/dng/ Dueling Network General

YGO General #2674
Zenmaity un ban when Edition

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● Duelingbook is a manual simulator with no judges or databased rulings

Useful Links:
>Current Official Rulebook: yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_V10.pdf
>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator: yugioh.party/
>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market: yugiohprices.com/

>OCG decklists:

>TCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: LINK VRAINS Box (December 23rd)
●OCG: Flames of Destruction (January 13th)
●OCG: Rarity Collection (February 10th)
●OCG: Deck Build Pack: Dark Savers (February 24th)
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Curse of the Dark (March 10th)
●OCG: Starter Deck 2018 (March 24th)
●OCG: Cybernetic Horizon (April 14th)

●TCG: Wave of Light Structure Deck (January 19th)
●TCG: Extreme Force (February 2nd)
●TCG: Legendary Duelists 2 (February 23rd)
●TCG: Legendary Collections Kaiba (March 9th)
●TCG: Star Pack: VRAINS (March 30th)

No CaC unless you can provide a 1000 word-minimum essay explaining why your card would be good for both the current OCG and TCG metas, is more creative than all the archetypes in the game, would not powercreep Card Shuffle, and has at least 5 citations in MLA format
Go to /dlg/ for Duel Links discussion

This game is in such a boring state right now.

>I play meta decks at locals but have never been to a Regionals or YCS

i agree
new archetypes are so boring

Hello can i be unbanned?

You're getter?

will konami finally release another good archetype in flames of destruction? i'm tired of every deck being an old deck with new support aside from trickstars

No, Soundwave.

Maybe one day my dear

but gettter is the better lunalight player. ive seen your games against him.

I'd say we're 50/50 when it comes to the Lunalight mirror and desu. Said mirror match between me and getting becomes "whoever draws and resolves artifact lancea wins". I do have to say though, he had better techs when i was playing Lunalight Metalfoes but i eventually just scrapped out curtain riser, astrograph and wavering eyes and went back to play it with no gimmicks.

and then i type getting instead of getter. I am not really ok tonight

post shitty cac

Made this a few years ago when I decided to script my own archetype and then decided to do gurren lagann next.

What's the best /m/ deck

how much knowledge do I need to be ready for a local? I dont want to be the guy who has to read all the cards that his opponent plays.

quantal, the only /m/ deck

It wasn't even that bad. No worse than Utopia the Lightning in my opinion.

look around on the web about popular rogue decks and start learing their core cards


Follow up to this post. You're still gonna have to read their cards more than likely. But the more you play against them, the more you pick up what cards do. 99% of knowing what cards do is just playing against them and looking at cards online



Someone fucking join

Did someone say "buff Madolche"?

Handtraps should be banned. It just takes choices out of deckbuilding because everyone runs them if they're playing to win. Literally takes 15 slots out of deckbuilding.

>Literally takes 15 slots out of deckbuilding.

Just 15?

I'm more suprised than anything else


Exactly, so why the fuck do they turn around and print shit like Ash?

They probably thought it wouldn't be this good knowing konami.

that's a statement by koa im pretty sure, koj doesn't care about staples

Why is World Legacy Inheritor already banned on YGOPRO?

>Deck that only has 1 archetypical main deck monster and relies on the rest of the deck to be playable

Imagine how shocked I am at how someone thought to fill the deck with hand traps


Gideon server keeps giving me the "Invalid Deck" error when I have it in my deck.

It's workign for me.

I play meta decks at locals but have never been to a regional/YCS because I'm always busy when they occur. Work/family/random shit always comes up in that date. One day..

Pic related is how I look like though.

>Try adding it to a 39 card deck
>Add it to 40 cards
>It fucking works
There's something that's making it not count as a card for some damn reason.

Because gideon's server doesn't allow beta cards, you twit

He's right, I was able to use it at 41 cards.

>Work/family/random shit always comes up in that date. One day..
If you intend to hit one some day you're cool by me my dude, that post doesn't apply to you.

Also you're looking pretty Veeky Forums, I wish there were more guys like us playing this game. It would be nice to not be embarrassed to be seen with the event crowd for fucking once.


Got a 50 dollar amazon card at work, what are some fun deck cores I can get for it? I was thinking madolche, but I'm not too sure what they look like in MR4.

Buy Blue-Eyes to make the poorfag from last thread mad.

What do I do with the other 30 dollars?

buy a single firewall

Keep it for new shit that actually catches your eye.

>I can rename images I saved from reddit/ /soc/ and repost them!
Timestamp yourself neckbear :)

I wish I could be a Veeky Forums guy playing yugioh. But like your image is saying pretty much, I gotta start somewhere. Started eating half portions of my usual lunch and drinking water.

Fuck, I only got 3 $25 amazon cards.

Every step is progress, user. I highly recommend you go to Veeky Forums and read the sticky. It's a wealth of information.

unban construct

unban the rulers

unban grandsoil

unlimit mathematician

they should free one DRuler at the time, then ban it and unban another one

keep crying, to 1 with opt, errata'd, ocg

yeah thats right bitch nigger keep talking all that good shit

unban construct

they really need to free the rulers already. they're good tech cards and pure rulers can't do anything outside of tomohawk of memes

funny, both of them were banned in the same list in the OCG, I wonder why Construct got banned so fast in there while in here it had almost an extra year

do you really want the Rulers with Omega being a thing?

In b4 faggots find a way to break those things with Revolver's Dragon support links.

Rulers broke anime pack filler Dragons from late ZeXal.

Madolche core+handtraps+solemns+Scapegoat

Are you gay?

>more guys like us

cyber dragons are always fun to play and pretty cheap

those are some pretty nasty fuck me eyes

Depends on your point of view


He sure beats having to look at the anorexic adults or obese manchildren I have to sit across at locals every week.

The position of his right fist below his left hand is signaling either “Come give me a hand job, bitch” or “I can give you a hand job, low key”

I'm not gay but...


So you’re a trap? It’s not gay then, come over here, we can have some good fun!

>to 1 with opt
I hope you're not talking about the Dragon Rulers because those guys are all hard OPT on all of their effects

why did you post my picture user?

>make a deck the old fashion way of buying booster packs and trading cards for cards instead of buying them
>turns out it's crap

>EARTH got Zoodiacs
>WATER got Nekroz
>LIGHT and DARK already have a lot of shit
>FIRE is gay
I want my broken WIND deck, damnit

didn't harpies dominate at one point? i might be remember wrong

wind witch, top

I damn sure remember Ritual Beast giving nekroz a good time and there's also Majespecter

>Wind Witch
they need more main deck cards and more stuff to go into, Crystal Wing isn't enough

>enjoyed speedroids
>xyzcucks can't leave well enough alone and force one of the best cards in the theme into any goddamn deck they play and limit it

>enjoyed bland generic synchro.dek
found the problem

Is that really you? Prove it.

So remind me why is Serena best girl according to all of you?

>Take out Windwitches
>Deck becomes much more consistent

Great, at least it's slightly less expensive to build now. r8 me

Why were you playing cunt fairies with WW in the first place?
Also if you're not running the witches, take out the synchros and add more r4nk toolbox

is running honest in cyber drags worth it?

Synchrochads > Fusionbros > Linkfriends > Pendulumpals > XYZbrainlets

I figured it would help because having a Crystal Wing and traps would be a bit daunting. Also, It would annoy me sometimes to open all monsters and nothing to be an actual threat.

Honestly, the extra is all filler since I'm usually better off keeping the individual fairies on board with their effects. I rarely go into it

turns take too long. And they always lead up to an unbreakable board so why not scoop ?

Your turn, /dng/

>there are "people" who don't side Sphere Mode to deal with massive boards

>one of the most balancing extra deck monster sets

I don't get it.

t. brainlet

she plays your deck

t. wheres the argument fag

what are they saying ?lol

I don't argue with brainlets

She played like shit though, no tenkis and never used Kaleido chick in the anime at all


Is that card Johnny 5 from Short Circuit?