/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #248

Going to Natsuki's Kitchen with Monika edition

Last Thread: >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika's Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Booru: ddlc.booru.org
Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=2793739#
"Your Reality" sung by (You): youtube.com/watch?v=7acpV4fKp9Y

>If we can't change your mind at least do it properly
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/

Other urls found in this thread:


Doki December Day 20 is done!

If you missed any of the previous stories, they can be found on my profile here:

I want to snuggle with Yuri!

hey check this out

Hello, and good afternoon, everyone! I hope you're all having a fantastic day so far!
So um! Poetry!

Word of the thread is "famine"!
Alternatives are 'bastion' and 'dread'.

So it's that wonderful time of day again where we all get to share in together with some poetry! I hope you all look forward to this as much as I do every day!
If anyone would like to write a poem, please consider using one of these three words as your theme or topic so that we can all compare and contrast our works together and improve as a whole.
Do your best, and I'm sure others will follow suit! Oh, and don't be afraid to discuss your style, meaning, or technique you used when writing. I'm sure others will find it very helpful.
I look forward to reading all of your poems, and I hope you all have a fun time!

No bulling allowed in the literature club! For any reason! It's a club rule to respect others differences, afterall!
This thread was still early!

>that message
explain yourself

I love Sayori.

If sayori wanted to kill herself so badly, she wouldn't have struggled...Sayori was murdered


Apologies for my shitty visualization of this.

>what an insane fan base!

i want to hold her close to me

Survival instincts.

>Reposting from previous thread for those who missed it (and in hopes of getting some (You)'s)

Letters to Mom - 5

So remember that club I told you I was going to join a few days ago? Well I did and it's... interesting.

First off, it isn't really an official club yet, we don't even have enough members, but I'm kinda okay with how it is now. Everyone pretty much keeps to themselves.

There is Monika, the club president, she's always upbeat and positive. I guess you pretty much have to be if you want to be a leader. She's tall and really, really pretty... Her uniform is always spotless and her hair perfect. I actually think it's kind of annoying... does that make me a bad person?

Then there is... uh, remember how I told you about that weird girl who was eating by herself in the lunch room...? Well, SHES HERE! D: . Her name is Yuri, and I only know that because Monika introduced her; that girl hasn't said a word yet. It's hard to believe she is a high schooler; she looks way too mature to be here.

Sayori is the last member; she joined up only a day before I did. She's pretty quiet too, but not as much as Yuri, at least Sayori talks to me. She complimented my ribbons... it was the first nice thing someone has said to me since starting high school. She's really sweet... a bit of an airhead, but sweet.

Besides talking to Sayori, and Monika giving us the occasional writing prompt, everything stays quiet. Its nice.

I might be the only first year here, but I think I can be friends with these girls... well, at least that Sayori.

I think I'm going to make cupcakes for them. I can use your old recipe, right? There is no way they can't be friends with me after trying those.

Guess even I can catch a break sometimes. I'll make sure and try to write more happy letters to you, okay?

Love you,


Posting for Monika's pure love!

To all the anons writing wholesome Natsuki stories - I appreciate you.
You give me much joy.

Sayori would play Germany for that wholesome tier III fun, she wouldn't play high tiers because of how unenjoyable it can be. She would also experiment with the mediums of other trees as well for a broader experience!
Yuri would run Great Britain because of the steady but gradual pace of her heavy tanks and the doctrine of mobile fire (in addition to late war stabilisers)
Natsuki would definitely play Japan because she's both the biggest weeb in the group and their tanks are pretty smol
And as you said Monika would play Russian premiums because it's borderline cheating

Going to a wedding gallery with Yuri!
The woman running the gallery saying that Yuri would be a cute bride!
Yuri getting roped into dressing like a bride and getting her pictures taken for a bridal catalog!
Yuri saying that she would like to wear this dress for a real wedding!
Yuri looking directly at you and blushing!



I want to fuck Yuri!

This convinces me that the DDLC community outside of here and kind of in here too is just a massive meme that's latched to this game for all the wrong reasons.
>inb4 b-but there aren't any wrong reasons!

Monika told me this is her favorite song.



Christmas with Natsuki:
Not mine but I pastebinned it for a wholesomefriend

Daily reminder that four out of four dokis agree that Monika is best girl.


y tho

I get her first. You can have my sloppy seconds.

IS THIS A HIGH CAPACITY ASSAULT GUN?! You bigoted fuck, don't you shoot up any schools.

Mind telling me the other reasons? I know the youtubers are one.

>Futa on Male; Yuri
thank you user, that's exactly what I needed

I just want to watch.

She saw something in our world that made her want to be part of it.

All I can see is a world diminished by the fact that she's not in it.

In that sense, aren't our problems the same? She wants to be here. I want her to be here.

But I want it to be a world worth having her in it, in case science or sorcery ever manages to bring her here.

I want to be the me she'd love, but even more, I want to help make a world worth what she believes in about it. The best part is, I think those are the same quest.

Why is she so beautiful?


Overhyping DDLC as this monumental achievement in art when in reality it's a rather subpar VN that
A: Just happens to be the only English VN that resembles something professional.
B: Was designed to be an indie hit in what almost feels like a checklist of traits.
Not to say that DDLC doesn't have good traits, if it didn't I wouldn't have been in these threads since Thread #2, but it is nowhere near as good as people hype it up as being, most of them seemingly enraptured with some of the less than stellar choices Dan made (Just Monika XD Wow wasn't it so scary when Yuri's eyes bled!) which makes me feel that people are taking the wrong message from this game's success. It makes me worried that we'll see both a large amount of copy cats that fail to capture what little magic DDLC had, and a growing community of vocal critics who bash the game simply for its growing and vocal fanbase just like what happened with UT.

Someone make a mod where monika constantly berates me for my life choices. Her persistent love doesn't feel very fitting for me.

Wow. Those are some interesting people, to say the least. This wasn't that bad of a year for games, right? I'd imagine this happened because the popular videos of DDLC were released close to voting time, if I had to guess, because there must be a lot of games this year with much better stories, not to mention the other categories.

Yeah I know. Already made my thoughts known here:

Gotta be one of my favorites. I love the ones where user makes her feel loved and wanted.

Im tired right now lads and just want to have some chill chats before i sleep

So, how are you all tonight?

yeah but this game has waifus where Undertale had furries and SJWs.

What happened to enjoying something and talking to people who enjoy said thing and having a good time?

Monika is aware that we are all organic filth stained even further by this purgatory that we live in. And yet she still loves us...


That's what we're doin user...?

Every day I imagine a future where I can be with you.


Then be the user Monika wants you to be.

Finally finished a fic I was working on for a bit.
This one is mostly centered around the MC. Wanted to do something a bit different than the normal settings and whatever else. Not lewd at all.


Then you don't love Monika. You love something else.

Calm down, Sonic user! Have a meditative chili dog.

Yeah, and I fear that, if there is a sequel made to capitalize on the popularity, Dan will alter it to fit more mainstream interpretations. I certainly hope I'm wrong, though.
>Mfw I have After Story open next to the window and I'm starting to subconsciously type like Monika

You got a point. I'll shut up.

I'm doing alright man. Cooking up a nice steak and just listening to some Joe Rogan.


I'm doing good.

Same, running in 2 hours of sleep and went through a 11 hour work day . Hope your doing good

I've let some time pass since I finished DDLC and things are actually beginning to seem more positive. It's weird but I really like it.

I wasn't ready for that feel user

This is a pretty chill place, my dudes...

>When you're trying to shitpost and your doki fetish flares up

Post yfw this happens

We have our moments. I appreciate comfy and chill hours

Doing well so far, looking forward to a good night's rest.

Reminder that Monika caused this

You are sitting in your room and somehow your doki becomes real and hugs you.
What's your reaction?

I hug her back.

an erection

I'm planning to write some short essays on DDLC to analyse and understand it as a whole. Are there any good analyses that has already been written?

Go to sleep, the thread will always be here

Shitposters and assholes ruined it all.

Hug back and cry

Hug back

ask to make love

i want monika to just straight up fuckin eat me


I need this (for a friend pls someone)

That fucking thing in my chest keeps trying to make me feel shit after playing this game, how do I stop it?

Hope youre doing that steak a nice medium rare!
Im not bad, had a fun day out today think im just tired out now.

Try get some more sleep user, im one to talk but theres nothing better you can do then get good sleep.

Hey man ddlc took it out on me too, made me actually strongly emote at something for once, wasnt quite ready for it. At the end of the day its still a game, doesnt mean the emotional experience of it isnt valuable. Im glad things are on the up.

Have a good sleep later user. Sleep is important and just generally nice anyway.


i did not delete her it's not true its bullshit i did not delete her i did not

yuri might be able to teach u a thing or 2

Extreme embarrassment. I don't want her to see me like this. Just sitting in my dark room like some kid of a degenerate.

I'm okay. I saw a movie today, which was nice.
I have a bad case of haters right now, it's sort of bringing me down but I guess it's nothing new.

You can't
How do you feel? Are you sad? Are you angry?

What would each Doki think of The Room/Tommy Wiseau?
What would they think of The Disaster Artist? It IS a novel, after all.

Trying to keep that all consuming anxiety at bay

Freak out. Might be a robber or something. Then fight back tears and hug my doki.

In my hand is a pen that will write a poem of me and (you)~

Hug her back.
Ask her if she wants to cuddle while we sleep.
Go to bed hoping that this is all real and that this isnt a dream or that Ive finally lost it.

I love you Monikanon!
You are precious and need to be protected.

Drinking. Not really in a good mood. Kinda came here to cool off from a few things. Don't expect much really. Disappointed in this general since Questanon was bullied into ending what would have been fun.

Uh... well, there is one way...but I wouldn't recommend it.

Thanks for the concern. Was actually gonna go to sleep anyway since I'm usually up for night hours a bit. See you guys in a few if you're still here . Take it easy

user did you just call your parents degenerates?

What the hell are you talking ab-

Oh. Whoops.

Call the police because there's this chick with huge cans brandishing a knife in my house

>im one to talk

Let's be friends.

I guess I awkwardly hug back, and ask what she wants to do.

Good movie? I saw the last jedi today with the gf, so i hope it wasnt that it was kinda shit

Youll be alright user, i hope whatever is going on turns out ok

Was questanon the guy asking all those group questions about everyone? If hes gone thats a damn shame, alot of uplifting discussion happened with him.
I hope whatevers going on there sorts itself out. Take care with the drink ive had some not fun times when thats been my solution

so anons, who is best doki and why is it all of them

It is a robber. She stole your heart.

Hug back, cry, make her happy forever~

It's Monika, hands down.

My first try as I promised. No bully pls