promote Levi: "stop killing yourself lmao" Blood

Please buff Arisa!

Roach OTK
Elana Haven(arguably)

Here the tier1

i used to think that way too, but because the deck doesnt play dealer (which in my opinion is abit too all-in with aggro elf/burn rune meta), it means you only have 3 vengeance activator. this also means that you are less dependent on your t4/5 swing turns, and more on establishing strong board early hence the wraiths & angelic knight.

>Roach OTK
>play a ward
>Roach concede
>tier 1

>Elana Haven(arguably)


Only big wards are a problem for Roach unles you are a shitter wasting Barrages when you can have enough tools to stabilize while building Roaches
It can reach DShift level of solitaire play

Elana can't be t1 by definition cause it's a highroll needing elana