Warframe General - /wfg/


old - >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png
(Due to a large influx of applications, the clan is full for the time being.)

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/kYhdYFc
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Riven Prices: wftrader.com/nindex.php
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.7.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/893859-plains-of-eidolon-mirage-prime-2270/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/893859-plains-of-eidolon-mirage-prime-2270/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


First for kill all Nezhafags and Nakakikes

I main Ember, Harrow, and play a lot of Limbo. I just built a Valkyr and Loki too because they interest me. I think I'll really enjoy them too.

2nd for yes!


>there was an actual clown connoisseur in the other thread
what is wrong with these threads



>Spend 9 months working on PoE
>Can't be assed to apply dynamic lighting effects to static objects


>using Excal beyond MR2

Not him but I'd legitimately love a jester frame. Not Mirage, she's an illusionist. I mean oldschool medieval 'the jester is secretly a psychopath that has free access to the king whenever he wants to throw a knife badly in one of his performances' kind of jester.
It'd also double as a throwing weapon frame, which would make the throwable secondaries more viable

Why not make a complaint directly

But with chromatic/condition...

>no prime access accessories

Same guy as here
>go back a few threads
>searching my IGN
>find someone post my IGN multiple times requesting stuff from gift user
>mfw someone who I don't know has been posting my ign and getting me gifted stuff while I haven't been playing

Why do you care? Why does it matter?

Use explosive + corrosive, explosive proc count as 2 status but impact proc got nerf a bit: shorter duration. Use 90% ele damage mod.
Sry didn't post the full build because haven't touch exca in almost a month it might be outdated and too lazy to take a screenshot but that's the basic of it.

It won't make them money. They won't care.

I hope you can make your display warframe in your personal quarter dance constantly
I want a stripper mag so she has some use

Adding to this, use Mire. Mire gives 15% damage bonus whereas other weapons don't give shit, because the weapon's stats themselves don't matter.

>inb4 half of /wfg/ is gonna have a stripper Nezha

Thanks boyos

Nezha's dick will be the stripper pole that everyone makes their frames dance from

neither do you, since you won't even bother with making a complaint on the forums, and lose 5mins of your time

I'm not the person who posted the picture. I was just chiming in. I've made plenty of complaints on the forums and a number of them have gotten attention from the people there, and none of them have been acted on.

if you already made the complaint, then you know that eventually they'll fix it, their schedule is chaotic and erratic, but as long as not conflicting with game balance, it'll be done

>they'll eventually fix it
They haven't fixed things like the invisible head bug and it's something that's been here since Shade was a thing. It was something I made a complaint about years ago, among other things. It won't make them money to fix it, so it's not on their priority list, simple.


>being a faggot for the sake of being a faggot

So you're looking for Darkest Dungeon's Jester, then.

Also, looking at the wiki, do I really just build for duration and range to kill everything as Limbo? Does power not affect his three?

me and my girlfriend (male) dress in shitty jester leotards


done. I want my 5 minutes back.

fus roh dahh XDDD

Power isn't necessary on him at all. His base damage is enough to kill everything in low levels even with no power, and in late levels his damage doesn't scale at all, so power does absolutely nothing. Power is your dump stat.

You either build for low duration (focuses on his 3), long duration with a short range (for mobile defense, sortie defense, etc), or long duration, long range for interception. You won't be able to get max duration and max range in the same build because max duration requires Narrow Minded. Just make individual builds and take them as needed for the mission type.

>duration and range

Non shit Limbos go max duration min range

Holy fuck the Baza just sounds satisfying. Shoots nicely, and just looks not-retarded. What are some other weapons that are satisfying to shoot?

I like to shoot my skana. The bullet holes don't affect its viability at all

>long duration with a short range (for mobile defense, sortie defense, etc)
This is the type of build I was looking for, the type that wipes on hydron fast to help level quickly

Also, is the Baro pose worth it, at least for captura?
Does it at least look alright on Vauban p?

the twin vipers, for like one second

Watching the Devstream really makes me want Khora. I'll finally be able to go out and have two cats.

>kill everything


wat, short range is awful for if you want to kill things
Don't use Limbo for hydron leveling. Just bring an actual dps frame for that. If you really must, go for a long range, high strength build, but that wasn't any of the options because it's retarded

I want her just for her ass and hips.

Finally I found my favorite frame.


>with hunter recovery

I think I already know the answer but is this worth getting?

The status and crit percents had me interesed

no one here will believe you, you're in a sea of aspies who literally think that every little negative thing that pops into their head on a whim, is true

>Make a frame is great hips, and clearly a great ass
>Give them a skirt
>the skirt has a hole in it so you can see her ass


what the fuck forma do i put on my drakgoon?
i wnana make the flak cannon from unreal tourney but idk what stuff to put on it other than the standard damage and explosion

don't use that handle go faster or go home

Anybody want to do some void fissures?

Don't be a faggot.

>cat is duration based
>can't even be used for killing shit while legitimately afk

Just give up and make a Zarr.

>2 cats


I think asses are aesthetically pleasing, but I really wonder, does that really do it for you people? I just can't imagine it doing anything for anyone

the absolute state of this post


>what forma

All of them. Also, get a cheap Riven and roll for max Multi to crash your squadmates' framerates with bullet hell.

Only niggers like big asses

why do you hate people loving you so much? did your mother touch you?

The Zarr is more like the flak cannon than the drakgoon does, with its close range barrage shotgun blast and it's long range cluster bomb.

thank you, retard, that in no way answers my question and holds no legitimate relevance to the discussion, who the fuck are you? go to bed, holy fuck

>does that really do it for you people?
what, video game asses? it does it for 12 year old kids that have porn sites blocked by their parents


kinda reminds me of BL2 mechromancer.

is this your webbum, are you using the that drakgoon augment?

I didn't see the stream but for it to be such a short duration it would have to be a hundred times better than the regular pets.
I'm still collecting cat semen but between the terrible AI and terrible pathfinding my dog is nothing more than a cheap health kit I have to keep reviving. I know it can kill one dude every 10 seconds with trample, because they fly into space, but I've never once seen it use a regular attack.

Stay mad, Jamal.

whatever, user

My dog hasn't died in the last 40 missions I've been on. Mind you, I primarily play tanky frames and frames that can make it immortal (like Limbo). But really, is yours even modded?
If not, you realize that Khora's cat takes its own set of mods if you want two cats, right? Her cat will die constantly, too, if your dog does.

Iirc base duration is 30 seconds, which can be upgraded with duration mods. Also you can actually direct the little fucker to attack things, and he does whatever damage Khora is currently set to. It's got a pretty neat looking attack thing and seems like he does a lot of damage. It's moddable too.

help a stupid ass build his nikana

i dont know how to maximize dps

i would have maxed my prime mods here but i had to get flow and cont max first.

do i forma the D away and go with a blood rush/body count/weeping build?

30 second duration base is pretty shit desu. Even if you can mod it with duration, from the looks of her kit the only other thing that scales with duration is her weird whip vine field. I don't even know if it would be beneficial to go all in on duration just so the cat isn't disappearing constantly

>>- combo duration
Trash bin is over to the left of my desk, dispose of this

post your Xmas frames

I would stick that up my ass so fast, merry xmas tenno

Just fucking reroll it. Nikana rivens are a little expensive because of weebs, no point in just taking it off. Reroll it until it's a good roll

Fomorian Accelerant, yeah. It's a pretty standard shotgun build otherwise, but with a fucking pile of extra Multi from my Riven. Haven't gotten around to fucking with Vigilante... Armaments (?) yet.

I usually play Mag and she doesn't really have any health or armor to share with it. Maybe Khora has better stats.


Hey, hey you.

You look like someone who appreciates quality. Or maybe shit. Who am I to judge?

holy fuck user

show gorgon!

The blanked out things are things I'm unwilling to part with -Dread, Seer, Pandero,
Zarr, and Twin Kohmak.

>he has a seer riven

Got my ass sweating

Hells yeah, ty

>Islamic prayer mats now in the game

Aye aye, captain.

>have credit booster from last sortie
>start the day with kuva flood instead of shit like hieracon

I've rolled it an unreasonable amount of times, too.

It's a fun weapon, at least.

Dunno why I linked you before, but here are those three.

Does Konzu have an early lunch everyday?

hell yeah
his head is a chestnut

The rugs look like shit. I've only used one for a mat for my dog. Fucking DE.

If only I could buy it and tweak that later

Okay, this is a pretty basic question. What's the best way to farm for orokin cells?
I busted out my Despoil Nekros and did a DS survival on Saturn. Am I doing it right or is there a more efficient way?

Can one of the clans send me an invite? Just started playing last week and I keep finding things locked behind clans. Thanks!


dogshit weights, not worth