/d2g/ - Dota 2 General

Nerfed Edition

Major patch: dota2.com/duelingfates (7.07)
Minor patch: dota2.com/news/updates/34739/ (7.07c)
New players: pottisdefenseforce.com
New players (League refugee edition): dotabuff.com/learn/lol
Wiki: dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: blog.dota2.com/
Lore: dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page
Interactive Map: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/interactivemap/

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: datdota.com/
Personal statistics: dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: opendota.com/
Hero stats: devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

Streamlink: github.com/streamlink/streamlink
GUI: github.com/streamlink/streamlink-twitch-gui

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1st for /ourgirl/


is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land?
this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.

is Sandking still a viable support? I need to recalibrate
Reminder that Empoleon is the best pokemans

post THAT webm

>take carry role from someone who is 4 stars under me
>he """""""""teaches""""""""" me a lesson by intentionally feeding

What's your streak user ?

THREE games in a row i get 2-3 retards with 1 kB/s internet who fail to connect within 20 seconds
btw how does one make a nickname like this?

started playing dota recently and after playing ten games of ranked matchmaking it says my rank is archon with three stars

what does this mean

Dotards, did you know that using purifying flames on an enemy who then kills your ally gives you an assist, since you healed them? Nice game btw.

Made around a dollar selling my Salvaged Sword Kinetic Gem (no idea who would want it), Are there any good WK cosmetics to buy for a dollar?

>is Sandking still a viable support?

People who don't take the support when they're the lowest rank in their team deserve to lose, don't worry user, he'll keep descending and you will rise, this is the last time you'll ever see him.

help me out dotards, is this shit broken or useless?

Jungling from Level 1 can be a good thing if/when the enemy team has a greedy lineup and/or a Level 1 jungler of their own. The ability to extract more money from the map makes your lanes weaker, yes, but it theoretically gives you a better late game because you have more cores with more core items than the enemy.

I'll be honest with you user, I've never really liked jungling at all and I think people who do it generally are greedy assholes (LC pickers). But it feels wrong to me to have that potential strategy made pretty much entirely non-viable, purely from a design perspective. Yes, people hate junglers, but does that mean the game should become more linear as a result? I dunno, maybe it's just me being skeptical of change in my vidya but I think it's a bad thing personally. Especially with how Icefrog has been changing to game to open up a lot of new playstyles for different heroes.


Just buy it on very squishy pos 1s or pos 4/5s

It'd be alot more useful if you could apply the effect to a teammate the same way you can with Linken's desu




Dota is alive and well!

>they're the lowest rank in their team
this means nothing below divine, which isn't even 6k at a minimum

that's the average player mmr so you're fine

t. herald

if someone is 500 mmr below me, you better bet im trying to take a core position from them

too long of a cooldown

>mfw perfectly winnable game
>shaman wanted boots instead of courier
>tinker is extremely upset by this and decides to buy the courier and never place it on purpose
>game ruined

i just want to climb

side note who are safe first picks. i play offlane almost all the time

dota2 is ded fite me

t. legend shitter
look dude
you're shit
absolute garbage at the game
it doesnt matter if you're legend 1 or legend 5

theres people who will player better than you in archon and people who play worse than you in ancient
its all the same shit

I'm fucking ancient 3 you retard lmfao

Should i give up climbing and just play who i enjoy? i placed herald and i'm gone in february so i should just have fun and ignore my team right?

>theres people who will player better than you in archon
is that why i would fly over the whole archon rank with a 80-90% winrate and not a single soul would stop me?
mmr DOES mean something and it IS the only measure of skill when you see someone for the first time in your life

NOT HERALD, GAURDIAN (not that it makes much of a difference i expect)

>should I just have fun


So you have no problem in letting the archon 0 in your team take mid?

Who's the artist? Cant read this incomprehensible signature.

Umm... dotards?




>t. herald
t. guardian 0
>if someone is 500 mmr below me, you better bet im trying to take a core position from them
respecting lanes and roles is common courtesy if you aren't a negative IQ miracle wannabe spic. i'll help ward if the game is going pretty slowly but i'm not switching to safelane and playing boots-and-stick pos6 for some AM spamming sperglord that checks everyone's profiles as soon as they load in and starts acting like captain

Hey dude i already replied to a comment like this, check

kill me

nigga I hope you don't expect me to open an FA link

>those faces
tell jmgn to get his shit together
being an annoying sexual deviant is no excuse to pay for a badly done job

>t. guardian 0
like there's any difference

>furfag op in 2 fucking threads in a row
Mods are furfags confirmed.

he was still right. everyone below divine 5 is objectively shit at the game
when you get to the global rank numbers, sure, then you should probably give up the role, but it doesn't mean shit in the equivalent of 4k

>46 posts
>24 IPs

how do i convince myself to win a game with horrible, human scum teammates? like those games where autists start to argue even before the game starts but somehow the enemy team is worse so you can win but you dont want your teammates to win

>gen 4 anything


why dont you let the guardian 3 carry in your archon games friend?

There's at maximum three total, but at least one has to be a mod.

mute all the 9 players

why wouldn't i? carry is the retard role, even the wardcuck has to know how to not die without items
i'm just not fucking doing it when pubbers are choosing beggars and expect you to go full puppey if you bother to support

but i REALLY want my teammates to lose, maybe more than i want myself to win
is this normal?

>but i REALLY want my teammates to lose, maybe more than i want myself to win
Congrats, you are now another Tinker picker


which talent do you take for ck at level 25, +2s max stun or -7 rift armor?

why is the game literally unplayable today due to servers fucking up or something

You forgot

II don't know
I end games as soon as I hit 20

Yeah that's not really how it works in real games above your guardian average dota

>he thinks the trench ever ends
you poor deluded soul

validate cache, restart steam, worked for me.

can't stop best girl

>played against a divine with rank number in unranked
>he took a thousand dicks in the ass

Oh no, i experience the law of dendi every fucking pub game it feels like

wait, medals show at unrakned?
why am i even playing ranked now . .

>tfw you are on my team

I was looking through the store today at the cosmetics I will never buy when I saw the techies arcana.

I remember that one of its selling points for spending 30 USD on pixels was that the arcana kept track of how many suicide squad kills you had gotten.
But since the techies rework and the removal of that skill, does it even track that shit anymore.

Does it track blast off kills? Because that nowhere near as interesting as suicide kills. Why can't valve even keep their hats in order?

>low MMR brainlets actually believe that playing support is a punishment and act like crabs in a bucket about it

Ask any pro player who plays a core role why they dont like to be forced into support.

I have it.
I play techies.
It keeps track of kills still.

what's better as a first item on Jakiro, Force Staff or euls? I really hate the mana regen changes.


Literally the easiest way to raise mmr in 7.07 is pick a support with lockdown.

Every retard who thinks they're hot shit is going to pick a corelet with 0 lockdown and then cry when they can't kill heroes. You need to carry them as a support bull.

The ability to hit creeps is not impressive.
The ability to influence lanes and make space is.

its good against void if chrono is the only way for the enemy to win c

daily reminder to play beastmaster if you want to win games

is it because they're big babies who think that only hard-carries matter and everyone else is just along for the ride?

Why do most people play with the hero portraits non-animated?

>Not Wardlord

There's your problem, you're roleplaying as a cumdumpster instead of a mastermind, why the fuck would you pick support if you're not Puppey? Have you seen the guy play? He's never the lowest network player in the game, he'd rather keep farming than trying to save a retard who deserves to die, if not Puppey then what kind of Support would you recommend people to be like? Slacks?

do you have a soul left d2g?

waste of processing power
I'm not staring at that shit

ring of aquila
you're talking about carry Jakiro, right?

No you retards, its because even if you get into a game where you are a god tier support of stacking camps, winning lanes, etc. It means nothing if your core can't do things with the space.

Especially at higher ranks, which clearly you dont play at. The space you make has diminishing returns, good players will find farm and levels, regardless of how many times a kunkka came and bothered them in the first 8 minutes. Fuck off back to your low mmr pools, you don't understand the game you play

They only show at the end of the match.

Is it because they train for being a core, know how to play best as a core, and want to continue practicing being a core?

>Means nothing if your core can't do anything even when you created mountains of space
So another retard picks core and fails at carrying then?
Stop telling yourself you are good just because your medal if higher than 85% of players when a majority of the playerbase are very casual usera

>not naming it "Furshit? Thats a paddlin".webm

carried by the silencer with 130% less farm hogging than you yet 100% more damage than you. b-b-bbut my building damage.

If there is space made and you can't do anything with that space as a core than it is you who either picked a terrible hero or are playing bad

>ANOTHER furfag op
is this how /d2g/ finally dies? not with a bang, but with a yiff?

it's called we win teamfights and silencer gains a permanent lead, AKA a busted good hero that always will be as long as he has INT steal

Where's the Futabros Discord?

be the chance you want to see in this world user. camp the thread for the bump limit and post le ebbin remember 2gd and his epig bants edition

Guess who made the OP.

>where can we coordinate raids to ruin the thread even more

The furfags are already doing it. Pedos and futa faggots have been a part of the general since the beginning.


>furfag openly said he makes OPs early to spite people
>furfag OP also keeps posting gondar porn
>furfag OP still isn't banned

Awful quality

please don't post furry content in this dota 2 general discussion. i don't want to see naked catboys getting out of bed, blushing, in my video game threads.

there needs to be some way for the game to literally force people who are trying to intentionally feed to stop like kicking them out after a few suspect deaths or certain words in allchat are made by that player

like for example

>player types in all chat 'lol i feed lol'
>dies without damaging other players once
>game forcibly removes player from being able to control courier and disables it from using skills and items on allies
>player dies without damaging other players again after punishment
>game says 'player has been removed for feeding intentionally, will be placed in low priority indefinitely'

dota is saved