League of Legends General - /lolg/

Shiny Darkin abs edition


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xth for my wife Syndra

first for thinking that garen having a 46% winrate against gangplank, a champion known for farming into the stratosphere against immobile melee champions, is just a series of thousands and thousands of coincidences over months of games.


Am I a slut for having this shop?


xth for pure girls

I have SG MF and BBQ Leona in my shop too but both at 70% off. Git gud slut.


>skarner buffs


oops I am retarded, I thought it was nerfs not a reversion... Welp I guess the sluts are allowed to enjoy their freelo still

>try poro king
>teammates are always literal retards who can't land a single skillshot, even more than the usual retards in LOL
>dude so what it's the fun mode
Now I remember why I hate seasonal modes

Face looks off (looks "squished" and nothing like the face from the music video) and the anatomy going on with his right arm is terrible, but other than that, it's not bad.

Definitely needs tweaks for those two reasons alone, but still not bad; could've been worse.

6 games in a row of legit feeders...
how is this possible
it's not enough to win your lane by a few cs and a kill

gotta get that hustle on

>enemy pve shitter camping top
>yours is ganking the irrelevant lanes
wow guess who wins

Post one then.

poroking used to be fun till they gave the poro these retarded snacks

>enemy feeds the poro a bunch of buffs that zone you off the turret
>enemy feeds the poro a buff that literally melts your turret
>game snowballs and ends in 10 minutes

you can't even play tanks in this mode anymore, you'll get poked down with comet spam as soon as the game starts

Why is Lux best girl?

What do if league doesnt capture my interest anymore but I want to stick to this game? No champion feels unique and or appeals to me

What about Abyssal and Adaptive?

do i blame christmas break babies?

worst thread in the history of threads

>body not angled so you can see his bulge
What a shitty splash.

or just build dumb shit like ap garen or something

I'd say no thanks before realizing what she said.




that's fucking disgusting

Idk but she is probably a virgin unlike the 90% of League sluts

>tfw no qt petite gf

Meme builds. Find hybrid champs and play them offspec; so AP MF, AP Sivir, etc.

Lucky bastard

Elementalist too?

y r u actually shilling this garbage like its not filled to the brim with shit already

Kill yourself

>5 min 7/0 fizz ganking
>wait 15 mins to ff
>1 out of 4
>fizz kills me again
>whole team is trying to report me for afk
>20 mins ff
>1 out of 4
>die on base pad

Would you fuck everyone in your shop in that order and skin, including Pantheon and Lulu?

>Skarner buff

Maybe the Dark, Magma, Fire and Storm forms. The others are pure

why the fuck did you blow your ult on the wa
>watch this again
>hes procing phage for movespeed with the maiden
>and building deadman's faster
>enough to catch ezreal
thats some legit big brain shit

Can I just fuck Pantheon in that skin and call it a day?

What I would give to be Pantheon with this bunch of ladies....

They're shutting down a lot of changes that they are not going to ship in 7.24b. Expect testing to resume on these and other changes later on.

>the forms that are best in bed are the ones that aren't pure
I can accept this.

is heimer -ourguy-

>pure girls

More like pure slut. All champions with SG skins are immediately disqualified, and that includes ezreal.

Stop giving money to this shitty SJW company
Look at what they did to Varus

But the anime retard is better.

how about no

Heimer is too fun. Played him for the first time in a long time last night and he's awesome.

>ban zoe in poro king
>someone dodges
every time lel

I hate Teemo being FOTM
I just want to play him and have a comfy toplane experience, but he's pick or ban in like half of my fucking games

He looks as gay as he did before.

Why are there no good lewds of best girl Vi

I'm buying two of my sale skins in my Snowdown shop just to spite you, user. If I could rub your face on Varus' package IRL I would.

>28 min
The enemy team should have surrendered right at 15

I want him to look even gayer than that.

Or maybe those forms are pure as well but is Lux just exploring her own sexual world
All humans need sex after all

She's more of a slut in classic. No pure girl struts around the streets in skinsuits like that.

Fuck being spiteful, I'd gladly rub my own face on his package if I could.

Nigga wtf

Same bro, same, he was always a comfy splitpusher to me and now he's fucking "meta" so I get countered or banned
I've just gone to Kayle for the time being, hopefully he stops being FOTM so I can have fun again.

At the very least Dark isn't very pure. I don't think.

>We judge people based on the skins they adquired/bought this year

Which league girl has the biggest HEART??

>he plays a brainlet's fantasy champ

ill have you know the best poster is the kayn main that roleplays naruto shit

>almost 5.5k viewers
>literally a vod of a stream
>all because he makes guides in mobafire

>it's fucking shit

Just because your team is retarded doesn't mean you get to be a little bitch and AFK.

RIP real kaynanon, I havent seen him on league on a long time (1-2 months), duoing with him was the best shit ever

Post 'em

Say something nice and something mean about the person who goes before you!

I'm a support main. I don't expect you to have a nice opinion on me

the fuckin shit he typed was the best
i want him to come back to konoha

all i do is carry games with shyvana, its just what i do, its my thing you know, all day and night i carry games with shyvana, i dont sleep and i dont eat, i just carry

>almost 5.5k viewers
>literally a vod of a stream
>all because he makes guides in mobafire
I guess that's one way to make money streaming

Illaoi's a big girl

Alternate: Whoever Looloo ultis

user glad you are here. The patient is suffering from a severe lack of cute monster girl waifus. I need Super Galaxy Elise Artwork STAT if we are to save this man's life.

wait is he "god of uchiha"?

Your a really nice person!
But your also a slut

It's obviously a viewbot. There's been almost the exact same amount of viewers every day at the same time for two weeks.

These are some of the best abs in League. Are you disputing his stunningness?

He's a Darkin, he can grow a dick as big as he wants.

If yasuo wasn't there we could've been good friends

Still a slut even in the canon, post-splash update of course.

Do you like being called a healslut?


Maybe I should have explained better. It seems IP has transitioned to blue essence in an inconvenient way. I used to have around enough IP to purchase probably 15 or more champs. However, with this new blue essence you get less for what IP used to give you. What could buy you several champs before can only get you about 4-5 (and that's being generous) with blue essence.

Basically, Riot is ripping off their customers, especially their older ones that have accumulated a lot of IP in past seasons.

Boosted cockgobbler.

>tfw I started maining ornn shortly after he came out and now I can't play him at all because he's constantly picked or banned

I'm waiting for riot to buff other shit or nerf ornn so I can play him again
I just want farm and buy without leaving lane

he has a panel explaining it
it's probably true, or at least it sounds true enough for me

alright have to make a new account after getting perma'd and cant quit thist shit game

ign: a boosted zoe

add if u want to do twisted trees beginner bots with a toxic challenger for the next 10 hrs

i have like 30 other skins to but i'm not gonna post like 3 other images

>Basically, Riot is ripping off their customers, especially their older ones that have accumulated a lot of IP in past seasons.


I have no use for BE or IP anymore now that I have every champ I want and there are no runes to buy. At least now I'll get gemstones for leveling up eventually whereas with the previous system I would have just gotten IP that I have nothing to buy with.

>be shit
>finally get an s on a character
>open chest
>lee sin champion shard

But I want to see his darkin dick outline.

ooops its just boosted zoe mb

goddamit I fucking love that guy so much I added him randomly and he kept messaging me asking me if i knew any pink haired girls.

That's the thing though, it's fully retracted and compact like Aatrox'.


Why doesn't morg's shield block zoe's sleep?

>new champs
>be store

Aatrox's splash after the VU better show me the goods, then.